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ZetaTalk: Orientation

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by Nancy Lieder

  ZetaTalk: Orientation

  Nancy Lieder

  ZetaTalk: Orientation

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  The Zetas talk about whether Reincarnation exists; what the Key Characteristics of the two spiritual orientation choices are; what some Distinguishing Characteristics are; By What Names these alien group are known; what Spiritual

  Evolution is; whether it is myth or truth that Heaven and Hell awaits our decision on spiritual orientation; whether the choice is irrevocable or Switching Sides occurs and how there can be Merging Later; how there will be an Increasing

  Dichotomy and Rampant Violence during this Polarization Period, and how the Littleton Massacre and Amish

  Massacre and Virginia Tech Massacre and Nebraska Massacre and Star Wars and Genetic Engineering relates to this; how political leanings such as Conservatives show orientation and why Leveling Wars result; how the orientations differ in their Day to Day and in dealing with the Pole Shift and the Aftertime. The Zetas talk about how the Zetas communicating to us here are the Service to Other Zetas; how spiritual orientation works when one is Without a Body;

  what the orientation Lessons of 4th Density coming up next are; the differences in a Love Life between the orientations; whether it is all All Work, No Play with the Service-to-Others or are they a Little Bit Selfish; what the differences in the use of Telepathy are between the orientations, and how this affects Keeping Secrets and Telling the

  Truth; and how the orientations differ When Under Attack and in the Hands of Man and will differ during the coming

  Pole Shift.

  The Zetas talk about how we can attend to our Spiritual Health and how one can best develop Spiritual Awareness;

  whether the Self Righteous are right and self-help courses such as EST help; how determining our orientation is the lesson of 3rd Density and what factor Survival of the Fittest or the Tribulations or Life Circumstances we bear have on this; whether one can make a Conscious Choice of orientation and what our Self Doubts indicate; what concern for

  Animal Rights indicates; whether Original Sin exists and how our track record re Sin affects our spiritual orientation; how aliens of both orientations influenced the words in The Good Book and the Golden Rule should predominate; why the Fatima Secret is still secret and Pope Ratzinger chosen; why it always seems that humans Attempt to Dominate;

  whether Aggression is indicative of orientation; whether it helps to Turn the Other Cheek and what advice they have for the Good Samaritan; how to handle the issue of Trust or Divided Loyalties; and explain why there are no Short


  The Zetas talk about whether War and Crime are caused by a Few Bad Apples; who benefited from WW II; why there is Sadism; what Nuclear Tests have to do with orientation; whether there are industrial criminals on a Pollution Power

  Trip; who is responsible for Mutilations; why the Melchizedek Cult is is not what Melchizedek intended; whether the

  Emissaries of Light are either; whether Stonehenge was built and Dragons were brought to Earth in the past by aliens; and whether Antartica houses aliens in the Service-to-Self.

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  ZetaTalk: Reincarnation

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  ZetaTalk: Reincarnation

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Regarding reincarnation. It exists. Through the Rule of Forgetfulness you do not remember your past lives during an

  incarnation, unless circumstances cause you to remember. Each life, or incarnation, has a focus, a lesson. You may or

  may not succeed in learning this lesson, and in this case this lesson will be before you in future lives. Some entities learn faster than others. Some backslide, and need to repeat prior lessons. Progress in the lessons may be made in

  either the Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other path. Some lessons are harder to learn in this orientation or that. Entities sometimes find themselves switching orientations during lessons, but this is rare and usually fleeting.

  The Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other orientation involves not just the choice of what one's goals are, it involves

  how one relates to others while attempting to reach those goals. For instance, the Service-to-Self oriented entity

  desires to surround itself with luxury and other entities under its control. When interfacing with others, it concentrates on effecting domination, whether by fear and intimidation or by bribery. The Service-to-Others oriented entity has

  different goals, to assist others with their problems and to work jointly toward mutual goals. When interfacing with

  others, it moves toward clarifying the goals of the group, and then volunteering a role in reaching those goals.

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  ZetaTalk: Key Characteristics

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  ZetaTalk: Key Characteristics

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  There is a common misunderstanding, that being that Service-to-Others is all bleeding heart concern and the Service-

  to-Self is snarling greed. Nothing could be further from the truth. These animals come in various sizes and shapes.

  One must look for the key characteristics, in fact, to even identify them. An example, look to ourselves. We are

  Service-to-Others Zetas. Do we not defend ourselves? Do we not have particular goals we press? Do we lie down and

  let others walk all over us? Yet we are concerned for the general welfare and work hard to improve this for ourselves

  as well as others.

  Likewise, the Service-to-Self are often misunderstood. As we have mentioned elsewhere, they can be charming and

  diplomatic. The key is the goal, not the goal stated, which may be packaged to appeal to those to be duped, but the

  actual goal. A reduction in pollution laws, packaged as enabling employers to stay in business, is in fact a power play by those who resent any restrictions on their power. The unemployment rate has nothing to do with this, but is waved

  about as a reason. Wives are familiar with the common husband excuse for late hours and avoidance of home chores.

  The job requires this, and the wife should bear in mind who is slaving away to bring home the bacon.

  In sum, the Service-to-Others individual may be gruff, distracted, disheveled, and inaccessible. But what are they

  working toward? How do they react when a truth test comes, where they must be willing to sacrifice themselves for

  others? Do they come through? And the Service-to-Self individual may be suave, seemingly generous, even defending

  others. But when their welfare is lined up against another, when they must truly share and words are asked to be

  replaced by actions, what then?

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  ZetaTalk: Distinguishing Characteristics

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  ZetaTalk: Distinguishing Characteristics

  Note: written May 15, 1996

  A great deal of confusion reigns regarding the spiritual orientations, and how to determine whether someone is leaning

  in this direction or that. Key characteristics may come into play when the chips are down, but this is seldom the

  situation and most of life allows the true orientation to be masked by personality, subterfuge, or such structured

  situations that the orientation of the individual does not have an opportunity to express.

e the example of an office setting, where assignments are meted out to individuals but team work is stressed. To

  the manager, the extroverted young man recently hired may seem to be doing more than his share, at least to hear him

  talk, as he has many stories detailing how his expertise or enthusiasm for challenge came to the rescue of the group.

  But check with the individual members of the team, and one learns that the reverse is true, as he was the one who required rescuing and feigned ignorance until other members of the long-suffering team did his work for him. When

  he gets a raise and a nod, the team is puzzled, as it would not occur to them to report him to the manager for taking more than he is giving. They considered him in need of help, a youth in need of guidance, and took him under their

  wings. This type of going behind the back and taking credit is a frequent sign that the individual is operating primarily in the Service-to-Self, or is heading in that direction.

  Take an example in the military, where soldiers train and then suddenly find themselves on the front lines in a

  conflict. During training exercises, the officers in charge can be lead greatly astray by bravado in safe and

  controlled exercises. Those individuals who excelled, exhorted their fellows to greater efforts, and who showed

  leadership are assumed to do the same in battle. Yet more often than not, it is the quiet soldier who made no

  efforts to take the spotlight who must step into the fray and assume the true leadership position. This de facto

  leader may find himself put into danger, deliberately, so the leader with the title can take credit afterwards. Dead

  men tell no tales, and the record in combat stands at odds with the awards and promotions, so any rumors are

  discounted. Placing someone else in danger to retain a title or position is a strong sign of an individual in the

  Service-to-Self, and rarely occurs unless the individual has made their orientation decision.

  Take the example of a nurse, required by law and the rules of the hospital where she works to maintain life in

  her patients regardless of the level of unremitting pain they are experiencing or the pleas they may be laying

  before her. She has at risk her job, her status, her ability to support her family financially, and most certainly her

  freedom should she be persecuted under the law, but she determines to listen to those pleas. Certain medications that sustain the living dead, the writhing mass of agony that is in a certain death march, are flushed down the

  toilet rather than forced into the arm of the patient. Who is to know? Most certainly the patient, who can barely

  speak except to whisper pleas, will not complain. This type of risk taking, when there is utterly no benefit to the

  self but rather great risk to the self, is a strong sign of an individual in the Service-to-Other.

  Take the example of children in a household where the mother is ill, chronically so, and the children expected to

  assume her responsibilities. The father works long and hard, and has no patience with chores undone. Some of

  the younger children need help with their chores, especially as they fail to watch the clock and can be caught

  rushing to do them when father walks in. The oldest is a girl who herself slips her chores to her younger siblings,

  leaving them half done so it is not clear who was inattentive. If this girl is to dry and put away the dishes but

  another child is to set the table, she places the dried dishes on the table rather than into the cupboard, confusing

  the issue. That her little brother gets whipped for pulling too many dishes out of the cupboard bothers her not.

  She thinks of hairstyles and makeup and meeting the right boy at the mall. The chips can fall where they may.

  This type of lack of concern for others can be attributed to inattention, but where one has seen a sibling whipped

  and can anticipate this in the future, it is not inattention but lack of regard, a sure sign of an individual oriented to themselves, in the Service-to-Self.[2/5/2012 11:21:44 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Distinguishing Characteristics

  In this same example, one of the younger children, a boy, does half the chores for two of his siblings. He works

  with them, showing them how to do the chores, and in this way not only makes sure the chores are done but are

  done to the exacting father's measure. In this he doesn't take credit for the chores, but praises his siblings. He

  also gives up after-school games and parties to ensure that his siblings aren't caught with poorly done chores,

  knowing the father is awash in fatigue and worry and can take all this out on the household if given half an

  excuse. This boy, still only a child himself, is giving evidence of his strong orientation in the Service-to-Others.

  The characteristics are not only that he is helping others, but that he seeks to make them strong and self

  sufficient and will sacrifice his own pleasure to ensure that others do not suffer.

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  ZetaTalk: By What Names

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  ZetaTalk: By What Names

  Note: written Aug 15, 1995

  Humans have a saying - a Rose by any other name would smell as sweet. The aliens visiting Earth have a fragrance

  too, in a manner of speaking, which by any name is just as succinct and identifiable. There are Service-to-Self and

  Service-to-Other visitors, and these divisions are distinct. This is a name we are insisting on, as whatever else you call us, the term Service-to-Others must be included. The Service-to- Self groups, as you can imagine, prefer that term be

  dropped entirely, as it tends to alert those they are trying to recruit. The Service-to-Others have almost invariably

  allowed the humans being contacted to name them. Betty and Barney Hill named us, and the name, having been

  publicized, stuck. Zeta is your term for the star system we came from. Likewise the Pleiadeans were named for their

  home constellation. They have never minded, and the Nordics, named for their appearance, could care less. A problem

  exists where the hundreds of aliens that appear to be gray to humans, because the human eye cannot perceive the color

  spectrum, are all simply called grays. No one has bothered to name them, or catalog them, and the task will probably

  proceed willy-nilly as contactees come forth with sketches and a catchy name sticks.

  Aliens in the Service-to-Self orientation are very particular about their names, as they are pompous and concerned

  about impressions. The Omnipotent Krlll, for example. They are prone to announce themselves, and insist on

  ceremony. Humans confused over names, what to call this group or that are frequently reacting to frauds put forth by

  the establishment, who announce the alien group or spirit, by name. Since the Service-to-Other are not particular, and

  are concerned with content, not titles, any alien group announcing itself by name should be suspected as either a

  Service-to-Self group or more likely a fraud put forth by humans. Where a Service-to-Others alien group or entity has

  assigned a name to itself, this has been in response to humans, who have insisted. What's your name? What do you call

  yourself? How shall we refer to you?

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  ZetaTalk: Spiritual Evolution

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  ZetaTalk: Spiritual Evolution

  Note: written Jan 15, 1996

  The Service-to-Self orientation is not so much a choice as a failure to progress. Where
an entity in the Service-to-

  Other orientation is repeatedly choosing to include others as the focus of their concern, the Service-to-Self entity has never left their original focus - the self. Thus, the evolution, during spiritual growth, into two paths is natural, a factor of uneven growth rates, and the resulting separation of the orientations during early densities is simply a practical step taken to facilitate learning. A Service-to-Self entity cannot be forced to develop concern for others, nor can this

  concern be worn like a social facade in the densities above 3rd Density, as a fake or a sham. Where entities are given

  free will, as all are within God's Universe, such a choice as the Service-to-Self orientation is and will continue to be a reality.

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  ZetaTalk: Heaven and Hell

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  ZetaTalk: Heaven and Hell

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Heaven and Hell are described in the Bible and the Koran as places commensurate with the rewards deserved by those

  who have functioned in the Service-to-Others or Service-to-Self orientation - in the minds of the authors of these

  books, who in the main were in the Service-to-Others when they authored the books. For primitive peoples, who relied

  upon fire for cooking and warmth, catching on fire was a known dilemma, and the pain from such an accident not

  unknown. Thus, as one of the most excruciating pains, and one slow to heal and suffering the injured much pain

  during the healing process, eternal fire was the worst of the worst.

  Similarly, the higher one went, physically speaking, the better life got. Specifically we are describing living on hill tops versus valleys, and having the higher campground versus one downhill. As the saying goes, shit flows downhill.

  Valleys have dampness and humidity, lizards and snakes and insects galore. Hilltops have breezes and vistas. Better

  yet is what the birds enjoy, high in the skies. Nothing can touch them, and as good as the hilltops are, the skies must be better! Thus, heaven is viewed as up in the skies, and the higher the better.


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