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Precarious Possessions (Maxwell Investigations)

Page 12

by Dawn Ibanez

  Kayin looked at his brother. “See, told you. She’s gonna make us wait for Daddy and Grandpup to get back,” he complained.

  Gold eyes looked Belle over again. “Nah, she’s gonna make us wait for dinner,” Aiden countered. “She’s with Grandfather. He’s always on our side.”

  Again, Belle looked at Victor. “They consider you their grandfather? What about James and Tina?”

  Victor smiled and sat on one of the terrace chairs. “It’s a long, long story.” Before Belle could counter, Madison walked into the living room. “Are you all finished being affectionate with your Troy?” he asked her. When her dark eyes simply narrowed on him, he laughed. “Shall I take that as a yes for the moment, or no for the night?” he teased.

  Madison simply smiled as she sat on the patio railing. “Are you finished with Rebecca?” she asked in turn. When his smile faded hers widened. “Is that a yes for the night, or a no for the decade?”

  The Vampire turned away from Madison and scoffed. “You are too impertinent for your own good,” he told her. “Men larger than you have felt my wrath.”

  A fond smile left Madison as she went to the boys and picked one up in each arm. “I felt it too,” she countered. When Victor gave her a confused look, she smiled and winked at Belle. “One Halloween, I went as the Grim Reaper. He made me eat my entire haul that night. I was sick for a week. Then there was a time when I hotwired his beloved Mustang. One little scratch and he made me ride a real horse for two months. And I can never forget the one time I tried to pull rank on a Gargoyle. I was trying to tell him I was the daughter of the King of Vampires; he made me fight my way out of trouble.”

  Pale green eyes rolled. “Yes, I was a horrid father. I should have spoiled you and given you a sweet sixteen that rivaled that MTV show. Never mind the fact that as a Necromancer, even wearing a costume of the Grim Reaper, you are telling the public what you are. You wanted to eat your candy, even after I told you why you could not, so I let you find out the hard way. As for when you hotwired my car… most girls your age were dreaming of having their own horse. I thought you loved Raziel.”

  “I adore Raziel,” Madison said quickly. “As soon as that viper you call a horse breeder gives the word, I’m bringing him and his lot home.”

  “You know Gargoyles and Vampires have iffy relations. Being my daughter would only anger them, not impress them. I did intervene. Antonio is the result.”

  Madison kissed her boys and looked at Victor. “Old coot,” she mumbled.

  He still simply smiled. “Disrespectful urchin,” he countered.

  Belle shook her head. “Are you two always like this?” she asked.

  “Only when the mood strikes,” Victor answered. “Madison and I know each other well enough to know that there is never any real animosity between us.” He then winked at Belle and smiled. “Even when there is, she can never stay mad at me for long. She is a marshmallow that way.”

  Madison snorted. “And you say I’m disrespectful.”

  “You mean to say you’re not?” Dylan’s voice asked. She smiled at her sister as she and Crispin walked into the room. “I think I can find proof that counters that.”

  “Et tu Dylan?” Madison asked in amusement. She clutched her hand to her heart and pretended to be hurt. When the boys started to laugh, she smiled and messed up their hair. “Alright you two, no trying to get extra cookies out of Grandma. You both have had enough for the day.” She ignored the complaints from her two boys and continued. “But that’s not saying that you can’t go upstairs and clean out Uncle Casper’s room. If you find it, it’s yours.”

  Aiden and Kayin looked at each other for a moment before taking off into the house.

  Madison nearly fell over laughing as the boys started up the stairs. “Oh, that brings a whole new meaning to release the hounds,” she gasped. When Dylan looked at her strangely, she wiped at her eyes. “Casper is a cookie junkie. I know he has something hidden in his room. And while I’m over what he said to me earlier, I’m still a little vindictive.”

  Belle leaned against the railing and sighed. “I feel like I’m down a rabbit hole,” she said softly.

  Dylan gave her a comforting smile. “Don’t feel bad. She makes everyone feel like that. You get used to it after a while.” When Belle chuckled, Dylan settled in Crispin’s arms. “And now that you know more about us, I’m sure she’ll be even more over the top,” she commented.

  Madison turned to the house and smiled when a large red wolf slowly entered the living room. She knew Dennis was a red wolf, but to see Troy as one as well, she wanted to laugh, cry and gush all at the same time. “Belle, you okay?” she asked going over to the nervous woman. Wide blue eyes met hers. “You’re fine, it’s only Troy,” she said easily.

  “Are you sure?” Belle asked. She moved back and clutched at the railing.

  A soft smile crossed Madison’s face as Troy came to her side. “It’s either him, or Jacob Black. Either way I’m a happy girl.” Madison laughed when Troy nudged her hip. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt so content. Madison sank her fingers into his fur and smiled as she knelt next to him. “Don’t worry, Sharkboy’s got nothing on you,” she whispered into Troy’s ear. She laughed as he started to lick her face and neck. “You know, that’s kinda gross.” Madison pulled away from Troy and looked over to Belle. The other woman was nervous, but was trying to hold back her fear. “He’s still your boy,” Madison told her. “Different shape, but still there.”

  Belle slowly reached her hand out to the wolf. She gasped when he rubbed his head against her hand. A small laugh escaped her. “He’s so soft,” she said running her fingers through his fur. Belle blinked when he turned and looked into her eyes. The look in his eyes told her everything she needed to know about her son. More tears fell as she shook her head. “I’m not scared of you,” she said before she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Madison smiled as Troy moved closer to his mother. She then glanced at the house and saw both Conner and Dennis, in his wolf form, watching them. “The night isn’t getting any younger, Puppy. You want to get running now, or what?” she teased.

  Dennis walked up to Madison and growled. He then stopped when he heard Belle gasp. It wasn’t as bad as the last time she had seen his wolf, but he still hated the fear he put in her large blue eyes. He lowered his head and walked off of the deck.

  Troy looked at his mother before nuzzling her cheek. He turned to Madison and licked her hand before running off after his father.

  Belle took a slow breath and looked at the door. She wiped her eyes as she saw Connor about to make his way to her. “How long will they be gone?” she asked. She needed to know how much time she had to build up her walls against Dennis and what happened to her.

  Dylan glanced at the man standing alone in the living room and nudged her husband. “They should be gone for a good part of the night.”

  Blue eyes looked at the man in front of her. Part of her knew that Victor was right. With the number of years they spent together, some of the times she and Conner had had to be real. She looked at him across from across the room, but she couldn’t bring herself to go to his side. She turned to Madison. “I’m going to find the boys,” she said before leaving them all behind.

  Chapter 13-

  Barry walked out of Madison’s home and spotted Thorne smoking a cigarette by his car. The Mage mused as he looked at the stricken man. “When in doubt, smoke it out, right?” he reasoned.

  Thorne took another drag and held it. Since he and Barry had been assigned to work together, he had seen more than he ever thought possible. Thorne slowly released his breath and looked at his friend. “I had quit before today,” he said lowly. There was something close to regret in Barry’s eyes, and Thorne hated it. “The things you told me about magic and what you can do... wasn’t what went down today.”

  Barry could only nod. “Sometimes it can get a little out of control.”

  “That was not a little out of control a
nd you know it, Barry. People died today.” Thorne tossed his cigarette to the ground and stepped on it. “Did you know that your little sister was the one that had to kill them?” The memory of the way Madison looked as she left sent shivers down his spine.

  There was nothing Barry could say that would shake Thorne out of his mood. The facts would only make him angry, and they swore not to lie to each other. “Madison is better trained to deal with dead bodies. She’s the Necromancer.”

  “Then why the hell were we there?” Thorne spat.

  Before Barry could answer, a car drove up from the gates. He frowned as he recognized it. “Well shit, there goes the planet,” he sighed tiredly. Brown eyes looked at the man in front of him. “I know you’re pissed. You have every right. But I hate to tell you, it’s too late to have your mind wiped now. You know too much and have been around me too long. Everything will work out somehow, and you’ll be in the clear of any investigation that may happen.”

  Thorne looked at the car that pulled up to the main entrance to the house. It was simple to recognize Barry’s father behind the wheel and his mother in the passenger seat. “Are they here as your parents or your supervisors?”

  That was the million dollar question. Barry looked at Thorne and shrugged as his mother opened her car door. “Mom, Dad, I can’t even begin to explain,” he started. Barry froze when Tina threw her arms around his neck and held him close. “Mom?”

  “Are you okay?” she asked. “We were told that you were here unconscious. What happened? Did Dylan call a Healer out here for you? Are there any traces of that Magic left on you?”

  Barry returned his mother’s embrace before stepping back. It shamed him to hear his mother worry and fuss over him while Madison was forced to clean up his mess. She never gave Madison a moment’s thought. “Madison checked me over. She says I’m fine.”

  Tina frowned as she looked him over herself. “I would rather a real Healer look at you,” she said clucking her tongue. “Madison deals with zombies and freaks. Not live people. She has no clue what she’s doing.”

  “My mommy’s the best!” a small voice shouted from an upstairs window.

  Barry looked up and saw the twins sitting in the open window just above where they were standing. He looked at his mother and saw the shock on her face. Aside from pictures from Eric and Sloane, and stories from Dylan, she had never met her two grandsons. “Kayin, Aiden, what were you told about eavesdropping?” he asked.

  Thorne smiled at the pair. They were a handful at the best of times. Now that someone had been talking about their mother, they looked like they wanted to raise pure hell. Kayin was standing on the window seat and Aiden was already halfway out of the window. “Boys, don’t hurt yourselves,” he called as he walked towards the window.

  Aiden was nearly red with anger. “My mommy doesn’t miss anything. She’s a Werewolf Alpha and a Vampire Princess. Take it back!”

  Tina looked at the pair with wide eyes that were quickly filling with tears. It was the first time she had the chance to see the twins that were only whispered about in the Council. She quickly followed Thorne. “I’m sorry Sweetheart, I take it back,” she said quickly.

  Kayin growled low as he jumped from the window to the ground. He didn’t care that the woman with his uncle screamed. He simply rolled into a crouch ready to protect his uncle. “We don’t believe you,” he said lowly. He stood in front of the Barry with his arms open wide.

  Tina’s heart was in her throat as the other boy jumped from the window and landed in front of her. She fell to her knees as she looked at the boys. They looked like little warriors ready to go to war for their mother. She looked at the one in front of her and wiped her eyes. “I really am sorry. Your mommy is the best mommy on the planet.”

  Aiden sniffed at her. “I know you.” His normally golden eyes flashed red for a moment. “Grandpup said you threw Mommy away.”

  Tina looked at James for a panicked moment. How could she explain to a child what happened, when she still couldn’t fully explain it to herself? “That isn’t what happened, Sweetheart. I would never throw your mommy away.”

  Kayin walked to his brother’s side and touched his shoulder. He turned narrowed eyes on the couple in front of him. “Leave before Mommy finds you,” he ordered.

  Barry’s lips thinned. This was getting out of hand. He grabbed both boys by their collars. “Back off, both of you,” he said sternly. When he turned Aiden to look at him, he saw the hurt in the little boy’s eyes. His eyes softened and he released them. “Neither of you know what happened back then. And if things had been different, you wouldn’t have your grandfather. Now say you’re sorry and go to your room.” He ruffled their hair affectionately.

  Tina had to admit they got their looks of pure defiance from their mother. Neither said anything before they turned and went to the house. Just as one of them started to reach for the door, Madison and Dylan came out of it.

  Madison looked at her sons. “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “She said you didn’t know what you were doing,” Kayin said. He held onto Aiden’s hand as his brother started to turn back to Tina.

  Madison knelt down and made Aiden look at her. “What happened, Puppy?” she asked softly. She saw the way he was shaking and gently ran her fingers along his jaw. “It’s okay. Just talk and let it out.”

  Aiden lunged for his mother and buried his face in her neck. “She’s the one that threw you away. She’s the mean monster, not you!” he cried.

  Dylan inhaled as she looked into both boys minds. She then turned to her sister. “Dennis and Alex were talking a few months ago. They didn’t know the twins were listening,” she whispered.

  Madison lifted Aiden into her arms and looked out along the grounds. She rubbed her son’s back and shook her head. “They’re alright, I’ve got them,” she called out.

  Tina looked at her in confusion until five large wolves stepped out of the shadows. “I only came to check on my children,” she said to them all.

  “Well, you see Barry’s alive and Dylan’s still a Vampire. You both know which way to leave,” Madison snapped. She reached for Kayin’s hand and started for the house. When she didn’t hear anyone moving, she turned and looked at her mother. “What?” she asked. “Don’t sit here and tell me that you wanted to see me too. We all know that’s a crock of shit,” she spat. When Tina just continued to stare, she started to lose her patience. “James, take your wife home,” she ordered. “I don’t want you here and I don’t need you here.”

  James straightened his back and looked at his daughter. “I wish I could, but there’s a few things you need to know.”

  “You don’t have anything to say to me that can’t wait,” Madison said sharply. “In case you haven’t noticed, I have two children to take care of.”

  Barry saw the way their father pulled his shoulders back and jumped between the pair. “Just relax, Dad. She’s only reacting this way because the twins are upset.”

  Dylan watched Madison as she took the boys inside the house. After all this time, she was getting tired of the war between her sister and her parents. They were either going to have to leave her alone or talk out their problems. She turned to James and Tina and noticed Tina was thinking along those same lines. “What’s so urgent?” she asked tiredly. When Tina looked at her in confusion she sighed. “Madison is quick to anger normally. With what happened today, upsetting the boys is only going to shorten her fuse.”

  James narrowed his eyes at his youngest daughter. “You need to stop buying into her press. Just because Victor took her in doesn’t make her some all-powerful being. She is still my daughter.”

  “Oh, grow up, Dad,” Dylan snapped. She ignored the look he gave her and continued. “Madison hasn’t acknowledged you two as her parents since her sixteenth birthday. If you try to pull that card now, she’ll only laugh in your face.” Dylan stepped closer to her father and lowered her voice. “Take a look around, Dad, Madison isn’t treated like she�
��s some type of all-powerful being. She’s being protected from the assholes that ripped out her heart.”

  Tina inhaled and huffed out a breath. “For God’s sake, this is too much,” she said before pushing past Dylan and Barry.

  Dylan watched as Tina walked up to the house. She knew Madison would be angry, but this was something she and Tina needed to hash out. Dylan turned to her father and frowned when he moved to follow his wife. “Why did you come here?” she asked as she stepped in front of him again.

  James growled as he paced from where Dylan was standing, to his car, and back. “The Council wants a full report on what happened.” His eyes then darted to his son. “Barry is to be held in solitary for questioning, and Thorne is to be taken into custody.”

  Both police detectives straightened. “I was only doing what was asked of me,” Barry said quickly. “And Thorne sure as hell didn’t have anything to do with it.”

  James shook his head. “We can straighten everything out in the morning. You have until then to turn yourselves in.”

  Dylan looked at Thorne and sympathized as he pulled out another cigarette. “We’ll get everything settled as soon as possible,” she told him. “For now, you can stay with Crispin and me. We can tell the Council that you turned yourself over to us. In turn, you’ll be our responsibility.”

  Barry nodded. “And I’ll go and find Mathias. If all of this is being laid at my feet, then he deserves his fair share of the blame.”

  * * * * *

  Madison sat Aiden on her bed and pulled Kayin up with them. She looked at her two boys and gave them a sad smile. “Now you both know better. You shouldn’t speak to an adult they way you did Nana Tina.”

  Aiden sniffed and wiped his wet eyes. “I don’t want her,” he said rebelliously. “She doesn’t like you.”

  A snort escaped Madison as she grabbed a tissue from her nightstand and wiped at his nose. “She doesn’t understand me,” she clarified. When she looked at Kayin she felt her heart break. He was crying just as much as Aiden was but he didn’t make a sound. She took another tissue and wiped his face as well. “When people don’t understand something that seems dark, or dangerous, or even too powerful, they get scared. Half the time that fear comes out as dislike.”


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