Their Bond Through Jade

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Their Bond Through Jade Page 11

by Iris Blobel

  “Life moves in mysterious ways and sometimes bad things have to happen before good things can move in. Yet, often we are so wrapped up in the negative, we don’t see the positive.”

  Tiffany raised a brow with a dubious frown. “Dad, where does all the sudden wisdom come from?”

  Her father’s gaze drifted over her shoulder and into the distance. “Remember when you drove off to explore Australia, and I had mixed emotions, hoping that you would find who you are?” He huffed a grim laugh. “Meanwhile, I was looking forward to having some time when I wouldn’t fight with you. Instead, I worried every day and every night. Every phone call we received, I worried it was bad news from you.” He met her eyes. “But you had a wonderful time. Of course you did. I should have known, because you’re not only determined, but you always knew how to have a good time. Silly old me, I should have accepted that and enjoyed it with you. Through the photos you sent and the stories you told us.”

  Her mother placed a hand on her husband’s arm. “Tim, as wonderful as this all sounds, she’ll miss the plane with all your sentimental—”

  He shot his wife a mock glare, although he wasn’t able to hide the little twitch of his lips and his eyes full of love. “I’ve been pragmatic for too long. Give me five minutes with my favourite daughter.”

  “I’m your only daughter,” Tiffany commented with a chuckle.

  “That doesn’t stop you being my favourite,” he replied with a grin. “Anyway, I’m not saying all this because you’re back in town and studying, but I can see it in your eyes, in the way you speak, and the way you behave, that you found yourself. And in the last few days I’ve noticed it even more how happy you are. Your mother and I believe there’s a little future for you and Mat.” He chuckled. “But we’re not matchmakers. If it doesn’t work out so be it, but I don’t think we’ve ever seen such a sparkle in your eyes or happiness in your words as we have in the last week. You’ve met the challenge of Hudson’s mess dead on. The challenge of being threatened. The challenge of dealing with the police. The challenge to be humble and moving back to your parents. We’re proud of you. You deserve this time with Mat, and you’d better tell him if he doesn’t treat you right, I’ll come over and pick you up myself. But only after giving him some words from a dad who seems to have come to his senses at last.”

  “Darling, she’ll never make it there in the first place, if you don’t stop talking,” her mother reminded him.

  Blinking back tears, Tiffany checked the time again on her phone. “Dad, you’re making me cry, and I’ve made such an effort with my makeup this morning.”

  “Darling, you look so much better without makeup. Trust me.”

  She snorted. “You’d like me after five days of camping with no shower at all.”

  He lifted his shoulder in a slight shrug. “Sue me.”

  Letting out a long breath, she turned around to look at the flight schedule again. “I think it’s time to go.”

  Her mother nodded. “Yes, I think so, too.”

  “I’ve checked the weather this morning; you should have a smooth flight,” her father said.

  “Good Lord, Dad, don’t say that now. I tried to not even think about it.”

  Tim leaned in and placed a kiss on her cheek but stopped short and instead took her into his embrace for a massive hug. “I love you, darling, and I’ll see you in two weeks.”

  As much as Tiffany relished her father’s squeeze, she struggled to put some distance between them, to be able to breathe again. She drew in her lips, trying hard not to offend her father by wriggling out of his arms.

  “And don’t forget to send me emails with lots of pictures. We don’t want Liam to have created one of these addresses for nothing.”

  Her mother rolled her eyes. “Not to mention the hour he spent explaining to your dad how to use it.”

  That made Tiffany laugh. She gave her dad a quick kiss on the cheek before she turned to her mother to give her a big hug. “I love you guys. I really do.” She took a deep breath, picked up her bag, and stood straight. “But I’ve got to go.” And without any more words, she walked towards the customs hall.

  The next half an hour was more or less a blur. First, she was scanned from top to bottom, then she had her bags checked, and last lured into buying all this wonderful stuff which was apparently so much cheaper than outside any airport. When she made it to the gate, she sat, hardly able to get her heart rate under control. Taking a deep breath to calm her jagged nerves, she swiped her damp palms down the sides of her pants and forced herself to stop licking her dry lips. Her nervousness made her heart skip with anxiety. Of course, it wasn’t the first time she was going to be on a plane, but after Hudson, it was the first time she was going to spend time with a man. It’d been over twelve months since she’d been near a man. However, the last couple of days she hadn’t been able to think of anything other than being kissed by Mat. Or even touched. And just the simple thought of it had her body on full alert. She cupped her hand over her mouth to avoid a cackle at the thought she’d even packed protection.

  Just in case.

  No, it wasn’t just in case. She wanted him. Her imagination had run wild at how it would be to be touched and kissed all over by Mat. She rolled her eyes at herself for her behaving like a teenager.

  Trying to distract herself, she stood and walked over to the huge glass window. Planes from so many different countries were coming and going, big ones to small ones. The simple rhythmic diversion of come and go soothed her nerves, and she startled when the announcement came it was time to board. Her heartbeat picked up a notch again, and she sighed as she picked up her bag. The emotions inside her were on a rollercoaster ride. She needed to relax. Yet, queuing in a long line didn’t help, and when she finally sat next to a window fifteen minutes later, she was neither calm nor nervous, but exhausted. She held back a yawn during the security announcement, which was done with the help from the All Blacks, and the best she’d ever seen.

  She explored the in flight entertainment. The many choices of music, movies, or TV series weren’t of any interest to her, and it wasn’t long before her eyes drifted shut, tired as she was from all the excitement over the last week, and she fell into a light slumber.

  Tiffany woke to the broadcast that they were about to land in Queenstown. She was surprised she’d slept all the way through. Blinking the sleep from her eyes, she focussed on the scenery outside her small window. Instantly, she was captivated by the mountains around her and the valley of their flight path. In awe, she took everything in, from the green valley, the roads, and the snow-capped mountains.

  She fidgeted with the buckle to distract herself from the bumpy descent. A smile touched her mouth as her thoughts took her back to Mat. The fact she was going to see him again in only a very short time did that to her. And for a moment, apprehension struck her that he might not be waiting for her. She rolled her eyes at herself for being silly. Of course he’d be there. He’d rung only the night before, telling her about the things he’d bought for the house to make it liveable. There’d been a trace of nervousness in his voice as he told her about his week. He’d even apologised that his parents were still in town for another day. They’d helped him to get organised for her visit, considering the house wasn’t yet fully furnished, with most of his belongings still in Fox Glacier. Guilt spread through her that he’d gone through all the trouble just for her.

  She recalled his words. “I would’ve bought a house if that meant I could have you here for a little while.”

  It had been one of the nicest things anyone had ever said to her. Heat crept into her cheeks at the simple thought of him. If her recent life were a movie, she’d burst into laughter at the ridiculous notion of it all.

  And, yet, it was her life and hope for some happiness spread like ripples inside her. The more she talked to Mat, the more strength she found to reconcile with the past to give way for the courage to trust again.

  It eve
n appeared that she was off the attacker’s radar. She hadn’t heard or seen him all week, even when she had been to the house to pack her bag and grab her passport.

  Tiffany was healing, and she loved the feeling.


  Mat parked the car and rushed into the airport. Out of all days, there’d been roadworks today. He checked the arrival board and headed to the international part of the airport. The first travellers were already coming out from customs. When he searched for Tiffany another string of curses left his lips upon realising he’d left the flowers in the car.

  “Damn it.”

  He moved out of the way to avoid bumping into a group of tourists with trolleys everywhere.

  A quick glance around told him there wasn’t a flower shop in the area. He ran his hand through his hair, down the back of his neck.

  “Fancy meeting you here.”

  Surprised, he shot around, and his mouth curled into a slow smile. Without saying a word, he snagged her around the waist and pulled her closer as he lost himself in her blue eyes. He leaned in, gently touching her lips with his. It took all his strength to pull back and rest his forehead on hers.

  “Welcome to New Zealand.”

  “It still seems a bit surreal.”

  He laughed and not able to hold back, he kissed her again.

  When he finally broke the kiss, he took her hand and placed the other one on the trolley. They walked through the airport to his car, and as soon as Mat opened the car door, he remembered the flowers. He grabbed them off the seat, walked around the car, and stopped in front of her.

  “I forgot. Sorry.”

  “Gerberas, how lovely.” She took the flowers. “Don’t think I’ve ever been given flowers before.”

  He frowned. “Never?”

  She shrugged. “Nope. Never.”

  Stepping closer, he kissed her cheek, knowing if he touched her lips, he wouldn’t be able to stop. “I’d better remember that.”

  Ten minutes later, they drove along the road into Queenstown.

  “It’s beautiful,” she kept saying. “So beautiful. And so different.”

  Pointing to the snow-capped mountains, he explained, “These are the Remarkables.”

  “The mountains?”

  He nodded. “And this over there is Lake Wakatipu.”

  “I will have to learn how to pronounce all these places so I won’t make a fool of myself.”

  “Yeh, Lake Wakatipu. Apparently, Wakatipu is a shortened form of Wakatipuwaimaori. Not sure about the meaning, though. Mum would know.”

  “Well, I’m glad they shortened it,” she told him with amusement.

  Mat was quiet while he made his way through the busy streets of Queenstown.

  “It’s a beautiful place, very busy, though,” she said when the traffic lessened.

  “Yeh, very busy. Lots of tourists here.”

  When he stopped in front of the house fifteen minutes later, he watched her as she got out and took everything in. He knew it was the odd one out in the area, but he wanted the view and hoped she’d love it as well. He saw his mother and before he was able to get out of the car, she was already coming towards them.

  “Kia Ora, Tiffany.”

  Her gaze met his through the open door, and he grinned as her eyes conveyed her surprise. “I told you my parents are still here, didn’t I?”

  She nodded. “I didn’t expect a welcoming committee. And your mum is…she’s…”


  “That makes sense.”

  Shaking his head, he let out a laugh.

  Tiffany arched her back to stretch her spine as she walked towards his mother. “Nice meeting you, Mrs...”

  Mat casually stepped out of the car, slammed the door shut, and joined the two women. “It’s Apanui,” he explained to Tiffany as he placed a kiss on his mother’s cheek.

  Tiffany blew out an embarrassed little sigh. “Nice meeting you, Mrs. Apanui.”

  “Call me Harriet.” She took Tiffany’s hand. “Come on in. Hemi and I won’t be much of a bother, and we’ll be going back to Auckland tomorrow. Excuse my excitement at meeting you.”

  “Mum,” Mat said softly. “Give her some space. She’s probably tired.”

  “Would you like a cup of tea, Tiffany?”

  She nodded. “I’d love one.”

  “Wonderful. Matiu will show you the house while I start the kettle.”

  Shaking his head, he smiled as he placed his hand around Tiffany’s waist and gently pushed her towards the house. “It needs a bit of work. Let me show you my favourite place in the house first.”

  Mat noticed her flushed cheeks, and his mouth curved, but he didn’t explain.

  They entered the house and stepped into the open plan kitchen area to the left.

  Tiffany gasped. “Oh my.”

  He took her hand and led her past the kitchen to the back of the house.

  “This room is currently occupied by my parents. So we won’t go in there.” He stood for a moment before he turned around. “Where’s Dad?” he shouted towards the kitchen.

  “He’s getting a few things for me for dinner.”

  With a slow nod, he turned back to Tiffany. “Rooms two and three are over there, but empty.” With a few long strides, he was at the end of the hall. “My bedroom and this one,” he said as he pointed to the last room, “is for you.” He took her hand and pulled her closer. “I…I…” He let out a big sigh. “I don’t want to push you into something you might not be ready for.”

  One of her brows arched. “Not ready?”

  He chuckled, took her hand, and moved into his room. With a kick, he shut the door behind them before his mouth was on hers. Gentle at first, but when she lifted her arms and wrapped them around his neck, her body pressed into his and their kiss deepened.

  “Baby, I’ve missed you,” he whispered against her lips, soaking in the scent of her perfume.

  She put some distance between them and met his gaze. “I missed you, too.” And with a shy smile added, “And somehow I think I’m ready.”

  Warmth rushed through him, something so intense when he realised what she’d said, it unearthed something deep inside him. Something more than desire and lust.

  But before he had a chance to respond, he heard his father’s deep voice on the other side of the door.

  He leaned his forehead against hers. “Bad timing on his behalf,” he whispered.

  Hesitantly, he let go of her and opened the door.

  “I didn’t interrupt anything, did I?” Mat’s dad said with a big grin as he stepped towards Tiffany. “Nice meeting you. I’m Hemi Apanui.”

  “Nice meeting you, too,” she responded softly.

  “I don’t usually barge in like this, but I do like giving my son a bit of a hard time,” he explained, as he placed his hand on his son’s shoulder. “I’d better leave you two be. Just don’t get anything started. Your cup of tea is waiting for you in the lounge room.”

  Tiffany blushed, and Mat rolled his eyes.

  “Parents,” Tiffany said once Hemi had left the room.

  He nodded. “Who would’ve thought that at the age of thirty I’d still have my parents around when bringing home a beautiful girl?”

  She snorted and took his hand. “Let’s have this cup of tea.”

  But before they did, he pulled her closer again to steal another kiss.

  They joined his parents in the big lounge room, where she had her cup of tea and endured the many questions from Harriet and Hemi. An hour later, though, she excused herself to take a shower.

  “I’m sorry, but I feel sticky from the flight.”

  “We understand,” Harriet replied. “You go and refresh while I prepare dinner.”

  A few minutes later, there was only a door between him and Tiffany — naked. Mat groaned and rubbed his hands over his face when he stood, but froze when the door opened.

  “Oh,” was all she
said when she saw him in front of her. Covered with only a towel, her cheeks flushed, she muttered, “I forgot the soap.”

  He groaned as his gaze slid over her body. “You’re killing me here, Tiff.”

  A shy grin spread across her face, and he moved toe to toe with her, cupped her face, and kissed her. Deep and hard as he backed her into the bathroom and perched her on the counter, pressing himself between her legs. He trailed little kisses down her throat, when suddenly he noticed she wasn’t touching him.

  He looked up and met her gaze. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  She placed a finger on his lips. “Don’t be. I like it, but I feel…How about we continue in there?” she suggested with a nod towards the shower.

  Heat shot straight to his groin, and he unwrapped the towel, touching her reverently, feeling as though he’d been waiting his whole life for this moment.

  Never had he wanted someone as much as he wanted Tiffany, and for the next half an hour they explored each other’s bodies as the water cascaded over them.


  The next morning, Tiffany sat on the terrace and sipped at her tea as she took in the view in front of her. The lake was completely still, with the reflection of the mountains crystal clear in solid colours of blue and white, green and stone like she’d never seen before. It was the most stunning panorama she’d ever seen. Contentment settled in her chest, so intense it almost made her choke. The connection to the land surprised her, yet she didn’t push it away, but embraced it. Of course, it’d been less than twenty-four hours, but the few things she’d seen so far made her love the country, made her understand the passion in Mat’s voice whenever he talked about New Zealand.

  She cradled the cup of tea in her palms as she took another sip.

  Everything here was so much more than she’d expected. The massive house, the large balcony, huge kitchen with a big TV to look at, all those rooms, each with a massive window front, big bathrooms, and showers. Oh yes, the showers were spacious, too, as she’d found out. Guilt crept up in her, mixed with some embarrassment as she remembered how she’d fallen asleep on Mat when they’d gone to bed after dinner.


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