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The Tie That Binds

Page 11

by Maura, Catharina

  “Oh, hey,” he murmurs lazily. “Come watch with me.”

  He turns back to the TV and pats the seat beside him. I walk up to him slowly and sit down slightly further away than I usually would, keeping some distance between us. There’s plenty of space for both of us on the part of the sofa that has the ottoman, but tonight I need some distance. Usually the first thing Daniel would do is hook his arm around my waist and pull me closer, but today he just looks at me curiously and smiles to himself. It’s a big change from last week, when we both just avoided each other entirely.

  I lean back and try my best not to murmur along to the lines. I’m so invested in the movie that I didn’t even notice that Daniel moved closer to me. He puts his arm on the back of the sofa above my head and lies down, extending his legs. I glance at him when I’m sure he isn’t looking. He looks way too hot like this. The shorts I thought he was wearing are clearly just boxer shorts. Why did he ditch the pyjama bottoms? I can clearly see the outline of his..package.. and if that’s what he looks like when he isn’t hard, then just how big is he?

  I glance over his abs and pecs. I’m dying to touch him. To trace every muscle with my fingers and then with my tongue. I want him badly. I wonder what he’d think if he knew that. I try to look away but can’t. Daniel shifts and rests his hand across his lap, obscuring my view a little. I remember the way he stood between my legs when I sat on the kitchen counter. The way he couldn’t tear his eyes off my breasts. He might not fully realise it, but he’s attracted to me too. I don’t know what to make of the way he’s lying here half-naked. Does he think it won’t tempt me?

  Daniel grabs the throw we keep on the sofa and covers most of his lower body with it, much to my chagrin. He smiles at me and tilts his head. “Wanna join?” he asks. Do I want to press my body against a half-naked Daniel? Hell yes.

  I nod and scoot closer to him. Why can’t I stay mad at him? It’s not uncommon for Dominic and I to spend months not speaking to each other over issues neither one of us can even recall. Yet now, when I should be keeping Daniel at a distance, I just can’t get myself to do it.

  He extends his arm and I cuddle into him the way I’ve gotten used to, with my back against his side and my head resting on his arm. He places a hand on my waist and turns back to the movie. It isn’t long before his breathing deepens. No matter how hard he tries, he always falls asleep while we watch a movie.

  I turn in his arms so I’m facing him and place my hand on his chest gently, careful not to wake him up. His muscles are hard and tempting. I trace a finger down his chest and over his abs until my hand disappears underneath the blanket. I gently trace my fingers over his abs, right over the trail of hair on his lower stomach. I place my palm on the edge of his boxer shorts, not daring to go down further than that.

  I pull my hand away and turn off the TV. I glance at Daniel one more time as I tiptoe to my bedroom.


  I’m on my third cup of coffee and it’s only ten in the morning. There’s so much prep to do for our trip to Singapore on top of my regular workload. Recently Daniel has been giving me more responsibility and while it’s been exciting, it’s also been nerve-racking. The learning curve has been steeper than I expected, and I’m constantly exhausted.

  I look up when I hear the clicking of high heels and freeze. The entire office falls dead silent. While Daniel has been with many women, none of them have ever shown up at the office. I stare at her in surprise, my eyes falling to the paper bag in her hand. She’s clearly bringing Daniel food. It’s from Regale, on top of that. So much for nothing happening between them. My heart aches and my stomach twists.

  Part of me is hoping that she’ll be denied entry, but I know that’s wishful thinking on my part. Kate glances at me and looks annoyed before she lets Giselle into Daniel’s office. I’m tempted to follow her in. I’m curious about what she’s doing here. It’s almost like I want to catch Daniel cheating. Like seeing it will finally make it real.

  Kate leaves Daniel’s office door wide open and she huffs as she walks back to her seat. Looks like she isn’t a fan of Giselle’s either. I can’t focus on work at all as her laughter rings through the office. The sound of it grates on me.

  Daniel walks out of his office with a wide smile on his face and looks at me. “Lyss, can you come to my office?”

  I look up at him and back at my screen.

  “No. I’m busy.”

  Jake looks at me with wide eyes. “Have you lost your mind?” he whisper-shouts.

  I shrug. What’s Daniel gonna do? Fire me?

  Linda looks at me and tilts her head towards his office, silently urging me to get up and go already. I’m sure my refusal is increasing her anxiety, even though she isn’t the one that’s being asked to go in.

  “Please, Lyss,” Daniel says, still smiling. I glare at him and get up, walking painfully slow. Daniel places his hand on my shoulder as soon as I’m within reach and closes the door behind us.

  “What is it?” I bite out, not bothering to hide my annoyance. Daniel grins and walks up to Giselle.

  “Come have some food with us, Lyss. Giselle brought some Tapioca pudding. That’s your favourite isn’t it?”

  I look at him like he’s crazy. “Have you lost your mind? That’s what you called me in for? Stop wasting my damn time, Daniel,” I bite out.

  Giselle smiles at me and looks as though she’s curious about me, even more so after my outburst. “Liz? Is that short for Elizabeth? It’s nice to meet you. I’m Giselle,” she says. I nod at her politely. “It’s short for Alyssa, actually."

  I turn to walk back out but Daniel grabs my hand in a rush and holds on tightly. I glance at him, dismayed, while Giselle jumps up.

  “Oh my god, Daniel. This is Alyssa? Your Alyssa?”

  She smiles from ear to ear and I look at him, beyond confused. He nods at her and smiles just as wide. He pulls me closer and throws his arm around my shoulder.

  “Yep. This is my wife, Alyssa.”

  Giselle shakes my hand just a little bit too excitedly and there’s not a trace of jealousy or displeasure on her face. She seems genuinely excited to meet me.

  “Oh my god. I’ve been hearing about you for years. To think Daniel and you actually finally ended up together. I’m so happy for you,” she gushes.

  I glance at Daniel whose smile falls just a touch and frown. What is she even talking about? I guess she might’ve heard about us having grown up together. I smile at her but can’t help but feel awkward.

  She looks at her watch and grabs her bag. “I need to go now, but thank you so much for hiring my cousin as Regale’s sous-chef. I promise she won’t let you down. She just made these dishes for you as a thank you and I told her you’d fire her if she makes the smallest mistake. She reassured me she’s got this, though.”

  She walks to the door and turns back. “Oh yeah, before I forget. I already instructed my PR team to deny all allegations about me and you, Daniel. I apologise, Alyssa.”

  I nod at her, dazed. She smiles at us and then walks out, closing the door behind her. Daniel picks up the tub of pudding and takes a bite before offering me a spoonful. I reluctantly open my mouth and let him feed me.

  It’s pretty damn good but I’m in no mood to admit it. Daniel sits down on the settee in his office and pulls me over. I stumble and end up on his lap. Rather than letting me go Daniel throws his arms around my waist and shuffles my weight to balance me onto his knee.

  He pushes my hair away and rests his chin on my shoulder. “Told you I didn’t cheat on you, Lyss. It really was just a business meeting. Her cousin was there too, but she stayed back to talk with the chef. When I said I wanted to take back everything I said to you I meant it. I take it back. Let’s reinstate the no cheating rule.”

  I’m silent as I think things through. What is Daniel thinking?

  “I don’t know, Dan. It might be better if we do see other people. Considering your track record it’d be a surprise if you can actually last three w
hole years without getting laid.”

  Daniel chuckles and tightens his hold on me. He brushes his lips against my ear, eliciting a shiver from me.

  “Who says I’m planning on going without sex for three years?” he whispers. He presses a soft kiss against the back of my neck and my eyes fall closed, desire pooling between my legs. Is he saying what I think he’s saying?

  “Surely you don’t think I’d actually sleep with you,” I say, my voice far huskier than I intended it to be. Daniel chuckles and another wave of desire crashes through me.

  “Do you want to bet on whether or not I can make you beg for it?”

  I clench my thighs subconsciously and shift in his lap. How does he get me wet so instantly? I’d be mortified if he found out.

  I move to get off his lap but Daniel wraps his arms around me and holds me captive. “Tell me you’ll be faithful to me, Alyssa. I’m not asking you to sleep with me. I’m just asking you not to sleep with anyone else.”

  He presses another kiss to my neck and my lips fall open. I only just about keep from moaning out loud.

  “Tell me you’ll be mine for as long as we’re married, Alyssa. Promise me you’ll be mine like I am yours.”

  I lean back against him with my eyes still closed. “Are you mine, Daniel?” I ask, my heart racing.

  He grazes my neck with his teeth before biting down softly. The way he nibbles on the most sensitive parts of my neck sends delicious tremors down my back.

  “Yes, sweetheart. I’m yours,” he says. “I promise.”

  I involuntarily arch my back, grinding my hips up against his leg. I’m overcome with desire. I want him to touch me. I want his hands on me and his lips on mine.

  Daniel’s hands wander up just slightly, until he’s holding me right below my chest. He draws circles with his thumb on the underside of breasts and I whimper. “Daniel..” I whisper.

  I turn to face him just as Daniel’s office door opens. I jump up and straighten out my clothing as Kate walks in. She glances at me and then nods at Daniel, a small smile tugging at the edge of her lips.

  “Your 11am meeting is commencing soon. I escorted Mr. Davis to conference room A,” she tells him.

  Daniel pulls a hand through his hair and sighs before nodding at her. I look down in embarrassment. We almost got caught behaving inappropriately. I’m certain my face is scarlet and I can’t walk out of Daniel’s office looking like this. But then again, my team will likely just think I got scolded for something.

  Kate smiles and then walks out of the office, leaving us standing here alone. Daniel looks at me and brushes my hair behind my ear.

  “I need you to promise me,” Alyssa.

  I cross my arms over my chest to hide my hard nipples and look away. “And what if I won’t? I’m not the one who decided to create or abolish the rule in the first place. You do whatever the hell you want and just expect me to agree. What if tomorrow you change your mind again?”

  Daniel closes the distance between us and buries his hand in my hair to tip my head up. “I won’t change my mind. We can get it down on paper. I’m happy to sign a contract. I’ll give you my DM shares if I ever cheat on you.”

  I look at him wide-eyed. “You’re really serious about this, huh? Why did you say you wanted to start seeing other people only to change your mind again two weeks later?”

  He drops his forehead to mine. “It’s complicated, Lyss. Just know that I didn’t and won’t ever cheat on you. Can you say the same?”

  I look into his eyes and nod. I can’t imagine wanting someone else, and that’s before we’ve ever even slept with each other.

  “Yes. Okay. I promise you fidelity, Daniel. But this time we’re signing a contract.”

  He grins at me and kisses my forehead gently.

  “I’ll get Vincent to draft it,” he says. His eyes linger on me before he walks out, leaving me standing there with my heart racing.


  I’ve been antsy all day. It’s been four days since Daniel made me promise him fidelity, and true to his word, he did get me to sign a contract this time. We defined cheating as having sexual intimacy with someone else, the fine being our respective shares in DM Consultancy.

  I expected us to get a little closer but neither one of us has had time to spend together. Daniel is working late at Devereaux Inc most days while I’m at DM. By the time we get home we both just collapse. I’m hoping it might be different since at least we’ll be together all weekend now. I’m not even sure what exactly I’m hoping for, but I miss him.

  I exhale in relief when I walk into our house to find Daniel sitting on the sofa with his glasses on and documents littering the place. I walk up to him and throw my arms around him. He freezes for a second and then pulls me into his lap and hugs me back.

  “I missed you,” I whisper without thinking. Daniel tightens his hold on me. “I missed you too, baby,” he murmurs.

  My heart flutters at the endearment he uses and I blush. I hide my face in his neck and relax in his hold. We stay that way for a couple of minutes, neither one of us saying anything.

  “Tired?” he asks. I nod and inhale deeply. “You must be pretty tired too. I’ve barely seen you.”

  Daniel nods, his stubble brushing against my hair. “Exhausted,” he whispers.

  I pull back and sit down next to him. “Are you going to work all weekend again?” I ask, pouting. Daniel chuckles and pets my hair, earning him a glare. He always used to pet my hair when I was a kid and I used to love it then, but I hate it now. It makes me feel like he still sees me as a child.

  “I won’t. I’ll keep Sunday free, okay?”

  I nod and get up to cook. Daniel grabs my hand as I walk past him and I turn back. “Let’s just get some takeout. Why don’t we open a bottle of wine?”

  I nod and walk to the wine fridge. “How about red?” I ask. Daniel nods at me from the sofa and leans back to watch me as I grab the bottle and two glasses.

  I fill both glasses and hand one to Daniel while I put the bottle on the coffee table. I sit down on the small patch next to Daniel that isn’t cluttered and hold my glass up to his. He clinks his against mine and takes a big gulp. I chuckle and take a sip of my wine.

  “Pretty damn good,” I mutter. Daniel winks at me. “We only have the best in our house, babe.”

  My heart flutters. Does he even realise what he’s calling me? Does he realise he’s referring to his apartment as ours?

  “Go on. Go take a shower and get into comfy clothes. I’ll order some Italian. It’ll be here by the time you get out of the shower.”

  I nod gratefully and walk to my room, eager to get out of my work clothes. Like Daniel said, the food’s here by the time I walk back into the living room. Daniel’s eyes roam over my clothes and I tighten my robe. I’m wearing a short navy silk and lace nightgown that’s far sexier than anything I’ve ever worn before hidden behind a thick and fluffy robe, while he’s changed into his pyjama bottoms with nothing else on.

  The way Daniel looks at me makes me think that he’s wondering what I’m wearing underneath the robe. How would he respond if I just take it off?

  He pats the sofa and hands me a plate. I can’t remember the last time I felt so comfortable with someone. So at home.

  “Delicious,” I murmur as I take another bite of my pasta. Daniel chuckles and wipes his thumb across my lips. He brings his thumb to his tongue and licks it, rendering me speechless. I grab my wine glass and take another big sip which does nothing to calm my raging heart.

  “Should we watch a movie later?” I ask. “We can put something on while you work, maybe.”

  Daniel nods and hands me the remote. I scroll through the list of movies we saved on Netflix before settling on a chick flick while Daniel continues to read through documents. I feel really content sitting here with him, doing essentially nothing.

  Daniel puts the plates away when we’re done with dinner and then joins me on the sofa, a stack of papers in his hands. He pushes his g
lasses up and my heart skips a beat. He’s far too alluring with those glasses on and his muscles on display. I sneakily grab my phone and take a photo of him. He raises his head right after I take the photo and looks at me suspiciously. I’m in such a rush to hide my phone that I nearly drop it. Daniel takes it from me but thankfully I managed to lock it in time. I’m blushing and it only increases his suspicion.

  “What are you doing?” he asks.

  I shake my head and smile innocently. “Nothing,” I say far too quickly.

  Daniel points my phone my way and unlocks it using the facial recognition. The first thing on the screen as my phone unlocks is the photo I just took of him. I look at him in outrage and jump on him to grab my phone back. Daniel grins and before I realise what I did he turns me over so I’m underneath him, his documents wrinkling and flying off the sofa.

  “Taking unauthorised photos of me, wifey?”

  He holds himself up on his forearms and pushes my legs apart with his knee, settling in-between my legs.

  “I— No. I would never. Why would I?” I deny fiercely. His face hovers above mine. Just a smidge lower and his lips would be on mine.

  I place my trembling hands on his chest and slowly slide my palms up to his shoulders and then around him. Daniel’s eyes drop down to my lips and my heart rate increases.

  I can feel him hardening against my inner thigh and just when I think he’s going to kiss me, he pulls away. He pushes himself up and away from me, my arms slipping away. He sits up and runs a hand through his hair as he grabs some random documents and tries to sort them out. I sit up, confused. Why didn’t he kiss me? I’m sure he wanted to. I could feel his desire.

  “Daniel,” I whisper. I rise to my knees and look at him, suddenly feeling both insecure yet certain of what I want.


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