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Their Bond Through Jade

Page 6

by Iris Blobel

She hesitated, and whispered, “My pride?”

  He took a sip of his coffee and just the movement of his tongue licking his lips filled her with a rush of lust. And damn if that made her angry, because the timing couldn’t have been any more wrong.

  “Why your pride?” he asked, looking at his coffee as he swirled it lightly.

  She shrugged again, not sure about the answer herself.

  He watched her for a long moment. “You’re one very mysterious lady.”

  Choking back a soft laugh, she replied, “Not really. I’m a lot of things, but not mysterious. Dad and I were always at each other’s throats, but I was raised by loving parents who were disappointed by their daughter when she didn’t follow a career after school like her brother, who’s also happily married—”

  “But they helped you with the house?”

  She nodded. “Yes. We’re kind of good now.”

  “Yet, I’m here and not them,” he stated, looking up and holding her gaze.

  Tiffany stood and walked over to the window, staring at the front yard for a long moment, scared at the brief memory of the previous night. With a big sigh, she turned to him and finally replied, “Dad will go mad when he finds out. When the police accused me of being connected with Hudson last year, my brother wasn’t very diplomatic. To say the least. I’m not sure how he’ll react once he finds out about this whole mess.” Letting out a soft sigh, she added, “Never mind that Melanie, his wife, was pregnant in her first couple of weeks last year. She miscarried. I don’t want to be responsible for another one,” she finished, just above a whisper.

  “May I assume Melanie’s current situation mirrors Jessi’s?”

  Tiffany rubbed her face with both hands. “Don’t tell Steve that you know. He’s going to kill me.”

  He stood as well and moved towards her. His hand touched hers, and the mere connection of their skin sent a shiver down her spine.



  “Look at me.”

  Slowly, she lifted her head and met his gaze.

  “You’re a great person. You have wit, curiosity, intellect, and you’re resilient. You’ll get through this,” he said with a firm voice. “I know it doesn’t seem like it now, but you will weather the storm and embrace the sun on the other side.”

  “Very poetic from someone like you.”

  His hand flew to his chest. “Someone like me?”

  Another one of her Freudian slips. This was how she always got into trouble. “You know.”




  “Oh, my God, no. Male…and…” She rolled her eyes. “And sexy.”

  He choked back a chuckle. “Thanks for the compliment.”

  “Don’t let it go to your head.”

  “Too late.”

  The doorbell rang and Tiffany flinched, grabbing his arm.

  “Expecting anybody?”

  She was about to say no, when fear went through her like fire. “The twenty-four hours aren’t over, yet.”

  “Twenty-four hours?”

  “The deadline for giving him the list.”

  Mat scratched the back of his neck. “You stay here. I’ll get this.”

  At that moment, she envied his composure and hoped it was her neighbour with her mail which had been placed in their mailbox instead of hers. The quietness in the house was eerie, with only the noise of Mat’s footsteps along the hall. There were two or three seconds after the noise stopped before he opened the door.


  He was obviously not as calm as she’d expected.

  And then she heard her sister-in-law’s voice. “Oh! Who are you?”

  “Liam, how are you, mate?” Mat replied. “You must be Melanie.”

  She strained to listen to their conversation, but all Tiffany was able to hear was muffled words and she wasn’t able to make out what they were saying, so she was about to follow Mat to the front when Mel rushed into the room.

  “Are you all right?” Her sister-in-law’s high-pitched voice startled her.

  “Of course I am.”

  “Mary from next door gave us a call saying her son heard screaming last night, and a guy was parking at the front for about an hour. What on earth happened?”

  Tiffany threw herself on the couch, worried about how much could she tell her brother and Mel.

  “Would you please relax? I’m fine. I didn’t call you because I didn’t want you to worry. You know—” She pointed at Mel’s stomach.

  Joining Tiffany on the couch, Mel said, “But, honey, how often have I told you, you weren’t responsible for what happened last time. My body simply wasn’t ready for a baby. That’s all.”

  “How am I supposed to know whether your body still isn’t ready?” Tiffany asked, without any malice but care in her voice.

  The two men came into the room, both smiling, chatting away like best buddies.

  Looking up at her husband, Mel asked, “And how do you two know each other?”

  “Mat is Steve’s old buddy from New Zealand,” Liam explained.

  Tiffany’s gaze moved from Liam to Mat, who gave her a wink, but remained quiet.

  “I’ve never heard you talking about a friend in New Zealand,” Mel said, with a slight shrug of her shoulders.

  “See, my words exactly,” Tiffany piped in.

  “I’m really starting to get a little complex here, guys,” Mat added with a chuckle.

  “Sure, I’ve told you about our trips to NZ.” He stepped closer to his sister. “But I’d say there are more important matters on hand.” He turned to Mat. “No offense.”

  “None taken,” his friend answered with a smile.

  “How about you give me a quick rundown of what happened?” Liam asked his sister.

  Her chest tightened as she told him about Hudson’s death and the previous night. She wasn’t sure how to read his expression, but placed her hand on Mel’s when she noticed her sister-in-law’s pale face.

  “I’m sure it’s all a misunderstanding,” she assured her.

  Liam rubbed his hands over his face, asking Tiffany, “How safe are you here?”

  With a slight lift of her shoulder, she lied, “Reasonably safe.”

  He cocked a brow. “Reasonably?” Gazing at his wife, the two spoke without saying a word, before he said, “Let’s pack a few of your things and get you to our place for the next few days.”

  “I can’t,” Tiffany replied, somewhat louder than intended.

  “Why not?” Mel asked, full of disbelief.

  Tiffany stood, needing some distance. So much had happened in the last twenty-four hours, and she needed to sort things in her head. Needed to sort out some priorities.

  “You’re pregnant, and whether your body is or isn’t ready, I’m not going to put you in any situation that might cause another miscarriage.”

  Mel frowned. “Honey, do you really believe me sitting at home not knowing what’s happening to you isn’t causing me any stress?”

  Damn. Tiffany hated it when her sister-in-law was right. And damn the neighbour for calling them. And damn the whole situation. But most of all, she hoped Hudson was damned to hell. How could this all happen to her?

  She’d had her life under control again. Earning money, paying off a mortgage, and treating herself to the occasional nice outfit or to the movies.

  She looked from Mel, to Liam, and then to Mat, who gave her a slight nod. She wasn’t sure what the nod was for, but his smile told her he was there for her.

  “By the way,” her brother said into the silence. “How come Mat’s here? Where’s Steve? Does he know?”

  She hesitated, avoiding his gaze. “My guess is that Jessi’s pregnant as well, but it’s not official, so I wouldn’t go around telling anyone.”

  “Pregnant?” Liam asked. “Holy fuck. The bugger hasn’t even told me.”

  Mel shot him a
glare, most likely because of his choice of words.

  “He didn’t really tell me either,” she replied, looking at him and silently telling him, let it go. “The guy from last night wanted a list, but I know nothing about it. I swear. I haven’t had any contact with Hudson since he gave me a fast ticket to hospital.”

  Liam exhaled. “We’ll get it sorted, sis, but we need to get you out of here. If not our place, we need you to stay at a safe place. Somewhere they won’t find you until the police gets this sorted.”

  “The guy last night said he saw Hudson come here, so I assume anywhere else is safe. I might go to—”

  “She can come back with me. I’m sure they won’t look in New Zealand for you.”

  Tiffany shot around and looked at him. Stunned and in disbelief.

  Did he just offer for her to go to New Zealand?

  “That is if you have a passport,” he added, with a semi-shrug.

  Her mouth was so dry from telling the story, the outraged what? got stuck in her throat with only a few foreign noises leaving her lips.

  Going to New Zealand, she thought, as she stared at Mat, who sported a wide grin. A grin she wasn’t sure how to interpret. Suddenly, even that decision seemed difficult.

  With a sigh, she threw herself back onto the couch.


  Mat looked from one stunned face to the other. He had no idea where the offer had come from, because he’d have enough work back home to keep him busy for months, especially with the new contract and his impending move to Queenstown. But he wasn’t yet ready to let go of Tiffany. Wasn’t ready to leave her behind without a chance to help her. He wanted to know more about her.

  He wanted her. With all her flaws and her sexy smile.

  Raising a brow, he watched her trying to say something, but no words were coming out of her mouth. He tried not to laugh, seeing her sit there with her mouth in the shape of an ‘O’.

  “Have you got a passport?” he asked into the silence.

  “She can’t just drop everything and hop across the water to New Zealand,” Liam said.

  “I agree,” Mel added.

  “Darling, have you got a passport?” Mat asked again.

  Tiffany bobbed her head slightly in a nod. “Yes, I do. Yes, I got one last year when we planned to travel to the U.S. with Mum and Dad. Before the…you know…miscarriage.” She raked a hand through her hair. “I can’t afford a flight to New Zealand. And I’m not even sure whether I’m allowed to leave the country.”

  “You’re not a suspect, are you?” Liam asked with concern.

  “No. No, Senior what’s-his-name told me I’m not. But that was before the guy showed up at my door, threatening me. I have to see him later on and can ask him.”

  “Let’s do this one step after the other,” Liam said, as he turned to Mat. “When are you heading home?”

  “Monday morning.”

  “Tiff can’t just fly to New Zealand with you. I mean, how long have you known her?” Mel asked.

  “Okay,” Liam suddenly said, raking his hand through his hair. “Let’s not do anything in a rush and try to think about other alternatives. This sounds more like the last resort.” He blew out a big breath. “No offense,” he added, as he gave Mat a smile.

  “None taken.”

  Mel blew out a breath as well. More than once. Mat wasn’t sure whether it was to calm herself or a pregnancy thing. He looked at Liam and his grin told him not to worry about it.

  “Tiffany can’t just fly to New Zealand with someone she’s known for…how long?” Mel asked, staring at Mat.

  “Twenty-four hours,” he replied nonchalantly.

  Mel slanted her brows together. “Excuse me?” Then turned Liam. “No way will you allow this, will you? She can’t just travel across the damn sea to be with a guy who she’s known for twenty-four hours. For God’s sake, it’ll make me sick with worry just as much.”

  Mat slid his hands into his pockets as he rocked back on his heels. “I’ve known Steve for about twenty years.”

  “That can’t be a good enough reason.”

  Tiffany stared at her, but Mat wasn’t sure how to read the expression on her face. Was Mel’s over-worried outburst a hormone thing, or were the two women that close?

  Mat was about to say something when he noticed Tiffany wiping away a tear. He would’ve given anything to make this all go away for her. And, although he initially thought his idea was selfish and probably overkill, he began to think it’d be the right thing for her as well. Get away from it all and find her feet again.

  And let the police do their work and solve last night’s attack, as well as solve Hudson’s case.

  Even a week or two would do the trick and give her some distance. If during that time the police hadn’t made any arrests, it’d have been at least enough time for everyone to organise an alternative living arrangement for Tiffany without too much disruption to anybody’s life.

  Tiffany stood, but with her shoulders slouched as if all of the world’s problems were resting on them. Mat pressed the replay button in his head, wondering how he ended up in a small two-bedroom house with a woman, who wasn’t necessarily model sexy, but attractive, and her brother with his wife — there’d been the nice dinner, the attack, as well as the police. All of his common sense told him to leave and run as far as possible and let them sort out the problem. Without him. His common sense told him not to touch or get involved with a woman that carried so much baggage.

  But he wasn’t able to.

  He wasn’t able to leave her, and not only because of the attraction he felt. The reason might have been the way his parents had taught him to help others. It might have been his Maori culture to fight for what he believed in, and at that moment, he believed that Tiffany needed him. Quite possibly, if Steve and Jessica weren’t expecting, or Liam and Mel, it might have been a different story, but the scene in front of him was the story, and he wanted to write the happy ending.

  “This is what I’m going to do,” she said quietly. “Thank you for your offer, Mat. In this whole mess, I’m very grateful you were so persistent yesterday and asked me for dinner, but I cannot accept your invitation to come to New Zealand.” She held her hand up when Liam was about to say something. Mat noticed a brief wordless connection pass between them. “Let me rephrase that. I would like to take a rain check.”

  Mat nodded and let her finish.

  “I ran most of my life in one way or another, and every time I did, the mountain behind me grew bigger and wider. I’m not running again.” She exhaled. “I will talk to what’s-his-name Harris and stay with Mum and Dad for a while. As I mentioned before, the guy said he saw Hudson come here, so I should be safe with them. I will figure out about the damn list, and once everything is sorted, I’ll go and piss on Hudson’s grave. Or whatever his name is. Then, and only then, will I hit Liam for some money and find out whether New Zealand is exactly how I imagine it to be from all your stories.”

  The silence hung in the air like a thunderstorm, charged and ready to go. But the thunder never came. Liam gave a slow nod, and after watching her husband, so did Mel.

  Disappointment trickled through Mat despite knowing she was right. And he admired her courage to face everything head on. He had to admit to himself, he was falling for her.

  “Do you need a chauffeur for the day?” he asked with some hesitation.

  Her smile was genuine and went right to her eyes. “I’m not sure whether I can abuse your generosity even more.”

  “Abuse it as much as you need to. Unfortunately, just until this afternoon, though.”

  She nodded. “The barbeque.”

  “I have another meeting tomorrow and need to return the rental around lunchtime.”

  “I’m happy to give you my car until you leave,” Liam offered, and with his brows slightly raised, added, “Tiff might be able to return the favour and take you to her favourite fish and chip shop in St Kilda. And she
has someone with her if she’s in need of protection.”

  Mat liked the idea. His gaze went to Tiffany, and he smiled when he noticed her red cheeks. “Sounds good.”

  “Thanks, Liam. That’d be lovely,” she said. “Except the protection part.”

  “Just in case. I will take this beauty—” He nodded towards Mel. “—to morning tea and will see you tomorrow to pick up the car.”

  “You’re not coming to Steve’s barbeque?” Tiffany asked.

  “Nope.” And, with a roll of his eyes, he added, “We’ve got tickets to see a musical.”

  “Got into trouble again?” Tiffany asked with a snort.

  Another eye roll.

  Tiffany laughed. “Have fun.” And she turned to Mat and explained. “Liam looooves musicals. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’d forgotten their anniversary again.”

  Mel stood as well, stepped next to her sister-in-law, and placed a kiss on her cheek. “It was the doctor’s appointment. You look after yourself and keep us informed with every little detail, okay?”

  “Will do.”

  It surprised Mat when Mel came to him. He noticed her hesitation, but then she took his necklace in her hand. “A man who wears his heritage with pride.” Meeting his gaze, she said, “Please look after her. Tiff and I aren’t blood related, but she’s as close to a sister as one could have. Steve and Liam trust you, so I will, too.”

  “Tiffany trusts me as well,” he said with a faint voice.

  She shook her head. “She believes in you. You’re one lucky man, so don’t muck it up.”

  As he wasn’t sure how to respond, he simply nodded. She believes in you. Trust. Believe. He wasn’t sure about the difference, but apparently, there was a big one to Mel.

  Tiffany took the couple to the door, and Mat heard another few mumbled words before the sound of the front door followed by the noise of her footsteps that told him they were alone again.

  A few minutes later, she stood in front of him, hands on hips. “I have no idea how our stars aligned, but I’m super grateful for it. So let’s tackle this problem.”

  It took him only a few long strides until he stood in front of her. On impulse, he leaned in and brushed his lips gently against hers, before he fully claimed them. Soft at first, tasting the remnants of the tea. He pulled her closer, deepening the kiss at the same time. She opened up for him, and for a wonderful moment, their tongues touched. He hadn’t felt so much in a simple kiss for a long time, but slowly pulled back.


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