Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens

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Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens Page 16

by Sheri L. Swift

  “No, I kind of like it; I just can’t see how they’d let you keep it that way with coaching.”

  “Oh they don’t mind.” He ran his fingers over her cheek.

  She smiled looking up at him.

  He looked seriously into her eyes, “I’ll never take you for granted again Liz; I promise. I’m willin’ to do whatever it takes to make us work.”

  “I forgive you Robbie; because I love you. I’m praying we’ll never make those same mistakes again.”

  “I’ve been doin’ a lot of prayin’ myself these days and with God’s help; we won’t.” He put his hand under her chin and lifted her face to him as he bent down for another kiss.

  Lizzy didn’t want to think about how they were going to make it work with him back at college and her wanting to live and teach on Safe Harbor. She decided to just let things slowly unfold for now.

  Robbie was thankful for a second chance.


  King Titus’ patrol was met with several guardsmen from Queen Poneros.

  One of them spoke, “Our Queen has captured the half-Mer Midori and has asked for a trade with the prisoner Megedagik.”

  Prince Tristan said, “I will have to speak with King Titus and will bring you his answer.”

  Queen Poneros’ guardsmen leered at him.

  Prince Tristan and his patrol swam to Tullius.


  King Titus agreed with the trade, but told Prince Tristan to warn their Queen if anything should happen to Midori then they will be at war.

  Prince Tristan swam back with the message.

  It was agreed the exchange should take place at the same spot at the turning of the tide.

  King Titus requested nothing be spoken of this to Cole or his family until after Robbie had returned home.


  Makoa went to the jail when it was near time for the exchange, “Your Queen has captured Midori and has requested a trade for you.”

  “So this is why you did not visit me last night.”

  Makoa smiled with a nod of his head.

  “I am sorry she has captured Midori; he is a good merman and I will plead his case if necessary.”

  “Thank you, I will miss our talks.” Makoa smiled and unlocked the cell door.

  “I will miss our talks also, but am glad to be free once more.” He grinned.

  “I am glad you are also,” Makoa said sincerely.

  “Your father would be proud of you.” Megedagik grasped Makoa’s forearm as a sign of friendship.

  “May Arius bless you and make things better between our people.”

  “I wish it also, but am doubtful with my Queen reigning,” he said seriously.

  They swam out of the jail.

  Megedagik was surprised he was not put into chains, but allowed to swim freely through the city and out the entrance.

  King Titus had come to know his character and believed he did not wish to fight his people any longer.

  Prince Makoa swam with Megedagik and several of King Titus’ guardsmen to where the exchange was to take place.

  Midori was already there with several of Queen Poneros’ guardsmen and he looked as though he had been beaten severely as well as cuts to his chest and side. He was bound in heavy chains.

  Her guardsmen realized it was their brother Ahanu’s son Makoa with Megedagik and that Megedagik swam to them freely without chains.

  He swam to his brothers, “let him go, they have treated me fairly in their Kingdom of Tullius.”

  They were surprised Megedagik said such and let loose the chains they had on Midori.

  He quickly swam to Prince Makoa and his fellow guardsmen.

  “I will tell our Queen of your kindness towards me,” Megedagik said to Prince Makoa.

  Prince Makoa gave a nod of his head.

  The Mer then swam their separate ways.


  Midori was brought before King Titus.

  He bowed lowly, “Please forgive me.”

  King Titus swam from his throne and gently embraced him, “All is forgiven and it is good to have you home.”

  “Thank you for your mercy my King.”

  Titus looked to Kaimu who was nearby, “Please see he gets food and rest.”

  Kaimu gave a bow of his head, “Yes my King.” He swam Midori away to his home.

  Asuka was inside Midori’s home waiting for him since she heard of his return.

  When he returned, she opened up her eyes wide with shock, “Oh Midori, what have they done? I do not know what I would do if I lost you.”

  He chuckled and winced from the pain, “I will be well. I am sure your many suitors would not have objected to my absence.”

  “How can you say such to me when you know it is you and only you I have loved?” She gently put her hand upon his swollen and bruised cheek and looked up into his eyes.

  He looked seriously down to her allowing himself to look into her eyes with love for the first time, “Perhaps it is you who I have only loved also.”

  She smiled and tenderly kissed him.

  He gladly met her kiss, for this was all he thought of while in captivity.

  Kaimu brought Midori a squid to eat and smiled at the two of them thinking it was about time.

  Midori quickly devoured the squid.




  Cole did sail the Bonnie Rose to Suva Harbor so Lizzy and Robbie could have the last day together on their own.

  When Lizzy woke she quickly opened up her journal and wrote a few paragraphs about last night.

  She put on her green bikini with a yellow sundress over it and began brushing her hair.

  There was a knock on her door.

  Because she couldn’t sense any of her family, she knew it must be Robbie, “Come in,” she called as she quickly finished brushing.

  Robbie opened up the cabin door and smiled to her, “This is the first time I’ve ever seen the inside of this room.”

  “Yeah and I’m surprised dad let you get this far,” she giggled.

  He walked over to her and handed her a leather-bound book which had a brown satin ribbon tie, “I thought a lot about it and I want you to have this when I leave; I don’t want you to lose it.”

  Lizzy took the book and realized her teal diamond engagement ring was also tied within the ribbon.

  “I don’t want you to put it on until after you read this; it’s a journal and was sort of my way of talkin’ to you when I couldn’t.”

  He gently placed his hands on her shoulders and looked at her seriously, “If you still want to marry me when you get back to Safe Harbor, then I hope you’ll be wearin’ it.”

  “Okay Robbie.” She smiled and put the journal down on her bed next to her own. She was still uncertain herself about the future with him back at college.

  She looked again at her own journal, “I’ve been keeping a journal too and I want you to have it so you’ll know everything about my trip and what I’ve been thinking.” She handed it to him knowing she’d be revealing a lot.

  Robbie smiled and took her journal. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead and then kissed her lips.

  Lizzy hugged him tighter not wanting to let him go; she knew today would be hard for both of them.

  “No matter what I love you Lizzy Prentis and always will.” He kissed her again.

  She smiled and took his hand, “Well let’s get a quick breakfast before we go.”


  Robbie put Lizzy’s journal into his duffel bag.

  Rose made French toast with scrambled eggs so Robbie and Lizzy wouldn’t have to buy anything to eat right away.

  They both ate and drank their coffee quickly so they would have more time in Suva together.

  “We’ll meet you both at the airport when it gets closer to time; Robbie I’ll bring your duffel bag and sweat jacket,” said Cole.

  “Thank you Mr. Prentis, that’d be great not to have to carry it ev

  “Don’t you think it’s about time you call me Cole?”

  “Sure, thanks Cole and Rose for lettin’ me share your Christmas and all the wonderful meals.” Robbie smiled to them both.

  “You’re welcome and you two stay safe.” Rose smiled and gave him a hug.

  “You’re welcome Robbie; we’ll be returning to Safe Harbor before you know it.” Cole shook Robbie’s hand.

  “I guess I’ll say goodbye to Will at the airport.” Robbie grinned.

  “Yep.” Cole also grinned.


  Lizzy wanted to slow time and treasure every minute she had left with Robbie.

  He felt the same.

  They decided to travel by taxi or bus whenever they spotted one in Suva.

  They visited several of the merchants; Robbie bought Lizzie a bright red Hibiscus flower lei. He bought himself a blue ball cap with Suva stitched on it with coconut trees for remembrance of this special day.

  They visited the Fijian Museum and learned a lot about the history and culture of the Fijians. Lizzy saved several pamphlets to show her class next fall.

  Each of them took photos with their phones; especially selfies together.

  They tasted some of the foods Suva had to offer from several varieties of fresh fruit and fish. They even had some Chinese and Italian food as well.

  They took a taxi to the Coral Coast along the Ocean Road and went for a swim in the beautiful teal waters.

  They walked along the white sandy beach together holding hands and wished time would stand still for just a little longer.


  Time did pass too quickly and it was time to head to the Nausori International Airport.

  They caught a Taxi and took each others hands as they sat together.

  Robbie had tears begin to well up in his eyes, “I don’t want to leave.”

  “I don’t want you to either.” Lizzy reached up and put her hands behind his neck and ran her fingers through his hair. She gave him a lingering kiss.

  “You won’t forget me when I’m gone?” he asked.

  “No, you’re kind of unforgettable.” She smiled.

  He chuckled and kissed her passionately.

  She kissed him back, “I guess I have to share you with swimmers again,” she sighed.

  “Yeah, but you’ll be home soon and can help me out.” He grinned.

  Here goes, she thought, “Robbie, I’ve been meaning to tell you; I’m teaching fifth grade at Safe Harbor Island this fall.” She looked into his eyes to see if she could read him.

  “Yeah I know; Lizzy hasn’t your parents told you anythin’ about my coachin’ job?”

  “No, I guess they didn’t want to upset me.”

  He smiled, “It’s all goin’ to work out; I promise.” He kissed her passionately again.

  They continued kissing and had forgotten all else; they didn’t realize when the taxi came to a stop.

  The taxi driver cleared his throat.

  They both blushed.

  Robbie paid the driver and thanked him.

  Lizzy continued to hold Robbie’s hand as they walked through the airport to where he was to check in.

  Cole, Rose and Will were waiting there.

  Robbie grinned and took his bag and hoody from Cole, “I’m sure envious of you all gettin’ to stay.”

  “It won’t be long Robbie and we’ll all be together again.” Rose gave him a big hug. She knew how hard it must be for him to leave.

  Will gave a big grin flipping his hair out of his eyes and gave Robbie a fist bump.

  Cole shook his hand with a firm grip, “Tell your folks we said hey.”

  “I sure will.”

  Lizzy couldn’t keep her tears from flowing.

  “Hey beautiful, it’s alright. It’s a new year for new beginnin’s; remember you’ve got that journal of mine to read.” He smiled, but his tears gave him away.

  “You’ve got mine too,” she sniffled.

  He gave her one final hug and didn’t want to let her go, but he did after giving her another lingering kiss.

  “I love you Robbie,” she had to tell him again.

  “I love you too beautiful.” He kissed the top of her head and smelled her hair hoping to keep the memory of her longer; then he quickly walked away.

  After going through security, he looked back one more time and waved.

  Lizzy waved back and then let loose the storm raging inside her.

  Cole took her in his arms.


  After everyone returned to the schooner, Cole began to sail away from Suva.

  Lizzy locked herself inside her cabin and laid down on her bed with Robbie’s journal. She untied the ribbon releasing her engagement ring.

  She held it in her hands and looked at the teal colored round diamond set within the white gold band with intricate scrollwork on either side.

  Robbie surprised her with it the Christmas Eve they were engaged; he said the stone represented water which was so much a part of their lives.

  She always loved it and fought to not put it back on, but knew she should wait until after she read his journal like he asked.

  She went and put it inside her jewelry box next to the purple spiral shell he gave her.

  She laid back down and opened up the journal to the first page and imagined hearing his Southern drawl when she read it:

  Hey Liz,

  You just sailed away from Safe Harbor with your family on the schooner.

  I know you said we needed space and I’m trying to give it to you.

  I bought this journal as a way to tell you what I’m thinking and hopefully get you to read it one day.

  I’m sitting here on your dock.

  My heart is broken in two and I don’t know how to fix this.

  No matter what you think of me, I never cheated on you Liz. But if I’m completely honest, I can’t say for sure what happened that night after I passed out.

  I’m sorry for not listening to you and leaving when you wanted to.

  It seems the harder I try to make it right, the crazier things get.

  I agreed to help your dad out over the summer and look after the Lighthouse and Marina.

  At least in that I can still feel somewhat close to you.

  Enough said for today.

  Lizzy closed the journal and cried herself to sleep.


  Lizzy kept in her room for three days reading Robbie’s journal. Each entry was so sad and painful for her to read.

  About a month into it things seemed to be getting somewhat better:

  Hey Liz

  I’m at the top of the Lighthouse writing to you again; it’s the best place to clear my thoughts.

  I was asked if I would coach a Swim Camp for the kids on the island and I said yes.

  I guess it’s my way of paying it forward.

  I remember those days being coached by your mom; Jedediah’s help too.

  I especially miss those days with you and how free and easy our life was then.

  I can’t get you out of my mind Liz; everything reminds me of you.

  Enough said.

  It seemed he loved coaching the kids of Safe Harbor Island and it gave him a purpose.

  Another entry which stood out from the rest was about two months into his journal:

  Hey Liz

  I heard a song today I really like; it’s called Fix My Eyes by For King and Country. I also downloaded a music video by Switchfoot called Love Alone Is Worth The Fight.

  I guess I allowed my head to get turned with a little success; now I’m staying focused on what’s really important; which is you mermaid girl.

  I wonder what you’re doing right now.

  I’ve been keeping pretty busy and I hope to catch you on the phone sometime to tell you about it.

  I love you beautiful.

  Enough said.

  Then Lizzy read about ten more pages and couldn’t believe what he wrote:

  Hey Liz
  I’ve tried calling you several more times, but don’t want to leave a voice mail.

  I wanted to tell you I’m getting my priorities straight; with God’s help.

  I’ve been enjoying my job as Athletic Director for Safe Harbor School and also coaching the Island Chieftains swim team.

  I resigned my coaching job at the college not long after you left.

  This isn’t just about you, but also about me; it’s really felt good to simplify my life and give back to the island which gave to me.

  You might say it’s like I’ve come back home and am seeing the island for the first time.

  Enough said.

  With that Lizzy ran out of her cabin and into the galley where her parents were, “Why didn’t you guys tell me?”

  “Because we weren’t sure he’d stick to it,” said Cole.

  Rose smiled lovingly, “It was sometime after we were here when I got an email asking if I would find any conflict with him working at Safe Harbor. At that time you still seemed to not want anything to do with Robbie.

  “I knew it might be awkward for you, but with his wonderful credentials I also knew he’d be a great asset to our school and the swim team.”

  “We wanted you to make your own choices kid,” said Cole.

  Rose put her hand on her shoulder, “You also seemed to have some feelings for Midori and we didn’t know if you would choose Robbie only because he left college and came home.”

  Cole grinned with a chuckle, “Then you started having feelings for Robbie again. I knew when I told Marty that Robbie might be having some competition, he’d be on the first flight out if he still had feelings for you.”

  “Dad, you surprise me,” Lizzy giggled.

  “Yep I’m a man of many talents.” He winked.

  “We thought Robbie would have told you,” said Rose.

  “He thought you told me, but I think he figured it out just before he left and knew I’d find out in his journal.” Lizzy smiled.

  Will came into the galley with one eye open, “I’m just glad the drama is over; maybe I can get some real sleep now.”


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