Makeshift Mate

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Makeshift Mate Page 7

by C. E. Black

  In the end, I needed someone who could be there for Sara, and Isabella’s career came first. That had been unmistakable. No way would it have worked.

  I strolled into the kitchen wondering what to do about dinner. I picked up the pizza menu then set it back down with a grimace. Sara wasn’t the only one tired of pizza. But it was the only place that delivered in the area.

  I opened a cabinet, frowning at the limited contents. Maybe I could go pick up some burgers. Wild River had a pretty good diner. It would require time I didn’t want to waste, but what else could I do? I hadn’t been lying when I told Sara all I could make was a bowl of cereal. My frown deepened. Cereal sounded even less appetizing than pizza.

  When my cell phone rang, I scowled at the number on the screen. Why would they be calling me again? Especially after the blunt “no” I’d given their beautiful CEO two nights before.

  It could have been one of her employees, trying to talk me into allowing them to hire my wolves, but I there was something different about the number.

  “I’m surprised you called,” I answered on a hunch.

  Without preamble, she asked, “Are you still looking for a mate?”

  I wasn’t sure what I’d been expecting, but it sure as hell wasn’t that. Uncertain, I replied, “Yes.”

  Isabella took a breath on the other line and I stood completely still, nerves causing my stomach muscles to tighten.

  “I have a proposition for you,” she said, once again surprising me.

  “Go on.”

  “I have a client, a very high profile client, who needs protection during a business trip. The trip will only be for a week at most, but in exchange for your help finding shifters I can employ as his bodyguards, I will play mate for you for three weeks. A temporary solution until you can find someone more permanent.”

  I leaned a hip against the kitchen counter and crossed one arm over my chest. Most men might have hesitated, but the only thing I wanted more than a mate to help out with Sara, was Isabella. Plus, I was getting kind of desperate.

  “Can you cook?” I asked.

  There was a slight pause before she answered, “Yes.”

  “Then I accept.”

  Chapter 12


  The drive to Locke’s was a familiar one. I’d been out that way so many times over the years visiting Robert, I could make the trip blindfolded. Which only made it easier to think. Not necessarily a good thing for someone being reckless for the first time in her life. The amount of times turning around and saying the hell with it had crossed my mind were too many to count.

  For three weeks, I would be Locke Winfield, Alpha of the Wild River Pack’s mate. And in return, he’d offered three of his wolves for hire. On the understanding that they had the choice to turn down the job, of course. Once Locke had agreed to my proposition, that hadn’t been the end of our discussion. There were a lot of details to iron out.

  I was by no means motherly. I didn’t have a lot of practice with children, none really, but luckily, Sara, Locke’s daughter, was on the cusp of teenage-hood. Confident I could handle a preteen girl, having been one myself, I left that worry behind.

  My only concern laid with Locke. I didn’t know the man very well, and I had willingly agreed to move in with him. Driven into me from a young age to be wary of men, I was aware that this was going against those teachings. However, my gut told me differently.

  Though confident Locke wouldn’t hurt me, on purpose at least, I hadn’t thought twice about warning him of my years practicing Aikido. Locke had seemed oddly proud when I’d mentioned it.

  The last thing we talked about had been the easiest, surprisingly. Sex. We weren’t a couple, Locke and I. And I didn’t expect us to continue on as such once the three weeks were up. Alpha Singles might have conveyed that we were a perfect pair, but they had been wrong. Which was unfortunate. From the little I’d gathered so far, I really liked Locke. And because of that, I’d be upfront with him. I wouldn’t be hopping into his bed just because of our deal. However, I wouldn’t take sex off the table either. We would see how it went once I’d gotten to know him a little more.

  He’d been surprised and had agreed, readily, which had caused my grin to turn smug. I looked forward to seeing how our attraction developed. Because we definitely had chemistry. Loads of it.

  Recounting our conversation made me feel marginally better, and as I passed the turn off to Robert’s house, I relaxed my shoulders. There was security in knowing a relative would be so close. Though that was a battle I still had to brave. I hadn’t told him beforehand that I would be his new, albeit temporary, neighbor. Knowing he would have wasted too much time and energy trying to change my mind, I decided to wait until I’d already moved in. If my first day went accordingly, then I’d call him that evening or first thing in the morning.

  When I finally pulled up to the large, white farmhouse, Locke came out on the porch as though he’d been waiting for me. The sight of him caused my palms to sweat and I wiped them off on my jeans. By the time I took a couple of deep breaths, Locke was opening my door.

  “Isabella,” he greeted.

  “Thanks.” I slid out of the car, giving him a tentative smile. “And you can call me Isa.”

  “I like that. Isa. And you’re welcome. This is some car,” he said, his gaze moving over the body of my BMW i8 like a caress.

  A little too much lust over an inanimate object.

  I blinked at the bitter thought, as well as the sudden shiver the sound of my name on his lips gave me.

  Moving to the back of the car, I opened the trunk and retrieved one of two bags.

  “Let me get those.” Locke took the bag off my arm and slid it over his shoulder before grabbing the other.

  “Thanks,” I murmured.

  “You find the place alright?” he asked as I closed the trunk.

  “Yes.” I hesitated to say more, my gaze turning toward the open field on my left. I couldn’t see Robert’s house from where I stood. There were roughly ten acres between us.

  “My uncle lives in Wild River, so I’m familiar with the area.”

  I followed him to the house, doing my best to keep my eyes from lowering below his waist. My best wasn’t good enough.

  “Oh, really? What’s his name?” he asked.

  I looked away as he held the front door open for me. “Robert,” I answered.

  When my arm brushed his chest, he sucked in an audible breath, and I pulled away sharply, my eyes searching the room while I pretended I hadn’t felt the electric charge at our touch.

  With a surreptitious rub of the still tingling arm, I took in the unexpected feel of the living room. Decorated in warm tones of acorn, gold, and deep reds, the room gave an immediate feeling of home.

  A fire roared in the brick fireplace and once I noticed, I also felt the heat. Taking off my coat, I folded it over my arm as I stepped closer to the mantle. Pictures of Locke with a pretty redhead and a chubby cheeked baby were lined up in wooden frames.

  “There are a few Robert’s around here.” Locke didn’t ask any further questions, and instead, said, “As I promised, you’ll have your own room.”

  He started up the stairs with my bags. Assuming he meant for me to follow, I trailed him up to the second floor.

  “We have four guest bedrooms, just in case someone in the pack needs a place to stay,” he said, opening the second door we came to and stood aside. “If you don’t like this one, there are others to choose from. None of them are probably what you’re used to, though.”

  The car had probably thrown him off. It usually did. But I wasn’t the spoiled brat most people assumed.

  “I’m sure this will be fine,” I said, again walking past him. This time I was careful that we didn’t touch.

  The room was decorated in the same farmhouse style as the downstairs, but in cooler tones, with slate gray walls and a queen-sized bed covered in cream and gray quilts.

  “This is a beautiful room,” I told him

  “My wife decorated it.”

  I looked at him abruptly, but he was setting my bags on the floor and didn’t see the confused expression on my face. From the tone of his voice, so casual and tender, no one would have known his wife had passed. He sounded as if she were still here. Still his wife. As if he was still in love with her.

  Then his eyes met mine and it was my turn to suck in a startled breath. He might still be in love with his dead wife, but an attraction had definitely developed between the two of us. If I read him right, my clothes were in serious danger of becoming ripped apart at any moment.

  He looked away suddenly, breaking the tension before it could tighten any further.

  Turning my head, I rubbed my arms while I caught my breath. If this attraction, or whatever it was between us continued, I had a feeling I would be jumping him before the end of the week.

  “As we agreed, I’ve sent a few wolves to Vitale Global’s headquarters,” he said. “Let me know if they don’t work out. I’m going to check on Sara.”

  “Wait, I wanted to ask you something.”

  When his eyes slowly lifted to mine, I asked, “Are you sure you want a stranger here? I don’t know why I’m just thinking about this,” I said. “Probably because, as I told you, I’m not exactly an expert…”

  I drew in a breath to stop my rambling. “What I’m trying to say is… As a parent, you should be careful about who you bring around your child.”

  Locke took a step in my direction. “I’m not worried. Her safety is of the utmost importance and I’ll be watching. Believe me, I can protect my daughter.”

  Of course, he could protect her. I imagined he wouldn’t have a single issue with taking out anyone who hurt his daughter.

  I licked my lips, both fear and arousal causing my pulse to leap.

  “Are you sure?” I asked.

  Locked closed the distance between us and held out a hand. “We forgot to shake on it.”

  I stared at the hand he offered, then his face. “What?”

  “To seal the deal,” he replied. “We need to shake on it.”

  Shrugging, I accepted the handshake. But as my skin met his, the sudden spark zipped up my arm once more, causing me to pulled back quickly. “Sorry,” I murmured. “Must be static.”

  Locke gave me a slow and easy grin. “Yes, I’m sure,” he answered my earlier question. “I’m most definitely sure about you, Isa.”

  He leaned forward, bringing his lips slowly to mine. I had plenty of time to back away, but there was no use denying him, or myself.

  He gasped and I took advantage, tasting him with the tip of my tongue. He cupped my jaw with one hand and with a groan, deepened the kiss. He tasted like coffee and mint and something else. Something new and uniquely Locke.

  Eventually, he pulled away. “I better go before this goes any further,” he said, sounding like he’d rather stay. I wouldn’t have protested, except I’d just arrived. I should at least pretend I had some self-control.

  I let him go without objection. But I didn’t think I would be as strong next time.

  Chapter 13



  The word had been repeating in my head since Isa had walked into my territory… my home. She’d made the slightest contact, her arm brushing against my chest, and the wolf had taken notice.

  I told you so, floated through my mind.

  I had waited patiently, though, for an opportunity to be sure. That handshake hadn’t been just to seal our deal. It had been proof. As soon as we’d touched, skin to skin, electricity had shot through me, a most pleasant sensation. And that was before our lips even touched.

  Isa had shocked the hell out of me with that kiss. She tasted faintly of vanilla and the cinnamon, just like her scent. And the wolf in me had howled in delight. We’d found our mate.

  I wasn’t aware of how it worked for all shifters, but for werewolves, we knew our mate upon physical touch. A melding of man and wolf, finding a mate meant we both claimed a female as ours. She, of course, could refuse, but if I’d been reading her expression right, she’d felt it just as strongly as I had. We could fight it, she could fight it, I surely wouldn’t, but the battle would be hard won now. The wolf inside howled again, this time in anticipation of the chase.

  Will she open herself to us? Or will she deny the bond already forming between us?

  That kiss suggested no, but only time would tell.

  While Isa got settled in her room, I sought out Sara. A few days ago, I wouldn’t have bothered asking her to be nice, but Sara’s new mood swings made me nervous.

  “June Bug,” I called as I opened her door.

  “Dad! Get out!” she screamed.

  Squeezing my eyes shut, I slammed the door, muttering apologies mixed with curses.

  “Knocking on closed doors will save you and others embarrassment in the future,” came a soft voice from behind me.

  I glared at the beautiful, yet annoyingly sarcastic woman grinning at me. “Tell me something I don’t know,” I replied dryly.

  Isa smiled and nodded her head toward Sara’s closed door. “Changing?”

  “Yeah.” I rubbed my faced with the palm of my hand. “Man, I miss the days of dodging dirty diaper duty. I have no clue what I’m doing anymore.”

  “Rule number one; girls need their privacy. It’s no longer safe to open closed doors with a preteen girl in the house.”

  “Lesson learned,” I agreed.

  Her eyes grabbed mine. She was beautiful. Stunning. And she stood close enough that two steps would bring us nose to nose. I’d known she was tall from her Alpha Singles profile, but each time we came face to face her height surprised me. Kissing her took no effort at all. My gaze fell to her supple lips.

  The door jerked open behind me and Sara emerged, her scowl slowly falling as she eyed Isa and me.

  I shook my self and took a step to the side. I’d almost forgotten. I hadn’t told Sara about Isa yet.

  I cleared my throat. “June Bug, this is Isa. She’ll be staying with us for a while.”

  “Hi, Sara.” Isa said, offering her hand. “Or would you rather me call you June Bug? Or June?”

  Sara hesitated before sliding her hand into Isa’s. “Sara,” she said then dropped Isa’s hand and took a step back before looking at me. “Is she new to the pack?”

  “No. Use your nose, June Bug. She’s human.”

  “Don’t call me that,” she snapped.

  I raised my brow at her. I’d let her get away with a little attitude, but not in front of guests. Alpha magic flared and I didn’t need a mirror to know my eyes had changed.

  Sara’s gaze dropped to the floor. “Sorry,” she murmured. Then with a sigh, she looked at Isa. “Are you my babysitter, then?

  “Um…” Isa looked back and forth between Sara and me, no doubt confused.

  My eyes had gone back to normal as soon as Sara had apologized, so Isa didn’t flinch when I met her gaze.

  “Not really,” I answered Sara’s question. “But she will be helping out around here. I would appreciate it if you’d treat her with the same respect you’re supposed to give me.”

  My phone vibrated in my back pocket and I pulled it free to check the screen. My spine straightened when I read the number.

  “Sorry, I have to take this,” I spoke absently. “Show Isa around for me, June Bug. I’ll see you at dinner. Maybe….”

  Mind focused completely on work, I answered the phone while pivoting toward my office.

  “Tell me you have good news.”

  “Mr. Breton is ready to sell.”

  At the realtor’s words, I exhaled a sigh of relief. “That’s not good news, Dan, that’s great news. What do we do next?”

  Chapter 14


  Our kiss seemed like a distant memory, and so far, hadn’t been repeated.

  Locke hadn’t exaggerated when he said his work took priority. Over the course of three days, I’d hardly seen him.<
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  I was lucky in that I knew the area well enough that his absence hadn’t kept me from doing what I’d promised. I drove Sara to and from school each day, made breakfast for the two of us in the mornings and dinner in the evenings.

  During the day, I checked my emails, which had mostly consisted of Trevor’s reassurances that everything had been running smoothly. Evidently, the company hadn’t burned to the ground without me.

  I hadn’t forgotten about Robert, either. As planned, I’d kept most of details to myself, only telling him I’d agreed to watch Sara as a favor. To say the call hadn’t gone well would have been an understatement. The conversation had ended abruptly, and two more, almost as hostile as the first, had followed. Eventually, he had calmed down enough that he no longer cursed when he answered my calls.

  While my uncle worried about me, I’d been concerned about Locke. Our interactions had been few and far between. He locked himself in his office for hours on end, and when he did finally emerge, it was only to leave the house on Alpha business, as he would call it. He needed a break.

  “It’s Friday. Want to go out for dinner tonight?”

  Sara looked up from her homework, her eyes lighting up. The attitude I’d witnessed toward her father hadn’t resurfaced. The girl was smart and extremely sweet, but she spent a lot of time hiding in her room. Like father, like daughter.

  “Can we go to Silver’s?” she asked.

  I smiled at the name of the diner on Main Street. I hadn’t eaten at Silvers in years. But from what I remembered, they made a mean Bourbon Pecan Pie.

  The restaurant was owned by two of the pack’s members. One of them, Tess, had stopped by the second day after I’d arrived to drop off a pound cake. She hadn’t stayed long, but I looked forward to hanging out with her again while I was there.


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