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The New Breed

Page 10

by Jaden Sinclair

  Sex was something she was always afraid of, mostly because of her grandfather. He pounded into her that to lie down before being married was one of the dirtiest sins out there. That her sin would fall on that of a child, if she had one. Just like her. And it wasn’t pleasurable but painful. Well part of that is the truth. She was sore.

  But, man, if she didn’t have one hell of an orgasm!

  Damn! He’d made her want him—want to have sex with him—

  made her forget all about her grandfather’s warnings. “When I get my hands on you,” she mumbled to herself as she worked to get her shoes on. “I am going to skin you alive.”

  Dressed with his shirt and his scent around her, Jada stormed out of the cabin. She stopped and picked up a thick piece of wood before heading towards the house. She was hurt and angry and if she was going to have to face Kane, because she was damn sure he was at the house, then she was going to cause him pain. It was only fair.

  Jada ran all the way to the house and went around to the back.

  She stormed inside and swung wide at Kane the moment she saw him.

  “You bastard!” she yelled.

  “Oh, shit!” was the only thing Drake managed to get out before Jada came swinging at Kane. Both men ducked in the nick of time.

  “You no good rotten piece of shit!” she screamed, swinging again with her wooden weapon.

  Kane managed to jump back out of the way so she swung at air only. “I knew she was going to be upset but this is beyond anything I could have expected,” Kane said.

  “Shut up, Kane,” Drake growled. “Jada! Will you get a hold of yourself!” Drake yelled at her.

  “You don’t know what this rotten mutt has done to me!” she screamed, taking a swing at Kane again and huffing from the effort.

  Kane gave her a cheap grin as he again jumped back from her swing. From the look on his face, she knew that Kane was playing with her, and that pissed her off even more.

  “Name calling will only get you into trouble again, Jada,” Kane warned with his grin still in place. “It’s what started this in the first place.”

  “When I get my hands on you I am going to slice your balls off and feed them to you in a fucking stew!” she screamed at him.

  “Why do I get the feeling that there is more to this story? Want to share the rest?” Drake asked Kane.

  “Nothing more to tell, Drake,” Kane said in his emotionless, calm voice that Jada was beginning to hate. “Just a temper tantrum that I need to get under control.”

  “Think that might be a good idea.” Drake sighed, and added, “Before she trashes my house!”

  Jada took another swing at Kane and this time Kane caught the wood. He yanked it from her hands, slamming it on the counter behind him.

  “Now that we have that out of the way,” he told her, crossing his arms over his chest, leaning on the counter in a lazy manner. “Want to talk?”

  “Talk!” she gasped. “Now you want to fucking talk?” Kane frowned when she turned her back to him and began to rummage through a drawer. “I’m not going to fucking talk to you. I’m going to kill you!”

  * * * *

  Kane rolled his eyes and sighed when he saw her bring out a large butcher’s knife from the drawer. Before she had a chance to turn the thing on him, Kane was on her. He wrapped his arms around her tiny form, one hand over hers, putting enough pressure on her wrist to force her into dropping the knife.

  “Ow!” she cried out. “You’re hurting me.”

  Kane plucked her off her feet and walked them both out of the kitchen, heading for the stairs to her room. “I’m not hurting you, only holding you so you won’t hurt yourself.”

  “Bullshit! And this is not holding me, this is pinning me down.”

  she cried as she tried to twist her body out of his arms. “And all you have done is hurt me since we have come face to face.”

  Kane grunted when the heel of her foot made good contact with his leg. He worked at holding her tightly with one arm while he opened and closed her bedroom door, locking it behind him.

  Kane walked over to the bed and dropped Jada on it with a little extra force. He grinned again when he heard her scream in the pillow as he took a desk chair and dragged it over to the bed. He straddled the chair watching her as she hit and kicked on her bed, screaming out her frustrations.

  “Finished yet?” he asked her calmly, knowing by the way she acted that it only added to her aggravation.

  Jada turned on her side and tried to lunge at him. Kane caught her and like a child, he tossed her back on the bed. This time Jada’s screams of frustration suddenly turned into sobs. All of a sudden, she started to cry face down on her bed. Kane was speechless. He didn’t know what to say or how to comfort her. Hell, he didn’t know what to do in general. If she was screaming and fighting him, then he would know what to do. This crying he didn’t know shit about.

  “How could you?” she sobbed, keeping her face hidden. “How could you do that?”

  Kane sighed. “I’m sorry about your shoulder.”

  Jada turned around quickly, looking at Kane as if he lost his mind. “I’m not talking about my fucking shoulder, you moron.” She sniffed back her tears, wiping at her face quickly. “You know damn well what I’m talking about. How could you do all that to me?” she cried.

  Kane took a moment to think over his words carefully. Deep down he knew that no matter what he said to her now, Jada wouldn’t be happy. “I’m not going to apologize for taking you. I’ve been struggling since you came here not to touch you. I took what I felt was mine.”

  “What was yours?” She laughed in disbelief as she cried. “What was yours? How in the hell do you figure that you had any right to do that to me? You took the one thing that was mine—the one thing that I will never be able to get back or give freely.”

  “That one thing belonged to me!” he informed her harshly.

  Softening his face, he went on, “I never meant to hurt you or do all the things I did.” Kane spoke as soft and as gently as he could, but inside he wanted to shake some sense into her. “I’m sorry. I should have known this would happen. I saw the signs and ignored them.”

  Jada shook her head at him. “You should have stayed away from me if you knew this was going to happen.”

  Kane looked her dead in the eyes. “Then you have as much to learn about all of this as I do. Once I picked up your scent, no other woman would do. Drake taught me that.” Kane made sure that he had her full attention before he went on. “I picked up your scent the night you were taking photos of me and that woman. I picked it up again the first day you showed up here. To stay away from you made it this bad. What do you think it would have been like if I fought it longer?

  It would have been worse.”

  “Worse!” Jada frowned at him and scooted off the bed as far away from him as she could get. “You did wrong here, Kane. So wrong.” When he reached out to touch her, Jada jumped back.

  “Don’t.” Her hand went up and her finger pointed at him. “Don’t touch me. Ever again.”

  Kane cocked his head at the challenge. “I plan on touching a lot more of you, Princess.” He stood back up, hands going to the snap and zipper of his jeans.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” She backed away from him, but lucky for him there weren’t too many places for her to go.

  Kane stripped to his bare skin before her. He stood in all his naked glory, letting Jada get her first good look at his body; including the large cock standing at attention. Something he didn’t do back in his cabin. “Just what I said I was. I’m going to touch you.”

  “You’re crazy!” she said in disbelief. “You are really out of your mind if you think I’m going to let you fuck me again.”

  Kane walked up to her, or more like backed her up against the wall, standing mere inches from her. He grinned, sniffing the air around him. “I must be crazy because I want you again desperately.”

  He leaned into her and braced his
hands on the wall above her head.

  “You want me just as much as I want you. I can smell it.”

  Jada swallowed hard. “No, I don’t.”

  Kane smiled. “I can smell that lie as well as I can smell you.” He touched her jaw, running his hand down her neck over her breasts to her jeans once again. With a jerk, he had the snap undone and the zipper down.

  “Stop that,” she whispered.

  Kane rested his forehead against hers. Both hands went to her waist. Fingers slipped into the waistband of her jeans and he groaned loudly. She didn’t have any panties on which reminded him that he ripped them off her.

  “You look good in my shirt,” he purred, going down to his knees.

  His shirt almost reached her knees due to her petite frame.

  He helped her once again out of her shoes so the jeans would come off, but he didn’t take them off. Instead, he rubbed her legs and tried to get her to calm down. To still her temper. “But you look better out of it.” Kane stood up with the bottom of the shirt in his hands. He moved it up to her stomach before she stopped him from taking it off her.

  “I can’t and won’t do this,” she whispered, tugging his hands free of the shirt and pushing away from him again. When he turned around, she tossed his jeans at him, which landed in his face. “Put them back on.”

  “Nothing is going to change what happened,” he told her while he got back into his jeans. “We crossed a line and there isn’t any going back.”

  “You’re right.” She hugged herself, more tears falling from her eyes. “You did cross a line. And I can make damn sure it never gets crossed again.”

  “You’re my mate, Jada.”

  She held up her hand and shook her head. “No, I’m not.” Her voice shook, making him want to go and wrap her in his arms. He hated how broken she sounded. “I’m just a girl you used.”

  She rushed to the door, unlocked it, and was out before it dawned on him that she was running away from him again. Kane quickly zipped and snapped his jeans closed and went after her. He made it down the stairs and was about to go out the front door but stopped with Drake’s yell.

  “Kane!” He turned and frowned. “Let her go.”

  “Drake…” Kane couldn’t keep the growl from his voice. He didn’t get to finish what he was about to say.

  Drake held up his hand, “Give her some space man. She’s a human who’s just been claimed. No human takes the news well.”

  “I can’t let her go,” he said through his teeth.

  “She’s not going anywhere. Cole is heading this way to get her so he’ll meet up with her.”

  “I don’t need Cole fighting my battles!” He could feel it. The need, the domination, the challenge that his mate was giving him.

  Everything that Drake told him he would feel after he claimed someone.

  “No one is going to keep you away from your mate, but you need to understand that she needs time to digest all of this.” Drake rubbed his face and sighed. “Put your sister in her shoes. Wouldn’t you want space between Sasha and her mate if she was claimed like that?”

  “Don’t bring Sasha into this.” Kane didn’t bother with keeping the threat out of his voice. “She’ll not be a part of this shit.”

  “And you don’t get to make that decision.”

  Kane lost it and grabbed Drake by the front of his shirt. He pushed him back, slamming him up against the wall. He snarled in his face. “No one will touch my sister, ever!”

  Drake hit him in the side of his face with the side of his arm, knocking him down to his knees. Before he could right himself, a solid punch landed in his stomach.

  “Hey!” Carrick came running down the stairs. She went up to Drake, pushing him away from Kane. “What the hell is going on?”

  “Nothing.” Drake shook his hand and rubbed it, but his eyes were still locked with Kane’s. “Just having a disagreement.”

  “With your fist?” Carrick’s voice pitched. “You know that shit doesn’t solve anything.”

  “No, but it makes me feel good.” Drake shrugged off Carrick’s hands and backed away. “You want to be a man, Kane. Get some fucking control over that temper. Your sister has the chance of being claimed just like Jada and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it. And you come at me like that again I’ll knock the piss out of you.”

  Kane kept his mouth shut and rubbed his jaw. He tasted blood, felt inside his lip and swore under his breath. Busted lip.

  “You okay?” Carrick came over to him, but he backed up before she could touch him.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Yeah, everyone is fine,” she sighed. “My ass! You all start acting like a bunch of pricks a few days before the full moon.”

  “Full moon?” Kane couldn’t stop the frown. Since Jada came, he hadn’t thought about it or for that matter knew when it was coming.

  “How long?”


  “How long before the full moon comes?”

  “Couple of days.”

  He sighed and rubbed his face. Time. What he needed was more time and Jada wasn’t going to give it to him. Stefan told him two years ago that once he had his mate his heat would be different. He wouldn’t be kept from her and if he were then he would hunt her down. There was a possibility of hurting anyone that might try to stand in his way.

  “Shit,” he breathed out heavily. “I don’t need that to come up right now.”

  “Kane, what’s going on?”

  He met her eyes and rubbed his jaw again. “I fucked up, Carrick.

  I became the animal that Stan has been trying to get me to be for years.” He stood up. “I took what wasn’t mine to take.”

  “Well then I say give her some space.” She touched his cheek gently and smiled. “And make up with Drake.” She gave him a small slap. “Not healthy for you to fight with your father, even if he is old enough to be your brother.”

  Kane couldn’t help it and smiled at her. “Yes, mother.”

  Carrick shivered and turned away from him. “Hate it when you call me that.”

  Chapter Six

  Jada spent the night locked up in her room away from Kane and everyone else. After some arguments, and lots of screaming, she ended up locking herself away since she couldn’t get them to let her leave or go stay at Cole’s place.

  What really surprised her most was how much she was crying over all of this. She wasn’t crying over Kane, but more over how fate fucked her over again. She landed in the protection of animals without manners. In her eyes, it wasn’t any better if she was out on the streets looking over her shoulder like before. At least that way she would know who was attacking her and what they were after. With Kane, she didn’t have a clue as to what was about to hit her until it was too late.

  Twenty-four hours since the encounter and her body felt like it had been through some battle, reminding her every time she moved that Kane took something that didn’t belong to him. Jada spent most of the night pacing the room, trying to think about what she was going to do in order to get out of this mess, but all she ended up doing was crying.

  When she stopped at the window to stare at the night she saw Kane standing outside the watching the window. He was still keeping an eye on her, waiting for her to try to run again so he could get his hands on her. She could feel his eyes on her, just as if she could still feel his hands on her body and his cock inside her tender pussy.

  With frustration, she closed the blinds after midnight, blocking everything from his eyes and went back to her pacing. Two more times she tried to get some sleep but failed. On the fourth try, she gave up with a groan, flipping the covers from the bed only to start the pacing again. It was now three in the morning.

  “Can’t sleep, Princess?” Jada spun around and there he was.

  Kane. “Neither can I it seems.” He stood in the doorframe, or more like leaning against it, arms crossed over his chest. His face showed no emotion, which only added to her bad mood.

“What are you doing here?” she demanded, hugging herself.

  “What’s it look like?” he answered. He showed her a plate filled with food. “You didn’t come down for dinner, so I thought I’d bring you something and we can talk while you eat. And I come to check on Sasha each night.”

  “I’m not hungry,” she stated, glaring at him. “And I’ve said all there was to say to you.”

  Kane walked into her room, kicking the door closed. He went over to the nightstand, putting the plate of food down. “Jada…”

  “No, Kane. It was agreed that you would stay…”

  “No!” he growled. She heard the anger in his voice then. “You demand that I stay away and Drake agreed with you for now. I never agreed to stay away from you.” Both hands went on his hips. “You have my mark.”

  “Only because you forced it on me!” Her chin trembled with a fresh set of tears. “Just like you forced yourself on me. The mark means nothing.”

  “The hell it doesn’t!” he yelled. “That mark means one thing…”

  He pointed his finger at her. “You’re mine, dammit.”

  “Yours?” she breathed out in disbelief. “Listen to yourself. I’m not your damn possession. I don’t belong to anyone.”

  “That mark on your shoulder means a hell of a lot more than either one of us completely understands,” he informed her with gritted teeth. “You are bound to me as I am to you.”

  “I’m not bound to you!” she screamed. “I’m not bound to anyone, you freak.” She motioned at the door, anger boiling over.

  “Get out.” Her legs gave out, causing her to drop to the floor. Not eating much for a couple of days and no sleep was starting to take effect on her body.

  “I’m not going anywhere.” He grabbed her arms, forcing her back to her feet. “I can’t walk out of here alone. Don’t you understand that? Don’t you comprehend what all of this means?” He shook her.


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