Book Read Free

Stay For Me

Page 9

by Megan Smith

  So we go into more detail about her role while we finish our dinner. When we’re finished I ask if she’d like to go and hang out at Fierce for a while. It’ll be nice since we aren’t there to actually work and we can enjoy it.

  When we pull up to Fierce I park in my assigned space and climb out of the car meeting Layla. We walk in together being greeted by Dante, one of the bouncers. “Hey, boss…hey, Layla.”

  Layla pats Dante on his shoulder. “How’s the crowd tonight?”

  He shrugs his meaty shoulder. “Fine, not a lot of crazies out tonight.”

  She laughs and it’s music to my ears. “Well, that’s good.”

  I usher Layla in with my hand on her lower back. I sense Dante’s eyes on us but I keep moving forward. Making our way to the upstairs bar I spot Jaylinn and Cooper at a table to the right of the bar. I’m so glad that they finally worked everything out. Looks like that last curveball worked perfect just like I knew it would.

  “Aw, look.” Layla points, “The lovebirds are here.”

  I glance up right at the same time Cooper does. His eyes focused on mine slowly slide down to where my arm is and then he narrows his eyes. He thinks something is up.

  “Layla,” Jaylinn sings. “What are you guys doing here?”

  She slides into the booth across from Jaylinn. “We went to dinner to discuss the new position.” Layla’s eyes cut over to me briefly. “Then we decided to come here and hang out when we didn’t have to actually work.”

  Cooper tries to cover up his laughing with a cough. Jaylinn gives him a funny look. “Sorry, went down wrong.” He holds his cup up.

  I shake my head, what an asshole.

  The four of us sit around talking for a while cracking jokes, drinking and just enjoying each other’s company. It’s nice that they’re back together, the stress that was always hanging over all our heads has vanished.

  Layla leans over and whispers in my ear. “I can’t believe how different he is.”

  I chuckle. “Yeah, it’s like night and day, huh?”

  “What are you two whispering about?” Jaylinn squints her eyes at us.

  “You two.” Layla says winking at her friend.

  Jaylinn leans in and kisses Cooper on the cheek.

  “So,” Cooper starts to say, “You sure there isn’t anything going on between you two?”

  I look up to the sky shaking my head. He just doesn’t give up. It’s like he wants to start a fight or something with me.

  “I’ve got a boyfriend.” Layla answers.

  “Ah, that’s right you do.” Cooper cuts his eyes to me as if he’s trying to remind me.

  By the end of the night Layla, Jaylinn, Cooper and I are the only ones left upstairs as the club shuts down for the night.

  Cooper stands, stretching his back. “Well, I gotta go be a boss.”

  I snort. “Yeah it’s about time you do something around here.”

  Cooper walks away giving me the finger pulling Jaylinn behind him.

  Layla smiles. “It’s nice to see them back together.”

  “It is, makes my life a hell of a lot easier.”

  “Why’s that?”

  I glance over at her. Her eyes are glassy, cheeks are flushed but she’s relaxed and it’s not a sight I get to see often. “One less thing for me to watch over.”

  Layla who was sitting across from me on the booth that’s out on the deck lies down, crosses her ankles and places her hands on her stomach.

  I laugh. “What are you doing?”

  She points up to the sky. “Looking at all the stars.”

  I toss back the rest of my beer and follow suit lying down where we are head to head. Neither of us talks for what seems like forever. It’s not an awkward silence but a comfortable one.

  “Tell me something about yourself that no one knows, Layla.”

  She’s quiet and I almost think she’s fallen asleep when she starts, “I’ve always wanted a tree house.”

  “A tree house?” I ask just to confirm I’ve heard her. It’s so random.

  “Yeah, and not one that’s on the ground, I wanted a real tree house high up in the trees.” She sighs. “When I was little I used to watch from my bedroom window while the dad from the house behind ours built the Foster sister’s one. For two weeks he worked on it for them.” She turns on her stomach and rests her chin on her hands. “He put it way up high, nailed pieces of wood on the tree for steps. He brought up these big pieces of wood that he used for the floor. Then a few days later the house was framed out. He even made them a little porch that he put railing around. By the end of the second weekend I saw him hoisting up a huge triangle piece that he used for the roof. Mr. and Mrs. Foster brought the girls up so that they could see it. The looks on their faces was priceless.”

  I turn around and face Layla on the bench. Her eyes are even glassier now than they were before.

  “They painted the little house that was big enough for the four of them to sit in. Mrs. Foster made them little curtains for the windows and planted little flowers in the flower boxes that hung off of the railing of the porch.” Her smile grows. “I watched the little girls bring their baby dolls up in a little box that they would pull up, like their dad used for the roof. Mrs. Foster even made them a picnic basket at dinner time, too.”

  A little tear escapes the corner of her eye and I watch as it runs down her cheek. She doesn’t even bother trying to wipe it away. Being this close I notice the freckles sprinkled across her nose and I suddenly want to kiss each and every one of them.


  “Hmm,” she mummers.

  “I’m sorry you never got your tree house.”

  She smiles a sad smile. “Me too.”

  It sounds like Layla didn’t have a great childhood, maybe she didn’t have a dad like me or maybe she did and he just couldn’t be bothered with her. I don’t want to ask because it’s a personal question and Layla doesn’t give away much about her life. So for now I’ll take what she’s willing to give me and vow that if I ever have a little girl, I will build with my own two hands the best damn tree house ever seen.


  I wake up with a start early Sunday morning. I glance over to Fallon’s bed remembering she slept at Mrs. Stein’s house. I really don’t know what I would do without her sometimes. Mom still hasn’t been seen since taking off with my money. This is a new record for her; normally it’s just a few days that she is gone.

  After Mrs. Stein spent a few hours with Fallon yesterday afternoon for me I knew there was no way I could ask her to watch her while I went out to dinner with Eli. To my surprise though, I didn’t have to ask because Mrs. Stein asked if I minded that Fallon slept over. They were going to have a pajama party, order pizza and watch movies for the rest of the night. I had a few dollars left that I offered Mrs. Stein for watching Fallon and for pizza but she, of course, wouldn’t take it.

  I haven’t seen or heard from Brian since Tuesday. I thought for sure I would have heard from him last night but I didn’t. He hasn’t gone to any of his classes either because I’ve been looking out for him. It’s almost too good to be true that he might be moving on but in the pit of my stomach I know something is brewing.

  I slowly climb out of my bed loving that I only have to worry about myself for once. I go into the kitchen to make myself some coffee. My phone that is sitting on the kitchen table is blinking. I walk over to pick up.

  Eli 3:48 am: Thanks for going to “dinner” with me.

  I get a goofy smile and my heart flutters at how sweet he was after dinner was over. I’m so glad it was his sister and niece and not a girlfriend and daughter. That would have made things so much more difficult and that is something I don’t need in my life. I’ve never told anyone how badly I wanted that tree house when I was little. It’s like the girls got to escape reality and have their own independence while they were in there. They didn’t have to worry about the rest of the world. I didn’t have that but I wanted that for Fallon just a
s much as I wanted that for myself.

  After I sit and enjoy the peace and quiet for a little while I go to take a shower and get ready to pick up Fallon. On the way back home, Fallon tells me everything her and Mrs. Stein did yesterday and asked if she could do it again someday.

  My heart bleeds for her. Mrs. Stein is the closest thing she has to a mother. She looks up to her and she needs that at this age. She needs to know that not all the people in this world are like our mother. Not every situation is like walking around with a dark cloud over your head.

  “Hey, look,” Fallon points to Jax’s. “Brian is here.”

  My heart sinks to the pit of my stomach. A chill goes down my back and my hands start to shake. It’s sad really that this happens when I see him. As we get closer I see that he has dark circles around his bloodshot eyes. He’s either really tired or he’s been using drugs again, neither are good things. He’s moody when he’s sleepy and he’s downright nasty when he’s on drugs. Mix the two together and it’s explosive.

  Fallon holds her hand up for a high five when she gets closer and Brian rolls his eyes at her as he slowly holds up his hand. “She’s six, Brian.” I hiss. “Don’t be an asshole to her.”

  “Where the fuck were you?”

  Fallon stops and turns around when she gets to the door of our apartment. I walk over and unlock the door for her. “It’s okay. Go on up, I’ll be right there.”

  Fallon runs up the stairs leaving me alone with Brian. “I asked you a question.”

  I hold up Fallon’s overnight bag. “She was over at Mrs. Stein’s house, she spent the night.”

  “And where the fuck were you?”

  “Fierce.” It’s a half-truth but he doesn’t need to have any more of an excuse to bitch at me.

  “You said you didn’t have to work Saturday.”

  I nod. “Right, I wasn’t working. I was just hanging out with Jaylinn and Cooper.”

  “And Eli.”

  I roll my eyes. “Yeah, Eli was there, too.”

  I nod my head towards the door. “I’m going up. Are you coming?” I don’t want anyone in our business so if we’re going to fight I’d rather do it upstairs.

  “Layla?” I hear my name being called before I see him. Shit. It’s Jax. I’ve been avoiding him because I don’t have the money to pay for this month’s rent.

  “Hey, Jax.”

  He curtly nods to Brian. “Do you have the money for the rent?”

  Brian looks to me and then to Jax. “You didn’t pay him yet?”

  Shaking my head, “I’ll have it for you tomorrow. I have to get it out of the bank. I didn’t realize it was due. Sorry about that.”

  “Tomorrow, Layla.” Jax says lighting up a cigarette. Jax is a no-nonsense guy, as long as you don’t fuck with him, his money or his bar you were golden. You fuck with him and he’ll be sure that you never do it again.

  Brian and I head upstairs. Fallon is on the couch watching TV. Well, she is for now until they turn the electricity off any day now.

  “Why isn’t your rent paid, Layla?” Brian asks the second he shuts the door.

  Fallon tilts her head so she can look past Brian to the TV. “Well, let’s see, when I came home from the dinner, which you were supposed to take me to, the house was trashed. I hide the money in a sweatshirt on the top shelf in the closet. She found it and took off. I haven’t seen or heard from her since.” It’s not like me to talk like this to him especially not with the storm brewing in his eyes but I blame him. If he would have cancelled I never would have went out and the money would still be where I put it.

  “I told you I got held up at work. Nothing I could have done to get out of it.”

  I roll my eyes and sit down on one of the kitchen chairs. “So you’ve said.”

  Brian comes over to where I am sitting and gets in my face. “What are you trying to say, Layla?”

  I back my head up, his breath smells terrible. “Nothing, I just don’t understand why this new job is taking all your time.”

  He kicks the chair next to me out and sits. “Because it is.”

  I bite on my bottom lip knowing I should shut up while I’m ahead but I don’t. “So work has kept you busy this whole week? You didn’t even show up for any of your classes.”

  “Are you accusing me of something?”

  Shut up, Layla, just shut your mouth. “I think you’re cheating on me.”

  His head falls back laughing in a twisted sort of way. He’s on something for sure. “It’s no more than what you’re doing with Eli, Layla.” He spits.

  My temper getting the best of me, “Fuck you!”

  In an instant Brian grips me by the neck with one hand and slaps me across the face so fast I didn’t even see it coming with the other. My cheek burns like hell making my eyes water, there is a taste of metallic in my mouth, and I’m gasping for air.

  When Fallon screams, Brian lets go. She starts to cry and comes running to me but I put my hand up stopping her. “Go to your room, now.” I manage to croak out.

  She runs off and shuts the door once she’s safely inside. She doesn’t need to see this shit. “I am not cheating on you with Eli, Brian. He’s my fucking boss.”

  “I told you once before to quit and now I fucking mean it. That stupid ass fucking job isn’t even paying the rent.”

  “It is paying the fucking bills.” I yell finding my voice again. The anger is building and it’s about to explode. I’m at my breaking point. I can’t live like this anymore. I don’t deserve this. “My fucking mom stole my money. Have you not noticed I didn’t need to borrow money from you this whole month? No, of course you didn’t, because you’re too worried about your new job.”

  Brian sits there staring at me. The rage is boiling on the inside but he knows I’m right. He knows that one day I’m not going to need him and that’s when I finally see the little bit of fear in his eyes. He’s afraid I’m not going to need him and he despises that. I’ve come to learn that Brian has issues with people leaving him. His mother did it to him after his brother committed suicide when he was eleven, and now one day I won’t need him either.

  He stands pushing the chair back with the backs of his knees. “Quit Layla, I’m not telling you again.”

  I wait until he gets to the door. “Or what?”

  He smirks at me and my body instantly covers with goose bumps. “Wait and see.”

  After he leaves, slamming the door I reach in the freezer for the bag of peas. I wrap them up with a paper towel just as Fallon creeps out of our room. I sit on the couch and hold them up to my face hoping to ward off any bruising and swelling. Fallon crawls up next to me and softly cries. I don’t have any words for her, I can’t comfort her, can’t tell her everything will be okay, can’t tell her I’m okay because I’m not. I’ve finally given up. The fake smile I always wear fades away and the tears spill over.

  “I can’t do this anymore.” I whisper to myself.

  A few hours later I shuffle into the bathroom I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I look horrible. My eyes are red and swollen from crying, my lips are puffy, and you can see Brian’s handprint on my face. I get a closer look and spot the finger prints on my neck too.

  I grab a hold of the sink and fight off the tears once again. I can’t go to work like this. People would talk, ask questions, questions I can’t and won’t answer. I do the only thing I can and call Eli.

  “Fallon,” I call out. “Can you bring me my phone?”

  I hear her little feet padding around in the living room. “Here you go.”

  I take the phone and shut the bathroom door.

  I dial Fierce and pray like hell that Eli doesn’t answer.




  “Fierce, Eli speaking.”

  Of course he’d answer the phone. “Um,” I clear my throat. “Eli, it’s Layla. I’ve come down with um… the stomach bug and I’m not going to make it in.” It’s all I could think of on the fly.
  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, just can’t seem to hold anything down.” I lie, hating myself for doing this.

  “Okay, well I hope you feel better. I’ll call you later to check in on you.” He sounds a little hesitant but doesn’t ask anything else.

  “Thanks, bye Eli.”

  “Bye, Layla.”

  Sitting on the edge of the tub I hang my head. I hate lying but I’d hate to see the pity—or the rage—in his eyes even more.

  I just tucked Fallon into bed later that night, when my cell phone rings.

  “Hey, Jay,” I answer on the fourth ring.

  “How are you feeling?” Eli must have told her I wasn’t feeling well.

  “Not any better.” I say reaching up and still feeling the welts on my face from earlier.

  “Do you want me to stop by and keep you company for a little while? I could bring some soup and crackers over.”

  “No,” I say a little too quickly and cringe. “I wouldn’t want you to catch this. It’s horrible.”

  “Layla, stop it. If you need help I’ll come over. It’s not a big deal.”

  “No, it’s okay. I’m about to go to bed and hope when I wake up in the morning this will all be over with.” Oh, how I wish that were true.

  “Okay I’ll call and check in on you tomorrow after classes are over.”

  “Thanks, Jay.”

  She disconnects the calls.

  This day can go to hell.


  “Hey, Eli,” Jaylinn says knocking on my office door. She’s been stopping in every day asking if I need help with anything since Layla hasn’t been here.

  I put my pen down on the desk and lean back in my chair. “Hey, what are you up to?”

  She drops her purse on one of the two chairs in my office and takes a seat in the other. “Just finished my last class of the day.”

  “Layla show up?” I’ve been asking the same question all week. She must have one hell of a stomach bug because she hasn’t come to work all week. I’m getting actually a little worried.


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