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Daahn Rising

Page 7

by Lyons, Brenna

  Evan recovered first. “Happy birthday, Zondra.”

  She pressed to his chest, holding tight to him. “It is now.” There was a moment of silence. “What do you think of Xxanian feeding?”

  “I still get to eat the occasional hamburger?” he teased.

  She laid a smack across his bare ass. “If you insist.”

  “It’s the most incredible meal I’ve ever had,” Evan admitted. “I’d be glad to do that anytime.”

  “Family meals in the nest with Gran-seir are only once a week, unless there’s a celebration. Anytime we choose to visit, it will likely be something of a mini celebration.”

  He scowled. “We are not doing that in front of your gran-seir.”

  “Of course not.” She smiled. “Want to feed me cake now?”

  “Mouth feed?” That didn’t sound as appetizing as passing shredded meat.

  Zondra shook her head. “Not a Xxanian’s way.”

  Evan reached for the fork. “Hmmm... Of course, there are interesting ways to use the cake.”

  Her expression said she was more than open to experimentation.

  Chapter Six

  “This is what happens next,” Dr. Rayn announced, settling on the edge of his antique desk. “We have to do some final tests on the two of you and some minor preparations, and then we can let you get on with mating.”

  Evan wrapped an arm around Zondra and drew her to his side, much more relaxed after four days without the collection bags, interrupted for Rayn’s seemingly endless testing. They’d talked, fed each other, bathed each other, slept in each others’ arms, and had indulged in a feast of sex that had both their pheromone levels higher than the doctors had ever seen.

  Tim had suggested that bagging Evan now would give them much more potent stock to work with. Evan’s answer wasn’t fit for many military men to hear, let alone women and children.

  “I’ve heard it’s a three-day stretch,” he responded to the head scientist.

  “Yes, it is.” Rayn waved them closer and turned a screen to face them. “There’s a typical way this is accomplished.”

  Evan narrowed his gaze on Zondra, and she wriggled at the attention.

  “Is there now?” he drawled. “Maybe Zondra would like to enlighten me.”

  She cleared her throat, her mouth going dry at the thought of telling Evan what he had to do to finalize their mating.

  “Zondra?” he pressed.

  “You will anoint me with your Zhigaaal. The usual erogenous zones... my breasts, inner thighs, pulse points, the musk wells at my throat... my mating stripe eventually.”

  “And how do I do that?”

  She looked up at Rayn. “I have no idea. The male uses his secondary.”

  “I’ve heard Xxanian men have two cocks.”

  Rayn nodded. “Since we don’t know how much of Xxanian mating depends on that difference, we will be creating one for you. To answer your other question, we will create a Zhigaaal bladder for you that will be strapped to the secondary.”

  He nodded in response, seemingly assimilating all the new information. Then Evan focused on Zondra again.

  She recognized the demand in that. “First, the female typically sucks the secondary and gets a mouthful of the Zhigaaal. While the anointing will arouse her, that step will render her momentarily drugged and unable to move. But that is short-lived. When she comes out of that, she’s in a frenzy and fights the male if she can.” Zondra trailed the fingertips of one hand over the injury she’d given him. “He often has to subdue her.”

  His smile was all male satisfaction and interest. His cock rose, most likely at the idea of being asked to dominate her.

  Or it’s the memories of our first night together.

  “I think I can handle that,” Evan offered smoothly.

  “He uses the secondary inside her...” She glanced up at Evan, at a loss for a moment to continue in front of Rayn.

  “Pussy?” Evan suggested.

  Zondra nodded. “Yes. Like when she sucks him, it will drug her for a moment only. With each infusion, at this stage, it will make her more frantic.”

  “Go on.”

  “The next step is using the secondary... uh...”

  “In the ass?” he guessed.

  She winced at his crass description. Humans often found that a perversion, she’d heard. Would Evan be repulsed by it or aroused? “Yes. Often they accomplish the final step while they perform that one.”

  “Which would be?” he asked.

  Rayn started to talk, and Evan shot him a quelling look.

  “Zondra will fill in the blanks, if you don’t mind.”

  “Of course, Duncan.” He waved a hand to Zondra.

  She nodded. “The Zhigaaal makes the female crazy. It sets off a burn not unlike the quickening.”

  “The mating urge I sated, you mean.”

  “Yes. Your cum will cool that burn and soothe the ache, much as it did that night.”

  “I see.” He seemed to consider that closely and carefully. Just when Zondra would have questioned him, Evan started speaking again. “I’ll use the secondary for some of the times I double penetrate her. But I’m not claiming Zondra with a strap-on, when we could both be enjoying what we’re doing.”

  “Are you sure?” Dr. Rayn asked.

  Zondra’s heart skipped at the press of Evan’s fingers, trailing up the center line of her buttocks as if in consideration.

  “Absolutely,” he rumbled.

  “And you concur?”

  She nodded.

  “Okay then. I’ll have them make the secondary on the mold we already have. In the meantime, we’ll fit the Zhigaaal bladder to your own cock. If you decide to use it on the secondary for some reason, you’ll be able to move it from one to the other without resetting the straps. In the meantime, we need to run more tests. And there are a few other differences between what has to happen and what Xxanian males usually do during mating. We’ll go over them.”

  Evan smiled a big old shit-eating grin. “While we take care of that, I have a few requests. Things I’ll need before we start... mating.”

  Zondra stared at him, at a loss to explain what he meant by that. His expression said she wouldn’t be finding out until he damn well wanted her to.

  Chapter Seven

  Evan panned his gaze over his preparations, smiling at what was to come. He’d given Zondra orders, and he didn’t doubt that she was following them to the letter.

  Just the thought of it had him hard, and he considered putting the bladder on.

  No. That is something Zondra is going to do for me... for us.

  Still, he reran his orders in his mind, allowing himself to visualize her preparations. Precum beaded at the head of his cock in excitement.

  Zondra would have used the enema first, preparing herself for the one pleasure he hadn’t indulged in yet.

  The bath would have been next on her agenda. He’d ordered her to be thorough... and attentive. She would return to him tasting of climax and not until she did.

  As if in answer to the thought, she sauntered into the room. Her gaze locked on the restraints on the bed, and she came to a halt, seemingly stunned.

  Evan closed on her position and wrapped his arms around her. “You’re going to look so beautiful. Tied down and open to everything I do to you.” He paused at the scent of her rising Zhigaaah. “It won’t last long. Once you’re in the full frenzy, you’ll do anything I say. Won’t you?”

  “I will now.”

  “Now,” he conceded. “And then. But when you’re mindless, you’re going to try to fight me. I will not allow that.”

  She seemed skittish at the prospect of being tied down.

  He stroked a fingertip along her lower lip. “You are my mate, and I love you, but you will be bound.” He smiled. “Considering what I have planned for you in those restraints, you will beg me to use them again.”

  Her raised eyebrows and pursed lips said she wasn’t so sure he could count on that.

>   “Did you follow my orders?” he asked.

  “I told you I would.” It was as close to mutiny as she’d come since Pira’s office.

  Evan thrust his hand between her thighs and started finger fucking her with his index and middle fingers. Zondra’s eye slits narrowed, and she moaned. He rewarded her with a massage of her clit with the rough pad of his thumb.

  “Tell me what you want, Zondra.”

  Her knees trembled against his. “Mating.”

  “More specific.”

  “Your Zhigaaal —”

  “More specific.”

  “Your cock... everywhere.”

  Evan eased his hand out of her. “Then you can start by getting on your knees and sucking me.”

  Zondra took a step back, stopping at the sight of his bare cock. Her head tipped to one side in consideration. Or perhaps she was asking a silent question.

  “You get to do the honors, after you suck me. But don’t make me come. I want all my cum for your ripening.”

  She sank to her knees, her lips parting. Her mouth was hot and wet. Evan swore he could feel her salivating against the head of his cock. Her moan worked its way up his cock, and she started moving back and forth along his length.

  There was something of an adrenaline rush in knowing a woman could shred your cock with a mouthful of serrated hunting teeth but chose to suck you instead. Evan allowed that thought to push him toward climax.

  No. There are more important things to do. “Stand up.”

  Zondra released his length, laid a lick over the head, and stood.

  He picked up the greased leather cock ring and slid it on, hissing out a breath at the pressure it was putting at the base of his cock. Deal with it. It will let me get Zondra into the full frenzy without counteracting what I’m doing to her.

  She stared at the device, clearly at a loss to understand what he was doing. Evan didn’t offer an explanation. Instead he handed her the pump that would be strapped on to his cock. Zondra didn’t hesitate. In moments, the unit was in place.

  She looked up at him, seemingly confused at what to do next. Evan took her by the hand and led her to the bed. Again she stopped and stared at the restraints. Her breathing went ragged, but her scent said she wasn’t too frightened or unnerved to find the scene arousing.

  He lifted Zondra and settled her in the middle of the bed. Her attention wandered to the covered mirror, and Evan cupped her chin and guided her gaze back to him.

  “You know the drill,” he reminded her. “The speaker and mic will be open, but the mirrors will be covered.” Even that much rankled, but Rayn had insisted that the chance of a human male reacting to the mating frenzy badly was too high to ignore. Someone would listen to everything they did and intervene if it seemed either of them was in distress.

  Let them whack off to what they hear. It would serve them right to suffer days of blue balls for being voyeurs.

  She nodded, and Evan released her chin.

  There was no question what he had to get accomplished to bind her to him and little more question about the general order it had to happen in. But this wasn’t going to be a clinical experience for either of them. Not if he had anything to say about it.

  Evan eased Zondra to the bed with him and captured her lips for a brief but heated kiss. Her Zhigaaah beckoned, and Evan rubbed his fingertips along the ducts that secreted the heady pheromone. The stimulation forced her production into overdrive, and he feasted on it.

  Zondra tipped her head back, opening her throat to his suckling mouth. The move also pushed her breasts to his chest.

  The invitation was too enticing to ignore. Evan supported himself on one hand and used the other to perform a rough massage of her breasts.

  Sharp little sounds escaped her throat, and she wiggled away from him. Evan responded by pinning her shoulders to the mattress, and she screamed in delight. He nipped at her throat, prompting a second one.

  Her retreat thwarted and her arousal approaching a sharp peak he’d seen on countless occasions in their short time together, Zondra settled beneath him. Evan stroked his hand down her body, circling lightly at her hairless mound and then her clit.

  “Seir-God, yes!” Her shout echoed off the walls.

  Hope the voyeurs’ ears ring for a week. That brought a smile to Evan’s face.

  He moved his fingers from her body to the pump attached to his and pressed the smaller of the two buttons on it. His condensed Zhigaaal oozed out the end of the tube and slid a fiery trail down his cock.

  The effect was less noticeable against his calloused fingertips than it was against the more sensitive skin of his cock. At the first circle over one pebbled nipple, Zondra arched beneath him with what was most likely a curse in Xxan. Before she had a chance to react, he’d refreshed the slick of Zhigaaal on his fingers and anointed the other.

  That wrenched a shout that sounded like shock from her. Evan forced his weight down, preparing for a fight that never came. He rolled her nipples between his fingers, his cock complaining at her whispered pleas.

  Her head rocked back on her neck, and Evan seized the opportunity to collect more Zhigaaal and anoint the ducts at her throat. Her breathing went choppy, and she shuddered hard beneath him.

  “Did you come?” he teased.

  “Yes.” Her voice was slurred already, and he’d barely begun.

  “You know what I’m going to do next.”

  Zondra shook her head, but whether she was begging him not to continue yet or was telling him she was too muddled to remember was uncertain.

  “Oh yes, Zondra. I am.” He pressed the small button again, renewing the coating of Zhigaaal on his cock.

  At the first glide of the head down her clit and slit, she shouted something in Xxan.

  I have got to learn her language. Her exclamations were lost on him, though the fact that she couldn’t seem to remember to speak English was a compliment in itself.

  Zondra pitched up from the mattress, and Evan muscled her down, pinning her wrists to the bed.

  “Don’t make me restrain you yet,” he warned. “I’d hoped you’d manage a little longer.”

  She glanced at the restraints waiting for her and shook her head. “Not yet,” she agreed.

  Slowly, purposefully, Evan stroked the length of his cock between her thighs, leaving a coat of Zhigaaal over her intimate flesh.

  Her muscles tightened and relaxed, and her eye slits dilated until only a hint of the green-gold remained around the black ellipses.

  “You like that,” he grumbled. “Now that the Zhigaaal is soaking in.”

  “It burns.” But it was said without conviction.

  “A good burn. You like it.”

  “Oh yes,” she moaned. Her hips tipped back and forth, aiding him.

  Evan backed away, using the Zhigaaal on the underside of his cock to paint her inner thighs. He knelt up between her ankles, renewing the musk for the next step in the mating dance.

  Zondra pulled her legs up and pressed her thighs together, gasping out pleas for him to finish what he’d started.

  “There’s no turning back, Zondra.” It was only fair to warn her. “The minute you take my cock in your mouth, you’re choosing to be my mate.”

  “Yes. Now.”

  He nodded, and she came to her knees, facing him. Her mouth brushed against his, then trailed down his body, leaving heat in its wake. She paused at the head of his cock, and he jerked in response to the taunt. Just when he would have demanded she continue, Zondra sucked in his cock.

  “Fuck, yes. Oh... fuck!” He fisted his hand in her dark hair and guided Zondra up and down his length.

  Words stuck at the back of his throat and came out rough and breathless. “Swallow the Zhigaaal. Swallow now.”

  The move forced a ragged cry from him. Now. She’s ready now. And the sooner he sent her into a frenzy, the sooner he could come and end this torture.

  Evan forced his cock to the back of her throat, groaning at the compression on the
head. They’d told him the musk would relax her muscles, but he hadn’t been sure it would relax them enough to suppress her gag reflex.

  It was time for the larger button. Evan held her head in place and pushed it.

  Zondra swallowed reflexively, and Evan released her. She rose to her knees, already in a daze, looked at him with unfocused eyes, and crumpled into his waiting arms.

  It won’t last long. He closed one padded shackle on her right wrist, then the other on her left. Laying her on the bed, Evan reached for the first of the matching ankle shackles.

  It was too late. Zondra pulled her legs back in a clumsy attempt at fighting him. The fact that she was still disoriented allowed him to grasp her by the thighs and thrust inside her welcoming body.

  Her climax was sweet torture on his leashed cock. Evan used her preoccupation with the sensation to press the larger button again, prompting the jet of Zhigaaal into her contracting body.

  She screamed, her muscles tightening until she bowed up from the bed. Zondra collapsed to the mattress again.

  Evan didn’t hesitate. Before her glassy eyes focused again, she was spread-eagle on the mattress, all four limbs chained down.

  Zondra pulled weakly at the shackles, and Evan smiled. Knowing how strong the Xxan were, he’d chosen metal chains and shackles instead of web or cloth she might have been able to tear or snap. Then he’d had Tim arrange to have the links and welds reinforced. The sex toys — while still padded for her comfort and safety — would hold a Grea Elder now.


  “Time to play.”

  Evan’s voice cleared some of the cotton batting out of her head, and Zondra tried to make sense of what he was saying. That was a lost cause. Her mind was disjointed and prone to wander, thanks to his Zhigaaal coursing through her system and changing her.

  Motions of his hands drew her attention, and she dimly noted that he was changing out the Zhigaaal cartridge. She tried to make sense of that. He’d expended the first one already? The calculations shouldn’t have taxed her, but Zondra conceded defeat.

  The burning in her gut eclipsed all else. Her mouth was parched, but Evan’s taste echoed pleasantly. She licked her lips, trying to wet them, but the remaining Zhigaaal seared them instead.


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