Their Bond Through Jade

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Their Bond Through Jade Page 12

by Iris Blobel

  “It’s a beautiful view, isn’t it?”

  Startled, she looked up at Harriet, a smile curving her lips. Mat’s mother was probably in her early fifties, but she kept in good shape, and the blue dress she wore showed off her nice figure perfectly. Her wavy hair was held back with a blue headband matching her eye colour. She was a beautiful woman.

  “I can’t get enough of it,” Tiffany admitted.

  “The boys still out running?”

  Tiffany nodded.

  “May I join you?”

  “Please, do.”

  Harriet pulled a chair and sat, but didn’t say anything. Instead, she gazed into the distance. They sat in silence for a long while before Mat’s mother broke the quiet.

  “I’m truly sorry you had to meet the parents on your first visit.”

  Tiffany looked down at her cup, unsure of how much Mat might have told them about the circumstances of how they’d met, she decided not to mention it. They’d had such a nice evening with a flowing conversation throughout dinner the previous night, but it’d been all about everything else, avoiding private questions. She’d learnt about Hemi’s rugby career and was teased about her lack of knowledge. Harriet had told the story of how she’d met him during her holidays with her family. She’d been just sixteen. It’d been romantic, scary, and turbulent all at the same time with both trying to keep their relationship out of the media. It’d been different during those days, but the newspapers were relentless even then, especially considering Harriet’s age.

  Tiffany had loved listening to them. Their bond, between Hemi and Harriet and as a family, was evident. Even though Mat’s older brother, Natana, hadn’t been there.

  Harriet’s subtle cough brought her back to the now.

  “I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you. I had a lovely time last night,” Tiffany replied.

  “I am very pleased to hear that. Matiu’s very fond of you. I would’ve been very upset to know we’d be the cause of some—” She paused, studying Tiffany’s face.

  “I have a feeling if I was bothered by your presence, Mat wouldn’t be that fond of me anymore. It’s obvious how important you are to him.”

  She nodded several times. “Yes, I believe you’re right.” Her gaze drifted back across the lake which glimmered under the rays of the morning sun. “It’s so beautiful here. Of course, we’d like to have him closer to Auckland, but when he sent me a video of the house and the view, I told Hemi that Matiu was going to buy the house no matter what.”

  No words could express how much she agreed with Harriet, so Tiffany stayed quiet.

  “Anyway, I’d better pack up. I know the house is still missing most of the comforts, but don’t be shy, let Matiu know if you need something. Men can be rather oblivious to women’s needs. First thing he bought was this massive TV instead of a fridge or pots and pans. Not to mention a washing machine.”

  “Oh my, I hope he didn’t buy that just because of my visit.”

  “You’ll be right, love. He would’ve needed these things sooner or later anyway. Now he doesn’t have to pack up everything from Fox Glacier, but only the few items he doesn’t want to sell.”

  Tiffany still felt guilty about all the money he’d spent for her. Although it did make sense to sell everything at the west coast, they were still expenses he probably didn’t need.

  “You have to keep a watchful eye on what he packs when you go to his house in Fox Glacier.”

  She arched a brow.

  “He’ll take you there early next week, he told us. Wants to introduce you to Lucy.” Harriet paused, her eyebrows shot up. “You know Lucy’s his helicopter, don’t you?”

  Amused, Tiffany replied, “Yes, he’s told me about Lucy.”

  “Thank goodness, otherwise I could’ve easily started a rumour.”

  “Sorry, I just wasn’t aware we’re travelling to the west coast.”

  “You have to. You have to see a bit more of this beautiful country than Queenstown. There’s Lake Wanaka, the glaciers, and I believe he wants to take you to Dunedin as well.”

  Tiffany took another sip of her hot drink, overwhelmed by the information. Lake something-something, glaciers, and Dunedin. It sounded like a full program. But spending the whole time with Mat was the icing on the cake.

  “I look forward to it,” she said just above a whisper. “Although I’m hoping that my meeting with Lucy will be strictly down to earth, so to speak.”

  Harriet laughed, and something inside Tiffany stirred. It was the same laugh as Mat’s: a laugh that warmed her heart because it was so genuine and soft.

  “You have to let Matiu take you up on one of the glaciers. It’s the most wonderful experience. Matiu is a very experienced helicopter pilot. You’ll be safe in his hands. And if he doesn’t fly Lucy, Sam will. Matiu will let nobody else fly the helicopter.”

  She bit the inside of her cheeks, worried about the flight. But his mother’s words were reassuring. “So, you’ve flown with Mat?”

  “Oh, yes,” Harriet replied with a beaming smile. “Lots of times. The first time was dreadful. It’d taken Hemi, Matiu, and Natana over half an hour to get me into the small metal thing, but once we flew across the valley and over the glacier...” She exhaled a long breath and that simple gesture told more than any words.

  Tiffany wanted to ask so much more to put her mind at ease, but the deep voice from inside the house announced Hemi. She looked at him when he stepped outside to join them.

  “Morena6, Harry.” Hemi leaned closer and placed a kiss on his wife’s cheek.

  Tiffany stared at him, still surprised by the similarities between father and son, yet most of Mat’s character traits seemed to be from his mother. Despite being in his late-fifties, Hemi looked fit and in very good shape, having run ten kilometres with his son without showing any signs of fatigue. The Maori gene was more defined, with his skin a touch darker than Mat’s. He wore a similar ta moko over his arm and shoulder. His hair was a bit longer than his son’s, and the lines around his eyes were more defined, and like his wife, he always had a smile on his face.

  “Good morning, Tiffany. I hope you slept well?”

  “I did, thank you.”

  “Mat’s on the phone but promised he won’t be long.” He pulled a chair closer to his wife and sat.

  “Don’t get comfortable, Hemi. You need to have a shower and help Matiu with the desk before we leave.”

  He winked at Tiffany. “Even though she’s third generation English, she still hasn’t got the kiwi laid back nature in her.”

  Tiffany watched the two teasing each other with some envy. She thought back to her parents and admitted to herself that, although not as open as the couple in front of her, they had always been treating each other with loving gestures. Warmth spread through her as she imagined herself with Mat like that in twenty years.

  The thought jumped at her, surprised her, but at the same time settled her. All the worry she’d had the previous days about coming to New Zealand on her own to meet a man she hardly knew, faded away more and more.

  Mat joined them a few minutes later, placing a kiss on her cheek.

  “I’ve found your favourite place,” she told him with a smile.

  He turned, hands on hips, and stared into the distance. “I had to have the house as soon as I saw this.”

  “I can see why.”

  With the same ease as his father, he pulled a chair closer and sat then whispered in her ear. “My second favourite. You showed me my new favourite spot last night.”

  Heat shot into her cheeks, which apparently he noticed, considering his low chuckle.

  He leaned back, crossed his feet at the ankles, and folded his arms. “When’s your flight?”

  “Two o’clock. I’ve told your dad to have a shower and help you with the desk.”

  “Nah, he’ll be all right. Enjoy the morning. We can do the desk next time.” He looked at Tiffany. “Have you had breakfast?”
/>   She nodded.


  Surprised and unsure by the question, she shrugged.

  “Good. We will drop off Mum and Dad and go up the gondola to have lunch at the restaurant at the top.”

  “Wonderful idea,” Harriet piped up. “And you have to have a go at the luge.”

  “Luge?” Tiffany asked.

  “It’s like a toboggan, but this one’s not on ice,” Hemi explained as he stood. “You’ll love it.”

  New Zealand, the country of adventure — Tiffany wasn’t more aware of it as at that moment. Anxious and excited at the same time about the next two weeks.


  Mat wasn’t able to take his eyes off Tiffany as they rode up the mountain in the gondola. A little quiver at the corners of her mouth told him how tense she was, despite her eyes darting around, indicating the intensity with which she took in the scenery. Suddenly, she startled, and he followed her gaze to the helicopter taking off from just above them to the side.

  “Are you going to fly a helicopter from here?” She leaned around a little farther. “Oh, my God, look at this tiny little take-off spot. How can they land and take off on such a small place?”

  The side of his mouth arched as he took her hand. “Trent’s flying this helicopter. He is one of the most talented pilots around. And, no, this is not where I’m going to have my helipad. Mine will be a little bit farther out of town.”

  “You know this guy?”

  “Yeh, I know this guy. I kind of know most of the people in the tourism business. You need the connections if you want to be successful.”

  Tiffany met his gaze. “Once you have your business up and running, where are you going to take the tourists?”

  He lifted his hand and pointed to the scenery in front of them. “As far as your eyes can see, this is where I take people. Across the lake. Across the Remarkables, and even farther, if they want. There’s nothing better than seeing all this from up above.” Placing his arm around her shoulders, he said, “I’ll take you one day so you can be my consultant for where to go.”

  “Who says I’m coming back?” she said with a soft laugh.

  He chuckled. “Who says I’m letting you go?”

  Seeing her now familiar flushing cheeks, he experienced an intense rush of attraction. He wanted to pull her into his arms and not let go. Wanted her body wrapped around him, to taste her soft skin, and feel it under his fingers. He’d been aware of the attraction before, but this time the idea stayed in his mind. It wasn’t a flirt or a woman he was drawn to. It was more.

  He leaned in to give her a kiss. With his arm around her shoulders, he gently tugged her closer, happy to have her with him. Never had a gondola ride been more exciting or sexier than today with Tiffany.

  Once they arrived at the top, they headed straight to the restaurant. Again, he watched with a bit of amusement how she neglected her meal because she needed to take everything in. Watching the people around her, the bike riders racing down the hill, the helicopter coming and going, and the queue of the luge ride.

  “That’s next on our list to do,” he said, following her gaze.

  “I can’t do that. I know I’m no good.”

  “Baby, it’s not about being good at it. It’s about having fun, and trust me, if the little kiddos can do it, so can you.” He studied her face. “I’ll be right there beside you.”

  They finished their meals and had a cup of tea before joining the queue for the luge outside. After picking up their helmets, they went on a chairlift that took them a little bit farther up the hill. Eventually, after about ten minutes, they made it onto the track. Mat watched her as she hung onto every word the instructor told her, concentrating as if she were about to ride a Formula One car.

  “Baby, relax,” he shouted from behind her. “Check out the boy over there. I’m sure he’s no older than seven or eight. And he can do it.”

  She moved the steering bar forward, careful not to take up too much speed. The white knuckles told him how hard she was holding on.

  “Would you like me to be in front of you? I’ll be with you all the way.”

  “Oh-my-God,” she screamed as the luge sped down the little slope. “Oh…my…God,” she shouted again, as she turned around the first curve with increased speed.

  A bark of laughter escaped him as he listened to her squeals of excitement. He was sure it was excitement, because their slow drive down turned into a race, with Tiffany taking on the challenge in overtaking all the small children in front of her.

  Her screaming didn’t stop until they reached the end of the track. After they returned the luge, he took her in his arms, kissed her with so much passion, with everything he had; telling her how much he’d enjoyed the ride.

  “Baby, you’re about the sexiest thing when you’re having fun,” he whispered into her ear.

  Her arms flung around his neck. “Oh, my God, Mat, I had no idea how much fun this is. Please, I need to do it again.” Her delight was obvious, and it was like an aphrodisiac to him. He couldn’t get enough. He doubted he ever would.

  He gave her another kiss and said against her lips, “Your wish is my command, ma’am.”

  And for the second time that day, they queued for the chairlift and once more went up the hill for the luge before racing down the track again with him behind Tiffany who screamed like a little girl having the time of her life.

  Exhausted but cheerful, they spent a little more of the afternoon in the restaurant for a drink before they returned down the mountain and back to the house later that day. Mat whipped up some dinner. She’d hardly finished her meal when he took her hand and led her to his bedroom.

  “Come on. Let me show you my new favourite place in the house.”

  “Your bedroom?” she asked, looking around.

  Stepping closer, he placed his hand around her waist, slow enough to give her time and space to tell him to stop. He stared at her face for a moment, before he lowered his head and brushed his lips over hers, pulling her tighter. His hand moved under her shirt, touching her bare skin.

  “Baby,” he whispered into her ear. “Yesterday was sex. Today, we’re going to make love.”

  A little whimper escaped her, and he loved the sound. He traced her cheekbone with his thumb and moved to unbutton her shirt. Reeling in the spell hovering over them, he slowly ran his fingers along the back of her bra until he found the hook and unsnapped it to expose her breasts.

  “So beautiful,” he whispered, as he cupped each of them with his hands.

  She touched his lips with hers before placing her hands on his chest. Their warmth was all he needed for his groin to tighten. Slowly, his hands made their way down her body, then he scooped her up against him and carried her to his bed.

  When she pulled at his shirt, he didn’t resist, letting her draw it over his head. “I want to touch you,” she whispered, as her hand followed the traces of his tattoo, down his chest until she found his nipples. He jerked as her intimate touch sent a surge of desire and warmth through him. Easing her down into the pillow, he lay over her. With soft movements, he started to caress, nibbled her earlobe, moving his hands along her arms, over her shoulders, and down to her breasts.

  “So responsive,” he murmured, moving his tongue over her nipples.

  “Mat.” Her groan, so sexy and sweet.

  He travelled farther down her body, showering her with kisses, trying hard not to miss a spot as he explored her pleasure points.

  “Shh,” he said as he shifted his weight and placed kisses on her thigh, first one and then the other, before moving up. Tiffany arched towards him, moaning softly as his tongue explored her most sensitive spot. With one slow, knowing stroke he drove her right to the edge, and when he slid a finger into her body, it didn’t take much for her to cry out for release.

  While she was still trembling, he moved up her body and lowered himself again, gently sliding into her.

hands gripped his shoulders. “Mat. I…”

  “I want to see your eyes when you come, baby. Please open your eyes for me.”

  Looking into those blue eyes of hers brought him close to the point of no return. He withdrew, slowly, and entered again. A little faster, and as his pace increased, gentle and teasing, she met him with each thrust. Their bodies were in harmony when he exploded in a downpour of sensations, throbbing through him like ecstasy until they both came.

  Long moments passed as Mat held her close against him until her shudders calmed and subsided.

  Never had he felt as close to anyone as he had with Tiffany at that moment. The first time he’d met her less than a few weeks earlier, he’d sensed there was something between them that defied description, yet had held him hostage since.

  Gently, he tugged her closer and placed a kiss on her forehead. “Definitely my favourite spot in the house now, hands down.”


  A couple of days and heaps of lovemaking later, Tiffany and Mat packed their bags in the car and headed towards Fox Glacier at the west coast. The drive took them up a steep road, which zigzagged to the summit just outside Queenstown. Once they were close to a viewing area, Tiffany had to ask Mat for a small break to take some deep breaths of fresh air. A little queasy, she climbed from the vehicle and stretched.

  “You all right?”

  She nodded. “Sorry. Yes, just give me a minute or two. My stomach is not used to alpine driving.”

  Mat chuckled as he gave her a small bottle of water. “Have a sip of water.”

  Grateful, she took it. “Is the rest going to be like this?”

  Another chuckle. “Nah. It’ll be smooth sailing from here on.”


  They got back into the car and made their way to the town of Wanaka along Lake Wanaka. Mat parked the car, and they strolled along the main road.

  “How about I meet you back here in half an hour while you do a little sightseeing and I organise lunch, ay?” he suggested.


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