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Play Nice

Page 5

by L. P. Maxa

  She rolled her eyes. “I just wanted something to drink.”

  “There’s whiskey in the bedroom.” I led her to the room. Dagger followed and tried to get on the bed again. “Dags, no. Down.” I pointed at the floor. He just stood there staring at me. “DOWN.” Nothing. “Lexi what’s wrong with your dog?”

  “Maybe he knows what you’re planning to do to me. Maybe he doesn’t approve.” She shrugged and leaned against the wall, her eyes dancing with humor.

  I mumbled, “Maybe Luke put him up to it.” She laughed but I wasn’t joking. I heard the door to the bus open and voices in the living room. I opened the door and stuck my head out. “Smith. Smith! Come here.”

  He came down the hall looking bored, followed by Jacks who wore a shit-eating grin. “Need me to show you how it’s done?”

  I flipped him off. “Are y’all going out tonight?”

  Smith shook his head. “Nah. My dick is still recovering from the head from hell.”

  I winced. “Jesus. Was it that bad?”

  “I told you it was! Now can Lex rub my hair and feel sorry for me?”

  I heard Lexi giggle behind me. She found all this very amusing. “No, she’s busy. I need you to take Dagger. He won’t lie down and he keeps looking at me. I think he’s judging me.”

  Jacks chuckled, “Come here Dagger, you’re throwing your new daddy off his game.” I flipped him off again, opening the door so Dags could clomp his way down the hall with Jacks and Smith.

  I shut and locked the door, then turned to find Lexi lying on the bed in nothing but some black lacey panties and a bra that barely contained her breasts. “I guess the wooing is over then?”

  She laughed. “Wooing is over. You did a really great job though. I was actually impressed.”

  I peeled off my shirt and stepped out of my jeans and boxers. I wasn’t shy, no reason to be; I was blessed. “You ain’t seen nothing yet, Kitten.”

  Chapter Twelve


  Holy mother of… He was so gorgeous he looked fake. Tattoos crept up and down his lean muscular arms. Music notes littered his toned stomach. His dark hair was a mess from performing all night. I stared at him openly, smiling. “Well? You gonna make a move or what?”

  He placed his knee on the bed, crawling up body. “Just waiting for you to get done eye fucking me.” I laughed. He wasn’t wrong. He put his hands on my knees, spreading them to make room for himself between my legs. He put his cock at my core and moved just enough to cause some friction. He kissed my chest, moving the straps of my bra out of the way, kissing my shoulders. When his mouth finally found mine I couldn’t contain my moan. Everything he did was so perfect; he knew just the right way to push every button, to make me want to beg for it. “Dash. Please.” My words came out as a whisper. I couldn’t seem to find my voice.

  He reached into the nightstand. My eyes followed his movements. The top drawer was full of condoms—like filled to the brim. There had to be a hundred of them. I inwardly rolled my eyes. Fucking rock stars. No pun intended. Dash put the condom under the pillow and continued to torture me. He nibbled and licked his way around my body. Taking his time he used his fingers to bring me to the brink time and again, only to pull back. I ran my nails up and down his back, scratching him lightly. I wanted to leave my mark. The feel of his body against mine was pure perfection. He kissed me like his life depended on it. I felt like I was being worshipped.

  Finally he grabbed the condom, rolled it on and positioned his long length at my core. “Look at me, Kitten.” I did as I was told. “Tell me you want this as much as I do. I need to here you say the words. Say that you are right here with me, no doubts.”

  I placed my hands at his hips, pulling him forward, easing him inside of me. “I want you, I want this.” Once he was buried to the hilt we both let out a breath I didn’t know we’d been holding. He filled me completely. He filled me in the most amazing way possible. When he started to move, my body started to shiver. He was that good. Every thrust was perfect. His body was made for mine. “Oh God, Dash. Don’t fucking stop.”

  He chuckled, “You have a mouth on you, Kitten.” He slammed into me twice before nuzzling my ear. “Say it again.”

  I brought my legs up higher on his waist, wanting him deeper, harder. “Don’t stop fucking me. Oh God, don’t stop.” And he didn’t. It felt like he was inside me for hours. Every time my cries would build, he’d pull back so I didn’t finish. He was prolonging this, taking his time. It was becoming too much, too intense. My need to fly over the edge was bordering on painful. I scratched my nails down his back and bit his chest. “Please. I need…”

  I felt his body tighten, the sounds that were coming out of his throat were purely animalistic. My body responded instantly. I couldn’t stop my orgasm this time even if I had wanted too. It overwhelmed me in the most amazing way possible. I’d never had an orgasm like the one Dash had just given me.

  He gripped my hips harder, driving into me over and over again. “Oh God…”

  When he came the sensation of him pulsing inside of me was so hard it sent me flying over the edge again. “Oh God!”

  “Oh God, Lexi.” His head was resting on my shoulder. We were both still panting, trying to catch our breath. I trailed my hands up and down his back. He was covered in a fine sheen of sweat—hell, we both were.

  “Dash, that was so fucking amazing and—”

  “Oh God.” I felt Dash pull out.

  I giggled, “Are you still coming? Damn, you’re right, new level of impressed here.”

  Dash sat back on the bed, his head in his hands. “Oh God. Lex, are you on the pill?”

  I felt the blood drain from my face. “No. What? Why? What happened?”

  “The condom broke…well it fucking exploded.” I followed his gaze down to his hands. No joke, the condom was shredded. “Who the hell isn’t on the pill these days?!”

  “Excuse me? Who the fuck doesn’t pull out?! I should be the one freaking out here. How many girls have you banged in the last thirty days?! Holy shit.” I was suddenly sweating for a completely different reason. I piled my hair on top of my head and shook out my hands. They felt like they were going numb. “Okay, okay, just give me second to think.”

  “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have yelled at you. You’re right. I should have pulled out.” He mumbled under his breath, “I always fucking pull out.” He shrugged. “And I’ve never not worn a condom and this is the first one to ever break. I swear, I’m clean.”

  I shook my head, holding up my hand to silence him. “Stop talking. Let me count.”

  Dash had gotten up and thrown the condom away. He was digging around in the drawer checking expiration dates before tossing the condoms to the side. “Count? Count what?”

  “Stop talking.” Maybe we had nothing to worry about, maybe it was the wrong time of the month and everything would be just fine. After all there were only like five days out of the month that you could actually get pregnant. I closed my eyes and started counting back to my last period. Nope. Not fine, not even in the realm of fine. “Okay, I don’t want to alarm you, but this bad.”

  “How bad?” He stood up and started pacing the small room, buck naked. Good thing he had sent Dagger out; he wouldn’t have had any room otherwise.

  “Let’s just say, if we were trying to make a baby…now would be the perfect time to give it a shot.” I watched as Dash crumpled to the floor. It wasn’t a funny situation, but it was too comical not to laugh as he crawled to a nearby shelf and grabbed a bottle of whiskey. He crawled to the bed and came to sit next to me. “What now?”

  He opened the bottle, took a pull and handed it to me. “Now we get drunk. Then we screw some more, because what could it hurt at this point…and in the morning we wake up early and go get that morning after pill thing. Problem solved, easy peasy.”

  Was that what I wanted? Was I okay with that? My mind was a jumble of thoughts and what ifs. I wasn’t ready to be a parent. Dash and I weren’t even da
ting. I took a big gulp off the bottle. The warm liquid traveled down my throat and I could literally feel my anxiety dissipating. “You’re calmer than I thought you’d be.” I took another drink. “It’s that simple? We keep fucking and drinking and then stumble to the nearest drug store thoroughly satisfied and completely hung over? Seems kind of irresponsible.”

  Dash took the bottle back, drank some, and then kissed my shoulder. “Sounds fun though.” He placed a soft kiss on my neck, then another under my ear. “Plus, I’m still horny. Once wasn’t enough. I need more.” He ran his finger from my neck to my nipple. “I promise I’ll be more careful this time. Trust me?”

  My eyes closed in ecstasy; just his touch could bring me to my knees. I should tell him no. I should put my clothes back on and take this as a sign. But I wanted him too. I needed to have him inside again. I knew I wouldn’t be able to walk away from him. Why fight it? “Yes.”

  “Good girl, Kitten.” Those were the last words I remembered hearing that night.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I woke up for the second morning in a row completely tangled up in Lexi. Her eyes were closed, her breathing steady. Our room smelled like sex and whiskey. We had spent the remainder of the night drinking and fucking. Nonstop. We laughed and danced and kissed. It was the best night I’d ever spent with a girl¸ aside from the shredded condom incident. But I was going to fix that ASAP, no worries. I sat up and let my eyes rake down her body. She was so damn beautiful. Her hair shone in the sunlight. Sunlight? Why was there sunlight? We had set an alarm to get up at seven and go to the drug store. I checked my watch. One p.m.?! Holy fucking shit. “Kitten, wake up. Lexi! Get up, baby.” I jumped out of bed and threw on my jeans from last night. Lexi threw a pillow at my head. I slapped her sexy naked ass. “Lexi, wake the hell up. We overslept by like five fucking hours.”

  At that she jolted up right. Her hair was all over the place and I was pretty sure she had a hickey on her neck. Oops. “I thought you set an alarm?!” She was pulling on clothes from the floor. The shirt she threw on belonged to Jacks, but at least the pants were hers.

  “I did. I don’t know what happened! Maybe it was all the whiskey or the constant orgasms. This is partly your fault, you know.” I stepped over countless condom wrappers and threw open the bedroom door. I raced down the hall with Lex right behind me. “Stop the bus! For the love of God please stop the bus.” The entire band was sitting in the living room, staring at us like we had lost our damn minds.

  Smith raised his eyebrows in question. “Uh…first of all, your pants are on backwards. Second of all, why?”

  Lexi and I looked at each other. I took a deep breath. “I need to go to the store. The drug store.”

  Jacks held up his hand for a high five. “You two went through all those fucking condoms?! Holy shit! You are a rock sex god.” We all ignored him. “Is Lexi wearing my shirt?”

  Luke gestured out the window. “Look even if we did stop the bus we haven’t passed another car in an hour, let alone any drug stores.”

  Smith shrugged. “What? Are you a condom snob now? Just wait till we get to the next gas station.”

  Lexi sat on the floor next to Dagger, leaning her face into his neck. I had to make this right. I had to be the man and find a way to fix this. I walked back into the bedroom and pulled out my cell phone and called Chase. He was following the bus in a U-Haul. “Hey man, I need you to do me a huge fucking favor. I’ll pay you time and a half and I’ll owe you one.”

  “Sure, bud, what’s up?”

  I took a deep breath. I trusted Chase, but still if it got out into the media that Dash Conner had an employee out trying to score him the morning after pill…it could have some drastic repercussions, especially in this part of the country. “I need you to hop on my bike and find me a drug store. I need the morning after pill. And I need it like yesterday.” There was a few seconds of silence on the other end of the line. “Chase?”

  “Yeah I’m here, just you know, in a car full of people. So…I’ll get it done. No worries.”

  “Thanks, man.” I hung up and went back into the living room. No one was talking. Luke looked pissed, Jacks looked excited, and Smith looked confused. Lexi? Lexi was harder to read. She was still sitting by Dagger, but she was looking at Luke. I sat down next to her and cupped her face in my hands, kissing her sweetly before whispering, “I’ve got it covered, okay?” I rested my forehead against hers and I felt her nod. Suddenly this image of Lexi with a round belly popped into my head. It made me smile. Whoa, was that what I wanted? Did I—

  Luke cleared this throat, “What the fuck is going on?”

  I leaned back on Dagger’s side and closed my eyes. “Nothing, man. Leave it alone.”

  Luke stood and called Dagger to his side of the room, making me fall back on to the floor. “Like hell I’ll leave it alone. Did you hurt her? I’ll kill you.”

  I stood up, taking a step towards him. “Mind your own business. This is between me and Lex.” Luke took a step towards me. We were getting closer to throwing punches with every word.

  Lexi stood up between us, putting a hand on each of our chests. I hated that she was touching him. She was mine. “Both of you, stop. You are acting ridiculous.” She looked up at Luke. “Of course he didn’t hurt me. What kind of question is that?” I put my hand over hers and took a step back, bringing her with me. Luke narrowed his eyes but kept his mouth shut. Lexi shrugged. “It’s not that big of deal, really. A condom broke.”

  Both Jacks and Smith jumped to their feet. Jacks ran to the bedroom calling over his shoulder, “Did you check the dates?! Are they faulty?”

  Smith started pacing the room. “Was it just that one? Did you test others? We should throw them all out and get new ones.” Jacks came into the room holding handfuls of empty condom wrappers. “Good, looks like they tested a bunch of them.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Oddly, Jacks had broken some of the tension in the room when he walked out carrying all of our condom wrappers. Now everyone knew without a doubt that I had slept with Dash. Everything was out in the open. But I could feel the tension rolling off of Luke. I couldn’t just sit here in a room full of loaded silence. “Who’s hungry? It’s lunchtime right?”

  Smith had sat back down in the recliner. He was using his foot to rub Dagger’s belly. “Dags told me that he wanted you to make chicken salad for lunch.”

  “Dags isn’t allowed to eat chicken salad. He’s mayonnaise intolerant. Believe me, we learned that the hard way.” I ruffled Smith’s hair.

  He looked up at me. “Dags said that since you kept me up all night, you should make me chicken salad.”

  “I am almost positive I was not the reason you were up last night. Didn’t you have a room full of groupies to work through?”

  “Not last night, I was still in recovery. And you totes kept me up, you’re a screamer Lex.” Smith pointed at Jacks. “Dude, back me up.”

  Dash reached over and punched Smith in the arm. “That’s enough.” His words sounded harsh, but the smile on his face gave him away.

  “You two bang until five a.m. and I’m the one getting hit? I went the longest walk I could.” Smith rubbed his arm, bottom lip sticking out like a toddler.

  Jacks was back to lying on the floor next to Dagger. “You should have worn earplugs like I did. Between those and the sound of the Dagmeister snoring, I slept like a baby. Can I have a sandwich too?”

  I glanced over at Dash. He was staring at me wearing a horny smile. “I think after lunch we need to take a nap, Kitten.”

  I bit my lip and shook my head. Of course knowing that everyone heard me scream his name would turn him on. His ego was the size of Texas. I rolled my eyes and headed towards the kitchen. “Anyone else want one? Luke? Dash, are you hungry?”

  Dash chuckled, “I’m suddenly starving, baby.”

  Luke threw down his phone and stomped past me. “I’ll help you, Lex.” We all heard him start slam
ming cabinets.

  Dash went to stand but I put my hand on his shoulder to stop him. “It’s fine, Dash. I can handle Luke.” He took my hand in his and kissed my palm.

  “I know you can handle him, Lex. But there is no reason for him to take out his shit on you. If he’s pissed at me, he should take it out on me. If he doesn’t want to see or hear about us being together, he needs to ride with the road crew.” He looked towards the kitchen. “I mean it, Lex. If I hear him raise his voice one time, I’m coming in there.”

  I popped Smith on the back of the head as I walked by. “Do you have to be such a damn instigator?” When I got in the kitchen Luke had all the ingredients on the counter and was opening a can of chicken. “Luke, I—”

  He whirled on me. “Are you kidding me, Lex? I mean I knew he wanted you, but really? You are way too good for him. You deserve better and you fucking know it. Stop selling yourself short. I thought you were over the bad boy stage.” Thank hell he was whisper-yelling and not yelling-yelling.

  “Luke, that’s enough. I am an adult, I make my own choices, and right now I am choosing to spend time getting to know Dash and—”

  “Getting to know? Or fucking?” I could tell he regretted the words the instant they left his mouth; his face said it all.

  “I’m going to give you a free pass on that one because I know you are just looking out for me. But you don’t need to protect me from Dash. He has been nothing but amazing to me. He is sweet and romantic and caring.” I stood next to him at the counter and went about making lunch for everyone. “Now stop worrying so damn much and have fun with me. I mean, come on! Once in a lifetime stuff happening right now.”

  He didn’t smile like I thought he would, instead he looked sad as he said, “Twice in a lifetime, Lex. It may have been a way less glamorous tour, but we’ve done this together before.” He looked down and sighed, “Let’s just hope that this tour ends differently than the last.” Then he left.


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