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Collecting Scars

Page 16

by Tee Smith

  Again and again, Xavier told them he knew nothing about where she was or what had happened to her. Yes, they had fought the last time they had been together, but that was Wednesday before she went missing. Besides it was more an argument than a fight. He was going to go look for her the day he found out she was missing. Try and make things right between them.

  As he walked down the long corridor, he wondered who had come to bail him out. His Mum? Aunty Polly? His father perhaps? What a joke, his father had refused to even take his calls. So much for helping him. Surely he couldn't believe he was in any way responsible for hurting Asha. He loved her. If he ever got to see her again, he would tell her so too. He would not take no for an answer, he would make sure she understood just how much she meant to him. Not just because of what had happened. He loved her before all this, this just confirmed it.

  Xavier followed the constable down the hall. He had half expected to see his father, but he stopped dead in his tracks as he rounded the corner and laid eyes on Frank Duncan.


  “Xavier,” Frank nodded.

  It took a while to sign all the official paperwork. He had to promise not to leave town and could expect the police to call on him at any time. They were then free to go and Frank led Xavier out to his car.

  “Well thanks for busting me out I guess,” Xavier huffed, perplexed by the turn of events.

  “No probs, buddy, let's get you home and cleaned up huh? Where are you living these days, down at the club?”

  “Er...yeah, thanks.”

  Not much was said on the ride back to the club. Frank pulled up and immediately got out of the car.

  “Uh, well, thanks for the lift home. Can I buy you a beer?” Xavier offered.

  “How about I grab a beer, you go grab a shower, get some decent clothes on,” Frank suggested as he eyed him up and down. Xavier had been in the same clothes for several days and even he could smell himself.

  “Then I think we need to have a chat yeah?”

  “Ah yeah, sure Frank, come on in.”

  Xavier led Frank into the bar, grabbed him a beer and a stool. It was early in the morning, so the club was closed. He left Frank alone, while he slipped out the back to have a long overdue shower.

  He had been in and out of a holding cell for four days so it felt surreal to be home again. Standing under the hot steady stream, Xavier's mind was racing. Frank had been an asshole since his father had accused him of taking Maddie, and he wasn't sure he had liked him much before that either. Over the years, he had not seen much of Frank, avoided him mostly. Until of course, he had started seeing Asha.

  He and Joanie had always got along. She was closer to Maddie's age than his. When she was younger, he was sure she had a crush on him. Would always flutter her eyelashes at him with those pretty blue eyes. He was flattered, but she was just a kid, eight years his junior. As soon as she was old enough, she started coming to his club. Often leaving with different men. He tried to look out for her, managed to scare a few guys off that he thought were no good for her, but she was an adult. It was none of his business who she chose to keep company with.

  Turning the shower off, he reached for a towel and roughly ran it over his body. Best be going and facing the music he figured. He just didn't know what song to expect Frank to sing.

  Xavier walked back into the club, slipping in behind the bar, he grabbed himself a cola from the fridge and stood opposite Frank. He felt the most comfortable on the working side of the bar, as it was where he spent the most of his time. Leaning across the bar, he eyed Frank with suspicion. Why this sudden turnaround in his attitude toward him?

  “So Frank, what’s this all about? You bailing me out and bringing me here?”

  Frank stared at him for the longest time, studying him. Xavier felt like a bug under a microscope. He remembered his dad doing the same when he was younger, must be a detective thing.

  Finally, after what seemed like five minutes, Frank spoke. “You know Xavier, your family and mine were good friends before your sister disappeared?”

  “Yeah of course,” he huffed impatiently. It was hardly something he could easily forget.

  “Well, when your sister disappeared, your dad wanted someone to blame. He was not allowed to work on her case for obvious reasons.”

  Xavier nodded, he remembered the old man being angry at not being a part of his sister's case.

  “I worked on her case with a few of the local officers and another detective.”

  “Yeah I know all this Frank, I just don't know how it relates to the present situation,” Xavier grumbled.

  “Please hear me out,” Frank pleaded. “So Mick and I worked together on the case, all the while it seemed your dad decided I had something to do with your sister's disappearance, which was ludicrous. I loved your sister like a daughter,” he said sadly then hung his head.

  “I don't know that we, as in Mum and I ever thought you had anything to do with it,” Xavier confessed. “But you know how the old man gets.”

  “I do know and that’s why I'm here.” He lifted his head and his watery eyes stared deep into Xavier's.

  “I need to know boy, did you have anything, at all, to do with Asha's disappearance?” Xavier clenched his fists and slammed one down on the bar.

  “I can't believe you of all people would ask me that Frank. After everything, my dad put you through. I love Asha and would do nothing to hurt her ever.” His voice so loud it reverberated around the empty club.

  Frank lifted his hands, showing his palms as if in surrender. “That’s what I thought, but I had to ask. Sorry.”

  “The fuck Frank?” Xavier shook his head perplexed.

  “The thing is Xave', your mum and I have stayed in touch over the years.”

  That took Xavier by surprise, he bet his dad never knew that.

  “She was the one who rang and asked me to come and bail you out.”

  “Ah,” Xavier nodded, that kind of made sense. He knew his mum would be on his side. He also knew his mum was terrified of his father and would rather keep the peace than suffer the old man's wrath. However, she had gone out on a limb getting his father's mortal enemy involved. If Dad knew that, he hated to think what the consequences might be.

  “Ever since you went to her, to tell her that Asha was gone, your dad has been, do I say it? Worse than normal?”

  “He's been beating on her again, hasn't he?” Xavier shook with anger thinking about his father. His mother had suffered at his hand, many times over the years, everyone knew. Sometimes if things were calm, he seemed to go for months, without laying a hand on her. This had obviously triggered him off again. Probably raised all his repressed feelings over Maddie. Xavier felt a sense of overwhelming guilt slam into his chest.

  “Asha tried to get him in to see a counsellor and he refused to go. I've begged Mum to leave him. I've tried standing up to him myself, but Mum,” he shook his head in despair. “Mum always got between us. I will never understand why she stays with him.”

  “It's the only life she knows Xave, it's not your fault,” Frank soothed. “Doesn’t make your dad any less an asshole. I took him on myself one time.”

  “Really?” Xavier's eyes widened. That was a story he had never heard.

  “Your mum is a good woman Xavier. But she needs you right now. You hear me, son?”

  He nodded. “Thanks, Frank.” He extended his hand to Frank to shake. “You're a good man, I'm sorry for everything my family put you through.”

  Frank shook his hand, then reached over the bar and patted his shoulder.

  “It's all good buddy. Go to your mum yeah?”

  With that, Frank walked out and Xavier picked up his phone and called his mum.


  Arriving at his parent's house, Xavier tentatively approached the house. His mother had sounded odd on the phone. She insisted he come to the house, to talk. He had rushed over there, taking the corners a little faster than he knew he should. Parking his bi
ke in the front he dismounted and removed his helmet. Looking up he saw his mother already standing in the doorway. He could tell from where she stood that her face was swollen with the beginning of a bruise darkening the area around her eye.

  Hot anger rose from the pit of his stomach. The frustration he felt at his father's violence towards his mother and her refusal to leave him, had long grated on him. He could never understand how any man could hit the woman he loved. He knew his dad loved his mum, but he also had a terrible temper and thought taking that temper out on his wife was acceptable.

  Was this why Asha had been so upset about him fighting with Patrick? Did she really think he would turn out like his dad? Was she trying to save herself from a life like his mum had endured? He would never, could never turn out like his dad.

  Xavier ran to his mum, cupping her face gently in his hands.

  “Oh Mum, what’s going on?”

  She waved him away with her hand and ushered him into the house. He quietly followed her into the kitchen. Eventually, she let out a huff and dropped her shoulders. Xavier waited wondering what was coming next.

  “It's time Xavier.”

  “Time? Time for what Mum?” His mind raced, thinking she was going to tell him something about her ill health.

  “All these years, I've allowed that bastard to keep your sister from you. From me. No more.”

  Xavier shook his head and interrupted, “Hang on, wait. What? Who? What are you talking about Mum?”

  “Your father. It was your father, Xave. He took Asha. He has Maddie.”

  Xavier twisted his face, scrunching his brows. What was his mother saying? Had she finally lost the plot? Again he gently put his hand to his mother's head.

  “Oh Mum, did you hit your head? I'll take you to the hospital.” He took her elbow and moved to turn her towards the door. That was the only explanation, his poor mother.

  “No Xavier, stop!”

  “But Mum,” Xavier looked at her sadly. “Maddie's gone, Mum.” He pleaded, looking into her sad broken eyes. “She's not coming back. Asha,” he hung his head. “The police are looking for Asha, I know you like her Mum. I do too.”

  “You don't understand Xavier,” his mother insisted, raising her voice. “Maddie has been locked away, all this time. She is in the shed.”

  “No Mum.” Xavier was so confused at what his mum was saying. “What shed? What are you talking about?”

  “Your father, he has Maddie locked away Xavier and now he has Asha too. We have to help them, we have to get them out of there. I'm scared he's going to kill them both.”

  “No Mum, you're wrong.”

  His mum marched to the other side of the kitchen, pulling a chair with her she climbed onto it. Xavier rushed to her side, afraid she would fall. She reached up to the top of the pantry cupboard where she pulled a box down. Climbing down from the chair, with the box in hand, she moved to the heavy kitchen table.

  Annie carefully laid the box on the table and lifted the lid. Inside the box was a handgun. Xavier's eyes widened.

  “Mum...where did you? Where did that come from?”

  His mother pulled the gun from the box as well as a small box of bullets. She started loading the gun. Xavier could hardly believe what he was seeing, he never knew his mum had a gun, let alone how to use one.

  “Frank gave it to me, years ago. In case I ever needed it,” she explained.


  “Yes, Frank. He's the only one who knew what a hot-head your father was. He insisted I might need it one day. He taught me how to use it.”

  Xavier's head was spinning. He was struggling to get a grip on this new information, not sure he even believed what his mum had told him. Did his dad have Asha? Maddie? None of the world he knew made sense right now.

  “I'm not understanding what’s going on Mum.”

  “I know my beautiful boy,” she said with a sad smile placing her hand on his face. “Just come with me okay? It's all going to be okay. You just need come with me.” She reached up and planted a kiss on his cheek then charged toward the back door. Xavier had little choice but to follow his mother.

  Out the back door, down the small flight of stairs, along the small path that led through the garden to his father's forbidden sheds.

  Annie Arnold heaved the heavy door of the shed open, Xavier quickly rushed to help her, knowing she was becoming so frail. Waiting momentarily for his eyes to adjust to the darkness inside the shed, was a sight he had not seen for many years. His sister's little blue mustang. He smiled remembering how much she loved that car. Then beside the car he saw something that made his heart sink to his stomach. A black van.

  How could this be happening? Slowly the pieces were falling into place, the story his mum had just told him, Asha’s nightmares, the black van that had followed her. Could it have been his own father all along? It was too much to comprehend.

  Chapter 29

  Hours had passed, Maddie was still drifting in and out of consciousness. More out than in. When she woke, she managed a few words before drifting off again. Asha wondered if she had any idea of what was even happening around her. It was not like she was missing much.

  Asha had never known such tedious boredom. She sat and read the paper with her picture on the front cover, over and over. Mostly she read it aloud to Maddie, she knew almost every word now as she had read it so many times, but it helped keep the gloom away. The best she could hope for right now was getting Maddie well enough to attempt an escape. She could try on her own, seek help for Maddie, but if she were unsuccessful, then they could both die.

  There was no way of knowing for sure that Maddie would survive this anyway, but she felt compelled to help. She was in this now. Poor Maddie had been through enough torment. Poor Xavier had been through enough too. Not to even think about poor old Mrs Arnold, who without Asha doing all she could to save her daughter, would die, believing her daughter was dead.

  Then again, at least she would not have to know what a monster her husband was. Asha pondered not for the first time, how a man, who appeared to love his family, could also be so cruel. How could he have managed to keep Maddie from her mother and brother all this time? Without them even realising? Surely they must have suspected something? Sweet old Mrs Arnold, she just saw the best in everyone, including the wicked man she was married too.

  Asha heard the deadbolt at the door and closed her paper, waiting for the monster to make his appearance. Hopefully, he would be in a good mood today. With any luck, he might have brought her some food.

  “How's the patient today nurse?” he gruffed as he walked into the room.

  Not off to a bad start, that was reasonably pleasant for him. She walked to Maddie's bedside.

  “I think there is a small improvement, she still has a way to go, but I think the antibiotics are helping.”

  “Good,” he grunted and sat down beside Maddie, taking her weak slender fingers in his.

  Asha was astounded at times like this when she saw the soft side of him, those same hands had hit her, time and again. Had hit his wife and no doubt, Maddie too and yet he showed her such tenderness.

  “Has she been awake?

  “Not much, mostly not,” Asha answered. “Sleep is good for her though in her state. She could do with another set of clean sheets if you could...”

  “No,” he boomed. There he goes again.

  “I ah…ah,” she stammered, knowing she had to careful now his mood had changed. “She has soiled these sheets, I have washed them in the bathroom, but they take so long to dry. It's vitally important she has dry clean sheets, Mr Arnold. Otherwise...”

  “Enough,” he yelled cutting her off mid-sentence. “Every time I come here you ask for more.”


  He was suddenly on his feet, his rough hands at her throat, pushing her against the wall, his face red with rage. “No more, now shut-the-fuck-up.”

  Asha did as she was told, fear shooting through her body, not that she was abl
e to speak anyway with his hands around her throat.

  “What was that?” he whispered.

  Asha listened carefully. What was that? She could hear a noise. Voices? Outside the door. Could it be someone coming finally?

  “Don't say a fucking word,” Mr Arnold hissed, roughly spinning her around so her back was to his front.

  There was something hard pressed against her throat, a small squeak escaped her mouth, coming from deep inside.

  “Say a single thing and I will slice you from ear to ear,” he whispered, his breath brushing her ear.

  Asha stood as still as she could, straining to hear the voices again. Her heartbeat booming in her ears. Her eyes darted to Maddie as she let out a whimper from her bed.

  A massive bang resounded through the room and the door burst open. Asha's heart stopped. There in front of her was a sight she thought she may never see again. Xavier and his mother, both stood motionless, their eyes wide with shock.

  Chapter 30

  SECONDS PASSED BUT IT FELT like hours. No one moved, they just stood staring at each other, everyone in shock. Xavier and his mother stood together in the doorway of the room, taking in the vision in front of them. Their long lost daughter and sister, lying lifelessly on the bed. Their husband and father, standing in the middle of the room with a knife to Asha's throat. A million thoughts raced through her mind in those moments.

  Relief, she had been found and would be rescued. Fear, that Mr Arnold would make good on his promise and actually slit her throat. Love for the man who stood there right now, aghast. Guilt that she had not tried harder to escape. Happiness and heartbreak all mixed in together and she had to fight back the tears that were threatening just behind her eyes.

  Finally, the spell was broken and everything seemed to happen at once. Everyone spoke, and moved, except her. She stayed motionless, fully aware of the threat to her life. Mr Arnold with the knife at her throat.

  Xavier ran to his sister's side, calling out her name. Mrs Arnold started yelling and Mr Arnold yelled back. It was all too much to take in. Then without warning silence filled the room. Mrs Arnold stood in front of her, holding a gun, pointed right at Mr Arnold's head.


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