Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens

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Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens Page 17

by Sheri L. Swift

  Everyone laughed.


  Lizzy finished reading Robbie’s journal and was so full of love for him. She realized now he really did love her and was willing to live and work on Safe Harbor Island.

  She knew how much he loved mentoring others and thought his coaching the Island Chieftains was a perfect fit for him and for her.

  Now she understood why he said she could help out. Yes I will, she thought.

  She closed the journal tying the satin ribbon once more.

  She whispered, “Thanks God.”

  She walked over to her jewelry box and took out her engagement ring placing it onto her finger. She moved her hand back and forth to see the blue diamond glisten.

  She smiled brightly and thought, I guess I better start planning a wedding.




  A month passed quickly by, but still too slow for Lizzy.

  At least she was able to talk to Robbie online with her dad’s satellite internet and mom’s laptop in the galley once a week.

  They agreed to talk face to face every Saturday; Lizzy’s time was 7:00pm when Robbie’s was 10:00am.

  “So how did Midori and Asuka’s wedding go?” he asked.

  “Lana said it was beautiful and they’re so happy.”

  “Lizzy why didn’t you go; I told you I didn’t mind?”

  “I know and I know Midori wanted me to, but I didn’t want to ruin it for Asuka; she deserved to have a perfect day and I wasn’t sure if I’d make her uncomfortable.”

  “You have a good heart and it makes me love you all the more. So show me again.” He grinned.

  Lizzy smiled and held up her hand showing him the engagement ring on her finger.

  “We’re goin’ to have a perfect day too; speakin’ of, I talked to Pastor Tom and we’ve got the Chapel.”

  “That’s wonderful, what about the pavilion?”

  “I already secured it for the reception; it’s all goin’ to work out beautiful.”

  “I’ll only have to do a few alterations to mom’s wedding dress when we get home. Thank you for at least waiting three weeks after we get back.”

  “Yeah, but that’s all the time I’m willin’ to wait. I sure do miss you Liz,” he sighed.

  “I miss you too, but it won’t be long now.”

  “The one thing I keep forgettin’ to ask you, do you want me to grow my hair out as long as Midori’s?”

  Lizzy giggled, “No, I like it the way you wear it now, just down to your shoulders.”

  “Okay, just checkin’,” he chuckled.

  “I really should have thought better before letting you read my journal.” She grinned.

  “I’m glad you did. So how is Seturus doing; I know Jed must be gettin’ excited?”

  “She’s really miserable and feels like she’s about to pop. Jed and Jireh can’t wait, but she still has two more weeks.”

  “Maybe we’ll have a little one of our own before long.” Robbie grinned with one brow raised.

  “Whoa hold on a minute; I want to at least teach a year of school before I even think about kids.” She smiled lifting both her brows.

  “Okay, okay, but I hope we don’t wait longer than that. I guess I’ve been enjoyin’ teachin’ fitness to the little ones at school and it made me think about us one day.”

  “Anytime after you’re married is okay by me,” said Cole as he walked behind Lizzy to get another cup of coffee.

  “See even your dad agrees with me,” Robbie chuckled jokingly.

  “You two better knock it off.” Lizzy grinned and shook her head at them.

  Cole grinned and left the galley.

  “I’m willin’ to do anythin’ you want beautiful.” He smiled lovingly to her.

  “How’s coaching going?”

  “It looks like we’ve got a pretty good shot at winnin’ District.”

  “That’s wonderful Robbie, I’m so proud of you and all your team.”

  “I’m proud of these teens; they give me one hundred percent.”

  “You kind of have that effect on people.” She smiled with a tilt of her head.

  “You do too beautiful.” He put his hand up to his lips and blew her a kiss.

  She did the same.


  Cole had anchored the Bonnie Rose nearby Seturus and Jedediah’s grotto until the baby was born.

  It was over a week more when Seturus did go into labor, she called to Jedediah in her mind, “My love it is time.”

  Jedediah quickly woke up on the ledge next to her, “It is; are you sure you won’t let me stay with you?” He could now sense her pain.

  “No, you must take Jireh and send back your mother and Lizzy.”

  He kissed her cheek and then quickly got Jireh and swam him out of the grotto.

  He smiled to Prince Tarrock and Prince Keola outside the entrance where they were guarding.

  Prince Tarrock swam at lightning speed to the city to get his mother.


  “I don’t understand why Seturus won’t let me stay with her,” said Jedediah to his father while they sat at the table in the galley.

  “It’s because you’re human; it’s different for the Mer. The women don’t want their husbands to have to feel their pain.”

  “I just worry about her.”

  “She did fine with Jireh; it won’t be long now Son.” He patted his shoulder.

  “Okay, I guess you should deal another hand; playing a game does help to keep my mind busy.”

  Cole chuckled, “Just like Will, here we go.” He shuffled and passed out the cards once more.


  Lana, Princess Rose, Lizzy and Rose stayed with Seturus in the water and tried to give her comfort through the hours of labor.

  Finally the pain lessened when she had the overwhelming feeling to push.

  “You’re doing fine,” said Rose.

  “Come on Seturus you got this,” said Lizzy as she held her hand.

  Lana held her other hand, “It won’t be long now.”

  “You will soon see your little one,” said Princess Rose.

  Seturus gripped each woman’s hand tightly and gave one final push.

  Rose grabbed the baby as she came out and handed her to Seturus.

  “A daughter; there you are my little Grace, I’m so happy to finally see you.”

  Baby Grace seemed to smile to her mother. She was a merwalker with webbed fingers and toes. She had teal colored eyes and the ears of her mother. She had Jedediah’s black hair like her brother Jireh.

  Rose tied off and cut the umbilical cord like Cole had shown her to do.

  Lana swam out the grotto smiling and said to Prince Tarrock, “It’s time for Jedediah to come.” She quickly swam back inside so neither he or Prince Keola would be able to hear her thoughts as to what the baby was.


  Jedediah rode down upon Prince Tarrock so he could get there faster. He quickly swam through the entrance.

  Rose, Lana and Princess Rose swam out of the grotto to give them some privacy.

  Lizzy stayed to start a clam chowder for their family.

  “Here is your daddy Princess Grace.” Seturus smiled and handed her to him.

  “A girl; hello Princess Grace, you are a beauty just like your momma.” He kissed Seturus and then little Grace’s forehead.

  She also seemed to smile to Jedediah and wrapped her tiny hand around his pinky finger.

  He chuckled, “What a grip; your big brother’s gonna be so happy he has a sister.”

  “Yes he will.” Seturus smiled.

  Jedediah raised his brows to her, “How are you Sweetheart?”

  “I am well and so thankful Arius has blessed us with such a gift.”

  “I’m thankful too and yeah He sure has.” He kissed them both again.


  It was about a half hour more when Cole and Rose brought Jireh as planned.

  “Come check
out your little sister,” said Jedediah as he sat next to Seturus with the baby on the ledge.

  Cole lifted Jireh up onto the ledge next to Seturus.

  “Is she really my sister?” He grinned.

  “Yes, her name is Grace.” Seturus smiled and held her out to him so he could get a better look.

  Jireh leaned down over her face and softly said, “Hello baby Grace; this is where you live now.”

  He looked up to his parents, “Do we really get to keep her?”

  “Yeah buddy we do,” Jedediah chuckled.

  Jireh gently kissed her cheek, “I’m your big brother.”

  Little Grace seemed to smile to him.

  He smiled to his parents, “She likes me!”

  “She sure does buddy,” said Jedediah with a smile.

  Seturus also smiled and nodded in agreement.

  After Cole got a quick peek of his new granddaughter, he, Rose and Lizzy decided to leave quietly to allow the family to bond together.


  Will took a break from his gaming and went into the galley to sneak a large piece of his mom’s chocolate cake while everyone was gone. He cut the cake and put the piece on a plate and got a fork and set it on the table.

  He got a glass from the cupboard, filled it up with milk from the fridge and went to set it on the table, but he sensed her and dropped it on the floor shattering the glass.

  Queen Poneros spoke to him, “Tell the Guardian and King Titus we are leaving the South Pacific and will trouble them no further; at least for a time.”

  Will stood frozen realizing he could hear her even far beyond Titus’ perimeter; he wondered why the guards couldn’t.

  Cole, Rose and Lizzy climbed up the ladder of the schooner and sensed danger and ran into the galley.

  “Will are you alright?” Cole saw the shattered glass and milk on the floor.

  Rose and Lizzy were right on his heels.

  “Yeah, but you might say I just had a visitor.”

  “I’ll clean this up; be careful Will, don’t step on the glass.” Rose got a mop.

  Lizzy grabbed a dish towel to try and soak up some of the milk.

  Cole went and got the broom and dust pan for the broken glass.

  Will carefully walked passed the glass and sat at the table still in shock.

  “How close did she get?” asked Cole.

  “Not close at all; she was outside Titus’ perimeter, probably five miles passed.”

  Rose looked to Cole.

  “Wow,” said Lizzy surprised.

  Cole stopped sweeping, “Son, I don’t know if all Sirens keep a mental connection with their victims or if you just have a special gift to hear her better than any of us or even any of the Mer.”

  “Yeah, some special gift.” He rolled his eyes.

  Lizzy sat down at the table across from him.

  Rose finished mopping and sat down next to him. She wrapped her arm around him, “I’m sorry we left you alone Will.”

  “It’s not your guys fault, she couldn’t get close enough to do anything; she just gives me the willies and she knows it.”

  Cole got back from taking the broken glass to the wooden barrel they kept trash in until time they could dispose of it, “I’d like to say we could all keep our guard down for awhile, but I don’t trust her.”

  “Me either,” said Lizzy.

  Rose slowly shook her head and looked at Cole, “I agree.”

  “Can I have another glass of milk to go with my cake?” Will grinned.

  “I see you’ve chosen a rather large portion; I think I’ll join you.” Cole got out a plate and fork.

  Lizzy smiled, “I think I will too.”

  Rose smiled to her family, “Today I’m thankful we not only met Princess Grace, but have been shown some as well.”

  “A girl! Alright, that’s just what Jireh wanted.” Will scooped in a big bite.

  “She’s such a cutie Will.” Lizzy smiled and took a bite of her cake.

  “I guess I can take a break and have cake before making dinner with you all,” Rose sighed and poured four glasses of milk.

  “Don’t fight it honey, just go with the flow,” Cole chuckled.

  Will flipped his hair out of his eyes and grinned, “You make the best chocolate cake Mom.”

  Rose smiled, “Thanks honey.” She then got a fork and plate with her cake and joined them.




  It was a month later and no sign of Queen Poneros or her pod. Titus and Lana were grateful, but knew to continue guarding the perimeter around the city, the four grottoes, and Kaloki and Mer Island.

  Cole and Jedediah had taken a few private trips on their own sometimes for more than a day. Everyone was becoming curious as to what it meant, but neither would tell anyone of their dealings, except for King Titus.

  There were also rumors spoken among the Fijians of strange shipwrecks and deaths in the Indian Ocean.

  Cole knew it must be where the Poneros pod was spending their time.

  Lizzy and Rose were deep in wedding bliss and continued to narrow down what style of alterations would be done to Rose’s dress after they returned to Safe Harbor.

  They surfed various wedding apparel sites searching for the right look to match with the wedding dress she had.

  “Hey Lizzy, look at this one; we could alter my dress to look pretty close to it.”

  “Really Mom, I love the mermaid style, I just wasn’t sure how we could do it with your dress.”

  “All we’d need to do is to take it in at the waist and continue down passed the thighs. I would do the same for the satin slip underneath, only making it about twelve inches shorter so the lace would be sheer around the edges. I’d lengthen the back for a small train.

  “I could save some of the lace from the alterations and we could make you lace straps and an open back like this.”

  “Wow, I’d love an open back, I didn’t want you to have to cut up your wedding dress like that.”

  “Lizzy this is now your wedding dress; I’m happy to be able to share it with you.” She smiled.

  “Are you sure we’d have enough time before the wedding?”

  She raised her brows, “Yes, even though I’m kicking myself for not bringing your gown along just in case.”

  “No one could know what would happen.”

  “I guess not; hey how about we make you two long ties out of the satin slip and you can tie them in a bow for the back; it would make more of a statement.”

  “Okay, if you can pull this off you’re definitely headed for a mom of the century award.” Lizzy smiled and sketched a sample of everything her mom had shown her.


  A few days later Lizzy and Rose were in the thick of taking measurements for tuxedos for the guys and dresses for the girls which they ordered online.

  Not only did both dads need a tuxedo, but Robbie decided to have Jedediah as his best man with Will and Kawikani as his groomsmen. They would have teal ties and cummerbunds, white shirts and dark grey tuxedos.

  Lizzy would have Lana as her matron of honor with Talei and Faith as her bridesmaids. The girls’ dresses were short, just above the knee and teal with a wide white satin sash. Rose planned to make matching white kerchiefs to tie on top of their heads so Talei would have her ears covered.

  All the girls would be wearing white lace fingerless gloves to cover Lana and Talei’s hands.

  Rose picked out the very lightest shade of teal for her own dress which had detailed lace over a satin backing.

  They would have them all sent to the Keeper’s house as soon as they were a few days out from the island.

  Robbie also ordered flowers from their favorite shop after he and Lizzy picked everything out together from examples he showed her from his phone and from their website.

  Robbie even sampled cakes and cupcakes from their favorite bakery on the mainland, taking pictures of each sample and describing their ta
ste to Lizzy.

  They decided they definitely wanted a traditional wedding top with butter-cream frosting, only with three tints of teal on the one cake; darkest on bottom and gradually becoming lighter up the side and over the top.

  They also wanted white edible Seashells and Coral on three sides with white frosted pearl piping around the bottom. This cake would be chocolate and be the first of six tiers which would feed three hundred; it was more than enough for their family and friends.

  The other five tiers would be alternating white and chocolate cupcakes with the similar three tints of teal frosting and an edible white Seashell on top. Lizzy even picked out white lacy cupcake papers she thought would go well with the white lace tablecloths.

  They planned to freeze the cake on the top tier after the wedding, in keeping with tradition so they could have it for their first wedding anniversary.

  Robbie found a cake topper where the groom had red hair and the bride had long black hair. They wore traditional tuxedo and white wedding dress, only beneath the bride’s dress hung out a green mermaid’s tail as the groom held her in his arms.

  Lizzy loved it.


  Jedediah and Lana came aboard the schooner from the ladder bringing a surprise for Lizzy.

  She was sun tanning on deck, “Hey what’s up?” She sat up sensing their excitement.

  “We wanted to bring you something special for your wedding day,” said Jedediah.

  “It took us a long time to pick out just the right one.” Lana smiled.

  “Well, what is it?” She couldn’t wait any longer.

  Lana handed her a small wooden chest with some sort of crest carved on top.

  Lizzy smiled and unclasped the metal closure. She opened up the box and sucked in a breath.

  Inside was a circular crown of white pearls, diamonds and made of silver. There were twelve points to the crown with pear-shaped white pearls; the largest in the front and descending in size around to the back.


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