Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens

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Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens Page 15

by Sheri L. Swift

  Half of the guards swam further into the cave; the others swam behind the group.

  The passageway was made of limestone and had a long tunnel they had to swim through.

  The Sea Turtle continued to follow Lizzy and the others.

  Robbie grinned to Lizzy, “I guess he likes your company too.”

  She smiled.

  They swam through the tunnel and entered another cave which was not as large and it had less coral and marine life within. The water became much colder.

  Prince Tristan had swum on ahead and then returned from another passageway. He had a look of concern toward Prince Makoa.

  “Stay here,” Makoa said to Jedediah, Lizzy and Robbie. He swam with Prince Tristan and the first half of the guard.

  Jedediah looked to Seturus and then the others, “I don’t like the look of that.”

  “Me either,” Seturus told him in her mind and then pulled him closer to her.

  Lizzy now really felt concerned for Robbie and she stayed near him. She almost wished he hadn’t come along because it now seemed so dangerous.


  Makoa followed Prince Tristan through another cave and passageway until they entered the final and smallest of the caves. They had the guards wait outside.

  There in the center of the sandy floor was a mound of at least a dozen human skeletons. A spear had been driven into the center of the mound and stuck out with a strand of black pearls tied at the top.

  “So they have found our caves,” said Makoa angrily.

  “They were not here two days ago when we patrolled this area and must not have stayed long; there is no other sign of them.”

  “We must leave and get the humans to safety. I will take the spear and the pearls to King Titus. You must break the bones and scatter them.”

  Prince Tristan gave a bow of his head.

  Makoa called for the guards to come into the smaller cave as he was leaving and then swam back to the divers.

  Prince Tristan and the guardsmen began doing as Prince Makoa commanded.


  Midori sharpened his spear with a stone in the weapons room of Tullius.

  Kaimu swam inside, “She would never love you if you thrust his heart with your spear.”

  Midori grinned, but continued to sharpen it.

  “Forgive me my son, but is it Princess Elizabeth you love or becoming brother to the King and Queen you love more?”

  Midori stopped sharpening and looked seriously to Kaimu, “Perhaps it is both.”

  “I have come to tell you it is time for Asuka to choose a mate. Several of the Mer of Tullius as well as some of the half-Mer have requested my blessing to allow them to join in Union with her.”

  Midori looked surprised, “So soon?”

  “My son you have been too busy to notice.” Kaimu grinned.

  “You have given me much to think upon,” he said solemnly and began sharpening his spear once more.

  Kaimu swam away.


  Cole had spoken briefly with Makoa when they returned and agreed; it was what they had to do; if ever the caves were discovered they would think it was the lair of a Shark or some other predator.

  It sent chills down Cole’s spine to think how recent they had to have been there with the mound still intact.

  He and the family would have to be more careful about where they traveled since now they knew Queen Poneros and her pod were still in the area. They must be exceptional at guarding their thoughts; Makoa had told him what Megedagik had said.

  Rose made clam chowder and cranberry scones for dinner; she knew they were some of Robbie’s favorites and she also knew what it was to have that cotton-mouth feeling after a dive.

  Robbie was grateful; especially after such a deep dive into colder waters.

  He and Lizzy ate their dinner at the aft of the schooner in the deck chairs.


  When the moon rose full and a million stars appeared, there came a chill in the night air.

  Rose brought Lizzy and Robbie some hot cocoa mixed with a spoonful of instant decaf coffee, a few cinnamon red hot candies sprinkled in and topped with whipped cream.

  “Wow Mrs. Prentis, thanks.” Robbie grinned.

  “You know it’s one of my favs Mom.” Lizzy smiled.

  “You too might want to get some blankets from the bench seat in the galley.” She realized they really hadn’t heard her at all.

  She quietly left and brought back a blanket for each and laid it on the back of their chairs.

  Lizzy really enjoyed this time with Robbie and kept pushing the future out of her mind. She didn’t want to ask or even know if he was back at college right now; she just wanted to enjoy the moment.

  Robbie wanted to hold her so badly, but he didn’t want to push her too fast.

  They both wrapped themselves in the blankets Rose had given them. They sat together and talked about some of their happier days when they were dating in high school.

  They laughed so hard at times Lizzy had tears from all the memories which came flooding back to them.

  Robbie gently wiped away a tear from her cheek and stared into her eyes. He fought everything within him not to kiss her.

  Wow, this is the Robbie I’ve been missing; the one who really sees me, she thought.


  They talked through the night until nearly sunrise.

  “I guess this is goodnight or good morning,” Lizzy giggled.

  “Yeah, I guess it is,” he chuckled and still wished they could talk longer.

  Lizzy headed to her cabin.

  Robbie went to the galley and put his head on his pillow. He looked up at the few remaining stars and whispered, “Thanks God for a perfect Christmas. Please help me to win her back before I leave.” He closed his eyes and smiled with the memory of the day.

  Lizzy smiled as she got into bed and also whispered a prayer, “Thanks God for sending Robbie to me, please help me to be cautious and to know what to do. I know I still love him, but I also know it has to be better than the last time we were together. Help him to see that too.” She wiped a tear from her eye and put in her ear buds and listened to her music. She also smiled with the memory of the day.




  A few days later Cole and Rose thought an outing with their family was in order. Rose made fried chicken, coleslaw, corn on the cob, buttermilk biscuits and sweet tea.

  Lizzy made a homemade lemon meringue pie which was Robbie’s favorite.

  They loaded up the dingy with ice chests, blankets and deck chairs which Cole rowed with Rose to Mer Island.

  Will and Lizzy paddled their surfboards along with Robbie; Jedediah loaned his board to him so he could paddle to the island with them.

  Seturus swam Jedediah and Jireh.

  Mr. Big Eyes swam along side of them.

  Prince Makoa swam Lana with a dozen guardsmen and then joined them to patrol the island.

  It was a beautiful day with azure sky and a few puffy white clouds.

  The front of the island had a narrow lagoon once you got passed the coral surrounding the entire island. The Mer maintained a path through the coral where a small boat could maneuver if it knew the way.

  There was two hundred feet of sandy shoreline where the Prentis family liked to play football when they got the chance.

  Cole put the chests, blanket and chairs under the shade of the coconut trees.

  Jedediah, Jireh, Will and Robbie soon began throwing the football.

  It wasn’t long when Lizzy and Lana joined in; Will joined their team.

  They spread dead palm branches on either end for the goal lines.

  Jedediah’s team won the shell toss.

  Robbie said, “Jedediah go long!” He threw the football down the beach.

  Jedediah ran through the opposing team with his exceptional speed and caught the ball carrying it across the goal line and yelled, “TOUCHDOWN!” He did a l
ittle dance kicking up the sand.

  Jireh yelled, “Yippee!”

  Cole and Rose cheered from their chairs.

  Seturus cheered from the lagoon with Mr. Big Eyes where Jedediah asked her to remain.

  He told her not to surface enough to show her tail or sit on the rock on the other side of the island until he could be sure no one was interested in or considering buying the island.

  “Now it’s our turn.” Lizzy took the ball from Jedediah.

  “We’ll see,” he chuckled as he ran back to defend their goal.

  “Okay Will you got this,” said Lana.

  “Anybody who disses their own state by rooting for Virginia Tech can’t throw a ball anyways,” shouted Robbie to Will.

  “What can I say; they’re the best geeks out there!” Will chuckled and then got in a huddle with his team.

  He whispered to Lizzy, “I’m gonna fake it to Lana, but I’m really throwing it to you.”

  “Okay, let’s do this.” Lizzy clapped her hands and then sneered at Robbie.

  “Fourteen, twenty-two, twenty-five….”

  “Will what are you counting?” asked Lana.

  “I don’t know; just our ages.” He grinned.

  “Just throw the ball,” said Lizzy.

  “Okay, go long,” he said as if to Lana.

  Robbie and Jedediah took the fake and began to run after Lana.

  Will pretended a throw to her and then threw the pass to Lizzy.

  Lizzy caught it and dodged Jireh and made it passed the goal, “BOOYAH!” she yelled.

  “Oh boy, now it’s really on,” said Jedediah upset for taking the fake.

  “You bet.” Robbie grinned to Lizzy.

  This time Jedediah threw a pass to Robbie.

  Robbie caught the ball, but was soon tackled to the ground by Will because he also had exceptional speed, before he could cross the line.

  “Ah dude what a face-plant,” Jedediah chuckled to Robbie.

  “Way to go Will!” yelled Lana.

  “Alright brother from the same mother!” Lizzy gave him a fist bump and did a little dance.

  Robbie spit out some sand and dusted off; he realized Will had definitely come into his Mer strength. He smiled to Lizzy, “Ego much?”

  Lizzy grinned and ran back to her team who was ready to defend their goal.

  Robbie faked a pass to Jedediah and then handed it off to Jireh.

  Jedediah turned and blocked the others.

  Jireh ran right passed them all and yelled, “TOUCHDOWN!” He grinned to his mom in the lagoon, and then replicated his dad’s dance moves.

  Seturus, Cole and Rose cheered loudly.

  Jedediah picked him up into the air, “The Champ does it again!”

  “Yeah, yeah, now it’s our turn.” Lana grinned as she took the ball from Jireh.

  “Watch out Robbie, those webbed feet of Lana’s help her grip the sand better,” whispered Jedediah knowing Will would most likely throw to her next.

  This time Will surprised them and ran the ball himself and then threw a lateral to Lizzy.

  Lizzy dodged Jedediah, but had to run into the water to get passed Robbie.

  Robbie ran in and caught her up into his arms, “Not this time beautiful.” He grinned.

  “That’s so cheating,” she laughed.

  He chuckled, but didn’t put her down. He grinned staring into her baby-blue eyes.

  “Hey give us the ball,” called Will knowing where this was headed.

  Lizzy threw it to him then looked back into Robbie’s eyes, “Now what?”

  “You’re goin’ down mermaid girl.” He threw her backwards into the water.

  Lizzy swam down and behind him pulling his feet out from under him.

  They both came up laughing and splashing each other.

  Will and Lana smiled to each other shrugging their shoulders and went to sit in the shade with their parents.

  “Aren’t we gonna play?” asked Jireh to his dad.

  “Yep, how bout we play catch?”

  “Cool!” Jireh grinned and ran down the beach.

  Robbie smiled to Lizzy and grabbed her hands into his and pulled her close; here goes, he thought.

  Lizzy didn’t fight it; she smiled to him almost inviting him to kiss her.

  Robbie took her into his arms and tenderly kissed her lips.

  Lizzy put her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

  Everyone smiled to each other to see them falling in love again.

  Will grinned and said, “It’s about time.”

  “Yep,” was all Cole said and he leaned over and kissed Rose on her cheek.

  She smiled.

  Lana said, “Let’s eat!”


  Midori had disobeyed Prince Makoa’s command to return to the city with the other guardsmen after their patrol of Kaloki Island.

  He heard Lizzy and her family would be visiting Mer Island today and he had to know for certain what Lizzy would choose.

  Midori saw Lizzy and Robbie kissing in the lagoon and had his answer.

  Prince Makoa sensed his presence, but could not blame him for wanting to know; he himself would have most likely done the same if Princess Rose had been interested in another.

  Midori swam away with shattered dreams; his thoughts were so distracted he didn’t sense them.

  A dozen of Queen Poneros’ guardsmen grabbed him and took away his spear before he realized what was happening.

  No matter how hard he thrashed his tail; he could not break loose from their grip.

  They sped through the water some distance and swam him into the Tongan Trench, then through a series of undiscovered caves where they and their Queen had been staying.

  Now Midori understood how they were able to flee so quickly and hide themselves away for long periods of time. He also could not believe how they could guard their thoughts so well he had not sensed them until it was too late.

  Queen Poneros met them as they entered; she smiled to see it was Midori they had captured.

  Her guardsmen began binding him in chains with large boulders for weights.

  “So it is the half-Mer; welcome to our home.” She smiled mischievously as she swam close to him.

  Midori knew to keep his thoughts clear so his enemy would not gain any advantage.

  “Come now; do you not wish to speak with me?” She swam up against him and ran her fingernails gently over his chest.

  Midori only showed disgust in his eyes.

  “Oh yes, you prefer humans do you not?” She cut a deep half-circle into his chest with one of her nails.

  Midori only continued to glare at her as the ribbons of blood flowed upward from the wound.

  “I can understand why you left the Kingdom of Tiselius; we ourselves have been treated unjustly there. What I cannot understand is why you would give allegiance to King Titus?” She gave an evil grin, cutting another similar wound across his side, but this time with four of her fingernails.

  She turned and swam nonchalantly through a passageway, giving a nod to the two guardsmen on either side as she passed.

  Midori cringed from the stinging in his wounds, but focused and listened intently so he might hear the thoughts of the guardsmen who remained within the small cave with him.

  Finally he was able to hear them. It seems they will be making sport of him this evening and then he may be offered as a trade for Megedagik; he was hopeful it would be soon.


  In the evening after Prince Makoa had returned to the city with Lana, he discovered Midori was not yet returned. He hoped it was only his heartache keeping him, but he still had to tell King Titus and he swam to the Hall.

  King Titus with Queen Lana now at his side, sensed something might be wrong when Makoa entered the Hall, “What is it?”

  “Midori witnessed Robbie and Lizzy kissing in the lagoon.”

  “Oh no,” said Lana sadly.

  “Where is he?” asked Titus.

  “He has not retur
ned and should have by now.”

  “You wonder if he is like you after the Mermaid’s Treasure Hunt with Rose”

  “Yes my King.”

  “I do not want to take the chance unless it is something more, send out a patrol to see if you can find him.”

  “Yes my King.” Makoa bowed and quickly swam from the Hall.


  After everyone on the schooner had their showers and some tomato-basil soup with sourdough garlic bread, they headed off in different directions.

  Will went to his cabin and back into his games.

  Cole and Rose lounged in the galley with a cup of hot tea.

  Lizzy and Robbie headed out on deck with their hot tea and sat down toward the aft and talked under a moonlit sky.

  “Today was wonderful,” she said as she sipped her tea.

  “It sure was,” Robbie also sipped his.

  Lizzy had been fighting to ask him about college or not and finally gave in, “So, you’ll have to get back to the team soon?”

  “Yeah, I’m pretty much driving straight from Charlotte after I get off the plane and will most likely just make it in time to be poolside.”

  Lizzy swallowed hard, so then you are back at school, she thought.

  Robbie sensed her silence, “I wish I could have stayed longer.”

  “I know; I wish you could too.” She looked at him and smiled slightly.

  “I’ll have to find a ride tomorrow so I can make it in time for my flight from Suva which leaves at five.

  “I wish your dad could sail there and let you see me off; we could do some explorin’ before I go?”

  “Yeah, maybe we could leave tomorrow morning.” Her smile began to brighten.

  “I love you Liz,” he couldn’t keep from saying it.

  “I love you too Robbie.” She put down her cup and went to him and sat in his lap.

  He kissed her and wrapped her hair around his finger like he had a hundred times before, “I can’t believe how long your hair has gotten.”

  “Me, what about you,” she giggled playfully pulling it and laid her head down on his chest.

  “Do you mind it Liz?”


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