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Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens

Page 3

by Sheri L. Swift

  Their lives must be so uncomplicated.


  Later when Lizzy swam back home, she saw her mom’s van was still there. It wasn’t like her mom to miss teaching at school. She hopped up onto the dock and wrung out the water from her hair and headed for the Keeper’s house.

  As Lizzy walked in the front door, she smelled coffee and bacon.

  “Did you have a good swim?” Rose called from the kitchen.

  “Yeah, I did. You didn’t have school today?” Lizzy walked into the light teal and white painted kitchen which felt more like home than ever.

  “Yes, but I got a sub. I thought we could enjoy the day together, starting with breakfast.” Rose smiled at the stove.

  “Sounds good, I’ll hop in the shower and be down soon.” Lizzy ran up the stairs.


  Rose went all out and fixed Lizzy’s favorites; fried eggs, bacon, whole wheat toast, hash browns, coffee and orange juice.

  They both sat at the table eating and chatting.

  “I don’t know what it is about this island mom, but it makes me come alive.”

  “It’s always going to be your home honey as long as you want.”

  “It’s more than that, especially when I’m in the water. I feel like a part of me was dead on the mainland.”

  “You’re probably like the rest of us; you’re hearing the call of the mermaids.” Rose smiled.

  “What?” Lizzy grinned.

  “I remember my grandfather Prentis and how he’d always say; ‘be careful in the water Rosie. Don’t listen to the song of Sirens or you might never return to us again’.”

  “Wow, even he knew.”

  “Yes, now we know the Sirens do sing and bring humans to their deaths; I think that’s what he was really saying.

  “But I’m talking more about how the part-Mer in you has a longing to return to the Sea like most of us had at one time or another. There aren’t many Mer descendants who leave for the mainland and don’t soon return to the island.”

  “Gosh, I never thought about it like that, but it makes sense.” Lizzy smiled.

  “What makes sense?” Cole asked as he came into the kitchen.

  “I think Lizzy’s feeling the call of the mermaids to return to the Sea.”

  “Yep, it does happen to most of us who move to the mainland for a time.” Cole grinned.

  “I thought you’d be out all day on the Bonnie Rose or I would have also fixed you breakfast.” Rose smiled and kissed his cheek.

  “It was my plan until I got a call,” Cole said with a big sigh as he looked to Lizzy.

  “You answered?” She was shocked her father would take a call from Robbie, especially after she told him what happened.

  “I wasn’t going to, but thought I’d get it out of the way so to speak. I’m not telling you what to do Lizzy; you know I’ve got your back.

  “He sounded genuine when he told me he couldn’t remember a thing from that night and was as surprised as you to find the girl in his bed.

  “I only agreed to tell you he loves you and will get here as soon as he can get away.”

  “Oh no, I was hoping he’d just give me some space. I don’t want to see him or ever talk to him again.”

  “Whatever you want is fine by me Lizzy; I’m just passing along the message and I won’t be answering his calls in the future if you don’t want me to.”

  “No Dad, I really don’t. I just want to move on.” Lizzy got up from the table and headed up the stairs in tears.

  “Sorry honey, I know he put you in an awful spot.” Rose put her hand on Cole’s cheek.

  “Yep, he sure did, but he told me his side of things and I’m not sure its all as Lizzy thinks.

  “I’m also not sure if it’s a good thing for Lizzy to pretend everything’s fine. I think she’ll have to talk it out with him one day to be able to completely move on.” He hung his head down.

  Rose put her hands under his chin and leaned up kissing him tenderly. She looked up to him with an understanding smile, “You might be right, time heals things, but unresolved issues make it harder.”

  He grinned, “So what about that breakfast?”

  “Coming right up!” Rose put back on her gingham apron and began fixing breakfast for Cole while humming a tune.

  He got a cup from the kitchen cupboard and filled it with coffee. He sat down at the table and sipped his coffee while looking over the morning paper.




  As the Island Traveler passed near the waters of Puerto Rico, there came a large pod of Sea Lions following alongside them.

  Jedediah saw one little pup in particular and he was the cutest thing with his dark big eyes swimming beside the yacht with his mother.

  Without warning, several large White Sharks surfaced and began eating the Sea Lions.

  Jedediah saw the small pup alone and confused as his mother was one of those eaten. He quickly grabbed the long fishing net and scooped the pup up and brought him aboard the yacht.

  He leaned down, “Hey there little guy; it’ll be alright.”

  He stood back up and looked out over the water, it seemed all the Sharks had left and only about a dozen Sea Lions remained.

  Jedediah sensed something might be wrong with the Mer, he shouted, “Hey Micah, cut the engine!”

  Micah turned off the engine and came to the railing with Jedediah.

  King Titus surfaced with Lana in his arms and jumped up putting her on the deck of the yacht.

  “You must not stop; you will need to go as quickly as you can!” Titus dove down into the water.

  Seturus swam up and handed Jireh to Jedediah and quickly dove back down, but not before telling Jedediah to be safe in her mind.

  Prince Ulysses quickly brought up Faith.

  Talei soon surfaced with Anue and Maiele at the back of the yacht.

  Kawikani helped them all get on deck as fast as he could.

  Micah ran to get the engines started, he didn’t know why, but he trusted Titus and knew there must be something dangerous coming their way for him to surface with a warning.

  Maiele followed his father into the wheel house.

  Jedediah asked Talei, “What’s up?”

  “The Old One has come into these waters to feed.”

  “Who’s the Old One?”

  “He is the largest of his kind and when he hunts all fear him, even the Mer.” Talei took Anue to the galley with Faith to get dried off.

  Lana took Jireh’s hand.

  He smiled to her and then saw the little Sea Lion and instantly began petting him on top of his head.

  “Hey buddy, you need to get into the galley with Aunt Lana for awhile.”

  “Can I keep him?” Jireh asked with excitement.

  “Yeah, I think we will keep this little guy, why don’t you take him into the galley and show Anue.”

  Lana smiled and helped Jireh pick up the pup.

  “Be careful Jed, I’m not really sure what this thing is,” Lana said with a serious look.

  “I will.” He gave a half grin knowing Lana would understand his curiosity.

  Jireh held the little pup and carefully walked down the steps leading to the galley with Lana.

  Jedediah stood looking out at the water for any unusual sign as they sped on with the remaining Sea Lions following beside the yacht.

  Like a razor, a large fin began to lift out of the water beside the yacht, even seeming to keep up in speed.

  Jedediah stood frozen looking at the largest Shark dorsal fin he’d ever seen. He estimated the size of the fin alone was as large as one of the sails of the Island Traveler.

  He slowly backed away from the rail, but couldn’t believe the size of even the caudal fin as it rose behind the Shark some eighty feet back.

  Wow, no one would believe this, that’s gotta be a Megalodon, he thought.

  The Shark quickly scooped up all the remaining Sea Lions with his large gaping
mouth filled with the biggest teeth Jedediah had ever seen, including Whales. His mouth seemed large enough for a small boat to fit into.

  Then the Shark slowly submerged.

  Jedediah let out the breath he was holding and thought; I’m sure glad Titus knows what he’s doing, that things gotta be at least a hundred feet long.

  He might have decided to take a bite of us if he hadn’t had his fill and be somewhat put off by the yacht’s engine.

  When he sensed all was well with the Mer and they were traveling once more, he told Seturus in his mind, “You guys be careful too.” He hated the thought of her being in the water with that thing.

  Seturus spoke to Jedediah in her mind, “The Old One has swum back out to the southern open waters.”

  Jedediah shook his head and said, “Dad’s not gonna believe this one.” He went to tell Micah and the rest about what he saw.


  After the kids had been put down for a nap; Jedediah sat in the galley with the others discussing the Shark.

  “So tell me Talei, how many of these things are there?” Jedediah asked.

  “Mother said there are several, but he is the oldest of his kind.”

  “Why haven’t we seen them before?” Lana asked.

  “Because they usually only travel farther out and in deep places.”

  “I’ve heard about the Puerto Rico trench which runs along this area; I think it’s the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean. Maybe that’s why Meg is feeding here?” Jedediah shrugged his shoulders.

  “Who’s Meg?” Lana asked.

  “Sis, that’s short for Megalodon.”

  “Oh, well I know some Sharks come closer to shore when they want to use the area as nurseries for their young.”

  “I hope that things not pregnant,” said Jedediah with lifted brows.

  “Most of the larger ones do not come into warmer waters, but things are changing in the Oceans,” Talei said sadly.

  “My people have told of the Old Ones in many of our legends,” said Kawikani.

  “Ours as well,” said Faith.

  Andrew agreed.

  “Our people have seen some of them, but not as large as this one.” Micah grinned.

  “That’s for sure. There’s one off the coast of South Africa called Submarine because of its size; believed to be about 37 feet long. It also has a scar over its right eye.

  “There’ve been many sightings, but some still don’t believe it.” Jed shook his head with a grin.

  “Since the Leviathan, I can believe anything.” Lana smiled.

  “Dad’s gonna wish he’d seen it too,” Jedediah chuckled.

  “Hopefully he won’t get the chance; I don’t think our fish supply can handle it,” Lana said with concern.

  “Yeah, I don’t think so either.” Jedediah shook his head.

  “Are you really gonna keep the pup?” Lana asked.

  “Yep, I think he’ll make a good pet for Jireh, he’s already named him Mr. Big Eyes,” Jedediah chuckled.

  “Soon he’ll be Mr. Big period,” Lana giggled.

  “Jireh’s sleeping with him right now and they look like the best of friends.” Faith smiled.

  “I guess he’s adopted us too.” Jedediah grinned and then headed back up on the deck to keep a look out for anything.




  It was well past 2:00am when the Island Traveler pulled into the slip at the Safe Harbor Marina.

  Cole was there to greet Micah and Kawikani. He was glad he was able to keep the surprise from Lizzy.

  Talei and Anue were sleeping; Maiele had gone with Andrew and his family to the cavern.

  Jedediah was already in the grotto with his family.

  “Glad to have you finally here,” Cole said with hushed tones and shook Micah and Kawikani’s hand as he hopped onto the yacht.

  “Glad to be here,” Micah chuckled softly.

  “Yes, it is good to see you,” Kawikani whispered with a smile.

  Lana ran up out of the galley, “Hi Dad!” she said in her mind as to be quieter.

  “Kid, what are you doing here; I figured you’d be all tucked in by now,” he also said in his mind.

  “I just had to see you and ask how Lizzy’s really doing.”

  Cole gave her a hug, “She’s hurting right now; I think it’s going to take some time for her to heal, but you’ll be the best medicine.” He grinned.

  “I knew she must be; Jed and me are gonna surprise the family in the morning for breakfast.” She smiled.

  “You are, well I guess I’m making my famous buckwheat pancakes then,” he chuckled.

  “I was hoping you’d say that.” She hugged him once more.

  Cole kissed the top of her head.

  “Now I am leaving the yacht in capable hands and hitching a ride with my lovely wife,” whispered Micah with a nod to Cole and Kawikani. He then slipped down the ladder at the back of the yacht quietly and into the water.

  Princess Tarra was waiting for him; they didn’t want to make any noise as to arouse suspicion from others.

  Tarra smiled and waved to Cole.

  He grinned and waved back.

  “I guess this is goodnight?” Kawikani whispered with a grin.

  “Yep, I’ll see you all tomorrow night at the cavern.”

  “I guess its goodbye for me too,” Lana said in her mind with a smile and kissed his cheek. She slipped down the back of the yacht as quietly as she could.

  “Goodnight, see you in the morning.” Cole smiled.

  King Titus surfaced with a grin and gave a bow of his head to Cole.

  Cole waved and then hopped off the yacht.

  Titus with Lana on his back dove into the water.

  Cole was glad Jed and Lana would come earlier for breakfast. He thought it was just what Lizzy needed.


  Jedediah held Seturus in his arms as they sat upon the ledge of the grotto floor watching Jireh and Mr. Big Eyes sleeping.

  Rose was sure to set up two cots with sleeping bags for Jed and Jireh. She always had several new board shorts and even new dive suits waiting for them when they arrived.

  The other half of the grotto was water which was where Seturus slept.

  During the day, the sun filtered in making the light dance upon the walls in a shimmering green.

  By night, the cavern was lit up with a neon blue glow coming from the plants at the bottom where also lived many lobsters thereby the Mer had named it Lobster Grotto.

  Seturus swished her tail slowly back and forth in the water below as she sat in Jedediah’s arms.

  “Well, I guess we really do have a new addition to the family.” Jedediah grinned.

  “Yes, thank you for saving him and allowing Jireh to have him. He will make a good guardian for Jireh as well as his father.” Seturus looked adoringly to her son with the little Sea Lion and then smiled to Jedediah.

  “Yep, that he will.” He looked into her eyes and then kissed her tenderly.

  They were glad to be together in a home of their own once more.


  Early the next morning Jedediah, Lana, and Jireh swam out of the water and onto the wooden dock in front of the Keeper’s house.

  Jireh was completely covered from head to toe in his new dive suit and gloves as to not let others see his unique features.

  They quickly went around to the back door and knocked lightly.

  Cole answered the door with a whisper, “Well hello, no one’s up yet, they just think I’m making coffee for them. Well look at you Sport, you’re growing like a weed.” Cole picked up Jireh.

  Jireh giggled.

  Cole whispered, “Shhhh, we don’t want them up just yet.”

  Lana and Jed began drying off with the towels Cole had laid out in the mud room.

  Lana always loved the navy blue painted walls and the deep red cabinets with the matching long bench seat where Rose stored towels and extra blankets. She wa
s glad this room remained the same as when she lived here alone with her father so long ago.

  Cole helped Jireh out of his gloves and wet suit.

  Lana had on a one-piece with a pink and black floral design. She wrapped a towel around her waist.

  Jed and Jireh wore the new red and white board shorts Rose had got them.

  Lana went into the kitchen and got a cup from the cupboard and poured some fresh coffee into it. She took her cup and slowly sniffed it, “Do I ever miss you,” she whispered and began sipping.

  Jed and Jireh sat down at the kitchen table.


  With the smell of coffee wafting up the stairs, Rose was the first to come down.

  Lana smiled and went and hugged her.

  “Oh my, I wasn’t expecting to see you this morning.”

  Jed got up from the table and also hugged her, “We wanted it to be a surprise.”

  “It’s the best.” She kissed his cheek.

  “Well look at you,” said Rose to Jireh sitting at the table.

  “Hey Grandma!” He smiled brightly with a mouthful of chocolate-chip cookie.

  Rose also kissed him on his cheek and gave him a big squeeze, “We need to get you a proper breakfast.”

  “At least I gave him a glass of milk,” Cole chuckled from the stove where he was starting to pour the pancakes onto the cast-iron griddle.

  Jireh smiled again and said to Rose, “Guess what?”


  “I have a new pet!”

  “You do, what is it?”

  “It’s a Sea Lion and his name is MR. BIG EYES!” Jireh squealed jumping up and down with excitement.

  This brought Lizzy down the stairs, “Wow, I can’t believe you guys are here already!” she said with a yawn.

  “Hey Sis.” Jed went and hugged her.

  “Hey Lizzy.” Lana also hugged her.

  Now Will came down the stairs with one eye open. He flipped his hair out of his face and grinned, then went into the living room and laid down on the couch.

  “And that is Will,” Cole chuckled.


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