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Fighting Heart: Fighting Heart Erotic Bad Boy Romance Series Book 1

Page 6

by Hamilton, Nicole

  “Help me, honey.” I said. The jeans rolled down to my ankles. He pulled them over my feet, and tossed them aside. It was no coincidence he was leaning over me now. I wondered if he noticed my arousal now. I could feel it so strongly I was sure he could.

  “Your turn,” I said.

  Without further encouragement, Brandon threw off his lumberjack shirt and the vest underneath exposing his sculpted body below. He was so fine to behold, and I nearly purred when I saw the definition of his pectoral muscles, his abs. There was a thin down of chest hair on him. He was manly, the most manly I had seen this close up in my whole life.

  “Look at you,” I said. He laughed.

  “No, look at you. I want to look at all of you.”

  “Then we’d better take it all off,”

  “Yes, we had.”

  I flipped over for him to undo my bra, and was delightfully shocked when I felt his hands on my buttocks. He massaged my buttocks. And then I sighed and my head hit the duvet.

  “Ooooh, that feels so good.”

  “It does, doesn’t it?” he said.

  He couldn’t leave my bum alone. He squeezed it, and stroked my cheeks, and the eventually his finger slipped in between the material and pulled my panties down. I was naked now and I felt soaking wet. My vagina was there for him to see, to touch and to take. I was totally exposed and given to him and I didn’t mind at all. I gently opened my legs so he could see me, all of me.

  I heard him groan at the sight.

  “You look wonderful” he said. He unfastened my bra and I rolled over, my breasts coming free. He was ravenous now, eyeing me all over.

  “I want to see you now, Brandon. Show me everything.”

  He grinned. He undid his belt and unzipped his jeans. Before he’d even unbuttoned, the bulging head of his cock was pushing through past the zip. He pulled his jeans and shorts down, and there he was. His cock was tall and thick, fully engorged, and his big ball sack looked fully loaded.

  “Look. At. You,” I said, smitten with his body, and his full size hard-on.

  “You did this to me,” he said, laughing.

  “Wait till you find out what you’ve done to me. Come here.”

  He moved me back on the bed, and ravished me, his mouth surging over my body. His lips and tongue pulled and sucked at my nipples and I groaned. I shuddered at his touch, and his kisses drew lower. I knew where he was heading, and my soaking pussy was already throbbing at the prospect his wonderful mouth on my clit. He kissed my hip bones. He kissed my thighs. And then he gently pushed my thighs apart and pushed them back over my body and I felt him gazing at my pussy lips. I bit my lip in excitement as I felt his lips nibble at the skin around my pussy. He pressed a finger to me and my wetness gave straight away and his finger slipped inside me. I sighed and bucked and opened my legs wider. Brandon didn’t need a hint. Brandon kissed the hood of my clit and gently pushed it back with his tongue. I just couldn’t control the wild feeling, the intensity as his tongue pushed at my clit and he kissed me there, then gently began to undulate his tongue over me as his fingers gently teased my pussy. I was so wet with excitement, I was already more than half ready. I bucked and seized his head and pressed his face in hard to me. I was too far gone to wait or to hold back. Waves of joy were moving through my whole body. I held him tight as my body exploded from the core with heat and light and it was wonderful. I groaned and rocked and sighed against his face until I couldn’t move anymore, and then I was done.

  I opened my eyes to find him looming above me. “You are sweet and wicked girl. Now I’ve got to finish what you started.”

  I smiled up at him, and said. “You want to put that wonderful cock of yours in me?”


  “Please make sure it goes in deep. Now there’s a good boy.”

  “But be warned, sweetheart. I need you bad. When I get in you, I’m going to have to fuck you like there’s no tomorrow. I really need to empty in you, baby, you turn me on so much.”

  “Brandon, there is no tomorrow and I want every drop of you inside me.”

  He laughed and then I gasped as I felt the vast bulb of his cock make its way, pushing me apart, taking up the entire space available within me, and then forcing its way deeper and wider still. I gulped at the sensation of being filled, and stretched beyond capacity. He forced his way up into me until it almost hurt, and now I could feel his nuts against me. It felt fantastic. When he started to rock and shaft me, sliding in and out of me, I was in another heaven. I needed each thrust. I wanted the fullness. The heat began to surge in me again. Rhythmically my body throbbed in time with his. I could feel his engorged manhood swell and throb and his body starting to spasm as the heat in mine became hotter still. I leaned up and seized him and pulled him down onto me, all his weight, and finally he thrust into me deeper than ever, I groaned and orgasmed again and felt his cock spasm and explode, shooting all of his cum deep into me, exactly where I needed him. I kissed his head as we came and held him as he shook. It was so good I didn’t want to let him go. I lay there with Brandon between my thighs and inside me, and felt triumphant. Exultant. I still had my job. I was still on my course. I had just had mind blowing sex with a totally gorgeous guy. And I had got one up on that pretentious Amanda. I wondered smugly how much she had heard of our action in the bedroom. Life couldn’t get much better than this, could it? If it could, I wondered how.

  And yet even then, underneath it all, I already felt a strange little pang. As I kissed Brandon’s shoulder, the way-too-serious part of me wondered if this was the best it would ever get. Had I had it good too early in my student life? Was it all going to go downhill from here? I remember that nagging little voice, and I remember wishing it would just shut up and go away. But I now know that little voice isn’t always wrong.


  I could have showered at Brandon’s place, but even in triumph, basking in the glory of the senses and delights of being with my lion king the night before, I didn’t want to face Amanda and her chums. I woke early just after six. Very early on this Saturday morning. The whole flat was quiet. Brandon had tasted of spirits last night. His performance was, how could I say, outstanding and he was still fast asleep. I leaned over him and gave him a lingering kiss on the forehead before I left, and seeing his chest rise and fall it was hard to resist jumping back under the covers to wake him for another good time, but I resisted, wrote him a quick note saying how much I enjoyed the night and hoped there would be more. That nagging little voice inside my head just wouldn’t let up. I guessed it was just anxiety about work, but I wanted to get back to my flat and get some normality going to tune it out.

  I was back at my flat-share in New Cross by seven fifteen, with a newspaper and a take-away cappuccino. The other girls were asleep, which was exactly what I had hoped for. I drank my coffee and showered, but the antsy feeling didn’t get cleaned away. Dry, finishing the dregs of my coffee, and already dressed for the day, I saw a crisp white envelope, freshly delivered, sitting on the battered old doormat. I saw the crest and stamp of Smiths College and my heart lurched then fell off a cliff. I wished I wasn’t such a fatalist but any news was bad news, I guessed. It was too early for anything else.

  I picked up the letter and opened it before I could get too squeamish. I was scared, because now I knew the antsy feeling was justified. Somehow I had known things were going to get worse, and even the sweet aching left by last night’s tryst couldn’t make this go away.

  When I opened it, I scanned the cream coloured paper so quickly that I didn’t truly read it. But I picked up two things. The Dean had become aware of my absence at classes since our meeting, and that as a matter of urgency, he now needed to collect the first payment immediately as there was concern I was no longer committed to the programme. Concern? The only person with concern was the Dean. Why? Because the man hated me for no good reason. Because he was against people who had no money. I screwed up my coffee cup and tossed it at the bin, growling and put
the letter away into the front pocket of my college bag. Whatever the reason the Dean had for not liking me, he had now made my life at college an impossible task. Why did he hate me so much? I guessed I would never find out. But if it was in my power at all, I was going to pay that man all his money pronto, and stuff that cheque right where it got cashed the fastest. My college life was now hanging by a thread. And for all my gutsy commitment to the cause, I really didn’t have a clue what I was going to do about it.


  He had settled at a desk with a pile of books on William Blake that he planned to scan when Ashley walked into the college library just after nine am. Even before she arrived, he wasn’t going to actually read the Blake books. Instead he was going give in to an urge to write a story about a supremely headstrong, but very mixed up girl who was going to change the world. This girl didn’t know the power she had. She didn’t understand her potential or her impact. She was seismic. He couldn’t wait to start the piece, and already the Blake books were looking like a totally boring distraction from his new story. But when Ashley turned up, he knew he had been kidding himself all along. The real reason he came here this morning was in the hope that he bumped into her, his seismic girl – and here she was. He stood and beckoned her over. She made an attempt at a smile and was too polite to refuse coming over to see him.

  “Look, I’m sorry about the other day, Cody. I’m just under a lot of pressure right now,” said Ashley.

  “Don’t worry. I totally understand,” he replied.

  He didn’t understand all of it, of course. Not right then, but he was soon going to. Cody looked at her beautiful soft face and soft pink lips but this morning her beauty was tarnished by stress and upset. She didn’t look herself and he winced to see her like this.

  “Hey. Let me buy you a coffee,” he said.

  Ashley hesitated. “I look tired, right?”

  “You want the truth?”

  She nodded slowly.

  “You look like you slept the night on the roof of an Indian locomotive,” he said, aiming for humour.

  Ashley smiled. “You have a way with words, Cody.”

  “So they say. Come on, Ashley, you’re working too hard.”

  “The trouble is Cody, I’ve got to work ten times as hard as everyone else just to stay afloat here.”

  “Coffee and talking time. I’ve got the ears. You’ve got the words. Deal?” He said.

  Ashley nodded. “Deal.”

  They arrived in the vegetarian coffee shop near the campus and Cody ordered. Ashley looked ready to fall over unless she sat down soon. She was really struggling. After they sat down he let her drink a third of the cup before he started with his questions. He wanted to ask so many they were burning holes in his brain. He wanted to help her, to protect her and to get to know her as well as he knew anybody in life. But he had to go easy or he would freak her out.

  “Ashley, do you want to talk?”

  She looked at him and then her eyes moved around the room. It was an anxious gesture.

  “I don’t know if I can actually do that, Cody.”

  “What, have coffee with me on Saturday morning? I knew I was annoying but, surely I’m not that bad!”

  That brought a faint smile to Ashley’s face. “No, you’re not that bad, Cody. Did Penny tell you about my situation?”

  “That you can’t pay your tuition fees and you have to jeopardise your studies by working every hour of the working day just to clear the debt?” He said.

  “Ah-hah. That’s about the size of it. But I’ve always achieved what I set my heart on, Cody – but this – the more I think about the time I don’t have for study– the more I think about the situation with the fees, I just wonder if it’s even humanly possible,” said Ashley.

  “Hey, Ash. Listen. I don’t know you that well. Hell, I don’t even know you beyond the fact you are clever, sassy and determined. I don’t know you beyond the fact you have just taken on the biggest challenge of anyone I have ever known, and are not even cowed by it. I know you’re not giving up. And beyond that, if you don’t mind me saying, as study buddies go, you are very easy on the eye. You can’t give up. ” He had to add that, just to see the effect. She just let out a timid smile.

  “Thanks, Cody. I don’t deserve your encouragement, not after I was so ungrateful…”

  “Come on Ashley. It’s okay.”

  “Study buddies?” she said, repeating my words.

  “Yeah. If you’re taking on mission impossible, you’ll need help from another special agent. Here I am, Special Agent Cody Barnes. Consider me to be your inside track, your revision tool, whatever. I can help you.”

  “You would do that? On top of your own study? What’s in it for you?” she asked with wide eyes.

  Ashley was suddenly a little guarded, which threw him off track.

  “Just the milk of human kindness and the pleasure of your company,” he replied with a smile. Her eyes were hard for a second, and then her whole body language softened like she’d just relented to the decision to trust him.

  “Study buddies. I think that could work. I mean…uh, thanks,” she said.

  “No problem. But you need to be honest with me, Ash. If you let me in, I can help you.”

  “I don’t need therapy, Cody. I just need a friend,” said Ashley.

  Cody had to nod and accept that as her final say. He sipped his cappuccino and let the froth stay on his lips just to be the clown and make her smile. It work just for a second then she stood up and took a white envelope from her bag. It had the University stamp on it and it had already been ripped open.

  “I just need to go and take care of something. I’ll be right back,” she said as she moved.

  He was confused, but Ashley was so highly strung she was damned well going to do what she wanted anyway. He assumed she was taking the letter into the University building.

  “But the college offices are closed! It’s Saturday,” he said with some confusion in his voice.

  “Yeah. I know. I just need to read this properly. I’ll be back in a minute,” she said.

  She made a fuss of getting past the table, clambering past the table leg, and the letter spilled from her hand. Envelope and letter parted, and the paper glided out and landed on the corner of the table just in front of him. The text was clear on the cream paper and the letter was very concise. It was signed by the Dean. He had no desire to invade Ashley’s privacy – well maybe just a little – but the whole letter was in his brain before she could swipe it back, looking at him with a hard and defensive look as she did so.

  “Did you read that, Cody?”

  “Ashley. I’m sorry. It landed it right in front of my face. I couldn’t help but read it.”

  “That is my business, Cody.”


  He could see the beginnings of tears glisten in her eyes. This college dream meant everything to her. And just like he asked of her, he knew almost the whole of her situation. The college had agreed terms for her to pay, and now they had changed those terms. Because of her lack of attendance in week two, and because of her lack of payment, the Dean had taken a view that Ashley was a bad risk. They wanted the first instalment up front with 7 days or they were going to shut down her place on the course.


  Ashley sat back down. The tears never came. It was like her inner resolve claimed them back before she could appear weak. Man, he liked this girl.

  “What do you think, Cody?”

  “What do I think? It’s mission impossible, Ashley. But I believe in you. I know you will find a way.”

  “Brilliant. Fantastic. Great advice. You know I will find a way. I guess I had better go and find that way then, right?” she said.

  “Ashley. I am not your enemy. I’m your friend.”

  “Friend? You don’t even know me, Cody.”

  “But I think I do, as crazy as that sounds.”

  Ashley nodded. “Yeah, that sounds crazy, all right.”

  “Ash,” she had riled him and he was biting. He didn’t want to, but how many times can a guy take a hit without getting upset? “You are one hundred per cent focused on the debt. I see that. And the college are being bastards, I see that too. But you need some help here with your academic course, because when you fix the finances just like I know you will, without my help you might not have a programme left to attend. If you don’t show up and act like an attentive and intelligent student, they are going to shut you down anyway.”

  “Intelligent? I don’t need you to help me appear intelligent, Cody!”

  “That’s not what I meant, Ashley. You are good enough, in fact you are better than good enough for this programme. But the tide is against you. I can help you make it to the shore.”

  “Cody. Thank you for the coffee, but right now I need a little more than coffee and sympathy. I need a practical solution, and it looks like it’s all down to me. As you can see, the clock is ticking. So I’d better go and find a way, don’t you think?” said Ashley.

  “Ashley. You need to study too. Remember that. When you want to do that, I’ll be there for you,” he said.

  Ashley picked up her bag, her jacket and smoothed her hair around her gorgeous, serious face.

  “I’ll remember. But until then, Cody try taking a crash course in how not to patronise your friends. Thanks for the coffee.”

  She walked out of the coffee shop and he felt conspicuously alone, like the date who had been left at the restaurant, yet when he looked around nobody was watching. But he was sure they had been listening. He threw his face into his hands and groaned quietly. Maybe Ashley was right. He was beginning to think his overtures to her were amateur and clumsy. He was out of his depth and floundering in his mission to help her. But he had to take a lesson from the girl herself. She was tenacious, feisty, and was never going to give up. To get her to accept his help – to get her to fall for him – he needed to help with her whole situation, not just her study, but her finances and everything else too. He needed to be there for her in every way possible. And once they’d overcome all those huge obstacles, they were going to make such a fantastic double act. Whatever happened next, he just couldn’t screw it up anymore.


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