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Dances with Wolves

Page 11

by Dances

  Jada's head spun around to face him. Glaring at him, she jumped up. "Who the hell said you could boss me around?"

  "Lass, we're in public, the whole damned world can see us. Phelan's got a hard on. I've got one and I'm damned sure Lucas does, too. So unless you're willing to have sex out here in the open air and with the whole crowd from the Highland Festival cheering us on as witnesses, then you'll stop it now!"

  "If I wanted to fuck Phelan then I would, Caden, make no mistake about that. But you're right. I don't want the crowd watching us, so I will stop. But just because I let you walk in and out of my bedroom, Caden, don't think you can start telling me what to do!" She jumped to her feet and stalked over to Larissa, who was consoling Alex by practically devouring him with her mouth. Rolling her eyes, she headed over to the Rolls Royce, spun around and glared at the three men lounging on the blanket, when the alarm beeped and the doors unlocked to let her in. Unbelievably pissed off, she climbed on to the luxurious seat, curled up on her side and willed herself to sleep. Maybe then she wouldn't feel so damned grouchy!

  * * * *

  Jada awoke to the feel of lips pressing against her neck and jaw, sighing throatily she tilted her head to allow the lips further access and smiled slowly when she heard him chuckle. "Lucas?" she asked, then opened her eyes and peered up at him. "Where are we?"

  "Back at the castle, dearling. It's time to get ready for dinner," he whispered against her mouth.

  "Okay." She sighed, allowing him to kiss her further, enjoying his ministrations. When he eased away and helped her sit up, she shook her head slightly. "I feel better after that nap. I'm still a bit jet-lagged thanks to you and your cousins!" She gave a mock-glare and grinned at him. Standing up with a groan, she said, "I'll see you later then."

  Walking away from Lucas, she quickly headed upstairs to dress for dinner, choosing a dark velvet blue dress that clung to her butt and breasts, but was short and stopped mid-thigh. This dress also had a train that covered the backs of her legs, yet showed the rest of the world her shape. She dressed quickly, intending to eat as soon as she could and then return to bed so that she could finish the rest of her nap in comfort and not scrunched up in the backseat of a car. The Rolls may have been luxury personified, but a feather bed it was not! Only checking the mirror to ensure that everything was where it should be, she quickly ran downstairs, pleased to see that most people were already sat at the table and she seated herself beside Phelan, who'd reserved a seat for her. She kissed him in greeting then devoured the dishes as they were served. A carrot and orange soup, followed by Roast Beef served with roasted vegetables and gravy, then rhubarb pie with lashings of fresh cream. She groaned in completion as she ate the last bite and as the rest of the party stood and walked to the ballroom, she nudged Phelan in the side when he laughed at her, then leaning close to whisper to him. "I'm sorry, babe, but I'm going back to bed. I can't keep my eyes open."

  She didn't allow him to answer, just gave him another kiss and ran back to her room. Quickly stripping off the gown, she climbed into the bed nude, uncaring about her nightshirt. She just wanted to sleep! Jada knew that she was wasting a night here, a night that she'd never get back, but she was sick of feeling like a drowned bedraggled rat because she hadn't slept well!

  It didn't take her long to fall asleep. As soon as her head hit the pillow, that was that. She didn't hear the loud music, nor the vibrations from the bass that ricocheted throughout the castle's foundations, she just slept and when a man crept into her room, stripped of his clothes and climbed into bed beside her, she didn't even raise her head in query. She just snuggled into his hold and spooned against him, when he pressed the length of his body against hers.

  A few hours later, when the castle was silent, but the moon was still high in the night sky, she awoke to the feeling of fingers delving into her pussy. She separated her legs and hooked it over his thigh, allowing him to touch her more, pleasure her more. When his hand stopped and pulled away, she opened her eyes blearily and somehow she knew that it was Lucas playing with her, Lucas who was now kneeling down at the bottom of the bed, spreading her legs, settling himself in front of her cunt, devouring her with his gaze. "Lucas?"

  "Aye, love?" his voice was absent-minded, not really concentrating on her words, too busy looking at her. When she didn't reply, he pressed his mouth to her clit. "The taste of your pussy has been driving me insane," he whispered, flicking his tongue along her clit, down to her entrance, he groaned as her juices melted into his mouth. Teasing her for God knows how long, he left no part of her untouched, spreading flames of need and lust wherever he went. Nibbling on her clit, he stopped when she cried out, nearing her climax. He pressed a tender kiss to the needy nubbin, then climbed his way up her body and settled his hips between her open thighs. Nuzzling his face against hers, she could feel the moistness of his skin. Her juices covered his mouth and as he pressed his tongue between her lips and she tasted herself, she gave a moan of need. Cupping his face between her palms she kissed him eagerly, hungrily. Raising his hips, he guided his cock to her body's entrance, slowly penetrating her, rubbing every nerve end with his wide dick. She moaned in pleasure against his mouth, but he didn't slow or speed up, just kept to the same gentle pace, touching her everywhere, leaving no part unbranded by him. His thrusts never changed, yet despite her frustrations, she understood why. He was cherishing her, being tender, giving her love, not just fucking her. As that thought hit her mind and all the connotations that came with it, a gentle climax set fire to her nerves, burnt its enervating path along areas of her body that had never been touched, areas that had longed for and had never found love.

  Sighing softly against his mouth, for he continued to kiss her throughout, she felt humbled by this extraordinary feeling. It wasn't lust or desire. It really was love and the thought brought tears to her eyes.

  Chapter Seven

  Falling asleep next to Lucas's hard warm body was a wonderful sensation. Waking up next to him was even better. Feeling that muscled torso, the hard rasp of his chest hair and the peaked nubbins of his nipples pressed gently against the soft skin of her back was really quite thrilling. His hair-fuzzed arm was wrapped tightly around her waist and rested against the soft swell of her breasts. It caged her into his personal space and enfolded her into his body. Such a difference from yesterday morning, when she'd awakened to feelings of intense insecurity and concern about the future, despair over how she'd opened herself up to heartbreak. It seemed rather amazing that Lucas's presence could quench those negative emotions, how that arm welding her to his body took all the fears away, because he wanted her there. He clamped her to his side, wanted her in his space. Her feelings of neediness fell away. The tenderness he showed her now and last night was shockingly effective. She reacted to it like the person starved of affection she was. It didn't matter that it was of her own doing. For this moment in time, she reveled in his touch.

  A sigh fell from his lips as she nestled against him. He rubbed his hips into the gentle rise of her behind. She felt the hard pressure of his cock as he too awakened slowly. Pulling her impossibly closer, he nuzzled his face against her jaw. "Morning, eudail," he murmured.

  "What's that mean?" she asked, turning into his hold to face him, ignoring his greeting.

  "Darling," he answered easily, tucking her into his arms so that her head was nestled beneath his jaw. He pressed a kiss on to her hair. "Well, you are, aren't you?"

  Bright pink now, she mumbled, "If you want me to be, I am." That was a good sign, right?

  His head moved back a notch to lift her chin and so she could meet his gaze. "I do." His voice was deep and filled with meaning. Any lingering doubt fell away at the assurance in his voice. She couldn't help but take heart from his statement and knew that despite everything, even a broken heart, to feel this way about Lucas and about Phelan and Caden was a once in a lifetime thing. How could she turn away from that? The answer was, she couldn't. If she never opened herself up to the extreme lows i
n love, then how could she experience the highs and this must be one of those amazing highs! The buzz burned behind her eyes as she contemplated the emotions ricocheting inside her mind.

  "I'm glad," she whispered against his throat, settling with a simple and true answer, then pressed an open-mouthed kiss to his Adam's Apple, laving it with the flat of her tongue, feeling the hard bristles of his beard against that tender organ. She probably had stubble rash all over her mouth, but hell, it was worth it! She dotted kisses over and around his chin, neck and chest. Wherever she could reach, Jada kissed. Her small display of affection deeply affected Lucas, who clasped a hand to her head and rolled on to his back, encouraging her, whilst reveling in her touch, in the tender show of love she was giving to him and only him.

  Licking the nubbin of his nipple with the very tip of her tongue, she flicked her tongue all over the bronze disc. It soon crinkled and hardened and, placing it between her teeth, she bit down gently, teasing him and playing with him. She did the same with his other nipple, not leaving them alone until both were hard and erect. Drawing herself up so that she rested on bent knees, Jada traced her palms over his rock-solid torso, sighing as she did so. Touching his body was like setting up a direct link from eyes to brain and brain to pussy, which grew moist as she smoothed her hands over his tough body.

  She relished the discovery of softer areas, like the patch of skin between the ridges of his six pack, or the silk like flesh on the sides of his body, near his underarms. Fiery molten paths of lava burned their way throughout her body, sending unbearable bursts of excitement to her already charged brain. She felt like a starving woman at a feast. Her mouth worked lower and lower, down the trail of intriguing hair that dusted the center of his belly and straight on to his erection. Pressing kisses along the line of his cock, she felt him shudder at that simple touch and instantaneously she wanted to gobble him up, suckle him until he exploded in her ready mouth. If a few kisses made him shudder, then what the hell would he feel when she sucked him dry?

  With a silent groan, she clenched her eyes shut. It was hard to concentrate on him, when her thoughts turned her on so badly. These last few days, she'd grown lazy. Extremely so. The three men had focused almost entirely on her, pleasing her, ensuring she climaxed and enjoyed good, hot sex. It was difficult to hold back and concentrate on him and despite herself, she felt unbearably selfish. This man had made love to her three times, on each occasion giving her pleasure orally, selflessly ensuring that she received the ultimate satisfaction. How had she managed to find not one, not two, but three men whose main aim in the bedroom was to please her? Hell, some women didn't even get one, but she had three! It didn't matter that the whole point of an orgy was to have sex and enjoy carnal pleasures, she was sure that some men here weren't as vigilant as her three in ensuring their partner's gratification. A lot of the women were probably here because they weren't satisfied by their man. So on consideration, waiting five minutes to cum wasn't that big a deal!

  With a mental chuckle, she approached the task at hand the way she always did when there was an important assignment to be completed at work-with preparation and planning. Trailing her longest fingernail down the center of his dick, over the rounded bulbous head and along the thick central vein on the underside, she smiled as his head shot up and pleasure bled into his eyes. His head had been against the pillow, but now he rested on his elbows, watching her watch him.

  Pressing her tongue into the small hole in the middle of his glans, she flicked it rapidly for a moment, then placed a lot of pressure against it, quickly moving away to lave the head. Tasting the salty liquid of his seed against her tongue made her shudder and return, eagerly supping at the suddenly weeping slit.

  "You like the taste of my cum, Jada?" his voice was thick with brogue, so thick that it was hard to understand. His words were slurred like he was drunk and when she didn't answer, just delicately licked a little more away, his head reared back, stretching the corded tendons at this throat.

  A grin of deviousness graced her lips as she grabbed his balls in one palm and contrasted the delicate lapping with a pretty hard tug and squeeze. His breathing was coming quicker now, his eyes clenched as though in pain. Rolling the two together in her palm, she simultaneously squeezed and rolled then popped the glans back into her mouth, pressing on the sensitive rim of skin between mushroomed head and shaft with her lips. Apparently that was enough teasing, because he jumped up suddenly, shocking her into releasing his dick. Green turbulent eyes stared down at her as he stood on the floor, dragged her closer to the edge and grabbed her head, pushing it down to level with his groin.

  Perhaps she should have been repulsed at the force in his touch, but she wasn't. Instead she was at a level of never-before-reached excitement. Those moody eyes had warned her not to disobey. That he could snap from languishing lover, pleased at her touch to forceful domineering tyrant was a complete turn on. Her mouth popped open, but she instinctively wrapped a hand around the base of his cock so that he couldn't choke her-a coughing fit was not appropriate at this time!-the length of his dick was pressed into her mouth. His hips started to rock back and forth, not slowly either, at a relatively fast pace. A thrill of lust shot through her as she realized he was fucking her mouth. The thought made her burn. Her fingers trickled down to her pussy. Unable to help herself, she began to touch herself in time to his thrusts. Just placing her fingers against herself was enough, the pressure of his thrusts was enough to rock her body.

  "Look at me," he growled, this was a side she'd never seen to Lucas before. Granted she hadn't known him all that long. Three days didn't make her the best person to analyze his character, but in comparison to Caden and Phelan, she'd believed him to be the least intense of the three. This completely disproved her theory and she wasn't overly upset at the discovery!

  Her gaze jerked up to his. Something in hers made his own flash and suddenly something changed. Only God knew what, but all of a sudden she felt an electric charge run down the length of her spine. The small hairs at the nape of her neck that covered her arms and legs stood on end. Goose flesh rippled over her. It was such an intense feeling that an unexpected climax imploded inside her. Shuddering with the depth of sensation, she struggled to remain alert. A darkness bled from behind her eyes, closeting and imprisoning her in the ricocheting pleasure that never seemed to end. No matter how hard she tried, she could feel the blackness take her over, cushioning her from that never ending climax.

  She awoke a few moments later to the sensation of Lucas kissing her face, murmuring apologies and begging her to wake up. His body was practically atop hers, his face directly above hers, the small silver chain he wore around his neck dragged against her throat. The cold metal sent a shudder rippling along her flesh. Eyelids fluttering, she hesitantly opened them, unsure of what the hell had just happened. The first thing she noticed was the depth of remorse Lucas felt. She didn't know what for, but it was obvious that he felt guilty because of it! "What happened?" she asked, blinking slightly in confusion.

  "I-I ... I'm not sure, you fainted." His eyes were soft in concern, but she could tell he was hiding something. She decided not to prod. For the moment.

  "I've fainted before in your presence, I recall," she joked gently, a small smile quirking her lips.

  "Aye." It was all he said, but something was really upsetting him. She didn't know how she knew, but she could just tell.

  Raising a hand to his face, she stroked his jaw softly. "I'm alright, promise." She smiled at him.

  He lowered his head and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. His upper lip tugged at her plump bottom one, but he made no attempt to further the kiss-just kept his lips touched to hers, linking them in this simple non-sexual way. She watched him close his eyes and clench them tightly as though holding something in. She frowned but once more said nothing, just let him move away and tug her to her feet. Looking down at her bare body, she grinned when she saw the pearly drops of his seed adorn the flesh of her stomach an
d chest. With the tip of her index finger, she spooned some up and placed it in her mouth, then winked naughtily. "That was a pretty intense moment."

  At his darkening eyes, she smiled, glanced at the clock on the nightstand beside the bed and shrieked. "Oh my God, I'm in time for breakfast! First time in, what four days? Quick, we have to get ready!"

  He chuckled when she hustled him into the bathroom and leaned down to give her another kiss. "I have to get my kilt for the Highland Festival," he mumbled against her lips.

  "Damn, rain-check the bath? If you hadn't gathered, breakfast is my favorite meal of the day and Martha, the chef here, really likes me so she makes all my favorite dishes when I'm here." She grinned naughtily.

  He winked and smiled. "We've plenty of time to take baths together, lass."

  She returned his smile but turned away. She didn't like to be reminded about the length of the remainder of her stay. Even if something did come from this, a long distance relationship of some sort perhaps, Jada didn't want to be reminded that she wouldn't see him or them every day.

  "See you at breakfast, gaol." He left her to bathe and ready herself for the day.

  She quickly filled the bath and soaped herself up. She smelled of sex and although that was quite a heady perfume, she preferred to smell of soap when eating breakfast! Purposely not thinking about what had just happened between Lucas and her, both in the bedroom and bathroom, Jada cleaned and dried herself hurriedly, ransacked her wardrobe for something fabulously simple and decided on a very unassuming shirt that did fantastic things to her tits, pushed them together, pulled them up, gave her a fab cleavage and made her feel like a million dollars! It was a simple plaid design, thick navy blue and scarlet red in a brushed cotton. Larissa called it her cowgirl top and she knew that she only wore it to tease a guy. She paired it with a tight pair of black jeans, tucked the bottoms into her wellies and, scrubbing a hand through her hair, decided to go for the natural look. Her hair was tumbled and tousled, her face bare from make-up, but she looked good. In fact, she looked like a woman who had just had an orgasm!


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