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Hawk_Devil's Fury Book 3

Page 14

by Torrie Robles

  “No, Mom, Loa’s at school. You remember?”

  “That’s right,” Rose sighs behind me. “Always into her studies. She knows how important it is to your father that she gets through law school so she can work at your father’s firm. Always trying to please your daddy.”

  “I need to get going,” I blurt out. I turn toward my mother and give a kiss to her cheek. “I’ll see you later.” She smiles back at me. Her eyes seem clouded, not as clear as they were when I first arrived. Another sign that I need to remember. Learning to read her and her mindset is extremely helpful.

  “I’ll walk you out, brother,” Rhea says before I turn around to face her.

  As soon as I pass her and make my way from the room, I feel her grab at my arm. “What the hell are you doing here?” She rises to her tiptoes trying to get into my face. The one has some fire in her gut.

  “How old are you?” I ask without answering her question.

  “Twenty, why?”

  “So you aren’t graduating from high school, and you aren’t old enough to drink, yet you smell like alcohol? How about you tell me why that is?”

  She rolls her eyes, dropping from her toes. “Oh please, don’t play the brother card now. It’s far too late for that shit.”

  I rub my hand over my face. “I didn’t know I had a sister until Rose told me when I first showed up.”

  “What do you mean first showed up?”

  I take a deep breath, trying to calm my anger. “I’ve been here for a while.”

  “Unbelievable,” she huffs.

  “Yeah, maybe if you took the time to come and see our mother you would have known that. I haven’t seen a hide nor hair of anyone since I came to town. How the hell do you call yourself a daughter and not come and see her when she’s sick?”

  “Don’t judge me. And she’s not sick, she’s an alcoholic.”

  “Yeah, and it looks like you aren’t too far behind. Are you even in school?”

  Her gaze drops to the ground. Of course, she’s not in school any longer.

  “Where’s your dad?”

  When she looks at me, her face is sullen. She shrugs. “Dad doesn’t give a shit about me. His only concern is Loa.”

  I run my hand through my hair, pulling at its ends. I really don’t need this shit. “Look–”

  “No, you look. My entire life I’ve lived in a shadow of two people. One being my brother, a ghost really, someone that my mother missed, but never enough to go find. Or maybe she knew you were better off without her, I don’t know. The existence of you has always been a mystery. Hawking, the name that we could never mention no matter how many questions we had. For the majority of my life, she’s lived her life as if she were in mourning. Never fully there for me, always living in the past and regret of whatever decisions she’s made. Then there’s Loa, my father’s precious first born. She walks on water and can never do any wrong in his eyes. But me, me, I have to look like my mother, share the eyes of a brother I never met, and own the look of disgust from my father.”

  I take a step towards her, but she puts her hand up, stopping me.

  “I’m not a child. I grew up a long time ago, and I don’t need you thinking that you need to protect me. Keep living your life, and I’ll live mine. I’ve never needed you, and I’m not going to start now.” She turns on her heel and goes back into our mother’s room.

  “Looks like you’ve met Rhea,” Martha says from behind me.

  “Yeah, it looks that way.”

  “And she’s the easy one. Wait until you meet Loa.” She laughs as she walks away.

  Fucking great.


  I can’t get out of the facility fast enough. Not only do I have to deal with the roller coaster that’s my mom, now I have to deal with the attitude of my barely adult little sister. And she’s supposed to be the easier one of the two. Jesus.


  When I turn around, I see a guy sitting on the back of a motorcycle. He’s a big fucker, more massive than Cut and Lick. His skin is tan, courtesy of the California sun. Tattoos wrap along both arms, and most are old school black and white. I watch as he swings his leg from over the bike and heads my way. His cut is adorned with patches, some I’m familiar with, others are new to me, but the one that hits closest to home is the one that’s embroidered with the Devil’s Fury logo. A devil’s skull with wings and pistons. My chest tightens, realizing how much I missed the club and the guys that make it what it is.

  “The name’s Titus.” He stretches out his hand for me to take, and I shake it without hesitation. “We got a call from Cut telling us that you’d be in the area for a while, and my Prez wanted to make sure you knew you were welcome at the club any time. Devil’s Fury Victorville is opened to you for as long as you need it.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  “MC’s aren’t too popular in these parts. Hollywood with the glitz and glamour doesn’t see the need for the roar of the engines. Victorville is just far away from everything but close enough, if you get my drift.”

  I understand what he’s saying. Although the charter wasn’t in the Los Angeles area, they still had the reach in case I needed them. “I may need you to run a background on a guy.”

  “Phil Jansen? I spoke to Dyke this morning. He told me what’s going on with your woman.”

  I wasn’t going to correct him. The more people who thought about it that way, the better it was for me.

  “That inheritance that Dyke told you about. I wanted to let you know that Jansen’s father owned quite a few corners in and out of the area. One of those corners happens to house a certain apartment complex that your woman resides in.”


  “The funny thing is, the trust purchased that piece of property only days after many old Jansen kicked the bucket.”

  He fucking knew she lived there.

  I turn my head on my shoulders, cracking my neck. It does nothing to release the tension I’m feeling. “Thanks, I appreciate it.”

  “You want us to take care of him, or do you wanna do it yourself?”

  It seems this chapter of the club is a little more old-school than we are. They’d rather act first and ask questions later. Even though Phil isn’t affiliated with anyone from an MC, I’m not willing to put Las Cruces in the crosshairs of any law enforcement. Not when what we do requires cooperation with all forms of law enforcement.

  “I’m not sure that’ll be necessary. I don’t think eliminating is the answer. I think he’ll get the point with a little scare tactic.”

  “No problem, the ball’s in your court. We just wanted to make sure that you knew you weren’t alone.”

  “May I help you?” a young woman asks as she answers Tessa’s door. Her brown eyes flit down my body, and when she brings them back and land on my cut, she swallows. “Hawk?” She lifts her brow at the question.

  “Yes, you must be Sarah.”

  She looks behind her for a second. “Yeah, um…” she looks back again, “Sam’s in his room playing before bed.”

  She seems nervous, and that puts me on high alert. When I step towards her, I take a look inside and see a guy sitting on the couch. He’s leaning over a book, scribbling notes down. “Are you studying?”

  “Yeah, exams are coming up.”

  “Listen, why don’t you head home and you two study. I’ll keep an eye on Sam.”

  She shakes her head. “No, I can’t ask you to do that. Besides, I know Tessa’s at the bar tonight, and I can’t call her.”

  “I know she wouldn’t mind. I planned on seeing her tonight anyway. Now I’ll wait for her here and not head over to the bar.”

  She bites her lower lip. She looks over her shoulder again and then meets my stare. “All right. Thank you.”

  As I walk Sarah and her friend out, I continue down the small path towards the street. I stand there and stretch my hands over my head, bringing my face towards the stars, or what you can see in the city. When I bring my head back down,
I discreetly scan the neighborhood, and that’s when I notice a dark figure walking down the street, away from Tessa’s apartment.

  That’s right, motherfucker, walk the fuck away.


  The paranoia that I’ve lived with since that fateful day is on high alert tonight. I feel like I’m being watched and it’s freaking me out. I practically ran to my car after my shift. As soon as my car stops in front of my apartment, I have a sensation of relief, and I’m sure it’s mainly because of the figure who’s standing right outside my front door.


  “What are you doing here? Where’s Sarah?” I ask as I walk up.

  He doesn’t answer. He merely pulls me to him, wrapping his arms around me. My body doesn’t stiffen, and my heart rate doesn’t spike. In fact, I feel safer than I’ve felt in such a long time.

  “How was your shift?” He pulls himself back and studies my face.

  “It was work. Nothing more.”

  His lips form a hard line as he takes his eyes from me and looks out towards the street. “Let’s get you inside.” He places his hand on my lower back and ushers me inside.

  “Hawk, what’s going on? Is Sam asleep?”

  “He’s fine.” He directs me to sit down on the couch and takes a seat right next to me. “I wanted to talk to you about Phil Jensen.”

  I swallow past the nerves. “What about him?”

  “Please don’t freak out, but the other night I saw him lurking outside your apartment.”

  “You saw him outside? When? What happened? Did you confront him?”

  He rubs his hand over his head before he brings his eyes to mine. “I confronted him, yes.”


  “No, Tessa, don’t Hawk me. He’s creepy, and I don’t think his actions are in an innocent or friendly manner. Did you know that he owns this complex?”

  “Wait, what?”

  “Yes. He owns this complex. He’s owned it since right after his father died.”

  I think about the notice of management change. It’s been years. He’s owned it for years. “Wait, it’s a corporation, not a single person.”

  “It’s under his father’s corporation.”

  “Okay, so he owns the building.”

  “And he’s been following you. When I came here last night and tonight, I saw him walking away from your apartment. I told him the other night to leave you alone, and he’s not taking my advice.”

  “You confronted him last night too?”

  “No, the other night. Listen, Tessa, I don’t like what’s going on here. And I’m a little surprised that you aren’t as worried about this as I am.”

  “You don’t think I’m worried?” I laugh. I’ve been more worried than I have been in years. “You have no idea what’s been going on in my mind since you showed up here, Hawk. It’s like you brought all this with you when you came.”

  His eyes narrow at me. “You think this is my fault? Maybe I see more than you do. Maybe this has been a problem all along.”

  “You need to leave, Hawk. I’m not about to listen to you tell me that I’ve been living my life with my eyes closed. That’s the last thing that I’ve been doing. You think you know how I’ve been living all these years, but you don’t.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Hawk, I’m not asking.” I stand and walk towards the door, pulling it open and waiting for Hawk to leave like I asked.

  “Shut the door, Tessa.”

  I don’t.

  “Tessa.” He growls my name as he stalks over to me, pulling the door from my hand and closing it with a click. He keeps his hand on the door, above my head as he brings his face towards mine. His sky-blue eyes darken. “Leaving you isn’t possible. Not anymore.”

  I put my hand on his chest to push him away, but as soon as my hand touches the fabric of his shirt, he wraps his hand over mine. He takes another step towards me, pressing his body to mine. His eyes flick to my lips. Subconsciously, I bring my tongue out, wetting the target of his gaze.


  “No.” His head shakes slightly. “Tessa, please don’t ask me to do something that I’m unable to do. You can ask me to do anything else, but not that. Please don’t ask me to leave because I’m sorry, baby, but that’s not about to happen.”

  Before I can argue, his lips come down on mine. Wiping away all the reasons why I need him to leave. Washing away all my worries because for the first time in years I feel like I’m not alone and I need to learn to accept that fact.


  My heart races, but not in fear.


  “This is how it’s going to go down,” he says as he locks the bedroom door. My eyes dart behind him. “We’re going to take this at your pace, Tessa. Do you understand?” I nod. He kicks his boots off then slowly approaches me. He takes my hand and I don’t flinch, which makes him smile. “Touch me.” He places my palm on his chest. I can feel the power of his heart as it beats against my touch. “Do you know how long I’ve thought about this? Tell me what you want.”

  I close my eyes, trying to find the courage. “I’m scared.”

  “I’m here.” He brings his hand up, and I feel his fingers at the nape of my neck. “Tell me what you want.”

  “You.” I keep my eyes closed.

  I feel his lips brush against mine. “Tell me, again Tessa.” The whisper of his voice sends chills down my body.

  Pictures of the past float through my mind. Memories of the one night I had with him. The feel of his skin against mine, the look in his eyes as he pushed into me for the first time. Fear courses through my body; it trembles with both need and trepidation.

  Without words, I tug at the hem of his shirt, bringing it up and over his head. I finally open my eyes and take in the smoothness of his chest. His muscles are more defined than when I last saw him. I hesitate for a moment, but then I run my hand over the muscles of his stomach. When my nails scrape along his skin, his muscles tense and he sucks in his breath. I bring my eyes to his. My Hawk. He smiles and gives a nod of his head. My fingers hit the top of the waistband of his jeans, and I stop. With trembling fingers, I try to unbutton the metal button of his jeans, but I’m not able to. I let out a shaky breath and bring my eyes to his.

  “Tell me,” he pants.

  “I…I want you.”

  Without taking his eyes from mine, he places his hand over mine on his jeans, and he unbuttons them in one smooth motion. He takes my fingers in his and puts them on the zipper. My heart rate spikes and my mouth runs dry with the thought of what’s about to happen. “I got you, Tessa,” he says as we both work his zipper. “I’ve always got you, sweetheart.” As soon as his pants are undone, they fall away from his waist, sliding down his legs and pooling at the floor. I suck in a breath when I realize he isn’t wearing anything. When I hear him chuckle I look up into his eyes and swallow.

  “Tell me,” he says again.

  My tongue darts out and wets my lips. I take a deep breath and speak the words he’s waiting to hear. “Make love to me, Hawk.”

  “My fucking pleasure.”

  His lips fall to my neck, kissing upward, nipping at my ear. He groans as he continues to lick at my skin. My mind races as my heart beats frantically in my chest. I’m uncertain of what I should do, so I start to pull my shirt over my head, but he bats my hands away.

  He pulls his lips from my skin and looks at me. “I’ve been waiting years to undress you again, Tessa.” His voice is thick with emotion. “Please, baby, don’t take that away from me.” When I nod, he smiles and pulls the fabric from my body. His eyes drop to my chest. “Fuck, I knew you weren’t wearing a bra,” he growls as his fingers bite into the flesh of my waist while his eyes roam over my body. He picks me up, tossing me softly onto the bed. I laugh, and it feels so good.

  He shakes his head. “You have no idea how beautiful you are. Please don’t be afraid.”

  “I trust you.”

  In my twen
ty-seven years, I’ve seen one man, this man, naked. Back when we were teenagers I was more preoccupied with what was happening than to take in what he looked like. But then, when we were young, I’m not sure I would have been able to appreciate the vision that was before me. Not like today.

  He crawls up my body, his eyes trained on me. “You have no idea how much your trust means to me. It always has, Tessa. I need you to know that.” He brings his lips to mine, in a soft motion. His tongue plays with mine, relaxing my body with every stroke. I run my fingers through his hair as he continues to kiss me. His fingers break the barrier of my skirt, pulling it from my body. When the realization hits that I’m naked under this man, my body tenses.

  Before I know what’s happening, I’m rolled from my back, and I’m now sitting on top of Hawk’s lap. I gaze down his body and my stomach flips. Beyond my pebbled nipples I can see his cock pressed against his stomach. My body starts to shake with nerves, and my courage begins to fade. I can’t do this. There’s no way I’ll be able to go through with this. What was I thinking? I’ll never be able to do this. Not after—


  My name on his lips brings my attention back to him.

  “Tell me.”

  “I’m scared.”

  He brings his hand to my face and rubs his thumb along my cheek. “Baby, look at me.” I bring my eyes to him and see nothing but love in the blue hues I adore so much. “Tessa.” He groans as I feel his shift beneath me.

  His fingers pull at the back of my neck as he brings my mouth to his. With my lips only inches from his, he stops and looks at me. “I’ve got you. It’s me, and baby, I’m so fucking hard for you. I’ve never wanted someone as much as I’ve wanted you. Fuck that. It’s not a want. It’s a fucking need, and Tessa, right now, I need to feel that pussy wrapped about my dick, and you’re going to be the one to do it.”

  He shifts slightly, allowing more room between his body and mine. I feel his hand on mine as he takes it and guides it to his dick. “You’ve got this,” he tells me as he wraps my fingers around his shaft. I suck in a breath at the feel of him. He feels like silken steel beneath my grip. My eyes close, giving myself a second to take in the moment. I can do this. I open my eyes and give him a smile. My hand twitches and I slightly squeeze him. His head fall back and groans in desire, so I gather up the courage and move the tip of his dick to my opening.


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