Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens

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Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens Page 14

by Sheri L. Swift

  Prince Ulysses swam Rose over.

  Prince Makoa swam Cole.

  Micah rowed Robbie and Will to the schooner.

  “Man Will what happened to your cheek?” Robbie wanted to ask him all day and thought maybe he snagged it on a hook.

  “Ah, I got a little too close to something sharp.” He grinned.

  Midori and Prince Ulysses swam back and followed beneath them.

  Only Will could hear their thoughts; he gripped the sides of the canoe tightly and put his feet on top of the beach bag and deck chairs.

  Micah realized what was about to happen and braced himself.

  The Mer lifted up the canoe and turned it sideways.

  Robbie was dumped into the water with his hoody.

  Makoa had swum back just in time to catch Robbie’s duffel bag. He was not happy with Midori or Prince Ulysses and glared at them.

  They lowered their heads and returned to the city.

  Makoa helped Robbie with one hand back into the canoe while holding his duffel bag out of the water with the other.

  Micah helped him also.

  Lizzy stood at the railing of the schooner and had seen it happen.

  Prince Makoa handed Cole the duffel bag.

  Micah grinned as he rowed up and handed Cole the deck chairs and beach bag.

  Cole also helped Will and Robbie on deck.

  “I can’t believe they did that to you Robbie,” said Lizzy somewhat upset.

  Robbie rang out his hoody, “I can.”

  Micah chuckled as he rowed away.

  Rose gave Robbie a large bath towel and he went into Will’s cabin to change.

  “Will did you know about this?” Cole tried to be serious and had to hide a smile.

  “Not till just before it happened.” He grinned.

  “At least Makoa got his duffel bag.” Cole grinned shaking his head.

  “I don’t think it’s funny at all.” Lizzy looked to them.

  Rose smiled, “At least that’s all they did.” She went and plugged in the multicolored Christmas lights on the four foot tree they had securely tied on deck. It, the ornaments and lights were waterproof.

  “I think I’ll make us all some hot cocoa,” she said and headed to the galley.

  Robbie came out in his Safe Harbor Island Chieftains swim team shirt and shorts.

  Lizzy smiled to remember those days when they swam for their high school.

  Will went into his cabin and began playing his game.

  Cole put out four deck chairs so they could all sit and visit awhile.

  Lizzy and Robbie sat down beside each other.

  Cole sat on the other side of Lizzy.

  Rose took Will his hot cocoa first. When she brought it into his cabin, she stretched up and kissed his cheek.

  He grinned but never looked up from his game; he put out his hand for the mug, “Thanks Mom.”

  “You’re welcome dear.” She smiled realizing how few days were left for him to be her little boy.

  She went back into the galley and brought everyone else their cocoa on a tray.

  They enjoyed it and the conversation.

  The air was warm and the night sky was filled with a million stars.

  Rose looked to Cole and smiled.

  “Well, I guess we’re turning in.” He got up.

  “Goodnight Robbie; are you sure you don’t want to sleep in Will’s cabin on the bottom bunk?” Rose raised her brows with a grin.

  “No, I kinda got used to stayin’ in the galley on my dad’s boat; thank you both so much for lettin’ me rest my head here tonight.”

  “Alright, I’ve got it made up for you and you’re welcome.”

  “You’re welcome Robbie, glad to have you.” Cole grinned and then took Rose’s hand and they went to their cabin.

  “I can’t believe the stars here.” Robbie looked up in amazement.

  “Yeah, hard to believe it’s Christmas Eve.” She smiled.

  “Wait right here, I forgot somethin’.” Robbie walked into the galley where he stowed his bag.

  Lizzy was curious what it could be.

  When he returned he held out a small wrapped gift to her with a bright red bow.

  “Hey what’s this?” She smiled like a child.

  “Not much, but I thought you might like it.”

  She carefully untied the bow and removed the sparkly red poinsettia paper and opened up the small box. It was an ornament of the Safe Harbor Lighthouse with attached red and white Keeper’s house.

  Both the door of the Lighthouse and Keeper’s house had a green wreath with a red bow on top. The detail was amazing with the year imprinted on a little gold plate.

  “Robbie this is beautiful, where did you get it?” She could only imagine the cost.

  “I had it made.” He grinned knowing how much she liked collecting dated ornaments.

  “Thank you, I wish I had something to give you.”

  “Just bein’ here with you under these stars is the best gift I could get.” He smiled.

  “It’s kind of nice isn’t it?” She also smiled.

  Robbie looked at her pearls upon her head, “I knew you were part mermaid, but I never knew you were a Princess.”

  “Yeah, since I was twelve when King Titan proclaimed it; I’ve only worn my crown a couple of times though. I forgot I still had it on,” she giggled nervously and started to take it off.

  “No leave it on, it looks good on you and if anyone deserves to wear it, you do Liz.” He smiled.

  She put her hands down, “Thanks.” He’s certainly saying all the right things, she thought.

  He took a deep breath and looked seriously into her eyes, “Is Midori now your boyfriend?”

  “No, he’s only ever been a friend.” This is true as far as I’m concerned, she thought.

  Robbie grinned and his cheeks became flushed.

  Lizzy loved it when that happened.


  After Prince Makoa returned to the city he went straight to the Hall and told King Titus of the incident involving Midori and Prince Ulysses.

  Titus chuckled.

  “Then you do not intend to reprimand them?”

  “How can I when I once myself drenched Lana’s date at her prom so many years ago; I know what it is to be a jealous merman. If they do anything like it again I will speak to them.”

  Makoa grinned and shook his head, “Yes I remember that night.” He gave a bow and then swam from the Hall.

  Titus swam into his home behind the thrones.

  Lana giggled, “It is a little funny.”

  “Yes it is; hopefully Robbie has only good intentions towards our sister.” Titus took her into his arms.

  “Yeah I hope so too.” She snuggled into his shoulder.

  He kissed the top of her head, “I am a blessed merman and glad you chose me.”

  “Me too.” She smiled and then kissed him tenderly.

  They both prayed all would be well with Robbie and Lizzy if it was meant to be for them; they also prayed for Midori and his path to happiness.




  Cole and Rose were up before dawn to begin the food preparation in the galley.

  Robbie heard them and sat up.

  “We didn’t mean to wake you,” said Rose.

  “It’s alright; it’s Christmas.” He grinned.

  “I’ll have a fresh pot of coffee before you know it.” She smiled as she went to make it.

  “Thank you; sounds great.” He began rolling up the sleeping bag he was given to lay on; it was too hot to actually sleep inside it.

  Rose took it and the pillow and stored it away for now in the bench seat.

  Since Robbie was up, Cole put on some of their favorite Christmas songs to listen to while they worked.

  Rose made two egg frittatas, sausage balls and her famous cinnamon bun cake which had become the desired breakfast the kids enjoyed every Christmas morning along with o
range juice and coffee.

  Cole’s job was always Christmas dinner which consisted of grilled New York strip steaks, scampi, baked potatoes and raw vegetables with ranch dip along with sparkling apple cider.

  Rose couldn’t help but sing along as she worked.

  Cole came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek, “Merry Christmas Sweetheart.”

  She turned and kissed him, “Merry Christmas to you too.”

  Robbie grinned while he sipped his coffee; I hope Lizzy and I’ll have a chance to love each other like that, he thought.


  Lizzy sniffed the air as the smell of coffee permeated her cabin. She stretched with a yawn and then realized; it’s Christmas!

  She looked over to her dresser and saw the Safe Harbor Island ornament. It wasn’t a dream; Robbie’s really here, she thought.

  She quickly got out of bed and changed into her green bikini.

  She looked into her mirror; I guess I’m a little more fit than when I last saw Robbie with all the swimming I’ve been doing. She smiled.

  She put on her oversized Soul Surfer T-shirt and brushed her hair.

  She opened up her journal and scribbled a few paragraphs about how Robbie surprised her last night by coming to Kaloki Island and how wonderful it was to talk with him under the stars till late in the evening.

  She closed it and headed for the galley.

  Will met her in the hallway also on his way to the galley.

  “Will wonders never cease!” she giggled.

  He flipped his hair out of his eyes, “Yeah, yeah, what can I say it’s Christmas.” He grinned.

  Robbie smiled widely when Lizzy entered the galley, “Merry Christmas beautiful.”

  “Why thank you, Merry Christmas to you too,” said Will with a grin.

  Everyone laughed.

  Lizzy went and sat by Robbie, “Merry Christmas, how did you sleep?”

  “Really good; it’s the first time in a long while.” He gave a half grin.

  She smiled.

  Everyone enjoyed their breakfast together while listening to Christmas songs.


  Cole sailed the Bonnie Rose and anchored between Jedediah and Lana.

  Rose turned on the Christmas lights on the tree.

  Lizzy had shown her parents the Safe Harbor Island ornament Robbie gave her and placed it on the tree for everyone to enjoy.

  It wasn’t long and King Titus lifted Lana out of the water and placed her on deck.

  Lizzy and Robbie were sitting in the deck chairs and both said, “Merry Christmas!”

  “Merry Christmas; I couldn’t wait to get here for mom’s sausage balls and cinnamon bun cake!” Lana grinned.

  Titus chuckled, “Believe me she could not; Merry Christmas to you both.”

  Cole and Rose came out and said, “Merry Christmas!” to Titus and Lana.

  “Merry Christmas!” Lana went and hugged her parents.

  “Merry Christmas to you also and to Will,” said Titus.

  “He went back to bed and most likely won’t be up until time for dinner,” Cole chuckled.

  Titus grinned gave a bow of his head and dove back down into the water. He knew this time was special for Lana and he never minded her sharing it with her family.

  Seturus swam Jedediah and Jireh to the schooner and everyone said Merry Christmas to one another.

  Seturus also let Jedediah and Jireh enjoy this celebration with their family and she swam to the city of Tullius to enjoy a day of celebration with her Mer family.

  Jedediah kissed his mom and grinned; he quickly followed Lana and Jireh into the galley for Christmas breakfast.


  Cole and Rose only gave their children one gift for Christmas because they each lived so simply. They themselves asked their children not to give them gifts; they were gift enough. Having grandchildren and great-grandchildren made it all the sweeter.

  Jedediah and Jireh always got things they needed when they returned to Safe Harbor in the spring.

  Lana desired nothing other than her parents’ cooking when she could get it.

  This year they gave a stainless steel basketball hoop and new basketball to Jireh so he could have it mounted to the cavern wall like Gull Island had. They knew it would help give him an activity to do during storms when stuck inside.

  The entire family enjoyed the afternoon playing card games, swimming and visiting with each other and with Robbie.

  Cole found out he had a week before he had to head back and after discussing it with Lizzy in their minds, he and Rose invited him to stay the entire week on the Bonnie Rose with them.

  He was pleasantly surprised and hopeful for a possible chance to win Lizzy’s love back before he left so they might have a future together.

  He now knew he had some serious competition for her even if Lizzy wasn’t as aware of it as he was.


  That evening Prince Makoa brought Megedagik a squid to eat.

  He accepted it; he had been accepting all meals Makoa brought him, but this was a delicacy for the Mer. He bit down on his writhing prey.

  Makoa smiled.

  Megedagik looked up to him, “Why have your people been happy?”

  “We have been celebrating the birth of Arius’ Son.”

  “When was he born?” He looked bewildered.

  “Many winters ago, only the humans have chosen this day especially to celebrate his birth.”

  “Humans; I have never heard of Arius having a Son and why would you trust them to speak anything but lies.”

  “You forget our Queen is half human,” Makoa said with warning in his eyes, not wishing anyone to insult Queen Lana.

  “Tell me more of this Son of Arius.” He continued to eat the squid.

  Prince Makoa smiled and told him all he knew about the birth of the Kingly Son of Arius who chose to be born a human.


  The day after Christmas Jedediah talked Lizzy and Robbie into going scuba diving with him and Seturus.

  Jireh would be visiting with Will, Cole and Rose.

  Cole sailed the Bonnie Rose to the dive site.

  They were all going to explore a series of underwater caves Prince Makoa had discovered six winters ago when he was looking for a grotto for Jedediah and Seturus.

  The caves were still unknown to the humans and were some several miles south of the island of Matuku.

  Cole loaned Robbie his diving gear. He’d be monitoring some of their dive topside with the communications unit which allowed him to hear those speaking into their full face diving masks. He especially wanted Robbie to be able to communicate with the others.

  The signal would be blocked once they entered the caves. Cole wouldn’t even be able to communicate with the Mer beyond the entrance and it made him uneasy.

  Although there was no sign of Queen Poneros, King Titus was not taking any chances and sent along Prince Tristan and ten of his guardsmen with spears to watch over the dive party.

  Midori and Prince Ulysses were not allowed to go or even to leave the city.

  Seturus swam Jedediah.

  Prince Makoa swam Robbie.

  Prince Tarrock swam Lizzy.


  “Look at him Rob,” Jedediah spoke through his dive mask.

  A black and white Sea Snake swam out of the coral as they were all descending toward the entrance of the cave.

  “Yeah, I know to steer clear of him,” Robbie chuckled.

  “I love the red Lionfish,” said Lizzy.

  There were several with their billowy ribbon-like fins as they watched them swim passed.

  The entrance to the cave was covered in Seaweed which ebbed and flowed with the Ocean current.

  It seemed no more than a hole on the ocean floor. It was only large enough for one pairing to enter the opening at a time.

  Once through the entrance the cave continued to widen as it went deep below as if it were a hollowed volcano.

The light filtered down through the opening and revealed a coral bed filled with bright colors; purple, pink, orange, yellow and red.

  It was home to several varieties of marine life; including some Sea Turtles.

  Now the humans let go of the Mer and were able to explore the cave freely.

  Prince Tristan divided the guardsmen into two groups; one to guard above near the entrance, the other to guard the lower part of the cave around the divers.

  Lizzy couldn’t help but to swim beside the smallest of the Sea Turtles and gently pet his head.

  He seemed to like her attention.

  The other two larger Sea Turtles swam away.

  Robbie smiled as he saw Lizzy with the Turtle; that’s what I love about you Liz; you really are my mermaid girl, he thought.

  Lizzy looked over to him and caught him smiling, “Isn’t this wonderful?”

  “Yeah it sure is.” He continued to smile.

  Seturus and Jedediah held hands as they swam together.

  Prince Makoa and Prince Tarrock swam near Lizzy and Robbie, but allowed them some space.

  Robbie found a dark purple spiral shell and handed it to Lizzy.

  She took it and smiled, “It’s beautiful.”

  Out of one of the passageways of the cave across from them swam three large Bull Sharks.

  They swiftly attacked and ate the two larger Turtles.

  All of the Mer quickly enclosed themselves around the humans making a canopy of protection.

  Robbie instinctively put his arm around Lizzy’s waist and pulled her closer to him.

  She gripped her knife and realized she would give her life to defend Robbie if she had to.

  The one smaller Sea Turtle was spared with the humans.

  The Bull Sharks were some of the more aggressive of their species, but they did not wish to take on the Mer and they swam upwards and out the entrance of the cave.

  Lizzy enjoyed being held in Robbie’s arm again. She smiled to him, “Thanks.”

  He grinned, “No problem.” Then he reluctantly released her.

  Prince Tristan led the others through one of the passageways and into another cave which was completely dark.

  The divers turned on their flashlights so they could see.


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