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Dinner at Fiorello’s

Page 22

by Rick R. Reed

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  He hurries back to the kitchen.

  Vito grins at him from the stove, then barks, “You got about half a dozen orders for your braciole! Get busy!”

  Henry moves toward his station, smiling. Later, his mother has promised to come in with John. She’s been to the restaurant many times, and Henry’s made his peace with her over the past several weeks, coming to understand that she, just like him, needed to find love and acceptance for who she was and not some idealized image. Her husband, over the years, lost the capacity to do that.

  She’s met Vito, and she too saw the resemblance between Vito and her own beloved. In a weird sort of way, it helped mother and son come back to one another and to bond.

  THE NIGHT’S over. It almost seems like an illusion, like some sort of time warp, the evening went by so quickly. Henry shouldn’t be surprised. It’s always this way when they’re slammed in the kitchen. They’ll be deep in the weeds, thinking it’s never going to end, and then, all of a sudden, four or five hours have passed like minutes.

  And Henry should be exhausted. Not only has he cooked, chopped, and cleaned, he’s also had an emotional catharsis, serving both of his parents.

  Instead, Henry feels exhilarated. He waltzes over to Vito, who’s putting away his knives in their case, and takes a look around to make sure Rosalie is nowhere in sight. He gives Vito a deep kiss and smiles. Rosalie knows about their relationship, but she still doesn’t permit any “PDAs” in the kitchen. “I don’t need to see that!” she says.

  “You wanna go out?” Henry asks.

  Vito shakes his head. “What I want to do is go home, walk the dogs, then put my feet up with a glass of wine.”

  “Wildwood has wine,” Henry says, referring to one of the few gay bars this far north, in their Rogers Park neighborhood.

  “Wildwood has swill.” Vito closes the case. “Aren’t you tired?”

  “Not a bit. Isn’t that odd?”

  “No. Not really. I get that way sometimes too. Everybody does. Working like we do, I think we get an extra hit of adrenaline.”

  “So does that mean we can go out for a drink? I mean, come on, what was the point of you getting me that fake ID if we’re never gonna use it?”

  Vito smiles. “Sometimes I have to remind myself that only ten years separate us.” He chucks Henry under the chin as he would a baby. “But yes, if it will make you happy. But we have to stop by home and take care of the girls first.”

  “Of course. And change.”

  “And change.”

  They step out into the autumn night, and Henry thinks they’ve both changed a lot in a short time.

  The air has a snap to it, almost a note of iciness that portends frost by sunrise.

  Vito takes Henry’s hand in his own. Henry revels in the heat and strength of the hand and interlaces his fingers with Vito’s, squeezing. He looks up at Vito and says, “Maybe just staying in will be okay after all.”

  “You sure?”

  “Oh, I’m sure. But don’t get any ideas about going to sleep anytime soon.”

  The wind coming toward them from off the lake holds the promise of winter. Leaves rustle in the trees, sounding dry. A shower of them falls to the earth before Vito and Henry as the pair heads south, toward home.


  RICK R. REED is all about exploring the romantic entanglements of gay men in contemporary, realistic settings. While his stories often contain elements of suspense, mystery, and the paranormal, his focus ultimately returns to the power of love. He is the author of dozens of published novels, novellas, and short stories. He is a three-time EPIC eBook Award winner (for Caregiver, Orientation, and The Blue Moon Café). Lambda Literary Review has called him, “a writer that doesn’t disappoint.” In his spare time, Rick is an avid runner, loves to cook, and reads voraciously. Rick lives in Seattle with his husband and a very spoiled Boston terrier. He is forever “at work on another novel.”

  Rick always enjoys hearing from readers and answers all e-mails personally. Contact Rick at:





  Twitter: @RickRReed

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  It should have been a perfect night out. Instead, Mark and Donald collide with tragedy when they leave their favorite night spot. That dark October night, three gay-bashers emerge from the gloom, armed with slurs, fists, and an aluminum baseball bat.

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