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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

Page 173

by James Jackson

  At the French landing site, Prime Nusyns receives his instructions to depart, and immediately lifts off. He considers training the locals in medical knowledge of lesser importance than the safety of his vessel and crew.

  The other Primes remain on the ground, and continue their operations. They do not feel at risk of attack, and take their time preparing to depart. The terrorist attack is all but forgotten as the days pass.


  Skylow beams happily as Voknor steps onto the bridge, and gleefully reports, “This planet is fantastic; between all the processed radiologics we are collecting, the vast amounts of raw materials delivered, plus our own efforts, we have a surprise for you!”

  Voknor is perplexed, sits, and then guesses, “I take it Sharz’s craft is ahead of schedule?”

  “Oh, its ahead,” Skylow reports, “It’s ready for launch!”

  “So fast!” Voknor exclaims, stunned by the revelation, “How?” He presses.

  “All the internal components were already pre-built for the previous ship, the one we left on Pythos!” Skylow states, then adds, “Besides, it helps that we do add most of the equipment in space, post launch!”

  Lilpax is unable to contain herself and blurts out, “And not only that, there is enough material to manufacture much of the hull and engines, for the next one!”

  Voknor glances around, then says, “If only these worlds that are heavily laden with processed radiologics were not such a risk to us!”

  Skylow recalls the planet where Lokarz’s vessel was crippled by a suicide squad using radiologics, and replies, “We got lucky this time. I believe that this planet’s fragmented political structure is actually helping us.”

  “Agreed,” Voknor replies, adding, “can you imagine how powerful they could become if they simply worked together?”

  Skylow cheekily adds, “Sharz has no idea his vessel is ready! We made sure of that.”

  Regent Voknor nods appreciatively, then taps his fleet-wide communications icon. With uplifted spirits, he orders, “All Primes, report to my meeting room.” He grins as he then contacts Sharz, and states, “Sharz, report to my bridge.”

  He does not wait for any replies, instead he stands, and with a wide grin says, “Skylow; when Sharz arrives, bring him to the meeting room.”

  Skylow hesitantly replies, “You want me to bring Sharz to a meeting of the Primes?”

  “Yes! He is, after all, your recommendation.”

  “I will bring him to you.” Skylow replies, feeling honored by the invitation.

  Voknor leaves the bridge, his robe flowing behind him as he hurries to the meeting room. He glances at his robe, and then diverts to the Den Mothers as another idea comes to mind The Kord-style transit-way is fast and efficient, and has him arriving in mere moments, compared to before, angering him all the more to his father’s shortsightedness. Having his crew walk everywhere was wasteful and inefficient, and in combat situations, downright dangerous.

  One of the Den Mothers notices Voknor approaching, and greets him, “Regent, to what do we owe the honor this time?”

  “The honor is always mine, Den Mother.” Voknor replies reverently. He bows, then requests, “Sharz is to be promoted to Prime today, and if the other Primes agree, I would offer Skylow a unique position of being ranked as Prime, yet remain on my bridge.”

  The Den Mother scoffs, “You call that an offering? I call it selfish. You holding one so able, back from his own command.”

  Voknor smiles as he is chastised, then explains, “I offered Skylow his own command, yet he suggested Sharz take his place.”

  “I see.” Replies the Den Mother, then questions, “you wish for him to be ranked Prime. For what reason? If he is to stay on your bridge, there is no purpose.”

  “I would see him eligible to take command, via challenges, should I die, or fail the clan.” Voknor states openly.

  “So why are you here, Regent Voknor?” The Den Mother queries, then immediately states, “You are Regent! This is your clan, and as such you lead the way you wish. That is our way!”

  “I came seeking your guidance and, with your approval, a pair of robes befitting them both!” Voknor states with pride.

  The Den Mother leads Regent Voknor to a small storage area, where four majestic robes hang. She motions to them and states, “We made these in anticipation of your needs.”

  Voknor runs his hands over the robes, they are hand woven, and not fabricated. The care to attention and detail is evident in the seam work, and the styling. He turns to the Den Mother and states, “I would take all four, and have them choose, with your approval.” He adds respectfully.

  “You are a good Regent. When you realize that, you will become more. I sense it.” The Den Mother states boldly.

  Voknor once again bows respectfully, gathers the robes and their hangers, then hurries to the meeting room.

  The Primes stand and raise their fists as Voknor enters. The noise is deafening when they shout in unison, “Regent Voknor, my life is yours.”

  Standing among them, Voknor raises his clenched fist, and proudly proclaims, “I live to serve.”

  He suddenly realizes that the Den Mother is correct; he does have doubts about his ability to lead them all. He has failed his Primes many times, and yet they remain loyal. The Primes mumble amongst themselves as Voknor hangs the four robes on the back wall.

  Turning to his Primes, Voknor states, “I came here seeking your approval on an unusual action that I wish to take.”

  Many Primes chuckle; they expect nothing less from their Regent; one who would defy an Imperial edict, and build cruisers, but call them construction craft.

  Voknor continues, “I would promote Sharz to Prime!”

  The room erupts in cheers, then quickly quiets down; this is something they expected, thus they wait to hear more.

  Taking a deep breath Voknor states, “I would also promote Skylow to the position. Yet he is adamant that he remains on my bridge. I would have both. He would be the first Prime to not command a vessel of his own.”

  Glarth immediately stands, and states, “Not true Regent. Prime Lokarz was with without a vessel for some time, and yet remained Prime!”

  Others nod their agreement, and then relay other circumstances where Primes found themselves without a vessel, or crew.

  Regent Voknor casts his gaze over his Primes as he states, “I take then, that you offer your approval to both?”

  One by one the Primes lift their clenched fists in the air, signifying their support. Skylow and Sharz enter the room, then stop and stare in surprise at the spectacle.

  Voknor motions to them both as he states, “Skylow, I would honor your desire to remain on my bridge. Would you honor mine by doing so as Prime?”

  Skylow turns to the room and states, “This is not something done by us, it is not our way.”

  Before Voknor can respond, Glarth retorts, “It has been done before. But I say to you this, would you dishonor us all by declining?” He tilts his head aggressively, his exposed teeth clearly indicating his feelings on the matter.

  Skylow glances to Voknor as he realizes that he has been outmaneuvered. He lifts his head high and proudly states, “I accept the honored positon.”

  “Excellent!” Voknor replies, then he motions to Sharz and states, “All Primes except one have agreed to your promotion to Prime.”

  Sharz glances around nervously; he wonders if he is to be challenged, and if so, by whom? Then it dawns on him who the last Prime is, and turns to him, and waits.

  Skylow is eyeing the robes when he notices that everyone is looking at him expectantly. He stands and gazes back, wondering what they are all waiting for. He finally realizes what he has to say, and then states, “I suggested Sharz before, and I fully support his promotion now.”

  Voknor states with a hint of sarcasm, “As per protocol, Prime Skylow recommends Sharz for the position of Prime. As there are no challengers, Prime Sharz, select your robe, your crew, and claim your vessel
. Prime Skylow, yours will come, just not yet.”

  Skylow nods in appreciation of the way the Voknor is bending the traditional ways, and yet still following the protocols that were established during the time of the exodus.

  Sharz lifts his fist high and interrupts Skylow’s thoughts when he loudly affirms, “Regent Voknor, my life is yours.”

  Regent Voknor lifts his fist high, then states, “Select your new robes, and take your place among your equals, Primes Skylow, and Sharz.”

  The two stare at the fine robes, both consider the robe that is similar to Voknors, but leave it be and select others. They put on their new robes, then join the other Primes.

  Once they are done, Regent Voknor gets to the business at hand, and shares his thoughts, “Primes. Once we’re fully repaired, and I mean every craft, we will make for Regents Jukalore and Hemlax, and inform them directly of the new Atlan threat. I am hesitant to use the long-range communications at this time; perhaps the Atlans intercepted our communications, because they knew exactly where to ambush us.”

  The Primes nod their agreement, then Algathor suggests, “I still maintain that the Emperor informed the Atlans of where we would be, with the intention of removing you, and our clan.” He adds matter-of-factly, “You are a threat to him.”

  Sharz is stunned at both the idea, and at the revelation that the Primes can speak so openly to Regent Voknor. He realizes that on the bridge, he must maintain order, and be in command; but here, in this room, he is obviously interested in their opinions.

  Voknor’s eyes narrow as he replies, “I have considered that, and debated shutting off our navicons. But if he is in league with the Atlans, then we need to obtain proof, not forewarn him that we suspect.”

  Glarth comments, “Having cruisers makes you very political!”

  With a chuckle, Voknor replies, “A pair of cruisers is probably not that impressive to the inner clans, I can only imagine the forces they command!”

  “Forces without a scratch on them! Old, outdated craft, no doubt” Spits Glarth in disdain.

  “I would not be so sure about being outdated,” Voknor responds, then snorts, “but yes, I would agree that they probably have not required repairs in a long time!”

  Many Primes openly state their disdain for the Emperor, which surprises Sharz and Skylow. They knew that these meetings were more open than any other in the past, but with the Primes being able to speak so freely, the energy and intensity of the room becomes heated at times. The new Primes realize, more than ever, how much Voknor listens to his Primes, and lets them share and vent their thoughts and frustrations, without fear of reprisal.

  The meeting continues, with many topics, from the trials, to the fleet’s resources being raised.

  At the mention of the resources, Voknor exclaims, “Oh no! I am going to need a new resource officer.”

  Sharz chuckles, then offers, “Lilpax was always better than me anyway!”

  Voknor nods then states, “Excellent, then you can inform her!”

  “Uh, yes Regent.” Sharz hesitantly replies.

  Once the meeting is over, Voknor walks to Sharz. He puts a hand on his shoulder, and states, “Select your crew, and get your craft in orbit. There is a lot to be done, but I will allocate all engineers to speed up the installation of the shield emitters and weapons pods.

  Sharz has no difficulty finding a crew willing to work for him; he is well liked and respected. Even so his vessel is undermanned, like most. The fleet watches with trepidation as his vessel launches into orbit, where the installation of hundreds of components commences.

  Impossible Find

  Skylow stares at his console in disbelief, then states, “The reclamation crews have uncovered the object that was at the bottom of the ocean, and completed their scans. Whatever it was, it was even larger than we first thought, and appears to be wreckage of some sort.”

  “Put it on the main viewer.” Voknor orders.

  The image of the main viewer slowly expands, revealing what can only be a curved hull fragment, one with numerous openings. The scans slowly add to the object, seemingly making it grow before them.

  Frazik reviews his console, then replies, “The debris is old, and whatever it was, this is only a portion of it. The complete vessel must have been massive.”

  Voknor considers the information, then queries, “How old?”

  Frazik works his console, almost in a frenzy, then replies in a more relaxed tone, “Old! The debris predates the awakening.”

  Voknor stares at the remnants before them, then feels a chill run up his spine; the dimensions have an odd familiarity to them. He uneasily orders, “Overlay the schematics of the Warmonger class that ambushed us at Pythos!”

  Although much is missing, including the main drive, what remains is clearly a match. The bridge crew becomes quiet over the impossibility of what they are witnessing.

  Voknor frowns, then adds, “Whatever happened here did so before the first Atlan Prophecy.” He taps his chair’s armrest, then adds, “Which was before the Atlans...” he stops midsentence, then feeling a sense of foreboding issues unexpected orders, “Abandon the second vessel, we’re leaving this planet.”

  The bridge crew are momentarily stunned, then become galvanized into action. Skylow contacts the vessels which are on the ground, while Frazik monitors the long-range scans from their base in the moon. Machkno sets the vessel to combat readiness; the outer levels are evacuated, bulkheads closed, and weapons charged, though he leaves their porthole covers in place. He does not expect an attack, but he will not be caught unprepared.

  Regent Voknor contacts the American and Russian presidents, and states, “You are to immediately stop the flow of materials to my construction vessels, return all bodysuits, and secure the area around each craft.” He cuts the communication before either can reply.

  The craft in Brazil and China lift off almost immediately, while the one in the Australian desert takes a while longer. Gentak’s crews remove the molecularizer tips from the construction arms, and then lock them into place around the vessel. He reviews the partially built ship’s status, then although it is superfluous, activates the self-destruct. Without power to overload the engines, the self-destruct is useless, but it is protocol, so he does it. He shakes his head in disappointment; this was the fastest a vessel’s main components have been assembled. If only enough gravity plating had been fabricated and installed, it could almost launch.

  The remaining craft lift off the planet, and rejoin those in orbit. The fleet’s stocks of water and fresh meat, have more than adequately been taken care of. However, they are low on raw materials, having committed almost all to the construction of the new craft.

  Sharz reviews George’s bodysuit status, and is surprised by what he discovers. The suit has fully synchronized to his neurology, and would require an assembly line reset to make it useful to anyone else. As his craft is still installing the last of its components, he takes a shuttle, and transports the suit to the moon base. He leaves the suit in the hopes of coming back one day, to study it in detail, and does not want to lose the valuable data it contains by resetting it.

  Meanwhile, on the flagship, Regent Voknor is staring at the planet, wondering how the wreckage came to be there. The statistical chance of this being a random occurrence, is literally astronomical. The mystery baffles him greatly, and disturbs him all the more.

  Voknor leans forward and says, “Skylow, transmit the standard greeting to the inhabitants, I would leave parting words for this planet to consider when we are gone.”

  Skylow takes control of Earth’s media, transmitting the drumbeats and image they used when they arrived. He then sends the message, “Be prepared to receive the words of Regent Voknor of the Gamin.”

  Regent Voknor stands, and walks to the viewscreen, with Earth behind him, in the background, he states, “We will be departing soon, but expect us to return at any time. The satellites will stay in place and continue to provide communications for you
r citizens. This satellite grid is not to be interfered with.”

  Skylow cuts the transmission, and then says, “Sharz’s vessel is not quite ready for main drive trials, but will be soon.”

  Regent Voknor is momentarily annoyed, then grins as he states, “Well, I wanted the locals to have something to think about, let them wonder why we’re still in orbit!” With little else to do, he leaves the bridge, and gets some rest.

  Skylow watches as Voknor leaves, then contacts the other Primes, and states, “Is any craft still in need of repairs?”

  A couple of Primes reluctantly admit they are not fully repaired, but consider their remaining battle damage minor. Skylow presses upon them that their Regent believes that all vessels are fully repaired. While Sharz’s vessel is receiving its final components, they use the fleet’s remaining limited resources, and repair their vessels.

  Chapter Fourteen – Business as Usual

  Voknor strides onto the bridge, and is pleased to see that things have returned to normal. The only crew present are his four officers, along with Lilpax, the rest having returned to their normal duties and stations.

  Skylow grins as he reports, “Sharz is ready to test his vessel.”

  Voknor gazes at the fleet before him, pleased that Sharz has his own vessel and crew; he is well-deserving. He orders, “Make for the fourth planet; scan it for signs of Atlan technology.”

  Skylow sets the main view on Earth as the fleet moves away. He knows his Regent finds the planet enthralling. Instead of adjusting the view to keep the planet the same size, he lets it shrink into the distance as they accelerate away.

  Voknor glances to Skylow, and smiles when the view switches to show the asteroid belt ahead. He orders, “Instruct Sharz to test his ship’s weapons on the asteroid field as we pass.”


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