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Their Sub, Their Mistress [Club Esoteria 10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 2

by Cooper McKenzie

  When Hawk stepped back and his gaze dropped to her body, she took a slow breath while fighting down an urge to run to her room and hide. She heard Raven move away and heard the rustling of her cloak. Turning her head, she watched as he hung it from one of the big hooks on the back of the door. Then he, too, looked her up and down.

  “Hmmm, we’ll have to do something about this outfit when we get to the club,” Raven said as he took in the lightweight denim dress that was at least two sizes too big and covered her from chin to ankles. The buttons ran from neckline to hem, and except for the very top one, they were all fastened.

  “Dragonfly, we know you are scared. Taurus said you haven’t been away from here in two years. Is that right?” Hawk said as he stepped closer once again, drawing her attention so she could read the disgust in his expression.

  Lace nodded as she licked her suddenly dry lips and whispered, “Yes. Not since I came home from the hospital two years ago.”

  “This weekend there will be a lot of people, a lot of strangers, at the convention.”

  Lace nodded again but did not respond as fear fought the arousal for her attention.

  “Would you be interested in letting us protect you if need be?”

  His question shocked her and aroused her at the same time. She felt her pussy overflow and her nipples press hard against her lacy bra. She thought about it for a moment, her gut telling her she could trust these men. Slowly, her head moved up and down.

  “Very good, little one. We’ll take good care of you,” Raven said, approval clearly evident in his tone. “Now, what are you taking with you? We need to get moving if we’re going to get our displays set up before the doors open for the afternoon session.”

  Lace blinked and remembered the purpose for their visit. “I’ll get them,” she said, turning to the pile of luggage by the door.

  * * * *

  When she moved to pick up the cases herself, Raven was tempted to spank her. They were twice her size, and yet she seemed determined to do it herself. Before she could reach the bags, he stepped in front of her, cutting off her advance. “Is this all you’re taking?”

  “Yes, but you don’t have to…” Her voice trailed off as he swung the carryall over one shoulder and then grabbed a suitcase in each hand.

  As Raven hustled her bags to the SUV, he heard her say to Hawk, “Wolf as in w-o-l-f?”

  “No, W-o-o-l-p-h-e. Some Indian agent a hundred and some years ago had a twisted sense of humor when registering our family name.”

  Opening the back door where his sewing machine sat behind the driver’s seat, Raven packed her bags on the seat, filling that side of the truck. Once they were secure, he looked over the top of the truck at his brother. “You want to drive or shall I?”

  “I will if you can keep from being a backseat driver,” Hawk offered with a grin as he helped Lace into the backseat and closed the door securely.

  “Don’t drive like an old woman and I won’t have to bitch,” Raven returned with a smirk as they passed each other, rounding the front of the SUV.

  Raven settled into the passenger’s seat then turned his attention to the silent passenger in the backseat. “So, what are you selling this weekend? Your bags don’t feel heavy enough for metal work, and Taurus said we were the only leather dealers invited.”

  “I design and manufacture a line of lingerie. Jenna and Whitney have become two of my best customers, and Jenna demanded I come.”

  Her soft, husky voice reached down and aroused him like no woman ever had before. He shifted in his seat as his cock filled and pressed uncomfortably against his jeans. When she did not continue, Raven looked at his brother, raising one eyebrow in question. Hawk shrugged one shoulder, obviously as intrigued and confused by the mystery surrounding this woman as he was.

  He heard her take a deep breath as they drove between the brick pillars and turned onto the main road that led to the highway. Then she began to whisper to herself. Because of the rain and the noise of tires on the road, he could not make out what she was saying, but she again sounded tense and frightened.

  Chapter 2

  When they reached the highway, Lace’s heart began to race as fear swept through her once again.

  Trying to distract herself, she wove her fingers together, closed her eyes, and began to whisper assurances to herself. “Everything will be fine. No one will hurt you. You’ll go to the club and sell everything you brought and takes orders. Then maybe you can get the hospital off your back.”

  Feeling calmer, she opened her eyes and looked around. They were speeding down the highway and would soon be at the bridge. Oh, Lord, the bridge. She had forgotten to ask that they go the long way into town!

  “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.” She began to rock as she felt a full-blown panic attack slam through her.

  Raven turned to look around the headrest at her. “You okay?”

  She shook her head. “No. I can’t do this. Please, take me home.”

  Her voice was too high, too tight, and too loud. From his shifting expression from curiosity to concern, he seemed to understand the situation even without seeing her face.

  “Hawk, pull over. Something’s wrong,” he said then reached around, holding his open palm in front of her. “Give me your hands, little one.”

  His tone was full of authority and power. Without thinking, she laid her wrists across his palm. That was when she noticed his hands. They were big with long, slender fingers and several lighter-colored scars across the palm that looked like they were not the result of accidents.

  “Why do you want to go home?” His voice remained low and full of the power. Something in his voice wrapped around her and eased her panic just a bit.

  Lace felt the SUV slow and stop. Then the driver, Hawk, turned, so now both brothers were staring at her. Their dark eyes and solemn expressions only added to her fear until she wondered if she could make the walk home without completely falling apart.

  Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm herself, to think beyond the panic, but it proved difficult. “Too much water. Too deep. Bridge too long. We’ll all drown.”

  She tried to pull her hands from Raven’s grasp, but his fingers closed around them. “Please, let me out. I’ll walk home. Jenna can bring my cases back next week sometime.”

  * * * *

  Hawk looked at his brother as the woman begged for him to release her so she could get out and walk home. There was no way in holy hell he would let her out beside the six-lane highway any time, but especially with her having what appeared to be a full-blown panic attack.

  “You need to be at the convention this weekend, and this is the fastest way to town,” he said, following his brother’s lead of infusing a touch of Dom’s power into his tone.

  She seemed submissive enough to provide them with a few days of fun and games, but with her emotions as stirred up as they were, how would she respond to their taking control?

  “Deep breaths, little one,” Raven murmured as he rubbed his thumb over the pulse point of one wrist. “Would you like one of us to come back and sit with you?”

  The woman stilled but did not reply.

  “You have five seconds to answer before Hawk drives on,” Raven continued.


  “Yes, okay,” she blurted out as he said one.

  Knowing Raven was not comfortable expressing the gentler emotions, Hawk met his brother’s eyes. “You drive and I’ll go back.”

  “No! I want Raven,” the woman cried out just before she began to gasp for breath.

  Raven nodded to him. “The lady knows what she wants. Okay, little one. I’m going to let go of your wrists. I want you to unbuckle your seat belt, unlock the door, and get ready to climb out, okay?”

  “All right,” the woman said, sounding marginally less frantic now that she had a task to focus on.

  Hawk watched as Raven climbed out of the front seat then opened the back door. Instead of climbing out, Lace tried to sli
de over. But with half the backseat full of her suitcases, there was no room for Raven to climb in beside her.

  Instead of trying, Raven lifted her from the seat and set her in the grass beside the car. “Don’t move,” he said as he climbed in and took her seat.

  Reaching out, he wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her inside the SUV. Once she settled across his lap with her back against the suitcases, he pulled the door closed. As he wrapped his arms around her, she curled into him, apparently more fearful of the bridge than the thought of a strange man holding her.

  Hawk waited until his brother looked over her head at him and nodded. Turning around, he started the engine and put the SUV in gear. He then tilted the rearview mirror so he could keep an eye on his passengers before guiding the SUV back onto the highway. He sent a silent prayer up that Raven could find a way to distract her long enough for him to get them across the nearly two miles of bridges that lay between them and New Bern.

  * * * *

  Lace was surprised at how good it felt to be in Raven’s lap. She stiffened when she felt the thick length of his hard cock press into her hip but then relaxed when his arms came around to hold her securely

  Blinking back tears of fear and not wanting to see the river that had been the cause of her two years of isolation, she pressed her face into Raven’s broad, muscular chest. She had been shocked that neither man had shown the disgust or horror that others had whenever they had looked at her. Even worse would have been looks of pity that often crossed people’s faces after the shock left them. But then the only people she had seen in two years had been the UPS delivery driver who dropped off and picked up everything she needed from threads, lace, and fabrics to the foods that she did not grow herself.

  After the attack two years earlier, she had accepted that her looks were capable of giving people nightmares. That was why she had created her own little world on her grandmother’s farm in the woods. Why, oh why, had she given in to Mistress Jenna’s decree that she attend the Club’s weekend gala? Was she really so lonesome she would expose herself to being the monster in the room at the club for the weekend?

  And now they would be riding over bridges.

  She had not been over a long bridge since her parents died five years earlier after being forced off the road, missing a bridge, and drowning. She had been with them but had been able to get out. The police said it had been a miracle. She had never agreed with them.

  “Look at me, little one,” Raven ordered gently.

  Her face smashed so tight into the flesh of his chest she could barely breathe, Lace shook her head side to side.

  A hand slid up the side of her neck and around to the back of her head. Fingers speared into the pile of curls she had formed at the back of her head to keep it under control. He pulled back, and she had no choice but to lift her head from his chest or lose her hair.

  “You are so beautiful it makes me anxious to see what’s under this dress,” he whispered just before she felt a kiss on the tip of her nose.

  Just then, the truck jerked as they crossed onto the bridge. Without thinking, Lace looked out the window over Raven’s shoulder. All she saw was the muddy brown water of the Neuse River as it passed New Bern southeast to the Pamlico Sound then out into the Atlantic.

  Once again, her mind turned to the biggest danger of ending up at the bottom of the river. She began to breathe high in her chest until she grew lightheaded as the SUV continued forward, taking them farther and farther from land.

  Hysteria pressed a scream up even though she had little breath to expel it. The hand at the back of her head then slid around to cup her cheek. He turned her head until they were nose to nose.

  “Shhh, little one. Hawk and I have crossed this bridge hundreds of times, and nothing has ever happened. We’ll be fine.”

  “That’s…because…I wasn’t…with you.” Lace panted as she began to fidget in Raven’s lap.

  She would have fought for freedom but her back was pressed against her suitcases and her legs were folded up and pressing against the door. She was trapped and had nowhere to go.

  How would she get free if they ended up in the water?

  * * * *

  Raven saw terror grow in her too-wide eyes and knew she was on the verge of completely losing it and possibly doing something rash. The last thing he needed was for her to try to jump out of the SUV. They were going fifty-five miles an hour over a bridge that was sixty or more feet above the river that was only ten to fifteen feet deep in most places. Making a two-second decision, he did the only thing he could think of to distract her.

  Tilting his head slightly to the right, Raven tightened his grip on the back of her head before he leaned in and kissed her. As his lips covered hers, he tightened his other arm around her back, keeping her from moving away.

  She tensed in his arms then wiggled and tried to push away. With her lips parted from her fast, shallow breathing, he quickly moved from a pressing of his lips to hers to an openmouthed, teeth-clicking, tonsil-hockey, soul-touching-soul kiss. He explored her lips, teeth, and tongue while silently encouraging her to kiss him back.

  Slowly her fear and tension drained away, and she relaxed deeper in his embrace.

  “Kiss me back,” he murmured into her now wide-open mouth.

  * * * *

  As Raven’s words rumbled through his chest and echoed in her mouth, Lace found herself floating away from all her problems. The rest of the world dropped away, and they were floating in a bubble that would protect them from anything that might harm them.

  It took a moment for her brain to make sense of his words, but her body did not need her brain’s cooperation before it responded without a moment’s hesitation. Her participation earned her a deep growl that seemed to start at his cock and rumble up through his body. A thrill of heat shot through Lace as she completely forgot about where they were.

  While men had kissed her before, none of those kisses came close to this one, which sent her sex meter to boiling. She lost track of time and space as her fear disappeared like early morning river fog under the sun. All at once, she needed more.

  As if he read her mind, Raven’s hand slipped from her cheek down the side of her neck and then farther down to cup her breast over her clothes. She moaned as need like nothing she had ever felt before blossomed in her like a fast-growing flower. All at once, she did not care about her scars, or the river, or anything else except getting closer to this man she was kissing.

  Time flew, and she found herself wishing for a dark room in order to rip both their clothing off and have mad, crazy, monkey sex with them. If Hawk kissed this well, maybe she would ask if they would be interested in making one of her long-held dreams come true.

  “Ahem,” a voice in the front seat interrupted. His tone sounded impatient as if this was not the first time he had tried to get their attention.

  “Go away,” Raven broke the kiss just long enough to say in a deep, growly voice that made Lace’s cunt gush more fluid, which now had thoroughly soaked her panties.

  “Sorry, brother, but we’ve arrived at the club. We need to get unloaded and set up before we go get lunch,” Hawk said, his voice tight as if he was fighting an urge to laugh.

  Lace looked around and was shocked that they had not only crossed the bridge but also driven across town without her realizing it.

  “Oh my,” was all that Lace could think to say.

  “Oh my, indeed,” Raven said, before pulling her head around for yet another kiss.

  “See, he told you there would be no problem crossing the bridge,” Hawk said before climbing out of the driver’s seat and rounding the front of the SUV.

  A moment later, he opened the door beside Raven. Her legs flopped out, the muscles complaining about being twisted up for so long. “Come here, dragonfly,” Hawk said. He reached in and lifted her from Raven’s lap without any effort, proving he was just as strong as his brother.

  “Hey, I wasn’t finished yet.”

  “It’s my turn,” Hawk said without looking away from Lace’s still-distracted expression. “Besides, you have to unload and set up, remember?”

  Before Lace’s embarrassment at making out with Raven caught up with her, Hawk wrapped his arms around her, cupped her ass cheeks in his hands, and lifted her so she dangled several inches from the ground. He held her easily, as if she weighed nothing. Stepping sideways, he pressed her between his body and the side of the SUV, and then lifted one hand to slide it into her hair, holding her still as he kissed her.

  Lace’s breath stopped for several beats before starting again. Hawk’s kiss was just as devastating to her senses as his brother’s had been. Once again, she found herself leaving the reality of her life behind and reentering the world of need and arousal she and Raven had just been visiting.

  Lifting her legs, she wrapped them around Hawk’s waist, thankful for the fullness in her ankle-length skirt as she felt the hem slide up nearly to her knees. The hand cupping her ass cheek massaged it gently as their kiss went on and on. Raven moving around them did nothing to distract her from Hawk’s taste and touch, which was much like his brother’s yet subtly different.

  “All right, you two, cool down before Jenna breaks out the hose.”

  Lace whined when Hawk broke the kiss. Then she realized what she had just done and felt embarrassed heat rush to her cheeks. Hawk looked at her like she was a precious piece of art.

  “Please, stop,” she whispered, dropping her chin and turning her head to hide the right side of her face. She dropped her legs down and tried to wiggle from his hold, but he would not release her.

  “Stop what? Looking at your beautiful face? I swear by Sunday afternoon we are going to have you on the stage naked as we bring you to an orgasm using nothing but our hands and a flogger. Maybe then you will realize that you are not ugly.”

  She huffed in disbelief as she pushed against his chest. He held her tight until she looked into his eyes and saw that he was serious before he finally set her down. When she made a break for freedom, he grabbed her arm.


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