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Corinne (Book One of The Red Diamond Saga)

Page 14

by Jennifer Janne

  He found it very difficult to process not because he was a practical man, but because it was a whole new side of Corinne that he had never even known existed. It put her in more danger than he could ever protect her from. After the way he spoke to her earlier, he would not be surprised if she wanted nothing to do with him. He laid his hand against the surface of the door as he considered whether to knock, use his key, or simply go back to his house for the night. He heard the knob turning.

  He stepped back, half expecting it to be Aaron asking him to leave. Instead it was Corinne. She was in a long white nightgown, and her golden blonde hair was flowing over her shoulders. As long as they had been together, there were still times when he looked at her, that he was stunned by her beauty.

  “Can I come in?” He asked boyishly, his nerves frazzled by the entire day and the way her eyes settled upon him knowingly. Could she tell what he was feeling? Could she read his thoughts?

  She stepped back from the door and opened it all the way so that he could step inside. When he had, she closed the door behind him.

  Daniel noticed the absence of slumbering bodies on the couches in the living room. He raised his brows questioningly.

  “I asked them to sleep in my room tonight.” She explained as she led him to the living room. She could not feel his emotions through her anxiety. She wondered whether he would still want anything to do with her, let alone marry her. “I was hoping you would come over.” When she sat down on the couch, Daniel remained standing. He could see her discomfort, but he could not figure out what it meant.

  “Why wouldn't I?” He asked a little defensively. He was beginning to think she had spent her evening preparing a break up conversation.

  “I just,” Corinne shrugged as she hung her hands over the tops of her knees and gazed up at him hesitantly. “I wasn't sure how you would feel.”

  Daniel crouched down in front of Corinne and slipped his hands into hers. His touch was a wonderful sensation compared to what she had been feeling all day. “Corinne, I am sorry that you did not think you could tell me everything.” He watched her expression closely as he spoke in a soft tone. “I know when you tried to tell me before, I did not believe it. I am sorry I did not take it more seriously.”

  Corinne squeezed his hands as she bit into her bottom lip.

  “I feel like all I do is complicate your life.” She admitted as she studied him fearfully.

  Daniel surprised her by laughing at her words. He crept closer to her and pulled his hands from hers so that he could slip them around her waist, nearly pulling her off of the couch as he did.

  “How could you think you complicate my life?” He whispered just beside her ear as he drew her down on to the floor with him. “When will you get it, Corinne?” He met her eyes, and the honesty within his assuaged all of her concern that he might be lying. “You are my life.” He met her lips as the last of his words left his. The intimacy of the kiss that they shared was heightened by Corinne's ability to know with complete certainty that every tender caress was genuine.

  That night she revealed everything to him that she knew, about herself, about Aaron and Lisa. She also confessed her desire to find out more about the woman who had abandoned her. Daniel promised that he would help and with that, they kissed goodnight and Daniel went home.


  Daniel spent the next few days researching information on Corinne's mother. It was hard to come by much, considering that she had never signed a birth certificate or attempted to claim Corinne as her own. Daniel checked for deaths around the time of Corinne's birth.

  There were a few that could have been Corinne's mother, but Daniel ruled them out with further investigation. The medical examiner would have noted if the woman had recently given birth, none of the women that matched her possible description had.

  While he dug up information, Corinne, Aaron and Lisa had their own plans in mind. Lisa had become oddly curious about Stanley, who persistently called to check on her. He had invited her to lunch on his day off. Aaron was not happy about it, but Corinne convinced him. It was time Lisa had a chance to enjoy herself and begin to learn that there was more to life than just science and logic.

  Aaron had made an excuse to go out a few minutes after Lisa left with Stanley. In truth, he was following them. Corinne was left to sort through the bills that had collected, and consider what job she might actually be able to tolerate. As each of them went about their day, they had no idea how drastically everything was about to change.


  Aaron stalked after Stanley and Lisa. They were walking to a nearby deli that was known to have the best sandwiches around. He had listened to Corinne's reasoning, but not a single word had sunk in. She would never be able to comprehend what it was like to be raised in captivity. Her childhood had been bad at best, but at least it had been real.

  Lisa's had been manufactured, and she had no ability to gauge the hidden meaning behind the words and intentions of others. To him letting her be alone with someone like Stanley was like tossing her in with a den full of lions. He would keep his distance but there was no way he was going to let her be alone with the rookie cop.

  They had already gone inside of the deli when he reached it. His hand was on the door knob, when he noticed someone out of the corner of his eye. Conner was standing across the street, staring directly at him.

  A sharp fear sliced through Aaron as the man's possessive gaze remained upon him. He watched as Conner confidently crossed the street. He knew that Aaron would not run. He was too proud to hide.

  “Aaron.” Conner said in a friendly tone, he spread his arms wide as if he expected a hug. Aaron shrunk back away from him, as he tried to guess what kind of game Conner was playing.

  “Leave me alone old man.” Aaron said threateningly. He had picked up a few choice lines from the movies he had been watching at Corinne's apartment.

  Conner laughed, but his eyes hardened. He took a step closer to Aaron and the heat of his gaze warned the younger man of what was to come.

  “You don't tell me what to do Aaron.” He said in a calm clear tone. He lifted his hand to Aaron's shoulder and settled it there. “She has really gotten to you, eh?” He asked as Aaron's jaw rippled with tension and his gaze remained warily on Conner.

  “We just want to live our lives.” He attempted to convey confidence in his tone, but he could not disguise a subtle waver. All of his life he had been so much stronger than Conner, but he had never been able to use that strength against him. Whether it was because of Conner's energetic manipulation, or because of Aaron's twisted sense of loyalty, he simply could not cross the line of striking Conner back.

  “Your lives?” Conner whispered with a sneer. He leaned his face close to Aaron's as he continued to speak. “You do not have lives. You are making the mistake of thinking that somehow you exist for a purpose beyond what I created you for.”

  As Aaron was berated by Conner's words, he let his eyes fall closed against them. Conner seized that moment to slip the small needle into the palm of his hand, without pausing in his speech. “You were not conceived boy, you were designed. Understand?”

  Aaron's dark green gaze was cold as it met Conner's again. It was the same thing he had been told for as long as he could remember. He was not real. He was not human. He was an experiment.

  “There is no life for you, no future.” Conner pushed his finger into Aaron's solid chest. “You belong to me, and you will serve your purpose.”

  When Aaron turned his head to resist lashing out at Conner, the older man took the opportunity to jab the tiny needle into Aaron's arm. Aaron knew what was happening the instant he felt the needle penetrate his flesh. His eyes were desperate as they pleaded with Conner before they were forced to fall shut. Before Aaron could collapse two large men stepped up behind him and helped carry him to a car that was waiting around the corner. To any onlookers it appeared that Aaron was being helped to the car by friends after drinking too much.

  When Conn
er closed the car door, he smiled toward the deli. Lisa would be next.

  The car pulled away, leaving behind only a trail of exhaust.


  Daniel and Corinne met for lunch near the police station. She smiled wickedly as she recounted Lisa and Stanley's awkward greeting at the door. “It was adorable.” She said giddily. She was quite happy that Lisa was beginning to be more comfortable socializing.

  “I bet Aaron did not think so.” Daniel said with a smirk as he took a bite of his sandwich. Corinne laughed at that. She had felt so much better since revealing the whole truth to Daniel. With a new family around her, and a wedding in her future, she finally felt as if she might be able to relax and just enjoy her life.

  “I am sorry I have not found much information about your mother.” Daniel said as he finished his lunch and sat back in his chair. “In a way it is promising that no one matching her description was reported missing, or that her body-” He paused as he realized what he was about to say.

  “Was not found.” Corinne finished for him. She was confused when she thought of her mother. A big part of her wanted to find her, but a tiny voice in the back of her mind kept begging her to leave well enough alone.

  “We'll find her.” Daniel reassured her as he curled his hand around hers and stroked it affectionately.

  Corinne nodded and was about to change the subject, when an idea struck her. There were many ways to make a person disappear. If her mother had been perfect biologically to create her and Aaron, perhaps she had been too valuable despite her rebellion to exterminate. Still she would need to be confined, and anything she tried to say to others would need to be discredited somehow.

  “A mental hospital.” Corinne suddenly blurted out. “Can you check the admissions to mental hospitals on that day?” She asked hopefully.

  Daniel's eyes widened at her words. It made perfect sense to him, and he could not believe he had not thought of it before. He grimaced though as he realized how stringent mental health facility records would be.

  “It may take me a little time, but I will check.” He promised. As they said goodbye, Corinne felt a prick on her arm. She reached down and rubbed her skin, but there was no mark or sign of what might have caused the pain. With a shrug she kissed Daniel goodbye.

  Aaron's head was full of searing pain as he struggled to open his eyes. The drug had yet to wear off, and he was still quite groggy. Conner had doubled the dose to be sure that Aaron did not put up a fight. The room he was in was dark, but he could tell there was someone else present.

  “Conner?” He asked in a slurred whisper.

  The man that stepped out of the shadows was not Conner. He was a short man with a bald head, wearing a fur coat.

  “Sit up.” He commanded Aaron, who complied reluctantly. It hurt more every time he moved. As he squinted through the shadows at the man he wondered who he was and why Conner was not the one to confront him.

  The man roughly grasped Aaron's chin and tilted his head back as he examined the man's face critically. He surveyed his physical prowess closely. Then he pulled a chair toward the bed Aaron was sitting on. The metal legs scraped across the cement floor. The man sat down in the chair and fixed his gaze to Aaron.

  “Conner tells me you have super human strength.” He shrugged as if that was nothing to be proud of. “I suppose that does not extend to your brain.” He reached out and knocked lightly on the top of Aaron's head. Aaron winced and drew back.

  “Yes, that does not feel good does it?” The man threw his head back and laughed. Then he stood from the chair and let his amusement fade into a subtle smirk. “You have no idea what you have done to yourself.” With that he left the room.

  Aaron reached up and rubbed at his eyes as he tried to clear the fog of pain from his mind. He could not believe he had allowed himself to be captured. Only out for a little while, and already he was a prisoner again. His mind wandered to Lisa and Corinne. Had they been taken too?


  Outside the room in the hallway, the shorter man met with Conner.

  “I expect complete compliance.” He insisted. “If this does not go well, I am shutting it all down.” He started to walk away, and then paused as he added. “You have screwed with the wrong people Conner.”

  As he strode away Conner knew that he spoke for more than just himself. He was just one of the groups of high-powered officials from several different countries that had invested in his research. When it came to biology and genetics there were no dividing lines. Everyone wanted the same thing, to be the first with the knowledge. The money flowed freely as long as the results were provided. Corinne, Aaron, and Lisa were worth billions of dollars to those countries. The consequences of their escape were going to come swiftly and furiously.

  If there was even a chance that some of the powerful men he worked for could be linked to the project legally, Conner knew they would not hesitate to destroy all of the potential evidence. That included his three escapees. That also included Conner himself.

  When he opened the door to the small cell, he found Aaron sitting on the edge of his cot, his head in his hands. The amount of times he had stepped into Aaron's cell to find him in the same position were too numerous to count. He had assumed if he raised the children without need for affection they would not instinctively need it, but he had been wrong. It was not until Aaron was older that he realized offering him the slightest hint of approval and attention went a lot further in controlling him than any of the punishments he could offer.

  Aaron looked up quickly when Conner entered the room. He was terrified as he looked up at the man who towered over him armed with much more than any weapon could offer. He had the ability to make Aaron second guess himself and doubt his ability to be an individual with a heart and a soul.

  “Wait!” Aaron held up his hands as he stood from the cot. Conner was approaching him slowly, deliberately, with a familiar stance. “Listen, I just was a little confused.” Aaron tried to explain. His heart began to race as Conner moved closer. Now and then Conner had struck him as discipline. He felt it was the best way to formulate a tolerance for pain within Aaron while also reminding him that no matter how strong he was, Conner was in charge. He had only once ever approached him in this threatening way, and what had happened that day was something Aaron had hoped would never be repeated.

  “Very confused.” Conner agreed as he continued to follow Aaron casually around the room. Aaron was about to protest, when Conner seized his energy and began to manipulate it.

  “On your knees.” He commanded the younger man. Despite his ability to bend and crush metal, Aaron could not keep his knees from striking the hard cement floor.

  Pain shot up through his knees as they struck so heavily. Aaron lifted his frightened eyes to Conner just in time to receive a blow across his face.

  Aaron tasted the blood in his mouth before he felt the full force of the pain. His mind swung with the impact of the blow combining with the after affects of the drug he had been subdued with.

  “I need you to do me a favor.” Conner said as he dropped down into a crouch in front of Aaron. He pulled out Aaron's cell phone and flipped it open. He chose Corinne's phone number, and handed it to Aaron.

  “You are to call your sister. Tell her that you decided to spend the night somewhere, with a woman, by yourself, I don't care, but it better be convincing.” He narrowed his eyes as Aaron tried to focus on his words. “If she shows up here, it will be the last time she does anything, understand?”

  Aaron nodded and accepted the phone. He pressed the button to dial Corinne's number and waited for her to answer.


  “Hey Aaron, what's up?” Corinne asked as she answered the phone. She had just gotten back to the apartment and found Lisa preparing something that smelled amazing.

  “Corinne I am going out of town for a few days.” He said as casually as he could manage.

  “What?” Corinne asked in surprise. She peeked into the pot Lisa was stirring
and Lisa grinned at the euphoric expression Corinne made when she inhaled the aroma.

  “I got a tip about our mother.” Aaron said as he stared straight into Conner's eyes. They widened slightly at the mention of Bethany, but he did nothing to stop Aaron's words.

  Corinne frowned. “Then I'll go with you.” Lisa was now interested in the conversation. She did not like the idea of Aaron going anywhere.

  “Look, I just want to check it out.” Aaron said sternly. “It could be nothing. If I find something out for sure, I'll call you.”

  Conner smiled as Aaron continued to weave his lies. He was doing a fairly good job of it.

  Corinne was still not satisfied. She assumed that wherever the trail to her mother led, it would be dangerous.

  “I don't know Aaron, why don't you just tell Daniel what you found and he can check it out first?” She suggested as Lisa listened in closely.

  “No.” Aaron said sharply. “I just need some time.” He felt a hint of desperation as he realized that if Corinne and Lisa had the slightest suspicion Corinne would try to find him, and lead them both into Conner's grasp. “Look, I am not used to sharing a place; I just need a little time away. Okay? If I find anything, I'll call you.”

  Corinne shook her head a little at his sudden attitude, but she was not surprised by it. Aaron did have a bit of a temper when it came to being told what to do.

  “Alright, alright.” She said. “Just be careful.” She could not overlook what seemed like a sensation of fear coming from Aaron.

  “I will.” He hesitated a moment, and then added. “Tell Lisa for me, okay?” His teeth clenched as he tried to disguise his emotions. From the wildness in Conner's eyes he was not sure if he would ever see either of them again.

  “I will.” Corinne replied. When she hung up the phone, Lisa was looking at her expectantly. Corinne relayed Aaron's message. Lisa was not happy about it, but she had to admit it did sound like something Aaron would do. She returned to the pot of soup on the stove and lost herself in memories of her lunch with Stanley.


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