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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

Page 118

by James Jackson

  Radclyf walks briskly around the craft and gives it a cursory examination. It rests on four stubby supports, is as wide as their shuttle is long, and has a pair of short wings. The crew area appears to be only slightly longer than wide. The main engine extends well back, doubling the ship’s overall length.

  Hayato interrupts Radclyf, and nods toward the cave entrance, “It’s time,” he says with grim determination.

  The three men find places to conceal themselves, and wait. They do not have to wait long, however. The raiders confidently step into the cave, then without hesitation, walk toward the spacecraft.

  Radclyf scrutinizes the three raiders carefully, then realizes that they appear to be two different species. Two of them are taller than him, but not by much, while the third is a little shorter and stockier. They wear a variety of clothing which does not seem to be a uniform of any kind. The tallest of the trio has a rifle of sorts strapped to its back, while the other two have pistol-like weapons resting in hip holsters. If it were not for their faces, they could all initially pass as human. The shortest two have wide-spaced brown eyes, a flap which raises and falls where a nose would be, and ears that sit high on their bald heads. This pair has olive skin which is marred with dust and dirt. The tallest of them is more human-like, and has a full head of black hair along with a large beard of the same color. All that can be seen of this raider’s dark skinned oval face is a thin pointy nose, and a narrow pair of bright green eyes which seem to shine. The three of them appear to be relaxed, and are talking as they stride into the cave. Radclyf’s translator is switched off, so he has no idea what they are saying.

  As one, the three combat veterans reveal themselves, each with heavy rifles aimed straight at the luckless raiders. Peter whistles at them and motions with his rifle for them to stop.

  The shortest one immediately draws a pistol and dives to the ground. This raider, though quick, is not quick enough. Hayato fires at the diving raider, who hits the ground hard. As the victim slides to a stop, blood and brains trail from a large exit wound in the side of its head. The grotesque blood trail is deep red in color, and continues to seep from the massive wound even as Hayato kicks the weapon from its lifeless fingers.

  The two remaining raiders glance at each other, then observe that the weapons aimed at them do not waiver, and cautiously move their hands further away from their bodies. Radclyf notices that the tallest raider has seven fingers on each hand, while the shorter one has six.

  Hayato stands over the motionless raider, and while staring at the other two, fires another round into the victim’s head. Fresh blood and brains splatter the ground, and Hayato’s boots, as the victim’s skull seems to explode. He activates his translator, then swings his weapon up to cover Peter’s target.

  Peter activates his translator as well, then while covering Radclyf’s target states firmly, “You are our prisoners.”

  The pair of raiders appear to be confused, and with their hands held well away from their bodies, begin to talk over each other. The translators do not take long before their incoherent sounds become legible words.

  Peter smiles as the pair surrenders their weapons and allows themselves to be patted down. He frowns when he notices that they have small ear pieces, which seem to be some form of translator.

  It soon becomes clear that the prisoners will do anything, or say anything, in order to survive. Every now and then, they fearfully glance at their deceased comrade, then to Hayato.

  Peter contacts John and simply states, “We have them. Remain where you are until advised.”

  While the raiders stand with their arms held wide apart, Peter begins to ask his questions. Hayato and Radclyf do not lower their rifles for one second. In addition, every time one of the raiders fails to answer a question, Peter hits the other one as hard as he can.

  Clearly becoming distressed, the tallest raiders says, “You are not Atlans. Who are you?”

  “Atlans?” Peter replies, “Tell me about these Atlans.”

  The raider stares at Peter in disbelief for a moment, and then says, “They will find you, and when they do, you’re all dead.”

  “Why would they kill us?” Peter demands, his eyes narrowing.

  “They eliminate all who oppose their will.” The raider sneers.

  Peter points back, “They seem to leave you guys alone.”

  “You look like Atlans, and yet you’re not. You know nothing, but have a Gamin Destroyer. Where are you from?” The tallest raider, though clearly troubled, is becoming more brazen with his statements and questions.

  “We are the new kids on the block, and we’re here to stay,” Peter replies boldly.

  The taller raider lowers his gaze, “If we had not experienced an engine malfunction, you would be at our mercy.”

  Peter leans right up to the alien’s face and states scornfully, “It was no malfunction. We destroyed your ship’s engines,” he adds the last few words with a leering grin.

  The raiders stare at each other, clearly troubled once more. The tallest cringes, then reluctantly says. “I am Tyrog, and this is Prenz. What are your terms?”

  “Terms?” Questions Peter.

  “For our release,” Tyrog replies.

  Peter glances at Radclyf and Hayato, then he replies, “You have my word, that if you comply with our every demand, you will live.” He points to the dead raider and adds, “You also have my word, that if you do not, you will die.”

  Tyrog tilts his head and asks, “Are you in league with the Gamin?”

  Peter ignores the question, and instead points to the spacecraft, “Open it, and no tricks, or you join your friend.”

  The two raiders glance at each other once again. With his arms held apart, Prenz slowly stands, and approaches the ship. He glances at the blood splattered ground, then presses his hand to a previously unnoticed darker area of hull. A section of the exterior slides upward, while at the same time, a ramp extends down to the ground.

  Radclyf raises his weapon, and then cautiously enters the alien ship. He glances at the eight seats which line the sides of the hull and observes that they appear to be built into the walls, much like those on the escape pod. The forward section of the ship has a pair of chairs with consoles before them. Two doorways, one on either side in the rear section, lead into small chambers. Each door slides opens with a slight swoosh at Radclyf’s approach. He grins as he stares at a utilitarian looking bathroom on one side, and what looks like a kitchenette on the other. He sticks his head outside and gives his colleagues a thumbs-up. “Looks safe enough. Bring them inside.”

  Peter and Hayato motion for the two captives to enter, which they do. Once inside the raiders look around, as if searching for something. Peter glances at Radclyf warily, then speaks into his radio, “John, you there?”

  “What’s up?” John responds a split second later.

  “Not sure,” Peter replies while staring at the captives suspiciously. “Bring the shuttle around to the cave, then come and check out this ship’s controls.”

  “On my way,” John replies. He turns to Patrick and asks, “I wonder what they’ve found?”

  The raiders are alarmed when, minutes later, Patrick steps into their ship. His Gamin bodysuit obviously distresses them. Tyrog glances at Prenz once more, and then states with conviction, “You are in league with the Gamin!”

  John steps past Patrick, and walks to the alien consoles. After a few moments, he turns to Peter and says, “I will need one of them to translate.”

  Peter motions with his rifle at the taller raider. “Go and help him.”

  Tyrog reluctantly moves forward, then, once he is next to John, answers every question asked of him. Within fifteen minutes John has a grasp of the ship’s main controls. He jots down a few notes, and with admiration in his voice says, “This ship is an extremely efficient design.”

  The alien’s face twitches, the only warning any of them have before the entire ship lurches violently to the right. Everyone is thrown to the g
round, including Patrick who falls with a heavy crash. Peter and Radclyf do not get clear shots as the raiders dive to the floor.

  The ship lurches back to its original position, much to John’s relief. He turns to look back and stops cold. John gulps as he finds himself face to face with a rather wicked looking hand weapon. Where it came from is mystifying, but right now he is more concerned about what the bearded raider plans to do with it.

  Tyrog grabs John, and steps behind him, using him as a shield. His eyes dart around the cabin as he sizes up the situation.

  Prenz opens a small wall panel and takes out a large handgun. At exactly the same time as Prenz raises the weapon, Peter presses his own gun’s barrel to the alien’s bald head. The shorter raider immediately freezes.

  The second the ship righted itself, Radclyf had dived for the doorway. Hayato, however, remains on the floor in the middle of the craft, in the open with no cover.

  Tyrog demands forcefully, “Leave our ship, or this one dies.” He presses the barrel of his gun firmly at John’s temple.

  Peter responds harshly, “Your friend will die too.”

  Tyrog laughs, then responds coldly, “I am not concerned if he lives or dies. The question remains, do you care about this one?”

  John can feel the barrel pressing harder against his head and says, “Ah, this guy means it. I say we let them have the ship.”

  Peter considers their options, then decisively orders, “Patrick, Hayato, get out.”

  Both men hesitate briefly, then comply. Radclyf lays as low as he can in the doorway and aims his rifle at Tyrog.

  Prenz glances at Radclyf, then Tyrog. The raiders are fast. Tyrog shoves John toward Peter and aims his weapon while he dives to the ground. Prenz shifts right and swings his weapon around to point it at Radclyf. For a split second the raider’s plan appears to be working.

  Hayato shoots from the doorway. Even before his bullet finds its mark, Prenz fires at Radclyf, Tyrog fires at Peter, and Radclyf shoots at Tyrog.

  Patrick stands outside the alien spaceship in stunned disbelief. The sounds of bullets and energy weapons discharging is an unexpected shock to him. John on the other hand, had a bird’s eye view of the briefest gun battle he has ever heard of. He stares at the scene in morbid fascination, then suddenly shouts out, “Patrick, get hold of the Terran. We need a medical team. Now!”

  John rushes to Peter who is covered in blood and squirming on the floor beneath Prenz’ body. “Lay still, medical is on the way.” John’s voice is filled with concern.

  Peter stares at him in disbelief, and chuckles. “I’m not hit. This guy is heavy, help me get him off me.”

  Radclyf slowly stands, then walks over to Tyrog. He kicks the alien’s weapon away from his lifeless hand and says, “I’m getting way too old for this crap.”

  John frowns as he feels an odd sensation in his side. He puts a hand to his waist, then stares in disbelief as blood seeps from between his fingers. “Oh crap, I’m hit.” He falls to the ground.

  The next morning John wakes up in the Terran’s medical bay. He gingerly touches his bandaged side, then croaks, “Doctor!”

  Henry steps over to John, hands him a glass of water and says, “You’ll live.”

  Gulping the water down John asks, “What did I miss?”

  “Nothing much, you were out cold for twelve hours,” Henry replies indifferently. His face breaks into a grin, then he adds, “George and Patrick have accessed the raider’s ship’s logs.”

  “How long do I have to stay here?” Queries John, clearly in distress over being in the medical bay.

  “You’re free to go now, it’s just a scratch really.” Henry replies.

  John stares at Henry doubtfully, then says more than asks, “So the alien weapon knocked me out cold, huh?”

  “Uh... No,” Henry replies slowly. “You fainted,” he states candidly, then quickly adds, “but your secret is safe with me.”

  As John carefully stands, Henry adds, “We will be holding a service for the deceased in a few hours.”

  “Dog didn’t make it, did he?” John asks while he carefully nurses his side.

  Shaking his head, Henry replies, “No. But, his team did repel a group of attackers, ever after the bad guys had disabled the defenses in the area.”

  John is impressed and nods his head, “He was tough as nails.”

  “He sure was,” Henry replies with admiration.

  John gingerly walks a few steps, then tilts his head and asks, “Did we land again?”

  It is Henry’s turn to be impressed, “How can you tell?”

  “The vibrations through the deck plates,” John replies, as he leaves the medical bay.

  Henry stares at the deck beneath his feet, frowns, and then to no one in particular says in awe, “He can tell the difference?”

  Meanwhile, on the Terran’s bridge, Cindy has been listening to a few of the Effen Raider’s logs. With a shrug of her shoulders, she says to Peter, “The Effen Raiders found nothing of value on the Oglan world. She sighs, then adds, “They were about to leave when we appeared, practically right in front of them.”

  Peter shakes his head and says, “We must have looked like a big, fat, juicy, target.”

  “Well they hurt us, but we succeeded in taking them out,” Cindy replies with a grim smile.

  George responds optimistically, “We should have all the damage repaired in a couple of weeks.” He lowers his head, “Sadly, we lost thirty-two people during the attack.”

  Shaking her head Cindy says, “The loss of David,” she pauses as she recalls the first time she met the tough man, and cannot help but smile. “Dog! The loss of Dog,” she continues respectfully, “and twenty-eight of his team, is heavy price to pay for our success.”

  Joe turns around and adds his thoughts, “What I don’t understand is why three of Emma’s people stayed behind in the hydroponics area. They were supposed to evacuate.” He stares at Cindy with a forlorn look.

  “We may never know,” Cindy replies with a sigh. She lifts her gaze and stares through the ship’s main viewer at the night time landscape. She turns her attention to the well-lit cave, while her thoughts drift to the upcoming funeral service. She says in a near whisper, “We’re paying the price for being out here, yet again.”

  Patrick hurries onto the bridge and interrupts them with his excitement, “Cindy, Joe, heck, I think all you guys should come and look at this!”

  Cindy turns to look at Patrick and is surprised to see the man is not in his Gamin bodysuit. “What is it?” She asks curiously.

  With a wide grin, Patrick replies, “If this thing is what I think it is, then we have struck pay dirt.”

  Cindy stands and surprises Robyn when she turns to her and says, “The Bridge is yours.”

  “Yes ma’am,” Robyn replies in a serious tone. She nervously takes her place in the command chair. She runs her hands over the controls, momentarily awed by the responsibility, then relaxes. The ship is on the ground, so it is unlikely that she will have to do anything.

  While on their way to the hangar deck the group meets with John. Cindy stops and smiles, “Ah you’re up. Good, come with us.”

  John frowns in confusion, and as he cradles his side asks, “Where are we going?”

  Cindy stares at John with growing concern, “Henry said that your injuries are minor, little more than a paper cut. Are you okay?”

  John winces as he pats his side, “A paper cut!” He exclaims. “I’m a pilot, not a soldier, and this is no paper cut, I can assure you.” He is about to complain some more, but his curiosity gets the better of him, so instead he says, “But I can come with you. Wherever it is you’re going.”

  “Good,” Cindy replies with a smile, “because you’re flying.”

  The landscape is rougher than appearances, and not easily traversable by ground. So even though the Terran is on the ground, flying is the best way to get to the cave.

  John lands the shuttle inside the entrance to the cave. T
he second they exit the shuttle Robert turns to them and while waving calls out, “This little ship of theirs is damn amazing.”

  Patrick leads them inside the Raiders craft, then points to the controls up front and says, “You guys know a ton about alien technology, but I think you’re going to get a kick out of these consoles.”

  Joe sits in one of the two chairs and looks at the controls. His jaw drops in surprise when he notices that they are in English. Cindy chews on her lip as she wonders what this means.

  George stands back in his bodysuit and points to the ship’s controls, “These are adaptive consoles. They automatically adjust to the language of the person who is using them, not too unlike our own on the Terran.”

  “Adaptive?” Robert questions curiously. His natural reporter’s instinct kicking in as he feels a story is in the air.

  Joe, who has spent the most time studying the Gamin Technology, glances at Cindy for approval, then answers. “The Terran’s consoles record who has been using them, and what that person usually has displayed.” Joe notices Robert’s near blank expression and adds, “All I have to do is walk up to any of them, press at least six fingers on the screen, and the display with revert to my standard settings.”

  Robert is overwhelmed by the answer. He frowns, then casts his gaze over the others and asks, “Why haven’t I read about this in any of your briefings?”

  Cindy grins and replies, “Because there are some things we don’t want everyone on Earth to know.” She directs her attention to the consoles before her and asks, “Are you guys sure these operate same way?”

  “Let me recheck,” George replies. He strides to the front of the craft; his bodysuit fills the gap between the two seats. After a few moments, he locates the port he has been plugging his suit into. He connects to it, then studies the scrolling marquee of data that appears on his suit’s faceplate. After fifteen minutes, he shuts down the data transfer, then steps from his suit. With a massive grin, he reports his findings, “Yeppers, exactly as I thought. But these units are far more advanced than those on the Terran.”

  Robert’s jaw drops, “More advanced!” His mind reels at the concept, and the possibilities.


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