Book Read Free

Stay For Me

Page 3

by Megan Smith

  “Thanks.” Jaylinn says with a small smile on her face. She reaches down for my hand but instead I throw my arm over her shoulder and we walk up together.

  Mason is there beside Cooper, who has MacKenzie dangling from the floor in a bear hug. “How does it feel to have a break, Momma?” Cooper asks his sister.

  MacKenzie turns her head and that’s when Cooper’s eyes land on Jaylinn. The smile disappears from his face when he notices where my arm is. That’s right, take the bait. MacKenzie says something to him and that seems to gather his attention. Layla comes up behind Jaylinn and me. “I wanted to check and make sure you’re okay.”

  Jaylinn bobs her head. “I’m fine. I’ve got this.”

  Out of the corner of my eye I see Cooper angle himself so he can get a better look at what’s going on.

  “You’re gonna need that confidence, pretty girl, because I’m pretty sure Cooper is about ready to deck me right in the face.”

  Jaylinn pats my face. “That would be such a shame since you’re so hot.”

  Layla and Jaylinn start laughing, and it’s adding fuel to the fire but Cooper knows I’d never go after his girl. I glance over towards him, his hands are fisted down by his sides and he’s glaring at me. I give him a little chin nod letting him know that I see him and I know that he’s pissed.

  Jaylinn and Layla are talking about school and soccer; I’ve tuned them out really. I’m just standing here playing the part, hoping Cooper pulls his head out of his ass and sees what’s right in front of him.

  MacKenzie is doing a good job trying to distract him. “I love you, Coop. I’m so proud that you and Eli did all of this. To be honest with you, I wasn’t expecting it.”

  Cooper kisses her head. “I love you for what you’re doing,” quieting her down. “I’m just totally shocked she’s here.”

  Layla fluffs Jaylinn’s hair. “It’s show time, girl.”

  She looks to me with a nervous smile and I give her a wink.

  “Hey,” Jaylinn says as she steps up to Cooper. “Everything looks great.”

  Cooper, keeping things cold says, “Thanks. I’m glad you came.”

  Layla takes a step closer to me and I get a whiff of her perfume. It’s some kind of coconut and reminds me of the beach. “I can’t hear.” She says and takes one smaller step forward.

  “You are?” Jaylinn asks with uncertainty lacing her voice.

  “Damn it.” Layla says under her breath. I take my chances, not knowing the outcome, and reach forward pulling her closer to me so it doesn’t look like we’re eavesdropping. We’re so close that if we were the same height we’d be eye to eye. Layla looks up to me, her eyes wide. I should move my hand off of her hip but my hand doesn’t seem to get the message.

  “Of course,” Cooper says then pauses. “I have to go help out. I’ll see you all later.”

  And those words are like a splash of cold water on all of us. Layla jumps back like I’ve burned her, MacKenzie curses, and Jaylinn sighs in defeat, turning toward the ocean view as I know she’s trying to rein in her emotions.

  After a second, Layla steps around me and goes to her friend’s side; they exchange a few words and walk hand-in-hand back downstairs.

  Cooper really is hard headed when it comes to Jaylinn. The little I do know about their relationship is that it didn’t start off well when Jaylinn came to Boston University for her freshman year. Some shit went down at a party that involved my sister’s ex-boyfriend and baby daddy, Kevin. I don’t know the details but Cooper asked me to help him take care of him. He didn’t have to ask twice because the fucking pussy knocked my little sister up four years ago and left her high and dry while he went off to college on his football scholarship.

  I walk over to Cooper who is standing next to Jackie, the bartender, who clearly is handling things like the pro she claimed she was. “Coop?”

  “Not now, Eli.”

  I stand with my arms crossed waiting for him to turn around. I’m not leaving until he does. He shifts on his feet while seeming engrossed in his phone. I can see over his shoulder and he’s looking at his screensaver that happens to be a picture of him and Jaylinn.

  Finally he turns, his eyes a little wide when he realizes I’m still standing behind him.

  “What the fuck was that?”

  “That was nothing.”


  He shakes his head and looks down to the ground. “Fuck, man.”

  “That was a dickhead move.”

  Cooper looks up and his head nods slightly. “I couldn’t stand there and talk to her with everyone staring at us, Eli. Do you have any fucking idea how hard it is to even look at her? It’s fucking killing me.”

  I look around to see if anyone is staring since Cooper is raising his voice. The only one paying us any attention is Mason who walks over and puts a hand on Cooper’s shoulder. “Let’s have a drink.”

  I chuckle, lightening the mood. “He needs more than one.”

  Mason laughs. “That he does.” He turns his attention to Jackie and lifts his glass. “Two more and make them doubles.”

  As Mason gets Cooper a drink and tries to get him to relax, I wander back downstairs to check on things and make sure Jaylinn is okay if she’s even still here. I also need to get that case of beer I meant to grab earlier.

  Heading towards the back stock rooms, I push the door open that leads to the storage area. I go to grab the handle for the beer cooler but it bursts open.

  Layla screams and damn near drops a case of beer on my foot. I quickly reach a hand out and steady it, saving a pricey case of imports from crashing to the floor.

  “Damn it, you scared the hell out of me.” Layla says securing the beer in her hands.

  “I normally don’t have that reaction on the ladies.” I chuckle.

  Layla’s face starts to turn red. “Yeah, well…”

  “I was actually coming in here to grab this for you guys.” I say nodding towards the beer.

  She shrugs. “We needed it.” Layla’s eyes roam up and down my body. “I, uh, I got to get back.” Then she’s walking away.

  I reach out to take the beer from her as my hand accidentally grazes her ass, wearing those shorts…the ones I’d specifically dreamed about pulling from those fucking legs of hers. She turns on a dime, knowing that there is most definitely something between us, an impossible boss-employee barrier that we shouldn’t cross.

  I watch as her eyes glaze over, knowing the affect my touch has on her I decide to say to hell with it all and invade her ever space.

  “I don’t know about you but it’s getting awfully warm in here,” I say as my eyes travel up and down her body, landing on nipples that are at full attention and knowing that it has nothing whatsoever to do with the temperature in this cooler. Taking a step towards her, I hear an intake of breath, unsure whether it’s mine or hers.

  “Eli, it’s freezing in here and I’m quite capable of loading the bar and doing my job, thanks though,” Layla says a bit too quickly, a sense of fight or flight in her tone.

  “Oh, I know you’re more than capable of doing your job and loading what needs to be loaded, too.” I smirk, dancing on that fine line.

  Mouth open, Layla turns and is out of that cooler quicker than I can stifle the chuckle that begs to escape.

  The main floor is standing room only, people are shoulder to shoulder. I never thought that tonight would have this good a turn out. I had high hopes but this blew me away. I glance over to the bar and see Layla behind it manning her part. Jaylinn is sitting next to the asshole from earlier.

  Making my way over to them I lean on the back of Jaylinn’s chair. “Everything okay?”

  She turns and gives me a sad smile. “Yeah.” Jaylinn glances to the guy next to her before looking over to Layla. Does she know who he is? Does Layla?

  Layla is trying her hardest not to look at me; she’s more engrossed in her customers than she needs to be.

  “I’ll be in my office working on a few
things. Let me know before you leave.”

  Jaylinn agrees. “I will.”

  I hesitate and look back before heading to my office. Something seems off.

  Back in my office I sit and kick my feet up on my desk just needing a minute of peace and quiet. The club is off to a good start, I hope it continues this way and before we know it we’ll be opening up another a few towns over. My father would be proud if he ever cared to check in every once in a while but he’s off on another adventure. Or at least that’s what he tells us. Who the hell knows with him? He’s flaky at best and never reliable for shit. He’s missed so many holidays and birthdays that we don’t even expect him anymore. I think the part that really pushed me over the line was when he missed my niece being born. Erin and Sophia should have come before anything else.

  After a while I make my way back upstairs where Cooper is to make sure he’s alright. It’s nearing closing and the DJ has started playing a few slower songs. Paired together, Hunter and MacKenzie and Jackson and Chloe are dancing closely in their own worlds, oblivious to everyone around them.

  I grab a beer from Jackie and have a seat next to Cooper and Mason. They are bullshitting about the upcoming season. It’s a nice change from earlier. A few minutes later Mason stands from the chair he was sitting on and yawns. “I’m getting out of here.”

  Cooper stands and pulls his brother in for a hug. “Thanks for coming, bro. Tell Hailey I’ll stop by tomorrow to say bye before we leave.”

  Mason nods and glances between Cooper and I. “Will do, great job on the place by the way.”

  “Thanks.” We say in unison.

  I watch as Mason walks over to his family and tells them goodbye. Cooper sits back down and starts pulling the label off of Mason’s beer bottle that he left behind.

  A familiar hand slides onto my shoulder…apparently she isn’t finished with her curveball. “Want to dance, handsome?”

  I wait for Cooper to look up but he never does. He continues to peel the label off the bottle. Shaking my head, I stand and lead Jaylinn to the dance floor.

  I place my hands high on her hips as she wraps her arms around me. “You know he’s just as miserable as you are right?”

  “I know.” She says defeated. “All I can do is keep my head held high, you know?”

  The corner of my lip pulls up. “It’s the best thing you can do. This, whatever it is, will wash over sooner or later.”

  Jaylinn looks over my shoulder in Cooper’s direction. We’re only a few steps away now when Cooper chuckles at his brother and sister-in-law.

  “God, I’ve missed that sound.”

  Jaylinn looks at me like she can’t believe she just said that out loud. I look over at Cooper who is looking at us. Now is the time.

  “Can you take over? I’ve got to go check on things downstairs.” I’m throwing his earlier words back at him. I’m not giving him an option to say no, this is me telling him that he needs this as much as she does.

  Cooper stands and I swear everyone holds their breath for just a second before he takes her hand and leads her back on the dance floor. Not wanting to make this anymore awkward for anyone else I slip back downstairs to check on everything and start to help close down as the last call was made just a few minutes ago.

  I swear it feels like seconds later when Jaylinn runs down the stairs towards Layla. I’m within hearing distance. “Can I have my purse, please?”

  Layla reaches under the bar and hands Jaylinn her purse before I can make it to the other side of the bar where she’s running out of the door. “Shit.” I mutter under my breath.

  “Where did she go?” Hunter asks coming down the stairs seconds later.

  “She left.”

  “Goddamn it,” he says chasing after his sister.

  Layla comes up next to me. “I’d hate to be in either of their shoes.”


  I really would hate to be in their shoes. Is this what it’s like to love someone and have something happen that prevents you from being with them or making a life together? To fight against what you want the most?

  If it is, I’m glad I’m still single. I couldn’t deal with what they are going through. You can see that they are still in love with each other but something huge is standing in their way. And until they are at least able to meet halfway, they won’t be able to get past it anytime soon.


  A few days after the opening of Fierce, Jaylinn finally opened up to me about what happened with her and Cooper. She started off by telling me she met Eli through Cooper and Mason back at Boston University, he played baseball with them, and they became friends quickly. It was like having another big brother she said.

  “That’s a hard life to live having Eli as a pseudo big brother, I bet.” I say, rolling my eyes.

  She giggles. “Oh, it was hard alright.”

  Eyes wide, I stare at her. “Do you mean what I think you mean?”

  She nods.

  “How do you know this?”

  She blushes and turns her head. “Well, it was hard to miss. One night the guys went out to a party and I was hanging at Cooper’s doing my homework. They came home sometime in the middle of the night and I was asleep on the couch. When I got up the next morning Eli was laying on the other couch. His clothes were stripped off in a pile on the floor, one arm up above his head and the other laying low on his stomach; he was clutching the blanket that was barely covering him. I was trying to be quiet when I got up to go to the bathroom but I stubbed my toe on the coffee table. Eli must have turned and the blanket slipped off. I fell down on my knee holding my toe on the other foot trying like hell not to scream from the pain. When I finally caught my breath, I opened my eyes and was eye level with his crotch. I looked up to see if I woke him up, and, of course, I did, he was just lying there smiling like a Cheshire cat.” Jaylinn shakes her head. “Then he had the nerve to tell me to make myself useful while I was down there. I about freaking died.”

  I almost fall out of my chair laughing. It’s a snorting, holding your stomach, cheeks hurting kind of laughing. The look on her face was priceless while she told me the story. She made it out to be like she’s never seen one before and that thought sobered me up. “Wait, you’ve seen a penis before, right?”

  Her cheeks flush again. “Yes, I’ve seen one before.” She whispers.

  I throw my head back laughing again. “Say it.”

  “Say what?”

  I raise my eyebrows at her. “Say penis.”

  She looks around to make sure no one is listening to us. The quad on campus is almost empty so I don’t know what she’s worried about. She jerks her head back to me and says just above a whisper. “Penis.”

  I crack up all over again.

  “What are you laughing at?”

  I wipe the tears from my eyes. “You. Why does that word make you blush?”

  She shrugs. “I don’t know. It’s a weird word.”

  “You’re weird.”

  Jaylinn shrugs again, accepting that she is. Going back to my homework we sit and work for a while.

  She tosses her book on the table and sighs loudly. Looking up I see her staring off into space. “I miss him.”

  “Call him.”

  Turning to look at me she shakes her head. “I can’t.”


  She slumps down in her chair. “Because some stuff happened back at BU that can’t be undone and it ruined us.”

  I put my book down on the table. “I’m sure it didn’t. He doesn’t look much happier than you do.”

  “It ruined us, trust me. We were at a party, some fucked up shit happened, he can’t get past it and I have.” She scrubs her face with her hands. “I’m over it and I need to move on.”

  Watching her for a moment I know she’s full of shit. She’s so far from over and she’s not ready to move on but clearly whatever happened back then, Cooper can’t get over, so she doesn’t have a choice but to put this behind her.

��So, care to explain what’s going on with you and Eli?” Jaylinn asks pulling her sunglasses from her bag.

  “What do you mean?”

  She smirks. “You know what I mean. You think I didn’t notice him holding you when Cooper and I were talking at Fierce?”

  “Oh,” I blush. “I was trying to hear what you guys were saying. He had the better spot so I stepped a little closer to him.”

  “And his hands found their way onto your hips?”

  Now it’s my turn to look around, to avoid her.


  “I don’t know honestly.” I say with a shrug because it’s the truth. I really don’t know why he did it or why I didn’t take a step away when he did. It was like we were locked in a trance.

  “Uh huh.”

  “I felt like he was watching me all night too. At first I thought it was because he was just making sure everything was running smoothly. But he kept doing it, kept finding ways of keeping me close I feel.”

  Jaylinn nods. “I noticed that too and I’m sure it didn’t make it any easier on you with Brian breathing down your neck.”

  I huff. “Not at all, Brian was pissed. Maybe Eli sensed that something was up and was just trying to stick close not knowing that Brian wasn’t some drunk asshole in a bar wanting to get my attention or something?”

  “Why did he even come?”

  I shrug my shoulder. “I don’t know really. I guess to check it out, to see where I work.” That’s not totally true. He came to keep an eye on me to make sure I wasn’t lying to him about the job.

  That seems to satisfy Jaylinn as she pulls out her Kindle and starts reading. My mind wanders away from studying to that night after the bar closed.

  On the way home, Brian peeled out of the parking lot. He wasn’t happy with my new boss. “Did you fuck him, Layla?” He asked whipping the car around the corner.

  I grabbed onto the door with one hand and my seat with the other holding on for dear life. “What? No, are you insane?”


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