Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens

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Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens Page 23

by Sheri L. Swift

  Robbie and Lizzy walked over to his parents to say goodnight.

  “You know you’ve ever been the daughter we never had.” Catherine kissed her cheek.

  “Yes you surely have.” Marty smiled and hugged her and then he and Catherine hugged Robbie.

  Lizzie and Robbie went to Cole and Rose who were standing nearby.

  She asked her dad, “Did you bring my duffel bag?”

  “Nope, it’s already been delivered to its destination.” Cole grinned and hugged her then shook Robbie’s hand.

  Rose smiled and hugged her tightly and whispered, “Sweet dreams.” She also hugged Robbie.

  Lizzy looked at him, “Well, where are we going?”

  He chuckled, “Take a walk with me my mermaid Bride.” He put out his arm.

  She looked to Robbie’s parents who only smiled.

  “Okay, I guess I’m leaving.” Lizzy took hold of Robbie’s arm.

  They walked down the pier back the way they came only there was no limousine waiting for them.

  Lizzy smiled to Robbie.

  “Just keep followin’ me; you’ll be there soon enough.”

  As they walked along the docks Lizzy soon saw her father’s dinghy all lit up with multiple strands of mini white lights along the top edge as well as alternating small bunches of white roses tied with white tulle bows.

  As they got closer, she saw white satin pillows upon the benches and a white carpet put inside. The end of the dinghy had a large tulle bow tied with long strands behind it.

  “Mr. Thompson what are you up to?” she giggled.

  “Never you mind Mrs. Thompson, just hop aboard.” He smiled and then carefully helped her get into the dinghy.

  She sat down upon the satin pillow.

  He sat down across from her and picked up the oars, “Just leave the drivin’ to me.”

  “It’s not like I have a choice.” She smiled.

  “Nope.” He grinned and continued to row.

  Lizzy soon sensed Midori following beneath them.

  “You look lovely tonight Princess Elizabeth; I am to be your escort below,” Midori chuckled.

  Lizzy said, “You are, are you?”

  “I am what?” asked Robbie.

  “I was talking to Midori, he’s our escort below.” She smiled.

  “Now why does that make me a little nervous?” Robbie grinned.

  “Tell him I promise to behave myself this time,” said Midori.

  “He said he promises to behave himself this time.”

  “Let’s hope so,” Robbie chuckled as he continued to row.

  Lizzy was enjoying this more than she should; having her husband and her friend acting civil together for the first time.

  Robbie smiled as he watched Lizzy’s expressions change while she listened to Midori.

  “Really?” She smiled brightly.

  “Really what?” Robbie asked.

  “Asuka is pregnant!”

  “Tell him congratulations.” Robbie grinned.

  Lizzy told him and then smiled again looking at Robbie, “Midori asked if you would like him to help you get there quicker and he’s guarding his thoughts as to where that is exactly.”

  “Sure if he really knows where I’m goin’.”

  “He said Titus told him just in case you wanted his help.” She smiled and shook her head at Robbie.

  Lizzy felt the dinghy lift up a little and she held on as it began to speed through the water.

  Robbie drew in the oars and took Lizzy into his arms and they sat down on the carpet and leaned back on the pillow; they kissed one another.

  “You know you might as well get used to this; our extended family.” She grinned raising her brows.

  “I suppose I’ll have to, being married to the Lightkeeper’s daughter.” He smiled and kissed her again.

  In no time the little dinghy came to rest beside a wooden dock.

  Lizzy looked up to see they were at Robbie’s parents house, “Is this where we’re spending our wedding night?” she giggled.

  “Yep, remember my parents are stayin’ with my grandpa.”

  Midori said his farewells and swam away.

  Robbie carefully helped Lizzy get out of the dingy and onto the dock.

  “So I guess I’m spending the night in your bedroom?” she giggled again.

  “Yep.” He grinned and picked her up into his arms and carried her up the sandy path to the blue cottage with white trimmed windows.

  When they got to the front porch Lizzy looked at the white wicker chairs, “Wow, it looks like your mom really fixed these up and those cushions look just like the one’s I pinned to my Dream House board.”

  He smiled, “Welcome home Mrs. Thompson.” He kissed her tenderly while still holding her in his arms.

  She was a little confused by what he said, but figured he must be joking.

  He opened up the front door.

  Lizzy was amazed by all she saw inside, “Robbie Thompson what have you done?”

  “Well if you mean did I look up your boards and replicate them to the best of my ability, then yes.” He gently put her down inside and shut the door.

  “What about your parents?”

  “Lizzy my parents are now living with my grandpa. Your parents signed over the cottage to you and me; so I guess the fifth generation of your family will now own it.

  “Our dads, Jedediah, Will, Micah, Andrew and Kawikani even helped to get the house ready; our mom’s helped too.

  “You said you didn’t wanna go anywhere for our honeymoon and you just wanted to be home.” He smiled widely.

  “You mean this is really our home?”

  “Yep; forever and always.”

  Lizzy couldn’t believe how the sofas, coffee table and even the driftwood candle holder were all just as she had pictured. There was also a tall vintage dresser painted white with its drawers turned into shelves. She smiled to see some of her books were already placed inside.

  She went into the kitchen and took in a quick breath as she not only found the cabinets filled with the blue and white china she had picked out, various other antique and vintage dishes, canning jars, glasses, etc., but also one of her biggest things from her wish list; a turquoise stand mixer on the counter just like the one her mom had.

  All of the appliances were brushed stainless steel as she had wanted and even the new dishwasher matched. She opened up the refrigerator and saw all of her favorite foods were stocked inside.

  The white vintage kitchen table was the same with the mix-matched chairs in soft shades of teal and a small white corner curio with some of her special things already inside.

  She let out a squeal kicking off her white high-heel shoes and picked up the front of her dress running quickly up the stairs.

  Robbie followed close behind and was enjoying her expression like a child at Christmas.

  Lizzy saw Robbie’s bedroom now looked just like her pin of her guest room.

  She ran across the hall to the spare room which Catherine had used as her sewing room. It was now an elementary teacher’s dream craft room with shelves stocked with supplies as she had pinned. She went to look out the window.

  “It’s out there,” he chuckled.

  “What?” She smiled and then looked out to the back.

  “A surfboard shed with all three of your and my boards and two new paddle boards I added.” He winked.

  She was amazed to see the new shed in the backyard.

  Then she ran into his parent’s room and discovered it was the image of her pin for the master bedroom and knew what Robbie had said was true; this really was their home now.

  On the bed was draped a long white satin negligee with a sheer cover and a note from her mother:

  Dear Lizzy, since I wasn’t able to give you a Bridal Shower I wanted you to have this for your wedding night. Also, your pearl earrings are now no longer borrowed, but a gift from me to you.

  Love, Mom ; )

  Lizzy sat on the bed; tears began to
run down her cheeks.

  She looked around and saw a tall antique white cabinet with glass doors filled with beautiful homemade blue and white quilts like her pin.

  Robbie smiled and sat down beside her, “Mom and the ladies from her Church quilting group made them for us. Mom even made us each a surfboard cover.”

  “I just can’t believe how special this is; I can’t believe you actually did all this for me.”

  He kissed her, “Because I love you beautiful and this is the least of what you deserve.”

  “Help me undo the back of my dress.”

  “With pleasure.” He slowly undid the buttons behind her as he kissed her back.

  She giggled.

  “Now help me get out of this cummerbund.” He grinned as he looked down at her.

  She did and also untied his tie; kissing him generously as she did.

  He went to grab hold of her.

  “Hugh ugh, I’ll just be a moment.” She smiled flirtatiously and picked up the negligee taking it to the attached bathroom with her.

  He let out a sigh and got undressed. He slipped under the covers and waited for her in their bed.

  Lizzy couldn’t believe even the bathroom had been renovated to fit a larger tub and was painted in the same blue and white colors as her pin. She saw her duffel bag on the floor; she smiled knowing her dad and mom did help pull all this off.

  She quickly changed out of her wedding dress and into her nightgown.

  When Lizzy came out she had more tears in her eyes and she smiled to Robbie and walked over to the window where a new bench seat had been put in. She put one knee on it and looked out as the full moon was shining down and illuminating all of Gull Island in the distance.

  “Now I really know I’m meant to be here; we’re meant to be here.”

  Robbie got out of bed and stood behind her holding onto her shoulders looking out the window with her, “Yes we are and I suppose it’s like you’re a Guardian too.”

  “Yes, we both are and like you said; I am the Lightkeeper’s daughter.” She turned and stood looking up at him. She reached up and put her hands behind his neck pulling him down and kissed him tenderly.

  He took her into his arms kissing her passionately and then picked her up and started carrying her to their bed, “I hope you know I was drinkin’ that Brazilian coffee all through the reception; I’m not tired a bit.” He gave a flirtatious grin.

  She smiled, “Neither am I.” She kissed him as he laid her down on their bed.

  They loved each other through the night, sometimes laughing and even at times couldn’t keep from crying at such a beautiful thing marriage was.

  They realized this was what God had planned for them all along.



  Robbie and Lizzy loved their life on Safe Harbor Island; most of their wedding gifts were in the form of gift cards to their favorite stores. Lizzy was able to completely decorate the hall bathroom and stock the shelves in both bathrooms with new towels, hand towels and washcloths.

  She even purchased several area rugs for the hardwood floors throughout and with Robbie’s help, put two white porch swings at each end of the front porch so there would be additional seating for their guests.

  Lizzy made sure Robbie was spoiled with a complete man-cave in the basement after a few renovations. He was glad to have a place where Jedediah, Will, Kawikani and the Fijians could go privately and enjoy watching some sports together.

  Robbie took his Island Chieftains team to State the next year with Lizzy’s help coaching the girls once a week.

  Lizzy loved sharing all she could about the Ocean and the need for conservation with her fifth grade class; they loved her as their teacher.

  Rose enjoyed her new position as Principal for Safe Harbor and they loved having her.

  Will didn’t enjoy it as much though; nor the fact his brother-in-law was the Athletic Director and sister teacher for the school.

  King Titus was good to his word and with the help of Cole, Micah purchased a new and even bigger yacht he named the ISLAND TRAVELER II.

  The families of the Fijian’s enjoyed it, but none as much as Queen Lana.

  Asuka gave birth to a little mermaid; she had the same Asian features of her parents.

  Asuka and Midori named her Asami.

  One year later, Faith gave birth to a merwalker baby boy. She and Prince Ulysses named him Prince Tiryn after Ulysses’ grandfather of old.

  Maiele and Princess Mackenzie were married that same year.

  With the help of Makoa, Kitchi learned to throw a spear as well with his left hand as he had with his right. He now knew he belonged with the pod of King Titus.

  Cole treasured this time of joy and peace in his life and those he loved; he knew all too well how quickly things could change. He wasn’t exactly sure if all of the Poneros Pod was gone or not; even so, he felt the Mer of Tiselius couldn’t be trusted either.

  He was determined to remain watchful.



  AHANU: Algonquin ~ he laughs

  KITCHI: Algonquin ~ brave

  MEGEDAGIK: Algonquin ~ kills many

  NUTTAH: Algonquin ~ my heart

  BUBU: Fijian ~ grandmother

  BULA: Fijian ~ hello

  KALEA: Fijian ~ bright

  LEVANI: Fijian ~ anointed with oil

  MAIELE: Fijian ~ eloquent, skilled of speech

  RATU (Daniel): Fijian ~ chief

  TABUA: Fijian ~ whales teeth gift given to girls parents for permission to marry

  TALEI: Fijian ~ precious

  TAMAQU: Fijian ~ father

  TINAQU: Fijian ~ mother

  TUTU: Fijian ~ grandfather

  VACAMAU: Fijian ~ sacred marriage ceremony

  AGRIOS: Greek ~ wild, fierce

  PONEROS: Greek ~ capacity to keep choosing evil

  SALVUS: Greek ~ protector

  SCELESTUS: Greek ~ evil, wicked

  SERVO: Greek ~ servant

  SETURUS: Greek ~ safe, calm, unworried

  SPERO: Greek ~ hope

  TIRYN: Greek ~ to train, exercise, strengthen

  ANUE: Hawaiian ~ princess

  KAWIKANI: Hawaiian ~ the strong

  KEIKI: Hawaiian ~ child

  KEOLA: Hawaiian ~ the life

  LANA: Hawaiian ~ calm and peaceful waters

  MAKOA: Hawaiian ~ the brave

  OHANA: Hawaiian ~ family

  ASAMI: Japanese ~ morning beauty

  ASUKA: Japanese ~ perfume of tomorrow

  KAIMU: Japanese ~ ocean dream

  MIDORI: Japanese ~ green


  Thank you Sheila Sousa-Lintecum for helping get inside the mind of a fifth grade teacher.

  I also want to thank Nurse Ayers for answering all of my crazy medical questions on how to help my Mer.

  Again there are not enough pages to thank those musical artists who have inspired me as I created this third book in my series; however, I have tried to thank you within the pages of my story.

  One song in particular which has inspired me personally as well as within my tale from beginning to end was Oceans by Hillsong United.

  Another album which has inspired me personally and gave inspiration for my story was Colton Dixon’s Anchor.

  Toby Mac, Jamie Grace, Mandisa and JJ Heller you always pick me up when I’m down. ;)

  I also want to thank Natalie Grant for your inspiring songs, but also for the work you do to help others realize how rampant human sex-trafficking is globally.


  Sheri L. Swift lives with her husband John and beagle Talei in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. She is a mother of five daughters and grandmother of eleven grandchildren; which are the joy of her life.

  She considers herself to be an Inspirational writer; she likes to blog and also enjoys writing poetry. She is a cancer survivor and believes in the power of prayer.

  Her other books are:

Legend of the Mer

  Legend of the Mer II - The New Guardian

  The Hart of Telendaria an Elven Love Story

  If you enjoyed any of these stories, please be sure to leave a review on the site purchased and also like her Facebook page: Sheri L. Swift Author.

  You can find her on Twitter: @sherilswift.

  Follow her on Pinterest: Sheri L. Swift Author and also find a few clues to her works-in-progress on some of her boards.

  You can read her Blog: http://sherilswift.blogspot.com/ and find out more interesting facts about her books on Shelfari and Goodreads.

  You can also find her books in print at most online retailers.

  If you haven’t read the first of the series you might want to check it out ;)



  In the mid 1700’s, Captain Jedediah Prentis sailed his ship (the Grey Wake) all along the East Indies trade route. Some say he was more of a pirate than a merchant, with his ruthless ways.

  It was while on one of his many voyages he came upon a Native American legend which told of an island that held the richest treasure and secret unknown to man.

  He later retired (at the age of 43) and bought an island in the Atlantic, off the coast of the Carolinas.

  Upon his death bed, he made his son and grandsons swear to guard the secret of the island and to always charge their male heirs to do the same. They agreed and have done so until this very day….




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