Makeshift Mate

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Makeshift Mate Page 6

by C. E. Black


  Could she be any more perfect?

  Isabella was gorgeous in her one-shoulder, black dress. It fit her like a second skin and the fabric looked soft to the touch, like something a sweater would be made out of. Since the moment she sashayed into my line of sight, I’d been itching to touch her.

  It wasn’t just me who’d been caught in her snare. The wolf had taken one whiff of her cinnamon scent and was ready to drag her out of the restaurant and claim her for his own before any other males got to her first.

  But it wasn’t just her appearance that drew me. She was also intelligent and easy to talk with. And she loved kids.

  Honestly, it didn’t bother me at all that she couldn’t have her own. And my wolf side didn’t seem to mind either. Moreover, it was actually a relief. I barely knew what to do with the kid I did have.

  Having more children didn’t interest me, and when I’d told her so, she’d nodded as though it hadn’t mattered either way. But I’d not missed the relief in her expression. What kind of idiots had she been dating? Any man worth his salt would be lucky to have Isabella, able to bear children or not.

  The evening had gone as planned. I’d been charming, though it hadn’t been difficult. Like I’d mentioned, Isabella was lovely, and if I’d been any other man or maybe at a different time in my life, then I might have considered courting her. But I didn’t have time for that.

  Yes, the evening had gone as I’d intended. And hopefully would continue to do so. Though the deer caught in headlight look she sported after my revelation was worrisome.

  Isabella opened her mouth, hesitated, then said, “Are you serious?”


  She paused again, her confused gaze wandering around the room, before it landed on me again. “This is the strangest date I’ve ever been on...” she said mostly to herself.

  I shrugged as the server placed our dinner in front of us. When he left, I glanced up at Isabella to see her still watching me with thoughtful eyes.

  A refusal was on the tip of her tongue, so I held out a hand. “Just think about it,” I told her. “At least while we eat.”

  After a second’s pause, she nodded stiffly. Then we both lapsed into an awkward silence as we dug in.

  The steak had been cooked to perfection. Meaning mine was hardly cooked at all. Isabella eyed the bloody steak but said nothing as she ate her own medium-well fillet.

  “So, your profile said you own your own business,” I began. “What kind?”

  Isabella took a deep breath, her features once again relaxing. “Have you heard of Vitale Global?” she asked.

  I sat down my fork, my eyes narrowing at the familiar name. “You work for that big-shot security company?”

  “No. I’m the CEO,” she stated proudly.

  Confused, I shook my head at her. “The CEO? You’re what, thirty? How did you come into that line of work?”

  “Believe it or not, I worked in law enforcement as a deputy sheriff. The idea of helping people was the reason I’d joined the force, but I soon realized I wanted more. So, when my parents passed, I decided life was too short to work in a job I hated. I took my inheritance and started a company I wanted to wake up every day for.”

  Her story was incredible. But as much admiration I had for her, I couldn’t stop wondering. Had she set me up? Would her company really go to such lengths to win a contract?

  “So, are you only here to get my business?” I said, my voice clipped.

  Her eyes met mine rather quickly, and instead of answering, she asked, “Why would you say that?”

  “Because I’ve been fending off calls from Vitale Global for weeks now. Just to be clear, I don’t care how much you bat your eyelashes, I don’t need to hire a security company. We know how to protect ourselves.” That last part had come out deeper than I’d wanted, but my wolf was pissed someone had deemed him unfit to keep our wolves safe.

  My eyes must have flickered silver because Isabella sat back suddenly, but as I sniffed the air, I didn’t smell fear. That raised my brows. Courageous woman.

  “You think we’re trying to get your business?” she asked.

  “Why else would a security company be calling me?” I challenged.

  “Well, if you would have answered your phone, you might have found out.”

  Her tone held enough sass to cause my hackles to rise.Though it wasn’t anger that had my breathing turn ragged. Verbally sparring with Isabella was an unexpected turn on.

  “We were contacting you about employment,” she continued. “As you may know, Vitale Global is the leading security company in the United States. We offer a range of security options, including protective detail for individuals or events, home and business security systems, even website security.”

  “You’re selling yourself pretty hard,” I growled.

  She tilted her head and smiled. “Sort of,” she agreed. “I want to hire you. Well, not you, per se, but I’d like to offer your wolves a job.”


  “I think you and your pack will be happy with the salary and benefits package we’re offering.”

  When I didn’t respond, she threw my words back at me. “Just think about it.”

  Isabella took a sip of wine, her eyes challenging as I, stunned mute, watched my perfectly planned date go up in flames.

  Chapter 10


  Rubbing my temples with two fingers, I closed my eyes and took two deep calming breaths. But when my lids slowly lifted, peaceful was the last thing I felt. Though the quiet was welcomed.

  When my office had been built, I’d made sure to have it soundproofed. I’d done it for my clients’ and employees’ privacy, however, I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy the quiet for myself once in a while. Especially after a morning like the one I’d just had.

  I met with Geatan Béranger, CEO of an international banking company worth billions. The impossible to please man had threatened to break his contract with Vitale Global if we didn’t hire suitable bodyguards for a business trip he had coming up. Suitable meaning preternatural.

  It shouldn’t have been this difficult. Though I’d not met many personally, that I knew of, shifters weren’t as rare as I’d believed. According to the latest US Census more than a quarter of the population was considered supernatural. That was a lot of untapped potential in the security business.

  Because of this, I’d made a point to my staff that we weren’t just looking for shifters, but vampires, witches—anyone who would be an asset to Vitale Global would be welcome. So far, there’d been no takers.

  I’d spent the rest of the morning doing some research and I came to the conclusion that the problem might be something out of my control. Only two competing security companies offered what the rest couldn’t. And those two also happened to be owned by non-humans.

  A person’s race had never been a contention to landing a job at my company in the past and before today, I couldn’t honestly say if there were any supernatural persons working for me. In fact, I’d taken some time to pull up our employee’s files and sure enough, there were a few. Two of them were shifters and both worked in our ViGlobal department, where they wrote code for our website protection systems.

  Thinking they might be a solution to the problem, I’d called both of them to my office, one at a time. Neither ended up being interested in a promotion once revealed what the job actually entailed. As it happened, not all shifters were badass, muscle-bound men or women, born with a ready knowledge of how to fight and protect. I’d learned a long time ago not to assume. I should remember that.

  Kerry, an eagle shifter, and Blane, a werecoyote, had explained that shifters, like humans, of course, each had their own strengths and weaknesses. And neither of them were particularly skilled for protection services. Unless it were computer viruses they were fighting.

  Sighing, I rocked back in my chair. An idea had been developing since the night before when I’d arrived home after my visit wit
h Robert. Maybe Locke would be interested in a little exchange. It wasn’t a good idea. In fact, it was probably the worst idea I’d ever had. But I was out of options.

  “Trevor,” I said into the intercom. “Could you come here for a moment?”

  “Sure thing, boss.”

  Seconds later, Trevor walked in, beaming. He must have just gotten off the phone with his wife. Though, one look at me and he was suddenly frowning.

  Closing the door behind him, he asked, “Are you okay?”

  I could only imagine what I looked like. If it was anything like how I felt, then it had to be pretty shitty.

  I shook my head, and smiled, hoping to alleviate some of his concern. “Everything will be soon,” I told him and when he opened his mouth to ask further questions, I went on. “I need you to reschedule my meetings for the next three weeks. And split my accounts with Aaron, Leanne, and Naomi.”

  I only took on large accounts, but I trusted those three to handle them while I was away. If I left, I reminded myself. But I was confident Locke would agree. He might have come off as cool and in control at the restaurant, but I hadn’t missed the slight edge of desperation in his eyes.

  Trevor hesitated before coming to stand in front of my desk. “What’s going on?”

  “I’m going on a vacation,” I lied.

  He nodded, but the way his lips thinned told me he didn’t quite believe me.

  “Okay. I’ll make sure everything is taken care of. Do you want me to book a flight, arrange a hotel room? Where will you be going?”

  I waved away his offer. “I have all of that handled. I’ll have my cell phone if there’s an emergency, but otherwise, I don’t want to be disturbed,” I said, standing up.

  “Isa,” he began, but I held up a hand to stop his protest as I walked around my desk to face him.

  “I know what you’re going to say, but where I’m going, I will be safe, Trevor. I promise. And,” I interrupted him again, “Robert will know where I am.”

  I hadn’t planned on telling Robert, but at the last minute decided it might be a good idea. I probably wouldn’t have been able to hide it anyway. It still surprised me. All those years visiting my uncle, and somehow I’d never known he’d lived next to a pack of werewolves.

  “Fine,” he finally conceded. Then his face softened. “You do need a vacation. You work too hard for a woman who doesn’t have to work at all. Wherever you’re going, try to relax and don’t worry about us,” he said before walking to the door.

  I rolled my eyes. Didn’t have to work, my ass. I had plenty of trusted employs that could, I admit, do the dirty work, but this was my business. My hands should get dirty too.

  Trevor hesitated inside the doorway. “I’ll handle everything,” he said. “Just promise to call me at least once to let me know you’re okay.”

  “Okay, okay,” I said, sighing with false exasperation. “I promise to call. Now get back to work.”

  “Yes, boss.” Beaming once again, Trevor left, closing the door behind him.

  My smile dropped as soon as he was gone. I sat back down at my desk and picked up the phone before I lost my nerve.

  As the line rang on the other end, I couldn’t help but think about that disaster of a date with Locke. After we’d each revealed our ulterior motives, things had pretty much ground to a halt. We’d split the check, at my insistence, then we’d parted ways. But not before he’d given me a long heated look. One that had melted my panties and almost had me calling him back and agreeing to be his mate for life. Providing he looked at me like that every day.

  I shook off the crazy image of me as a housewife. As much as taking care of his daughter appealed to me in a very basic way, it had been obvious Locke needed someone who could spend more than a few hours in the evenings with his child. I was in no way a solution to his problems. In fact, I had a feeling, no one but him could be the answer. But maybe something temporary would placate the Alpha until he found what he was truly looking for. And in return, he could help me hire the shifters I needed.

  “I’m surprised you called,” Locke said, forgoing a proper greeting.

  I couldn’t blame him. Though I was stunned he knew it was me on the line and not someone from my HR department.

  “Are you still looking for a mate?” I asked.

  After a pause, he cautiously replied, “Yes.”

  I took a deep breath and prayed I wasn’t making the biggest mistake of my life.

  “I have a proposition for you.”

  Chapter 11


  I pulled up to the school, only thirty minutes late this time, and reached over the bench seats to open the door for Sara.

  “Get in, June Bug. I have to get back home.”

  I needed to prepare for an upcoming Town Council Meeting. As the Alpha, I was not only obligated to attend but I was also a voting member.

  Usually, I gritted my teeth and tolerated the boring gatherings, but this one held more significance for the pack. We needed a new health clinic. The makeshift hospital the pack built wasn’t enough. Our pack had grown, and needed better care. More doctors and more room. It would also be beneficial to the town to have a clinic all shifters would be able to go to for health care, not just my wolves. Atlanta had a few clinics as well as hospitals that treated shifters, but the forty-minute drive could cost lives if something serious occurred.

  Sara rolled her eyes but jumped into the truck, slamming the door hard enough to make me frown. Once she was buckled in, I pulled away from the curb. We had to cruise down Main Street to get home and I sighed at the slower speed limit. A ticket would only take more time, I reminded myself.

  “I need a bra,” Sarah announced suddenly, and if it weren’t for my werewolf reflexes I would have slammed on the brakes. Which would have been a disaster considering the asshole riding my bumper.

  Nevertheless, the truck jerked with the sudden loss of speed as my foot slipped off the accelerator.

  “What?” I exclaimed unnecessarily. I’d heard what she’d said. I was just hoping I’d been wrong.

  “I need to buy a bra.”

  Nope. I hadn’t misheard.

  My gaze bounced back and forth between Sara and the road. My daughter sat stiffly beside me, her arms crossed tightly across her chest.

  “You don’t need a bra,” I said maybe a little too unkindly as she tightened her arms around herself. Feeling like a dick, I softened my tone. “Who said you needed a bra?”

  “My P.E. teacher,” she replied, her little chin lifting in defiance as she looked at me. Good for her, I thought with pride.

  Then I frowned. “What was he doing looking at your chest?” I growled.

  “Ms. Pointer is a woman.” She huffed. “She said I need to start wearing a training bra during P.E.”

  “Training bra? What are you training?”

  Sara shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  Well, I sure as hell didn’t know. I took a deep breath and forced my grip on the protesting steering wheel to lessen. I could do this. We would go to a store, one that sold clothing, and find a training bra. How hard could it be?

  “Well that was a disaster.”

  Walking into the house empty handed after two hours of useless shopping had me getting a little growly.

  “If the bras are too big, how are you supposed to wear one?”

  Shaking my head, I walked past a silent Sara, missing the hurt look on her face.

  “Come into the bathroom, June Bug. I have an idea.”

  After rummaging around under the sink, I found what I was looking for and held it up for Sara to see.

  “Really, dad? Can’t we go into the city and look?”

  With her nose scrunched up, she looked so young. And just like her mom when I’d done something to annoy her.

  “Let’s try this first. Turn around and hold up your shirt. Your back will be to me so I won’t see a thing,” I reassured her, though she didn’t seem to care about that.

  She sighed, long
and loud, her shoulders moving up and down dramatically as she faced away from me.

  Putting down the toilet seat, I sat down, then unraveled the beige elastic bandage.

  “I’m hungry. What’s for dinner?” she asked as I began wrapping the bandage around her chest.

  “I’ll order a pizza,” I told her.

  “Ugh! I’m tired of pizza.”

  I shook my head at her sudden attitude. “Well, what do you suggest? I might be able to pour you a bowl of cereal, but you know I can’t cook.”

  She sighed again and mumbled under breath, “You could if you tried.”

  “I heard that. Werewolf remember? And I have tried. I can’t even boil a pot of water right.”

  I secured the bandage with two metal clips and smiled.

  “Voila!” I said proudly. “Check this out. It’s supportive,” I bit out, uncomfortably, “and there’s no straps.”

  Still holding up her shirt, Sara faced the mirror with an expression I could only describe as horrified. What had I done now?

  “What?” I asked her. “This works.”

  Sara’s cheeks flushed and her eyes got suspiciously glassy. “This is stupid!” She dropped her shirt and turned her angry expression my way. “And so are you!”

  “June Bug,” I said softly, but she ran out of the bathroom.

  Her feet pounded against stairs, then a door slammed, causing me to jerk as if I’d been punched. I wished someone had hit me. I hadn’t seen Sara cry since Elizabeth had died. Maybe I wasn’t as good at this dad stuff as I’d thought.

  You’re looking for a mate just so you can avoid the dad stuff, remember?

  I growled at the voice in my head. That wasn’t the reason I’d been looking for a mate, I told myself. I needed someone, a mate, to help because I didn’t have the time, not because I couldn’t do it.

  Now… I wasn’t so sure I could.

  I rubbed my face with both hands. Either way, my mate search was back on. Though, since the disastrous date with Isabella, I hadn’t been back on Alpha Singles. We’d only had one online conversation and one bad date, but I couldn’t get her out of my head. If it hadn’t been for her job, I would have moved heaven and earth to get her to agree to another date at least. I’d been thinking about it, and though I’d said I wasn’t looking to date, I would have. For her.


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