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Her Alien Instructor: Galactic Concubine, Part 2 (Alien BDSM Sex Slave Erotica)

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by Her Alien Instructor [MF] (epub)

  Her Alien Instructor: Galactic Concubine, Part 2

  Ava Lore

  Copyright 2012 Ava Lore

  Nook Edition

  Discover other titles by Ava Lore at B&

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  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, the please return to Barnes and Noble and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the work of this author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons either living or dead is purely coincidental.

  Her Alien Instructor: Galactic Concubine


  Ava Lore

  Part Two

  Levvi opened her eyes.

  She was in what looked very much like a hotel room, fine and white and clean. A really, really fancy hotel room. None of the furniture seemed to be holdovers from the last century, back when building materials were plentiful. Instead they all looked brand new and luxurious beyond her wildest dreams. A large bed, layered in white blankets, took up much of the space on the floor, and two white chairs sat next to it, a white-shaded lamp for reading between them. A dark black vid screen took up almost the whole wall across from the bed. There was no door, and no waste closet, but those things could be cleverly hidden if you were rich enough.

  However there was something else very wrong with it: it had a window. A big one. And it looked out into blackness.

  Her heart leaped, and Levvi rushed across the room, pressing her hands against it. It was cold and hard and smooth. Plastic? Some sort of chemically-based compound, for certain. It was decadent.

  Licking her lips, Levvi looked into the darkness beyond it, straining to see something, but the room she was in was too bright. All she could see was her reflection.

  Slowly, as she stood there, she became aware of a humming sound surrounding her. She put her hand to the wall, and felt it vibrate.

  A space ship.

  Well, duh.

  Apparently she'd been abducted, just like all those people back in the pre-Contact days claimed. Theoretically she didn't mind the probing part—she was sort of disappointed that Laqir had not probed her more when he had the chance—but the fact that she had just been whisked off-world stuck in her craw a bit. Not that she didn't want to go, of course, but she had a plant she was fond of and her roommates would get screwed on the rent if she literally dropped off the face of the earth. And she should probably tell her friends she was heading out to the stars and wasn't dead.

  At a loss as to what else to do, Levvi stamped her foot and shouted, "Laqir!"

  For along moment, nothing happened. Then a hiss came from behind her and she whirled around just in time to see Laqir step inside the room. She caught a glimpse of a cold steel hallway outside, but the smooth white wall closed again, and they were sealed inside.

  He bowed. “Sah'li?” he said.

  Irritated, Levvi crossed her arms. “I don't know what that means. What the hell is going on?”

  He stared at her, and though his face was alien, she found that his expressions were somewhat similar to humans. At least, she hoped they were, because things were going to be awfully awkward if they weren't. So while she couldn't be certain, she thought he looked puzzled. Now that they were in clean, bright light, she could study him much better than in the gloom of the club or the dark of a seedy alleyway.

  He was tall and his skin was white—which she'd gathered—but now she saw it held a silvery sheen as well. Huge, dark eyes set in a bony face regarded her with curiosity, and while he didn't appear to have hair, something that looked like long, soft fins, the same color as his skin, swept back from his face behind a heavy ridge on his forehead, falling softly behind his shoulders. If she watched them long enough, she saw that they rippled very slightly. His body was humanoid, but she knew that. Slim-hipped but broad-shouldered, he cut a fine figure of a man-shaped creature, poured into one of the finest and most expensive suits she'd ever seen outside of vids.

  Except for the tail. That was a bit of a surprise. Long and serpentine, it hung to the floor, gently undulating back and forth.

  Thrusting her chin higher, Levvi tried not to think about what interesting things a prehensile tail could do during a good fuck. “You tell me what's going on, and you tell me now.”

  He seemed confused. “You consented to my request,” he said, “and so I transported us to my ship.”

  “Yeah, I gathered that. But I still had a life back on Earth. I had... you know, things to take care of!”

  To his credit, he took a step backwards and his tail lashed. “Sah'li, I am sorry. I have been searching for you among hundreds of species for many standard solar years, and my master has become increasingly restless. I left a shalo nor behind to take care of things.”

  Levvi tapped her head. “I don't have a translator chip,” she snapped. “What do those words mean?”

  Laqir blinked. “Apologies. A shalo nor is simply a Kurazi highly skilled in mental manipulation. She will make a space around memories of you in the minds of those whom you interact with regularly. They will fill in whatever they wish. Your roommates will remember that you have moved out. Your boss will recall that you have quit. Your closest coworkers will know somehow that you have moved on to bigger and better things. You have no family that I could find...” He spread his hands, a gesture she could only interpret as contrite. “I am sorry. The bonds between humans are more numerous and more nuanced than those between my species. I see I have made a mistake.”

  Slightly mollified, Levvi moved her hands to her hips. “All right,” she conceded. “What's done is done. But I would like to be able to talk to the people I used to know at some point. Is that going to be possible?”

  His tail relaxed. “Yes,” he said. “It will be possible, but you will have to discuss it with my master.”

  Levvi wasn't sure she liked the sound of that. “I would have appreciated a little more information before you whisked me away,” she said. “You didn't give me a chance to ask any questions.”

  Laqir inclined his head. “Of course, sah'li. Please, feel free to ask any questions you wish.” He gestured toward the chairs that sat near the window. “Perhaps you would like to sit? A drink? Something to eat?” She stepped back as he passed her, but she didn't join him in the chairs.

  “Who is your master?” she asked. “What kind of guy will I be serving?”

  He sat and leaned against the arm of his chair. “My master is very powerful and respected in Kurazi society... and elsewhere. His name is Palak ah Laqiri lah Hel, though that will mean nothing to you. He is a good master, and I think I can say with some confidence that he is very interested in human culture. When he gave me my instructions, he requested that I attempt to find a human woman. That was a long time ago, and I have searched among many human women since then, but his interest has only increased.”

  Frankly, Levvi thought he sounded a bit like a goon, fixated on a certain fetish. She got those clients now and then, usually attracted to her rare red hair. They were good for some extra money at least. She pursed her lips. “You call him your master. What do you mean by that? Are you a slave?”

  He appeared to think about this.

  “No,” he said at last. “I believe it is more that I am a servant, though I ha
ve served my master since birth. My family has always been in service to his., bound together since antiquity.”

  Levvi wrinkled her nose. “Are you allowed to leave his service?”

  He looked surprised. “I suppose so,” he said, “but I never thought about it.”

  Taking a deep breath, Levvi sat down on the bed. “All right. How long is it going to take to get to Kuraz?” She might as well get used to the idea.

  “There will be several days between now and when we reach my master's domicile,” Laqir said. “In the meantime, my mission is to make certain you are comfortable and cared for, and to teach you certain things you will need to know about the males of the Kurazi species.”

  Levvi frowned. “Teach me?”

  The shadow of a smile flitted across his face. “Yes. I believe it will be enjoyable.”

  A frisson of anticipation zipped up her spine, but more practical matters won out. “Sleep first?” she asked.

  He nodded. “Of course, sah'li.” Rising to his feet, he crossed the room, heading for the door.

  Levvi reached out and caught his arm. Beneath her hand, his beautiful suit was nearly frictionless, but she felt the quivering of his cool muscles beneath it. He paused and waited for her to speak.

  “What does sah'li mean?” she asked him.

  He smiled. “It merely means Honored Consort,” he said. “Which you are.”

  Levvi bit her lips. “Thank you.”

  For a long moment he stared at her, until she realized that her hand still lingered on his arm. She forced herself to let go.

  Laqir smiled at her. “I will get you a translator chip,” he said. “For now, you should rest. We will begin your teaching when you awake.”

  Levvi opened her mouth to say something else, but without warning the hidden door slid open, and Laqir took a step backwards into the hall. Then the door closed and she was alone in a room without an exit on a starship, hundreds of thousands of miles away from home. Only cold, black space surrounded her.

  Panic welled up. Darting forward, she slammed her hands against the wall, frantically searching for the trigger to open the door, but only a cool, smooth surface met her hands. Her breath came faster and faster as she dug her nails in, trying to find the seam of the door, but it had disappeared as thoroughly as if it had scarred over.

  Levvi took a step back and forcibly calmed herself. She'd said yes to Laqir. She was here now. It was done. That it had happened quickly rather than slowly was of no consequence. She'd consented to this.

  Of course, in space, no one could hear her scream if it went wrong.

  Shivering, Levvi rubbed her hands over her arms. She still wore her jacket, but the atmosphere in the ship was considerably cooler than she was used to. Glancing at the bed, she noted the lush blankets covering it, hedonistic in their luxury. She'd never slept on a bed so big before, or so soft.

  Running her tongue over her lips, she tiptoed to the bed and crawled in, fully dressed. The soft blankets folded around her, but it was a long time before she stopped shivering.


  Levvi didn't sleep. Was it any wonder? Despite her body's exhaustion from both work and the pleasurable interlude she'd had with Laqir, her mind hummed with questions. Besides, the room was bright, and she couldn't find a switch to dim the lights. When at last she heard the hiss of the door, she sat up immediately, hugging the warmth of the blankets around her.

  Laqir stood just inside her room, the door already sliding shut behind him. Immediately she could tell something was different about him. His shoulders hunched at an odd angle, and his wide black eyes had taken on a faint, pearly sheen. She swallowed hard, feeling just how trapped she was with him.

  “Sah'li,” he said. “Please stand.”

  His voice was different, too, more mechanical. Because she didn't know what else to do, Levvi slid from the bed. The cool air hit her skin and gave her goosebumps, but she locked her knees and refused to show her discomfort. Was this part of her training?

  Behind her something made a loud, metallic crunch, and Levvi started violently before skittering away from the sound, her high heels clattering against the floor. Turning, she saw the comfortable bed suddenly fold up and retreat into the floor as the ceiling opened and something began its descent.

  As it came down, Levvi felt her pulse pick up the pace. The object was covered in a fine metal mesh, and looked almost like an elongated 'X'. All along it, sinuous straps hung. It was clearly meant for binding a humanoid.

  “What is that?” Her heart was in her throat. It was like some sort of primitive torture device.

  "My master wishes for me to train you in the art of pleasuring a Kurazi male before we return to his home,” Laqir replied evenly. “It will not hurt.”

  At the edges of her brain, Levvi felt a soft pressure, an urging toward the device, and she realized with a start that he was attempting to manipulate her mind. Indignation sliced through her fear.

  She scowled at him. “Stop that!”

  His eyes widened, and the pressure eased. The pearly sheen across his eyes faded and his hunched body suddenly smoothed out, reverting to a dancer's posture. He stared at her for a moment, as though he had forgotten who she was. Then he blinked.

  “Sah'li!” he exclaimed. “I... I apologize. For a moment, I forgot... I forgot who you were...” A troubled look touched his face before passing. “I... I was speaking with my master a moment ago. My mind must still be on our conversation...”

  Levvi pursed her lips, not buying it for a second. Her heart still raced, but she felt a tiny niggle of relief. She kept her suspicions to herself and instead gestured at the strange device. “And this is?”

  Laqir appeared to recover. “A mating stake,” he said. “It is traditional in Kurazi society. This one has been modified slightly to accommodate human anatomy and erogenous zones.” Stepping forward, he took the stake in hand and anchored it to the floor. It jutted up like a crucifix.

  Wow. Yeah, they never taught you this about the Kurazi in school. Granted, she'd dropped out of school just before most of them were shut down, but the galaxy was certainly a strange place and she was out, living it, just like she'd always dreamed.

  Her dreams hadn't really included alien sex, but she could be convinced it was a perk. “So you want me to get on that thing?” Two platforms for her to stand upon were placed at the bottom legs of the device. She would be slightly elevated—at the perfect height for penetration. The thought sent a wave of heat straight down to her pussy.

  “Yes, if you would.” His voice was slightly contrite. “Please, disrobe first.”

  Levvi nodded and began to shuffle off her clothing. “Could you make it a little warmer in here?” she asked.

  He spoke in his own language then, a melodious string of syllables that did something to the pleasure center of her brain. It was like listening to music. The air around her warmed perceptibly, and she wiggled out of her skirt and panties, kicked off her shoes, and removed her jacket, top and brassiere. As she did so, she felt herself leaving Earth behind, removing the layers of dust and choked air, until she stood before her alien abductor free and unfettered.

  He watched her with intense eyes, and when she stepped forward to mount the mating stake, he moved aside.

  Cold metal bit into the soles of her feet, and when her back hit the mesh of the stake she shuddered at the clinical touch. The bindings Laqir secured around her arms and legs were some soft material she had never felt before, and though they were secure she felt as if she could stay bound in them for hours.

  Arms outstretched, legs spread, Levvi let herself be tied up for Laqir's pleasure.

  When the last strap was in place, Laqir backed away and against her skin the warming metal mesh began to shift, startling her. Between her shoulder blades, something moved, pushing against her spine so her breasts thrust forward. The cool air of the ship caressed her skin, raising goosebumps, and her nipples tightened into hard pebbles. She was gloriously exposed in ways that
she never was on stage. On stage, she was in charge of what other people saw. Here she was open to Laqir. Here she was at his mercy.

  Heat ignited in her belly.

  “All right,” she said. Her breathing had become shallow and quick with excitement. “Here I am. How will this please a Kurazi male?”

  Somehow his eyes had grown wider and darker, and she realized that her very vulnerability had already turned him on. He drank her in with his gaze. “In Kurazi society, binding the female is part of the mating ritual. Successfully binding a Kurazi female is a feat of strength and skill. They do not go quietly. It is also essential to sexually arouse her, or there will be no mating.” He paused. “That you have already acquiesced to me by willingly binding yourself...” He took a breath, and she let her eyes drift down. His burgeoning erection was obvious in his body-hugging trousers. She remembered what it felt like in her hands and her mouth went dry.

  "What am I like, compared to Kurazi women?" Levvi asked. Her voice was thick.

  His dark gaze swept over her, taking in each curve and valley of her body.

  "Different," he rumbled. "Warmer. Softer." His tail twitched. "The Kurazi female does not have sex for pleasure, only for breeding, and with other species the powers of our minds can quickly overwhelm and subdue. It is as though we are pleasuring ourselves with an inanimate object. My master..." He trailed off. "He is very powerful and quite old. He desires no more children, but longs for the challenge of a female with a mind of her own. That is why he sent me out into the galaxy to find one."

  Reaching up, he trailed cold fingers down her cheek, the rough pads of his fingertips sending shivers over her skin. Down, down he went, dipping into the valley at the base of her throat, until at last he skimmed through her cleavage and reached up, cupping one breast.

  "It is my duty to show you how to please a Kurazi male," he said. He stared at his hand as though fascinated, lifting and gently squeezing her warm flesh, dragging a moan from her.


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