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ZetaTalk: Orientation

Page 10

by Nancy Lieder

  The second reaction of those losing control is to tighten alliances. Where it would seem that a German Pope would not

  please Israel, or might displease others factions wanting their nation so honored, alliances are not so obvious. This is an alliance of those determined to dominate the common man, enslave them, retain unquestioning control, and in this[2/5/2012 11:22:11 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Pope Ratzinger

  regard Pope Ratzinger has a similar view to those controlling the White House at present, those in control in Israel,

  those in control of Russia, and is in psychological alliance with many in the banking empires. If those in control are

  threatened by the common man realizing that Planet X is about the devastate the Earth, is in the vicinity and is well

  known by the elite, then the cover-up must, at all costs, continue. Thus, any revelation of the Fatima Third Secret will not occur, the cover-up in the Church assured of continuing. Watch for a Pope who stays silent on abuses of power, genocide, and the horrors of war, but is insistent that the structure of the Church, and the rules, be maintained and


  Signs of the Times #1392

  Saint Malachy Predictions ‘The 111th prophecy is Gloria Olivae (The Glory of the Olive). The meaning of the olive is unclear. The Order

  of Saint Benedict (not St. Malachy) has claimed that this pope will come from its ranks and Saint

  Benedict himself prophesied that before the end of the world his Order, known also as the Olivetans,

  will triumphantly lead the Catholic Church in its final fight against evil. The 112th prophecy says,

  In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Petrus Romanus (Peter the

  Roman), who will feed his flock amid many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city will be

  destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people.’

  Signs of the Times #1386

  Vatican told bishops to cover up sex abuse [Apr 17] ‘The Vatican instructed Catholic bishops around the world to cover up cases of sexual abuse or risk being thrown

  out of the Church. The Observer has obtained a 40-year-old confidential document from the secret

  Vatican archive. Bearing the seal of Pope John XXIII was sent to every bishop in the world. The

  instructions outline a policy of 'strictest' secrecy in dealing with allegations of sexual abuse and

  threatens those who speak out with excommunication. They also call for the victim to take an oath of

  secrecy at the time of making a complaint to Church officials. It states that the instructions are to 'be

  diligently stored in the secret archives of the Curia [Vatican] as strictly confidential. Lawyers point

  to a letter the Vatican sent to bishops in May 2001 clearly stating the 1962 instruction was in force

  until then. The letter is signed by Cardinal Ratzinger, the most powerful man in Rome beside the

  Pope and who heads the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith - the office which ran the

  Inquisition in the Middle Ages.’ [Note: regarding the pedophilia coverup, the new Pope will ensure

  it.][2/5/2012 11:22:11 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Attempt to Dominate

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  ZetaTalk: Attempt to Dominate

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Regarding direct conflict situations in human society, where one human desires to overtly dominate another, where

  excuses for the one who wishes to dominate can not be made. Can humans do more to defer these situations than they

  presently do? The answer is, unfortunately, no. During this density, the 3rd Density, which is the human condition at

  this time, there is not a clear division between Service-to- Self and Service-to-Others. Humans are deciding.

  Therefore, confusion exists between humans as to the motive of another human. Is the behavior because the other

  human is in need, is insecure, has been harmed in the past, is unduly fearful and in need of reassurance, is being

  protective of others, or has misunderstood?

  All these paths are explored in the human mind when dealing with an attempt at domination from another human.

  Should the answer to any of the above be yes, then the needs of the other human are addressed, and the attempt at

  domination is taken not as an offense but as a symptom. However, there are those times when the attempt at

  domination is from a human who is strongly oriented to Service-to-Self, and is into power games. In general these

  situations are recognized by other humans for the game it is. All is balanced except when the human desiring to

  dominate is much in ascension over the other. Here is the opportunity for sadism, whether mental or physical, and the

  human strongly oriented to Service-to-Self can scarcely resist. To overcome the normal human resistance to pain or

  torment, and the normal human societal protections against this, is a power trip for the Service-to-Self.

  In the next density, 4th Density, these individuals are separated so as to be forced to deal with themselves. Individuals who would be strongly taken advantage of by those of Service-to-Self orientation, the Service- to-Others, are also

  separated, to be with their own kind. But during 3rd Density, the decision to fall to one or the other orientation is

  hastened by the struggle that victims and perpetrators, as well as witnesses must endure. A given situation is not

  caused by the victims actions, as who truly wants to be victimized? Society deals with its grief by accusing the victim.

  In dealing with a situation of domination and victimization, there are three possible postures.

  The victim, who learns how this situation feels, and thus may learn empathy.

  The perpetrator, who goes on a power trip, but if given to empathy also experiences remorse for the action and a

  determination not to repeat the action.

  The witness, who has an opportunity to step in, at risk to self, and thus can experience the empowerment of

  group action toward good, or the diminishment of empowerment from being intimidated.

  All these are opportunities for growth, in one direction or the other, and this is the major lesson of 3rd Density.

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  ZetaTalk: Aggression

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  ZetaTalk: Aggression

  Note: written May 15, 1997

  A common misperception among humans is the assumption that higher spiritual densities are removed from any

  emotion except love, and have no destructive urges. The matter of being Service-to-Other does not entail removing oneself from the many conflicts that present during incarnated life. The point where one defends the self, or others,

  and crosses the line into destructive behavior is not the point where the entity becomes, however briefly, oriented in Service-to-Self. Service-to-Others does not mean allowing the other to proceed without bounds in a manner that hurts

  the self. Self defense is not only assumed, it is desirable! Any entity that became utterly passive and failed to defend itself would not last long. Self defense is integral in any life form, and can hardly be removed, nor should it be.

  There is much confusion regarding defensive or aggressive actions being taken by those operating in the Service-to-

  Other orientation. Empathy toward others and non-violent means of attending to life’s daily affairs are assumed, and

  under equitable conditions this is the norm. However, if others who are not firmly in the Service-to-Other orientation or even if others also in the Se
rvice to-Other group are undertaking actions that threaten the well being of the self or of the group, aggressive and even violent means are not out of keeping with the Service-to-Other orientation! Forcefully

  restraining another, or even killing them if this is the most effective solution, is not only a Service-to-Self perogative.

  These are solutions open to those in the Service-to-Other also.

  In dealing with, for instance, a sadist preying upon the young, an inability to safeguard the young by any other means

  than killing the sadist would not be out of keeping with the Service-to-Other philosophy. Which other is being served

  by allowing him to continue? The young children, as a group of others, or the sadist as a single individual utterly

  lacking in consideration of others? The choice is clear, and killing the sadist a solution involving empathy and

  kindness overall. In fact, allowing the sadist to continue is anti Service-to-Other, as this passivity is making those standing by and doing nothing a party to the sadism.

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  ZetaTalk: Turn the Other Cheek

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  ZetaTalk: Turn the Other Cheek

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  What should be done when a human finds they are being victimized, for whatever reason? Most certainly they should

  not simply cry "Pity me" and do nothing! Much has been made of the Christian adage, turn the other cheek. In India, it is much touted that the British were routed because Ghandi engaged them with passive resistance. Does this ploy not

  work? Sometimes. In the main, this ploy does not work. Passive resistance, or returning violence with love, works only in the circumstances where the attacker is basically of a good heart. The soldier ordered to press forward, for

  instance, where he personally has misgivings. Where former victims are inciting violence, here the protagonist drawn

  into a conflict may find they can turn the situation around, to where injuries are addressed rather than conflict

  escalated, by returning love for antagonism.

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  ZetaTalk: Good Samaritan

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  ZetaTalk: Good Samaritan

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Where the victim has carried resentment forward into a fresh situation, with uninvolved spectators who have no

  knowledge of and certainly no guilt toward the victim's plight, a Good Samaritan dilemma may develop where the

  victim attacks his rescuers blindly. How does this play out? Who is to blame here? Where should the finger of blame,

  which in much of human society must point somewhere, point? The solution is to realize that there are two victims in

  this situation. This is a theme often enough played in your media - the good Samaritan caught in a cycle of violence,

  the healer who must struggle with demons brought forth by his good intentions.

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  ZetaTalk: Trust

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  ZetaTalk: Trust

  Note: written Feb 15, 1997

  Trust among the trustworthy is a marvelous life, as one goes about one's work not concerned whether what others

  promised will be forthcoming, as they are trustworthy. This is a highly productive environment, with each pouring

  themselves into the work at hand, able to meet their commitments because they can concentrate and devote themselves fully. This is the environment those in the Service-to-Others orientation find themselves in when living with others of the same orientation, and it is what those humans strongly in the Service-to-Other orientation experience periodically

  now on Earth when they have the rare opportunity to be exclusively working with others of a like mind. However, on a

  3rd Density world, trust can seldom be placed on others with complete confidence, as trust can be broken even when

  intentions are firm and the commitment made by someone who would normally be trustworthy.

  Trust can be broken under many circumstances, and thus until one has reached a community where all are trustworthy, one's guard must be up. There are several reasons trust can be shattered:

  Even if a commitment was made by one strongly in the Service-to-Other, one known to be trustworthy, they

  themselves might be leaning on others who would not come through, thus placing the Service-to-Other

  individual in crisis and preventing them from meeting their commitments. Take the example of an individual

  who promised to deliver food to a family without transportation. The food is purchased, the individual on his

  way with the delivery, when the car breaks down. Another family member who promised to take the car in for

  maintenance failed to do so, and lied about the matter to avoid criticism, so the car is now quite dead and the

  family waiting for a food delivery are hungry and wondering why they are being left bereft.

  Commitments made by the spiritually immature are often difficult to sort out from commitments made by those

  strongly in the Service-to-Other, as they sound the same at the time. The spiritually immature will put on a good show, even fooling themselves, until the going gets rough. It is then that their resolve wavers, and the

  commitment is put aside in favor of another avenue. The spiritually immature one makes all manner of excuses

  to themselves and others, and where they forgive themselves readily they often leave those who took them

  seriously aghast and distraught. To avoid such a situation, look carefully at the individual's track record,

  especially at their performance when times got rough.

  Those leaning toward the Service-to-Self will make commitments readily, with no intention of honoring the

  commitment whatsoever. In general, they will say whatever gains them an inch at the moment, so those who

  know them are not fooled, but those who are first encountering the selfish one can indeed be fooled and badly

  hurt. In this situation, where one suspects they are dealing with a self-focused individual, it helps to give a test

  or two. Place them in a situation where they must meet their commitment, putting themselves out in order to do

  so, and watch what happens. With remarkable regularity, the self-focused one makes some excuse and tends to

  themselves, showing how very shallow their commitment to others is.

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  ZetaTalk: Divided Loyalties

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  ZetaTalk: Divided Loyalties

  Note: written Oct 15, 2000

  Divided loyalties are a common concept on 3rd Density worlds, where the decision is most often portrayed as a pull

  between whether to serve the self or others, or as a decision on which path to follow when opportunities present.

  These scenarios are presented often in books and movies as a crisis where the hero decides to risk life and limb in

  order to rescue another clinging to a tree in a flood or trapped in a burning building, or an individual struggling with a career opportunity which would require leaving family and friends behind versus taking a greater role in a family

  business. Seldom are the real decisions that afflict those firmly in the Service to Other presented, as these would be

  deemed boring and mundane by most souls on 3rd Density worlds, who are not so strongly oriented and prefer the

  drama of choices for self promotion. What are the conflicts that those stro
ngly in the Service-to-Other most often deal with, which will surely be exacerbated during the coming pole shift crises.

  Where those strongly in the Service-to-Other prefer the company of others with a like mind-set, they seldom get this

  opportunity. Reliable individuals concerned with the welfare of others are spotted early by family and friends, who

  make endless efforts to pull them into service as a loyal employee, a faithful and long-suffering spouse, or a friend

  who can be counted upon to be there throughout any crisis. Such relationships are almost always portrayed by the

  determined self-serving individuals as benefiting the one giving service, not the true recipient - the onerous boss who tells the loyal employee how grateful he should be to have employment at all in the current market, the philandering

  spouse who relays that someone at work found them attractive and flirted or made a proposition. These techniques are

  intended to keep the one giving service insecure, hesitant about breaking the bonds and going elsewhere, and firmly in

  the service of the self-serving person. Given the attraction that those strongly in the Service-to-Others have for those who would use them for self-serving purposes, how does the Service-to-Other individual prepare for the coming

  emergencies that the pole shift will create?

  In the normal day-to-day, those strongly in the Service-to-Other work toward the larger welfare to the degree that they can free their time. They may work at a job to earn money, as the spouse and family obligations demand, but pour

  their real attention and time into volunteer services that reduce illiteracy or promote green-belts or in some way

  improve life for the larger pool of humanity. They divide their time, and most often have some personal resources to

  do this. With the coming cataclysms, this will change, with emergencies endlessly presenting themselves and the pain

  in the community seemingly endless. The choices will be clear, as in a situation where a spouse demanding to be made

  comfortable by better living quarters cannot take precedence over cleaning the festering wounds of orphaned children!


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