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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

Page 155

by James Jackson

  Voknor glances at his console, reviews it, then while sending a set of coordinates says, “Go here! My fleet will be waiting, and we can deal with these Atlans!”

  “I don’t follow your orders, Regent!” Jukalore blurts.

  “If you want to destroy an Atlan carrier you will!” Voknor bluntly replies.

  The screen abruptly returns to display the star field. Voknor leans back in his chair, and wonders what is happening.

  A few moments later Jukalore appears again, “Eight of my vessels are severely damaged, others have minor damage, leaving few that are fully operational. But, we’re on our way, you’d better be there!” His visage vanishes immediately.

  Voknor grins, then orders, Plot Six!”

  Cushkull relays the coordinates to the fleet, then activates the main drive. He turns, smiles, and says, “The fleet is with us!”

  “Make sure the damaged craft hang back from the battle!” Voknor orders.

  Lilpax hesitantly ventures, “If my estimates are right, we will arrive before Jukalore, and all capacitors will have re-charged.”

  Skylow nods in appreciation; while the core officers were busy, she identified what needed to be done, and did it.

  Voknor turns to her and says, “Great work!”

  Time seems to drag on, then speed up as Cushkull reports, “Sub-light in five… four… three… two… now!”

  Before them is a crazy scene, vessels from two clans are arriving at the exact same region of space, then immediately performing evasive action to avoid each other. Jukalore’s flagship arrives last, causing the bridge crew to stare in disbelief. Though it is the same size as Voknor’s, it is a shattered wreck by comparison. Gas vents from more places than they can count. A vast chunk is actually missing from its forward left flank, seemingly having been chewed off, revealing the internal workings of many decks. Its shields flicker, fail, then re-establish themselves.

  Jukalore’s form appears on the main viewer, “I hope you know what you’re doing! We’ve been under relentless attack for months, leaving me little choice but to accept your offer and face them together.”

  Voknor stares at the damaged vessels, then has an idea, “Regent, I propose that you lead all the damaged vessels, yours and mine, to safety, while all combat ready craft remain here and fight!”

  “I will not run, not while I still have fight in me!” Jukalore shouts angrily, then adds, “I take exception to you issuing orders. I am your elder!”

  Regent Voknor leans forward and says, “I will transmit shield and armor upgrade data to you, along with other information. As for staying or leaving, I ask you this; can your craft withstand a full assault?”

  Jukalore growls, “This is not over, Voknor!”

  His form vanishes, and is immediately replaced by a fleet-wide message, “All damaged craft, follow me. All others remain and fight by Regent Voknor’s side, his clan requires our assistance.”

  Lilpax is unable withhold her annoyance, “We come to his aid! And he makes it sound like he is helping us!”

  Voknor turns to her and replies, “His ego is wounded; I would rather this, than watch his fleet get destroyed.”

  Frazik interrupts any further discussion, “Here they come!”

  A single Atlan carrier arrives, and disgorges nearly two hundred fighters.

  Voknor activates his fleet-wide channel, and says, “Pair off with Jukalore’s forces, the remainder are to stay with me.”

  Skylow and Frazik quickly work with the fleets, resourcefully organizing the first multi-clan force in living memory.

  The Atlan fighters streak in confidently, firing energy beams at multiple targets, as if playing with their prey. It takes them a while to realize their mistake. Voknor’s fleet makes sure they take the brunt of the initial attack, protecting the flagship, and the weaker craft of Jukalore’s clan. Between the refits, and the strategy of rolling their craft, no one takes any damage beyond deep grooves in their armor, in exchange for eliminating fifty fighters.

  “A second carrier!” shouts Frazik, “Two hundred more fighters inbound!”

  Voknor reviews his screen, then orders, “Make for these coordinates, this will delay the arrival of the second force for a short while.”

  The fleet turns away, and in doing so is raked by a more concerted effort from the fighters.

  Skylow reviews the latest attack, then says, “Three craft are heavily damaged, all Jukalore’s; I have ordered them out of the fight, and to join their Regent.”

  “Excellent!” Voknor responds, then says, “Let’s see if we can surprise them. All craft attack the first carrier!”

  Frazik replies, “Some of Jukalore’s Primes disagree!”

  “I don’t care! Inform them, that if they wish to live, they will follow us in!” Voknor states.

  “They will comply.” Frazik replies after a brief discussion.

  The Gamin ships activate their sub-light engines, and engage the closest Atlan carrier before the fighters are able to react. The battle is joined by the fighters from the second carrier. Voknor’s ships follow their orders and fire everything at the carrier, as do some of Jukalore’s Primes, but not all.

  The carrier’s shields collapse, then seconds later it explodes, stunningly. A large group of fighters peel off, and attack the flagship, stripping armor in great swaths. The Primes intercept, taking some of the brutal attack upon themselves, but not all.

  Inexplicably, Jukalore’s flagship appears smack in the midst of the battle, as does the rag tag force of damaged vessels.

  “Voknor, if we are in this together, then we die together!” Jukalore states as his visage appears on the main viewer.

  Voknor replies, “You are one crazy Gamin!”

  Though his ship is badly damaged, its firepower is still immense. The damaged vessels add their efforts to the battle, targeting smaller groups of Atlan fighters, while doing their best to avoid taking any more damage.

  “They’re on the run!” Frazik shouts excitedly.

  “Full pursuit!” Orders Voknor immediately, “All damaged craft avoid further engagements!”

  Jukalore’s flagship has taken more damage, and yet still joins the pursuit, even as it trails debris from vast gashes in its hull. The carrier disappears on a streak of light, abandoning the fighters to their fate. The Atlan fighters, being unable to retreat, turn and rally for one more attack.

  Voknor leans forward and orders, “They will attempt to destroy Jukalore’s flagship, provide his craft with a full defensive screen, we will not require it.”

  Skylow informs the Primes, then says, “I hope you’re right, because our armor is no better than his, and they still number around two hundred fighters!”

  The Atlans increase speed, and fly toward the damaged flagship. Lilpax watches as Voknor’s fleet puts itself in the way, taking much of the damage intended for Jukalore’s massive craft. As it is, five Atlans survive the barrage, and fly their fighters directly into the missing section on Jukalore’s flagship.

  Five explosions send shockwaves through the flagship, shattering internal decks, and blowing vast chunks of wreckage into space.

  “Cushkull, put us alongside Jukalore’s craft. No more fighters are to penetrate his ship!” Voknor orders.

  A mere eighty fighters make the last pass, all that is left of the initial forces. They are hell bent on destroying the damaged flagship, which proves to be their undoing. Most fly over Voknor’s craft to get to Jukalore’s damaged area, and get picked off one by one. The last twenty turn, and in desperation, ram Voknor’s craft, blowing a massive hole in the forward section.

  Lilpax cringes, and says, “That was our main storage area! Sharz won’t be happy!”

  Skylow reviews his data, then says, “Unbelievably, zero casualties to our forces, but I can’t say the same for Jukalore’s!”

  Voknor stares at the critically damaged flagship, then contacts Jukalore, “Regent, I can provide the location of worlds with construction docks which are already buil
t, and will provide escort if you desire, while your forces repair.”

  Jukalore responds deliberately, “Your fleet is stronger than mine, that much is obvious. I will accept your offer.”

  The bridge crew is surprised by his change in attitude, then they recall how they felt when it was them under constant attack.

  Voknor ponders what to do, then says, “We have destroyed three carriers, and around seven hundred fighters! They will return, and soon.” He stands and says, “We will escort Jukalore’s clan to the nearest safe planet. I want each of our damaged craft to have two fully functional vessels escort them to other worlds where we have left construction facilities.”

  Skylow responds, shocked, “You would have our forces spilt up?”

  Voknor paces the bridge as he replies, “I believe that the Atlans will spend some time preparing an attack, and when they come for us, and they will, we will be ready for them.”

  Skylow lowers his gaze, and humbly apologizes, “Forgive my outburst Regent, I forgot my place.”

  “When others are present, never question my orders. But, otherwise, I expect you all to voice your thoughts and opinions, even you Lilpax.” Voknor states calmly, turning to the young officer.

  She lowers her gaze, not sure how to respond.

  Frazik changes the subject when he says, “I have found out the issue with the fleet data!”

  “Oh?” Voknor states curiously.

  “Yes, our navicon was not receiving updates, and now displays the Empire as it is.”

  “Put the map on the main viewer,” Voknor orders.

  The star map looks different than before, sparser; there are a lot fewer Gamin craft. In addition, the Emperor’s core has moved approximately four thousand light years since the exodus.

  Voknor sighs, then says, “Pride! The Emperor is doing all he can to maintain the illusion that we are strong, when in reality we are retreating, and losing clans.”

  Lilpax is about to speak, but remains quiet; the idea that the Emperor would want to keep the decline of his empire secret is obvious. It is a sign of weakness and failure, and leaves him open to challenges. But with the Archons gone, who can challenge? Then it dawns on her. The major clans must be in on the falsehood, which makes her wonder what they have to gain by keeping the decline of their race secret.

  Cushkull reports, “We will arrive at our destination in two duty cycles.”

  “Understood,” Voknor replies, then adds, “remain on battle alert!”

  “Yes Regent!” Skylow replies, then immediately informs the fleet.

  Voknor retires to his quarters where he spends considerable time reviewing Gamin history, in particular, key battles and fleet movements. He learns about the way life was before the exodus, and even finds archives from before the Atlan attack that forced them underground.

  Thick Headed

  “You CAN land your flagship!” Voknor states in exasperation.

  “It’s got too much mass I tell you!” Jukalore responds angrily.

  “Well, then at least let me send repair teams over to assist!” Voknor counters.

  “My clan can manage just fine without your help!” He retorts.

  “Yes! But, the Atlans won’t wait for you to repair, and with my teams on board, and my resources at your disposal, your flagship can be repaired quicker!”

  Jukalore scoffs, “There is no way you have the reserves to repair this much damage. I know you lost your primary storage to that suicide run by those fighters!”

  “Are you willing to accept my offer of help or not?” Voknor sneers.

  “It will take many cycles fix the damage, and more resources than you know! But yes, I accept.” Jukalore’s features fade from the main viewer, to be replaced by the sight of the world they orbit, one with a construction dock.

  Thanks to the hasty efforts of Voknor’s engineers, replacement construction tips have been fabricated and installed on the dock. Voknor’s fleet repairs first, after which the arduous task of refitting Jukalore’s vessels commences, beginning with the most heavily damaged. Mining craft work night and day to collect the vast amount of raw materials required.

  The planet’s days and nights blend together as crews work every waking moment to repair the damaged flagships. Voknor’s is repaired quickly, the other takes considerably longer.

  Jukalore makes his way to the damaged section, and stares in disbelief at the repairs to his flagship, then grins as he gazes at the massive void between where he stands and the outer hull.

  Voknor greets him and says, “From the outside, your ship appears fully repaired. The inner decks, as you predicted, will take a considerable amount of resources, and time. But at least you now have a fully functioning shield, and by the time we’re done, a secondary layer of armor, just to be sure.”

  Turning to look at Voknor, Jukalore unexpectedly says, “Gratitude. Our clan became so used to operating on its own, the idea of accepting assistance became unthinkable.”

  “We can thank the Atlans. Had they not attacked and ran, we would not be talking this day. Indeed, yours and Hemlax’s clans are receiving the refits that the Emperor was to have informed you about, but for some reason didn’t!”

  Jukalore narrows his eyes as he responds, “It’s almost as if the Emperor wants us to be weaker, to take the losses, which makes no sense. One day he will be held accountable for his actions, and I wish to be there on that day.”

  “One day, yes. But not today! There is a lot to do. Your fleet will require many cycles to refit, as will Hemlax’s!” Voknor replies.

  Jukalore turns to Voknor and asks, “What of the other lesser clans?”

  “We should share our knowledge with all.” Voknor affirms.

  “I will spread the word. You honor all Gamin, Regent Voknor!” Jukalore responds respectfully.

  “The next time the Atlans attack, be sure to contact me if they outgun you!” Voknor offers.

  “And if you require my clan’s assistance, I will come!” Jukalore states with conviction.

  The two Regents stare at each other in mutual respect, then part ways. Voknor returns to his flagship, while Jukalore supervises the ongoing repairs and refits.

  Voknor sits in his command chair, then with a sigh, orders, “Return us to our area of operations!”

  “Yes Regent!” His bridge crew intones.

  The fleet soon returns to normal operations, with fewer and fewer engagements with Atlan forces. It would seem the Atlans no longer wish to tangle with Voknor’s clan. Once again the days pass, allowing them to restock the lost resources, and to perform a series of minor upgrades to the internal systems.

  Chapter Nine - Genocide – Wasted Lives

  Regent Voknor stands before his Primes once more, then as the last of them sits, he states, “Regents Jukalore and Hemlax report that all ships have been refitted, and they have shared the technology with the clans on either side of them. I am pleased to report that since these upgrades, neither of these clans has lost a single battle.”

  The Primes cheer loudly; it has been a long time since the Atlan forces have taken losses, and now their new carriers are losing battle upon battle.

  Voknor lowers his gaze as he continues, “Unfortunately, all we have done is to encourage the Atlans to seek out easier targets, such as clans who have yet to upgrade, or in some cases refuse to, as the upgrades do not come from the Emperor!”

  “Ridiculous!” Algathor shouts, “Let me talk some sense into them.”

  “Each Regent leads their clan in the way they wish; it is our way!” Voknor responds.

  The Primes murmur amongst themselves; they understand, and yet they feel the obstinate Regents are foolish for denying their clans better protection.

  Regent Voknor surprises them when he says, “Our clan is growing, it is time we constructed another vessel!”

  The Primes cheer loudly, then immediately begin nominating candidates for the position of Prime. Voknor listens to all, then as the meeting continues they narrow the
list down to a handful, then, just as before, one.

  “It is settled.” Voknor states, then says, “Nusyns, you shall inform officer Frenik once the vessel is completed.”

  The Primes lift their fists in the air and loudly proclaim, “My life is yours Regent Voknor!”

  Voknor proudly lifts his fist and nods respectfully, appreciative of their support.

  The Primes return to their vessels, allowing the fleet to continue on its way.

  The days blur together as world upon world fails to meet the exacting requirements. Lilpax finds these long periods of relative inactivity too boring, and allows her mind to wander and fantasize. She decides to discuss a personal matter with the Den Mothers, one that has been bothering her for some time. The Den Mother she confides in is sympathetic, and offers Lilpax advice that she takes to heart, and follows.

  The fleet continues to crisscross space, seeking their next world.

  Frazik bolts upright in his chair, then as Regent Voknor leans forward, he reports, “Regent! I have detected a radiologics burst from a planet previously categorized as too primitive.”

  Lilpax turns from her console, and her scans of the boring world they orbit, to watch the bridge crew in action. The planet is dull, its atmosphere is thin and unbreathable, and its gravity too high for the fleet to land safely, yet despite these difficulties mining craft scour the surface searching for raw materials.

  Voknor strides to Frazik’s console, reviews the data, then says, “Well, it looks like we have a possible candidate as another ship construction site!”

  Cushkull reviews Frazik’s data, then reports, “We can be there in a duty cycle.”

  The Regent stares at the main viewer, and the specks of stars in the distance, then says, “We have been idle for too long. Instruct the fleet to prepare to depart.”

  Skylow grins as he says, “I will inform Prime Lokarz to suspend his operations, and to get back into space.”

  Lilpax glances back at her console and watches as the mining craft return. She wonders how the craft will manage to launch, its landing was hard on the high gravity world, and according to some reports, bone jarring.


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