Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens

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Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens Page 18

by Sheri L. Swift

The crown had ornately gilded scroll work and had flowers under each of the twelve pear-shaped pearls; the center of each flower had alternating round white pearls and diamonds. The base of the crown had a row of small diamonds circling the entire crown.

  “Oh my gosh; is this real?” Lizzy lifted the crown out of the chest lined in dark blue velvet and marveled at its beautiful craftsmanship.

  “Yeah.” Jedediah grinned.

  “Titus said it was from a sunken Spanish ship which wrecked long ago. As you know, there’s a shelf above the treasure room out of the water where the Mer keep special items like this.

  “Titus still had to clean it up a little for you and Jedediah restored the velvet blue liner,” said Lana with delight.

  “Are you sure you want me to have it?”

  “Yeah Sis; believe me, they have plenty more where that comes from,” chuckled Jedediah.

  “Jed, that’s not the point. We wanted to give you something a Princess would wear; as you know the Mer Princesses wear white pearls on their wedding day.”

  Cole came out of the galley on deck and heard some of the conversation and saw the crown, “Oh boy.” He scowled.

  “Honey, you know brides are wearing such tiaras and crowns these days for their weddings,” said Rose also walking up with him.

  “It’s better than black pearls,” said Jedediah to his father.

  “That’s for sure; I guess no one will know if this is real or not with so much fake stuff out there.” Cole smiled to Lizzy.

  “Thanks Dad, it means a lot to me.” She hugged him and kissed his cheek.

  “Just do me a favor and don’t wear the emeralds and please keep them hidden.” Cole grinned to Jedediah and Lana.

  “What do you mean?” asked Lizzy confused.

  “There’s a false bottom to the chest with emeralds you can switch out for the pear-shaped pearls.” Jedediah grinned.

  “It’s true.” Lana smiled.

  “Don’t worry; I won’t be wearing them. Please no one tell Robbie about the crown; I want to surprise him.” Lizzy smiled.

  “Well, try it on,” said Jedediah.

  Lana helped Lizzy to put it on her head and it fit perfectly.

  Lana smiled, “It fits as though it were made just for you.”

  “I think I’m going to cry,” said Rose with tears already forming and she hugged Lizzy.

  “You deserve it Sis.” Jedediah got a little choked up himself.

  Will came out and saw Lizzy with the crown on, “Whoa why are you wearin’ that?”

  “Because she’s a Princess,” said Cole with tears of his own.


  A week later, Cole told Rose there was going to be a big shindig at Mer Island where all of the immediate and extended family was to gather and he wanted to provide the lion share of the food.

  She knew not to ask him, but hoped this was the day the big secret was to be revealed which he and Jedediah had been guarding their thoughts about for so long.

  On the big day, everyone else was told to bring a side dish or a dessert.

  Cole anchored near Mer Island where he began to roast the large pig wrapped in palm leaves and placed on hot coals in the ground the night before.

  Rose also made several dozen homemade yeast rolls, two roasting pans filled with cheesy scalloped potatoes, two gallons of mango salsa and two chocolate-cinnamon sheet cakes with a thin butter-cream frosting.

  She also made four gallons of sweet tea and two gallons of lemonade and brought five gallons of water.


  The Fijian brothers and Kawikani anchored the yacht near the island also; they with their families swam there.

  Titus, Lana and Titan also came.

  Tarrock and Makoa brought their families.

  Faith and Ulysses joined everyone.

  Sirene brought her three children, but Prince Tristan remained within the city to help Prince Terrance to guard it.

  Midori and Asuka were also there.

  Jedediah and Seturus brought their children.

  Before anyone ate, Cole said to those on the beach and in the lagoon, “Jedediah has something he would like to say to you all so gather around.”

  Everyone gathered closely in the water and on land.

  “As you all know Titus, dad and I have been up to something, but wanted to wait until it was a done deal before we told anyone about it.”

  Cole handed Jedediah some documents.

  Jedediah smiled to Seturus, “These papers I have in my hand say we own Mer Island and its now called Coral Reef Island Preserve and has a no-fly zone.

  “It’ll be maintained by Ratu Daniel and his family from now on and will be a place where the Mer and Mer relations can go without worrying about someone seeing them or even coming on the island.

  “It will always be known as Mer Island to all of us.” He grinned.

  “So everyone let’s dig in and celebrate!” Cole called out.

  Jedediah smiled and put away the documents. He walked into the lagoon taking Seturus into his arms while she held little Grace, “Honey, you can now lay out on the rock if you want to.”

  “Jedediah, this is so wonderful.” She kissed him.

  “Cool Dad!” Jireh jumped onto his back.

  Jedediah playfully wrestled with him under the water.

  Rose looked to Cole, “So that’s what all the secrecy was about.”

  Cole smiled, “Yep, it was all Jedediah’s idea.”

  Lana looked to Titus, “Thank you, what a great thing our treasure has bought for our generations to enjoy.”

  “You are quite welcome my love.” He kissed her.


  The feasting and celebrating went on well into the night.

  After everything was cleaned up Cole and his family went to the schooner.

  The Island Traveler and Mer had already left for their homes.

  Rose put on a pot of decaf coffee after they returned. On occasion she and Cole liked it with Irish creamer.

  They sat out in their deck chairs under the stars and bright full moon after Lizzy and Will had gone to bed.

  “Who would have thought the Mer could buy a whole island and especially with a no-fly zone?” Rose smiled taking Cole’s hand into her own.

  “It sure is amazing, but remember they have already bought a yacht,” he chuckled.

  “I forgot they bought the Island Traveler for Micah after he married Tarra.”

  “This was a little trickier though changing two hundred year old gold bullion for cash and then setting up an account so Jedediah could purchase the island and another for the Fijians to maintain it.”

  “At least he knew a guy who could get it done.” She smiled at him and gave him a kiss.

  “Yep, he sure did.” He grinned with a wink and returned the kiss with a little more fervor.




  “Can you believe it Robbie, Coral Reef Island Preserve will be maintained by the Fijians,” said Lizzy without wanting to reveal too much information.

  “Liz, that’s wonderful, I’m glad for them and us who get to visit once in awhile,” he chuckled.

  “So how did Regional go?”

  “Not so good, but at least we were there.”

  “That’s right Robbie, you’re team was amazing this year. I know the faculty must be proud of you and glad they hired you when they could.” She tilted her head and beamed a smile.

  “I believe it was all part of a bigger plan; besides they got one of the best fifth grade teachers comin’ this fall.” He grinned.

  “And not to mention a pretty great Principal too,” said Lizzy as her mom had just walked into the galley and passed behind her to get a cup of coffee.

  “I like to think so.” Rose lifted her now filled coffee cup and walked back out.

  “My grandpa Pete hasn’t been doin’ too good; you know mom’s his only child so my parents are gonna move in with him for awhile to help him get
back on his feet.”

  “Oh Robbie, I’m so sorry; I’ll be praying for him. It must be hard for him to live in that big house all by himself.”

  “Yeah, the Howard’s have owned that home for three generations. I can’t believe you’ll be startin’ home soon.”

  “Yeah, dad say’s Titus is ready to leave in a few days. I’m really looking forward to building our life together on Safe Harbor Island.”

  “Are you really sure you don’t want a weddin’ ring?”

  “I’m sure; this ring is all I want. You know I’ve never been one for wearing a lot of jewelry.”

  “I know, but just wanted to make sure. Do you like the ring I picked out for myself?”

  “Yes, I love it; I’m glad you chose one with a band the same color as mine, but I especially love the teal inlay.”

  “Okay, just checkin’. You know Liz; we haven’t talked much about where we’re goin’ to live.”

  “Wow, I guess we’ve been so busy planning our wedding we forgot about it.” She grinned.

  “I’ve looked around at some property on the island, but it’s very expensive and there really isn’t a whole lot for sale right now.”

  “Maybe we could just rent something until an affordable property becomes available?”

  “Yeah, but I’ve also looked for rentals and leases, there just isn’t anythin’ decent anywhere on the island.”

  “It’s okay, we’ll figure it out later; let’s just concentrate on our wedding.”

  “Okay Liz, but I’ve also thought about honeymoon destinations, is there any place in particular you’d like?”

  “I don’t know if I really want to go anywhere, I’m kind of missing home.” She smiled.

  “It’s okay Liz; like you said, we’ll figure everythin’ out when you’re back home with me.” He smiled and put his hand to his lips and blew her a kiss.

  “I agree.” She blew him a kiss back.


  King Titus did call for the Mer to migrate two days later.

  As before, Micah sailed the Island Traveler above the front of the Mer. Andrew, Kawikani, Talei, Anue and also Faith rode on the yacht with him.

  Maiele decided to travel some with the Mer on this trip because of his interest in a certain mermaid Princess Mackenzie.

  She had long golden hair with a few white strands beginning to turn. She and Maiele had just started spending time getting to know one another. She smiled to see he was swimming alongside her atop his cousin Prince Keola.

  Prince Keola tried to not hear the thoughts of the two, but proved to be impossible as they were so free with their thoughts to one another.

  Cole sailed the Bonnie Rose above the Mer near the end of the pod on the journey home.

  Jedediah traveled with both of his children on the schooner.

  Seturus fed baby Grace each stop she could whenever they were in the open water.

  Mr. Big Eyes kept her company as they followed beneath the schooner.

  Rose purposefully stocked up with powdered formula and baby bottles for when baby Grace needed a feeding before her mother could give her one. She didn’t mind a bit to help Seturus and Jedediah when she could; it had been too long since she held a baby in her arms.

  Will was glad to be going home again where things seemed more normal. He was also glad the school year was officially over for him. He had to admit his mom wasn’t such a bad teacher; he pulled his GPA up to a 4.0.

  Lizzy was beyond excited to be headed home to Safe Harbor to finally marry her high school sweetheart and begin their new life as husband and wife.


  Cole usually made one stop during their journey home, so they could find their land legs again.

  The entire Prentis family decided to skip their usual stop at Puerto Rico and try a new destination; Brazil was the chosen country.

  Rose had been searching coffee online for Robbie and Lizzy’s wedding reception and knew Rio de Janeiro had what she was looking for. She’d have Cole pick up the Taeq Organico at the market.

  She also spotted some white Renaissance lace tablecloths which would be perfect for the Bridal, cake and gift tables.

  After the wedding she would give two to Lizzy and keep one for her to use on special occasions and knew they would become heirlooms to pass on one day.

  Cole already filled out an Entrance/Departure form online for the arrival to Brazilian port with the Harbour Master.

  He’d be taking in everyone’s passports when they anchored.

  Jedediah decided to remain on the Bonnie Rose to be able to visit with Seturus even if she had to stay beneath the schooner.


  It was mid-afternoon on a Sunday when the Bonnie Rose anchored some ways out from the port of Rio de Janeiro.

  Cole rowed the dingy ashore with Rose, Will, Lizzy and Lana.

  Lana had to wear her blue-colored eye contacts instead of sunglasses since they planned to stay until after sunset.

  Cole headed for the Harbour Master’s Office with Will.

  The girls went and ordered some food at the agreed spot at the Hippie Fair in Ipanema and all would eat dinner before going their separate ways.

  Lana especially couldn’t wait to try the food.

  Cole would take Will with him and planned on a little sightseeing before purchasing the case of coffee beans.

  The girls would be selecting and purchasing the tablecloths.


  The Brazilian food was delicious with shrimp-filled Acaraje’ and Coconut Candy. The atmosphere was electric with street bands everywhere.

  Because it was Carnival Cole was a little nervous about leaving the girls, “Okay everyone we’ll have to be as quick as can be, the city and port will be even more congested because of the parade tonight in the Sambodromo. I hope we’ll be long gone before then.”

  “We’ll try honey, but allow us some time to select the right ones.” Rose grinned lifting her brows.

  “Will wants to ride the tram up Sugarloaf Mountain first. We’ll come find you after we get the coffee, but stay near the lace market if you can.”

  “Agreed.” Rose smiled.

  Both Lizzy and Lana agreed also.


  The girls were in heaven with all the beautiful laces to choose from, especially at Maria Socorro Fine Embroidery and Lace. Although there weren’t exact matches, they still found all of the lace tablecloths to be exceptional in craftsmanship.

  “Mom, look at this one.” Lizzy pointed to one long rectangular piece in particular with intricate white lace.

  “Yes honey, it’s the Renaissance lace I was telling you about.” Rose smiled as she examined it closer.

  “Does this say what I think?” Lana held up the price tag.

  “Yes, it is the most expensive of the laces, but it’s what I’m purchasing today.”

  “Mom, you don’t have to do that.” Lizzy was also shocked by the price.

  “Honey, it’s my gift to you and one of them will be a gift to me; besides, I plan on bartering.” She grinned with a wink.


  Cole and Will took the metro which would take them to Sugarloaf. It was especially crowded because of Carnival.

  “Thanks Dad, I really wanted to do this.” Will grinned.

  “Me too Son,” chuckled Cole.

  It took a lot longer than Cole had anticipated with so many people also wishing to visit the mountain which held the large Cristo Redentor statue.

  They finally boarded the tram to the first plateau and Cole had to nudge Will along to quickly get into the next tram headed for the top.

  The views were spectacular as the sun was setting with clear skies which allowed them to see even the beaches. They could even see the Bonnie Rose out from the port.

  Will flipped his hair out of his eyes and smiled, “Thanks Dad this is really awesome.”

  “Yeah it sure is Son.” Cole grinned and took a deep breath to enjoy this moment in time with his youngest.

  After choosing the three tablecloths, Rose was now bartering with the marketers.

  Lana tried to help her with some of the language she had come to know over the years from visiting different lands while traveling with the Mer.

  It had been awhile since Rose had used her Spanish, much less Portuguese and there were some differences.

  Lizzy couldn’t help but get closer to the crowd along the street as another band was playing while some revelers were dancing among them dressed in brightly colored costumes.

  She found an opening and got closer.

  One of the people standing next to her was a tall slender man with shoulder length black hair also in costume. He wore a black satin shirt with black and white long striped pants which ran down his legs and fitting into his short black leather boots.

  He had a small black mask over his dark brown eyes as though he were going to a masquerade. He smiled down to her.

  She smiled politely and looked away. She could feel him staring and looked up again to see him still smiling. She gave a slight smile once more, but was becoming uneasy.

  “How do you like Carnival?” he asked with a heavy Latino accent.

  “It seems fun,” she said nervously, but really just wanted to watch the band.

  “You are very beautiful.” He still stared at her.

  Okay, you might be cute but you’re really starting to creep me out, Lizzy thought as she began to slowly back out of the crowd.

  “Do not go.” He followed after her.

  Before Lizzy knew what was happening, she felt others beginning to surround her from behind.

  She quickly put her hand into her jean pocket and wiggled her finger until her engagement ring came off. She pushed it down as far as it would go.

  She remembered the travel tips warning visitors to be careful of pickpockets and muggers. She never had attachments to jewelry until now, especially with it becoming her wedding ring.

  There were definitely at least two other men dressed like the first, only with black and white Jester masks covering their faces. They were pressing her along the parade route and away from the lace market.


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