Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens

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Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens Page 22

by Sheri L. Swift

  Lana was curious as to what she could give her and grinned as she tore off the wrapping and opened up the little box. She smiled brightly.

  Faith and Talei opened theirs also and smiled.

  The girls were in agreement they would most certainly use their gifts; each was a $100.00 prepaid credit card. They could use them anywhere in the world when they wanted to sample foods as they traveled.

  “Are you girls ready?” asked Rose.

  Lizzy took a deep breath, “I guess I am.”

  All of the girls and Rose walked down the stairs.

  “Dad please don’t forget my duffel bag; it’s packed for wherever I’m spending the weekend,” she giggled.

  “I’ve already got it in the back of the van.” He held out his arm as to escort her.

  “Lead on kind Sir,” Lizzy giggled, but inside she was also trying to hold back a wave of emotions realizing she would be giving up the Prentis name forever.

  Cole kissed her cheek, “You’ll always be my little girl no matter what.” He winked.


  Robbie had been pacing in a room at the back of the Chapel with Jedediah.

  Will and Kawikani just walked in the room after seating the mothers.

  “Rob, you need to relax, it’ll all be over soon.” Jedediah grinned.

  “I know, it’s just I want tonight to be perfect. Do you think she’ll really like my surprise?”

  “Yes, she will, how could she not?” Jedediah grinned.

  “Okay, I guess I’m worryin’ over nothin’.”

  “Yep,” said Will.

  Kawikani grinned and nodded his head.

  Pastor Tom walked into the room, “It’s about time, your Bride is waiting for the go ahead and most of the guests are seated.

  “How does she look?” Robbie grinned.

  “She looks like a princess.” Pastor Tom smiled.

  “Let’s do this,” said Will flipping his hair out of his eyes and feeling very uncomfortable in his tuxedo.

  “Man, I know how you feel.” Jedediah grinned to him.

  “Alright, here we go!” said Robbie.

  Pastor Tom led Robbie out to stand in the front at the bottom of the steps of the platform.

  The ceremony began with Rose and Catherine each placing a lighted candle on either side of the unlit Unity candle; which was upon a tall silver candelabra stand to the left of the arch.

  They both chose to wear different dresses, but with a lighter shade of teal.

  Jedediah, Will and Kawikani waited at the front of the Chapel to meet up with the Bridesmaids which were now coming out of a side room leading from the foyer.


  Pastor Tom walked up on the platform and gave the signal for the procession to begin.

  An organist played the wedding march.

  The parents and all of the guests stood to their feet.

  Jedediah walked Lana down the aisle first.

  Will walked Faith down the aisle after them.

  Kawikani walked Talei next.

  Lizzy took a deep breath and looked to her dad.

  He spoke in his mind, “Treasure this moment and enjoy every minute.” He smiled and then began to walk her down the aisle.

  She spotted Robbie right away and smiled as she walked towards him.

  Several flashes of light went off.

  They had hired a wedding photographer to take pictures during their wedding and he would take more of the Bridal party outside on the lawn after the wedding.

  Robbie couldn’t believe how beautiful Lizzy was and realized today he really was marrying a princess and was so glad she chose him and the life he could offer her. He knew he could never compete with the wealth of the Mer and their simple lifestyle, but somehow he was enough for her and he was grateful.

  Lizzy felt like all the waiting and the trials was worth it to be right here, right now. She would make him a good wife and was determined to make their home a happy place.

  She made a vow to herself whenever she entered the doorway of their home she knew her mood could set the tone for the rest of the day and she decided to be positive and lighten her husband’s burden.

  Finally Cole stood with Lizzy in front of everyone and beside Robbie.

  Pastor Tom spoke, “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”

  Cole answered, “Her mother and I.” He kissed her cheek and then placed her hand into Robbie’s.

  He kissed her hand and whispered, “You look amazin’.”

  She looked up to him and smiled.

  “The Bride has chosen a song to represent her feelings for this moment.” Pastor Tom nodded to the sound man.

  Lizzy took both of Robbie’s hands into hers as she looked up into his eyes.

  The song began to play; it was I choose you by Sarah Bareilles.

  Although Robbie hadn’t heard the song before, he loved it from the first and couldn’t keep tears from forming in his eyes as he listened to the words, I choose you. He was so thankful she had chosen him.

  Lizzy smiled to him as she began to have tears fill up her eyes also.

  When the song had finished, Pastor Tom had them both come up and each light the Unity candle signifying that both they and their families were now one.

  Pastor Tom talked about the meaning of communion and how it invited the Lord to be a part of their vows and the life they would lead.

  It had been their request to have it; they wanted to start their life together with this sacred act.

  Pastor Tom served them from a small round table on the right side of the arch.

  Then Pastor Tom talked about why marriage was such a sacred thing and how the giving of rings symbolized their promise of eternal love.

  He asked Lizzy, “Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love and to cherish him from this day forward?”

  Lizzy smiled widely, “I do.”

  Jedediah handed Robbie Lizzy’s teal diamond ring.

  He tenderly placed it onto her finger.

  Pastor Tom asked Robbie, “Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and to cherish her from this day forward?”

  “Most definitely.” He grinned to her.

  Lana handed Lizzy Robbie’s ring with the teal blue inlay.

  She gently placed it onto his finger.

  Pastor Tom smiled to them both, “By the powers invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife; you may kiss your Bride,” he chuckled to Robbie.

  “Yes Sir.” Robbie wrapped his arms around Lizzy and leaned down and gave her a lingering kiss.”

  She giggled and nearly fell and would have if he hadn’t been holding her.

  Everyone cheered with whistles and shouts.

  The organist began to play.

  Robbie and Lizzy walked back down the aisle arm in arm. He was careful not to step on her dress while they walked.

  The wedding party followed.

  The little white Chapel bells began ringing.

  All of the guests followed the parents out onto the lawn and into a line to greet the new Bride and Groom.


  After all the photos were taken of the Bridal party and parents in the Chapel and on the lawn, they headed for the pavilion for the reception.

  Robbie rented a black limousine to drive him and Lizzy from the Chapel to the pavilion.

  This would allow them a few private minutes to express their love to one another before they reached their destination.

  “Is this your surprise?” Lizzy grinned knowing it really wasn’t.

  “No Ma’am, this is just the beginnin’ of surprises I have planned for you Mrs. Robbie Thompson.” He grinned.

  “I love it when you call me that.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and began kissing him as long and as often as she could before they had to stop.




  As planned, the pavilion was lit up with tiny white lig
hts around the posts, railings and roof and some palms were also lit up and placed around the floor.

  They also had 19 inch white helium balloons covered in teal tulle with glitter floating around the room and attached to the tables with teal satin ribbons.

  Several of the Safe Harbor Island school faculty and staff had volunteered to be servers for the wedding because of the ways both Rose and Cole had served their community over the years.

  The cake was front and center and sat atop the first tier which was made of round mirrored glass. The other five tiers were made of octagon mirrored glass which held the cupcakes.

  The entire tower sat upon the first of the heirloom lace tablecloths. Clear plastic rippled cake plates with a white lace pattern in the center and teal colored cake napkins with white lace imprint were on either side of the tower.

  There was also an oval glass bowl with clear plastic forks inside sitting on either end of the cake table.

  The table on the left was the second with lace and it was for the Bride and Groom with their parents on either side facing everyone. It had a long narrow bouquet center front.

  The table on the right was the third with the heirloom lace and was for the gifts.

  A small square table with white tablecloth was placed near the gift table. On top sat an enormous glass bowl with individually wrapped teal votive candles in white tulle with thin white satin ribbons and silver starfish charms; Robbie and Lizzy’s favorite scent was Beach Walk. This was their thank you gift for their guests.

  In one long row of five rectangular tables put together with white cloth tablecloths was the food table with a tall glass vase of white roses, fern and baby’s breath on each section. The hot food was placed in aluminum chafing dishes; cold food was placed in silver bowls and platters.

  There were large clear plastic rippled plates with lace pattern set at the beginning of the table with a large glass bowl of clear plastic silverware wrapped in the teal colored dinner napkins.

  Another rectangular table with white tablecloth was for the drinks. It held two four-gallon glass jars with stainless steel spigots for the unsweet and sweet tea with lemon slices; clear plastic cups were set between them.

  Bottles of water were set in a large glass bowl filled with ice on the center of the table. The other end held a five-gallon coffee urn for the Brazilian coffee and three glass bowls with coffee creamer, sugar and stevia placed in each; paper cups sat next to them.

  Each round table was also covered with a white tablecloth and had a small centerpiece of white roses around a tall glass beaker holding an unscented lit teal pillar candle to spare those who might have allergies.

  Most of the guests and Bridal party had arrived and was seated.

  Cole and Rose grinned to one another as they saw Robbie and Lizzy were still inside the limo parked in front of the pavilion.


  The limo driver loudly cleared his throat as he saw Cole and Rose looking in his direction.

  “Robbie we’ve got to get going!” Lizzy sat up and began straightening her hair and she put on more lip gloss.

  “Sorry when I’m with you nothin’ else seems to matter.” He grinned and helped Lizzy out of the car with her dress.

  They thanked the limo driver and he drove away.

  “Will he come back later?” Lizzy asked with a grin knowing he might not tell her.

  “Nope I won’t be needin’ him anymore tonight.” He smiled and took her hand and they walked down the peer together which led to the pavilion.

  Lizzy smiled wishing she had the ability to read Robbie’s mind.

  The DJ was already playing soft mood music for the meal.

  The Bridal party was sitting together at the nearest table to the Bride and Groom. They were joined by Micah and Andrew.

  Lizzy had wished more than anything she could have had Jireh as her ring bearer and Anue as her flower girl, but it was too much of a risk they might show their ears or hands so they remained with the Mer.

  The children were below the pavilion with Seturus and several of the Mer listening and watching as best they could.

  “You look lovely Sister as you should upon this day,” said King Titus beneath the pavilion as Lizzy and Robbie walked in.

  “Thank you, I wish you could all really celebrate with us,” Lizzy spoke to him in her mind.

  “We are as best we can.”

  “Finally you’re here, I’m starved.” Will grinned.

  “Yep, let’s get this party started,” said Robbie as he led Lizzy to the food.

  All the guests had been waiting for the Bride and Groom to get their food first.

  “Wow, Mom and I guess Mom, you ladies have outdone yourselves.” Robbie smiled to them both.

  “I never dreamed we would have so much food to choose from; how am I ever going to fit it all on one plate?” Lizzy giggled.

  “I guess we’ll just have to make two.” Robbie got another plate and began to fill them both up with all the wonderful delicacies.

  Their parents followed in line behind them.

  The Bridal party and their table got in line next.

  All the other guests began to get in line behind them.

  Once everyone filled their plates and chose a beverage, they sat down and enjoyed their meal together.


  After everyone seemed to be finished with their meal, the servers brought the Bridal table and then everyone else a plastic champagne glass and filled it with sparkling apple cider.

  Robbie and Lizzy had two fluted crystal goblets they had embellished with sand, pearls and small Seashells which the servers poured the cider into them.

  Jedediah waited until all the tables had the cider and then he stood up, “Well as most of you know Rob has been a part of my family since the day he was born. When Lizzy was about thirteen years old, I found my best friend was being drawn away,” Jedediah chuckled.

  Robbie and Lizzy laughed.

  “And he’s pretty much been gone ever since; though their path wasn’t always easy, they’ve managed to end up here today. I’m glad to see my best friend has now become my brother.

  “Let’s put up our glasses in a toast to celebrate they’ve become one!”

  Everyone did and cheers rang out.

  Robbie and Lizzy went to the cake tower and Robbie picked up a chocolate cupcake. He removed the candy Seashell and the wrapping because he knew how Lizzy liked to eat cupcakes. He placed the cupcake on a plate and got a fork; he smiled and handed it to her.

  “Why thank you; you remembered.” She smiled in return.

  “Yes Ma’am.”

  She delicately picked up the fork and scooped up a small piece of the cupcake and placed it in her mouth. Then she gently picked up the entire cupcake and put it to Robbie’s mouth.

  He opened up his mouth to eat it.

  She not only shoved it into his mouth, but also smeared some of the frosting across his cheek.

  Everyone laughed.

  “Now why did I know you were gonna do that?” He chuckled while trying to kiss her.

  She ran from him.

  He went back and wiped his face with a napkin.

  She giggled and came back to him and gave him a kiss.

  Everyone else was served the cupcakes.

  Robbie grabbed Lizzy’s hand and took her out to the center for the Bride and Groom dance.

  He took her into his arms and smiled lovingly to her.

  “What song could it be?” Lizzy tried to guess.

  The DJ put on God gave me you by Blake Shelton.

  It had been a favorite of theirs and Lizzy smiled to realize Robbie had remembered. Now they both truly understood the meaning of the words.

  He whispered into her ear, “You are my angel and I’ll love you forever and always.”

  She had tears in her eyes, “I’ll love you forever and always too.” She grinned.

  He kissed her.

  Everyone cheered and whistled.

  When the dance had e
nded, Lizzy walked over to Cole and took his hand to lead him to the dance area.

  “Whoa, what’s this?” he didn’t know what she was doing.

  “I know you didn’t get to do this with Lana and I know you’ll remember you used to sing this to me when we danced in the living room.” She smiled brightly.

  The DJ started to play Cinderella by Steven Curtis Chapman.

  Cole wrapped his arm around her and held her hand in his with tears running down his cheek, “I remember,” he sniffled.

  She had tears in her eyes also and knew this was most likely the last time they would ever dance to this song together.

  “I love you kid and always will.”

  “I know Dad; I love you too and always will.” She looked up and kissed his wet cheek.

  Everyone else watched until they were finished.

  Afterward, they all began to dance to some old-time favorites as well as Robbie and Lizzy’s favorite selections.


  Soon it was time for Robbie to throw Lizzy’s garter to all of the eligible bachelors. He slipped it off Lizzy’s leg and stretched it between his hands, “Here it comes!” He sent it flying.

  Will saw it coming his direction and he leaned away from it.

  Another young man jumped up and caught it.

  Lizzy spoke to Will in her mind, “Why didn’t you catch it?”

  He grinned, “Like I wanna catch my sister’s garter; much less wanna be married,” he answered in his mind.

  Lizzy turned around and threw her bouquet over her head into the crowd of eligible single ladies.

  Three of them dove for it, but the one who ended up on the bottom had it.

  Rose grinned shaking her head.

  Lizzy and Robbie went around thanking everyone who came to their wedding.

  Lizzy thanked the Mer for the both of them in her mind.

  The cake and gifts would be sent home with Cole and Rose until after the wedding couple returned from their destination.


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