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The Tie That Binds

Page 13

by Maura, Catharina

  “Alyssa.. you do the exact same thing. You agree to go on a date with Liam Evans, then you go running when my brother calls and even now you disregard me as soon as he’s here. I bet you’re happy he returns your feelings after all. You’ve loved him for as long as you can remember, right? Must be nice to have him love you back. You don’t need to come in here and pretend it changes nothing when it changes everything. I bet you really regret signing that fidelity contract now, huh? How long do you think you’ll last before it’s his bedroom you’ll be sneaking into?”

  He looks distraught and..jealous. I smile to myself which only increases his anger. He’s behaving this way because he’s jealous?

  “Hmm,” I murmur. “Well, I see your point,” I tell him, my own annoyance mounting. “By that reasoning, and since you’re threatening to throw me out of your bed if I so much as touch you.. I guess I’ll just return to my own bed. To the person you say actually loves me back.”

  A burst of pure panic flashes through his eyes before he manages to control his expression. “Very well,” he says, pulling away from me. He lies back down on his own side of the bed and throws his arm over his face.

  “I’ll have the share transfer agreement ready for you tomorrow morning,” he says, sounding angry but resigned. I rise to my knees and stare at him, a wide grin slowly transforming the scowl I had on my face. So Daniel behaving this way is just him lashing out in jealousy. Interesting. He doesn’t snap or behave in any obvious ways, he just pulls away from me.

  I pull the sheets out of the way and straddle him. He’s no longer hard but I make myself comfortable nonetheless. He pulls his arm away from his face and looks at me dazed and confused.

  “What are you doing?” he asks, tensing.

  “You did just say that you’re mine, right? That I always have your consent? That I can always touch you? Didn’t you say something along the lines of whenever and wherever?”

  Daniel stares at me, his confusion mounting. “Alyssa, I’m not in the mood to play games with you,” he says, sounding tired and sad. I see it clearly now. He’s feeling insecure and vulnerable as much as I do.

  I lean forward and kiss his chest like I’ve always wanted to do. I make my way down his abs, kissing each one gently. Daniel’s muscles tighten where I touch him and he pushes himself up on his elbows to look down at me. I don’t stop until I reach the waistband of his pyjama bottoms. He’s breathing hard and his eyes are glazed over with desire.

  “I promise I’m not playing with your feelings, Daniel. But I can’t promise I won’t play with your body.”

  I kiss his erection through the fabric and he twitches. He’s staring at me intensely, like he’s scared to find out what I’ll do next.

  I grab the edge of his pyjamas and pull it down slowly and gently, exposing more of his delicious V line. Daniel swallows hard and grabs my hand, pausing my movements. I look up at him, disappointed. He shakes his head and sits up to grab me by my waist. In one fluid motion I’m flat on my back with Daniel above me.

  He kisses my cheek gently before he hovers his lips above mine. How could he possibly still be hesitating now? I thread my fingers through his hair and pull his lips down on mine. He relaxes on top of me when our lips finally meet, his insecurities resolved. He kisses me gently at first, but within seconds the kiss turns scorching hot. It doesn’t take long for me to be moaning against his lips. I wrap my legs around his and roll my hips underneath him, eager for more.

  Daniel kisses my neck, nipping at me the way I just did to him. He moves down slowly and pauses at the top of my breasts. He looks up at me for permission and I nod. He hesitates before his lips brush over my nipples through the fabric. I’m eager for more. I want his lips on my skin already.

  “Daniel.. more,” I plead.

  He grins and drags my nightgown down with his teeth. He inhales sharply when my breasts come into view and grabs one while he lowers his lips to the other.

  “So fucking perfect,” he whispers. The way he flicks my nipple with his tongue sends ripples of pleasure straight to my core. I never even knew I was so sensitive.

  I whimper in disappointment when he lifts his head and moves back up. He grins and shuts me up with another long kiss.

  When he pulls away we’re both painting. “We need to get some rest, my love,” he whispers. I look at him in disbelief. Rest? Now?

  He kisses me again, gently this time. Then he turns onto his back and pulls me into him, hugging me. He closes his eyes and I stare at him, confused.

  How could making out be enough for him? I huff and close my eyes, knowing it’ll take me forever to fall asleep feeling this hot and bothered.


  By the time Dominic finally wakes up Daniel and I have both already had breakfast. He didn’t even twitch when I walked in this morning to get myself a change of clothes.

  I chuckle as he walks into the living room looking like a mess. He groans and sits down next to me, dropping his head on my shoulder. I laugh and pet his head gently.

  “That’s what you get for drinking so much.”

  Daniel glances up from his laptop for just a second before refocusing his attention. It’s clear he isn’t pleased with Dominic’s behaviour, but at least he isn’t scolding him.

  “Feed me, Lyss,” Dominic pleads. He repositions himself so he’s lying down with his head in my lap.

  “I’m dying.”

  I chuckle. “It’s your own fault, you know. I told you to stop drinking, but you weren’t listening. You barely even drank the water I gave you either. Daniel made some pancakes earlier. I think we might have some left. Do you want some?”

  Dominic shakes his head. “I want your scrambled eggs,” he says, sounding cute and whiney. I sigh and gently slide out from underneath him to go make it for him.

  “You’re the best! Love you,” he shouts as I walk to the kitchen.

  “Yeah, yeah. Love you too,” I reply automatically. It’s so common for us to say this to each other that I never stopped to think that it might make Daniel uncomfortable, the way it made Lucy feel insecure.

  “You want some coffee too?”

  Dominic shakes his head from the sofa. He looks like just that one small movement is taking its toll on him and I bite back a smile. Serves him right for drinking that much.

  I put his plate and a glass of orange juice on the coffee table and help him sit up before putting the plate in his lap. “You’re so useless,” I tell him.

  He smiles at me sheepishly and kisses my cheek. “Thanks for breakfast, Lyss.”

  I shake my head and grab the remote. I glance at Daniel. “How do you feel about a rom com?” I ask him. He looks up at me blankly and nods before looking back down at his screen.

  “Ugh no, can’t we watch something interesting?” Dominic says.

  I roll my eyes. “Adding random explosions doesn’t make a movie more interesting.”

  Dominic looks at me in disbelief. “You jump every time a planet explodes and stare at the screen openmouthed when the Death Star explodes, even though you’ve seen it happen a million times.”

  I pout and look away. He’s got a point but I’m not admitting to it. Instead I scroll through the movies on Netflix and put on Two Weeks Notice.

  Dominic groans. “We’ve seen this like a hundred times. We both know you just want to watch Hugh Grant.”

  I shrug and don’t bother to deny it.

  “I don’t even see the appeal. He isn’t that hot.”

  I ignore him and settle in to watch the movie. Usually I’d be sitting cuddled up to Daniel, but today it feels inappropriate. Thanks to Dominic’s confession and Daniel’s distant behaviour I’m stuck sitting in between them with plenty of space between us all.

  It’s like Dominic can read my mind because he looks at me and smiles. “I might have been drunk but I meant every word, you know.”

  Daniel tenses and glances at me. I give him a small smile before turning to Dominic. “How’re you feeling this morning anyway
? Feel sick?” I ask, ignoring what he just said.

  Dominic pulls a hand through his hair and looks at me, exasperated. “Is this payback for ignoring your confession last year?” he asks.

  I shake my head. “Nothing like that. I just don’t think right now is a good time to discuss this.”

  Dominic looks away and glares at the TV while I awkwardly try to focus on the movie. Not even Sandra Bullock can save me from the tension in this room.

  “When you moved out you said you’d be back on the weekends, but you haven’t been back at all in a month now.”

  I nod. Daniel and I did intend to go back but eventually neither one of us mentioned it anymore. Weekends are the only time we really get to spend whole days together without other people around, and though neither one of us has said it, I know it’s something we both enjoy.

  “mum misses you, you know. You should come back tonight. She’s been making your and Daniel’s favourite dishes every weekend because she keeps expecting you to turn up, but you never do.”

  I bite down on my lip, suddenly feeling immensely guilty. Mary has always been like a mother to me. She’s never once treated me differently from the boys. If anything, she’s always treated me better. She’d always side with me in arguments and spend time going shopping with me or taking me to beauty salons when I was finally old enough. She’s the one who bought me my first bra and helped me through my first period.

  “I didn’t know,” I whisper. I glance at Daniel who looks like he feels just as bad as I do. “Dan? Maybe we should go back soon,” I murmur.

  Dominic nods. “Let’s all go back together today,” he says excitedly. I glance at Daniel who nods at me before looking away. He looks uneasy and I’m not sure why. Over the last couple of years Daniel and Dominic have grown apart, but it’s never been clear to me why. I’m worried I might become another thing that stands between them, and I’m not sure what to do about it.

  Daniel clears his throat. “Why don’t you go shower, Nic. We can go home together once you’re done. I’ll take my work with me.”

  Dominic yawns and nods. “Borrow some of your clothes?”

  Daniels nods. “I’ll put some in Alyssa’s room for you.”

  Dominic looks at me in sudden surprise. “That reminds me. Did you sleep okay? You weren’t there when I woke up. I hope I didn’t trash in my sleep.”

  I smile and try my best to keep a blank expression on my face. “I slept fine, but you did seem out like a log, yeah.”

  Dominic chuckles as he walks to the bathroom, while Daniel’s expressions darkens. He puts his laptop away when the bathroom door closes and turns to face me.

  “He thinks you slept with him last night?”

  I fidget with the hem of my skirt and nod. “Seems that way,” I murmur.

  Daniel crosses his arms, drawing my attention to his biceps. He really looks far too good in a simple tee.

  “Why would he think that?” he bites out.

  I swallow and stare at him with wide eyes. I’ve done nothing to feel guilty about but I somehow still feel on edge.

  “Did you get into bed with him before you sneaked into my room?”

  “I— why do you have to say it like that? It wasn’t like that at all. I just put him to bed and waited till he fell asleep. That’s all.”

  Daniel searches my eyes for something and purses his lips in disapproval.

  “Did you get into bed with him or did you just put him to bed?”

  I hesitate. How am I supposed to answer this without him overthinking?

  “It’s a simple question, Alyssa.”

  “I— I.. It’s not like that. I did lie down next to him for a bit but that’s all.”

  I see the devastation in Daniel’s eyes before he manages to hide it.

  “God,” I whisper. “Just what is going through your mind? He’s my friend, Daniel. We grew up together. You tucked us into the same bed countless times. Don’t you remember?”

  Daniel laughs humorously. “Don’t even pretend it’s the same as when you two were five. You got into bed with him after he told you he loved you.”

  I don’t know what to say to that and I don’t know how to make it right. Last night it seemed like the right thing to do.

  “Just because he uttered a drunk confession that he didn’t even mean doesn’t mean he suddenly ceased to be my best friend.”

  Daniel pulls a hand through his hair, messing it up. “You can’t act like it doesn’t change anything, because it does. Besides, he literally just told you he meant every word. He’s not drunk now, is he?”

  I close my eyes and inhale deeply. Nothing I say will make this better. Daniel shakes his head and starts packing his briefcase. He’s done speaking to me and I just know I’m in for some silent treatment.


  “How have you been, my dear? Has Daniel been good to you? Are you comfortable at his apartment?”

  Mary started fussing over me almost instantly, making me feel even worse for staying away so long.

  “Of course. He’s always good to me, you know that. The apartment is amazing. The views are stunning and I’m so in love with the kitchen.”

  She grins as she takes her famous apple pie out of the oven. “Yeah, me too. Back when Daniel first bought that apartment I’d go over all the time just to play around with all the fancy equipment he put in there. Such a dream kitchen.”

  I laugh and help her cut the pie. “I did wonder how he accumulated so many utensils that he never seems to use.”

  She smiles at me fondly. “So you two have been eating well? Have you been having dinner together?”

  I nod at her. “Most days we manage it. Work has been busy and Dan is so busy with Devereaux Inc too. Even at home he’s always working.”

  She nods thoughtfully. “The boy works too hard. He needs to hire more staff and delegate more. He can’t keep overworking himself.”

  I nod in agreement, but we both know Daniel won’t do that. There are too many things he has a hand in directly. Too many projects that are close to his heart.

  Dominic walks up to me and hugs me from behind, startling me. He presses a kiss to my hair and reaches around me to grab a piece of apple pie.

  “Delicious,” he murmurs, his eyes on me. Mary clears her throat and looks displeased but doesn’t say anything. She looks torn, which is exactly how I feel. Dominic and I have always been close and him hugging me isn’t anything special, but it feels different these days. It feels like he’s flirting with me. I’ll need to talk to him soon enough, but I’m avoiding having that conversation. I don’t want to hurt him and I don’t want to strain our friendship.

  I didn’t notice Daniel leaning against the kitchen doorway until he turns and walks back out. How long had he been standing there? I close my eyes and sigh. Why does this have to be so difficult?

  “What’s wrong?” Dominic asks. He moves to brush my hair out of my face and I dodge him instinctively. I’ve gotten so used to Daniel doing it that having anyone else touch my hair feels wrong now. “Headache?” he asks. I just nod absentmindedly, not wanting to explain myself. He grabs my hand and pulls me along. “Come on, let’s get you some pain killers. I’ll massage your head for you.”

  He pulls me to his bedroom and we walk past Daniel’s bedroom. The door is open and he’s sitting on his bed staring at his phone when we walk past. His eyes drop to our joined hands and he stares at us expressionlessly as Dominic’s bedroom door closes behind us.

  “Nic, what are you doing?”

  He sits down on his bed and looks up at me. “You and I have always been in my room together for hours on end. No one has ever thought it was weird. Seriously, what’s gotten into you lately? It’s like my brother’s moodiness has rubbed off on you.”

  I pull a hand through my hair and frown at his words.

  “I just wanted to talk to you in private. I told you I meant every word.”

  I walk up to him and sit down next to him. “I know you said that, but I doub
t you actually mean it. We’re best friends. We’d never work out as a couple. Plus, I’m married to Daniel. I can never undo that. Do you really want to be the guy who hits on his sister-in-law?”

  He grimaces. “Your marriage to him is only on paper, and no one knows about it. No one will ever know, so why does it matter?”

  I shake my head. “You and I will never be together, Dominic. You need to get the idea of us out of your head. If we were meant to get together it would’ve happened long before now. Not now that I’m out of reach.”

  Dominic chuckles. “What? You think I suddenly want you because you’re married to my brother now? You’re crazy. You’re the best person I know. My favourite person. The only reason I didn’t pursue you before now is because I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.”

  I shake my head. “Even so. Even if you’re serious about this, I don’t feel the same way. I might’ve had a crush on you because we were so close and so familiar with each other, but that’s it. It’s in the past. You’re right to say it’s not worth putting our friendship at risk over, because it isn’t.”

  I sigh. Truthfully I just don’t see Dominic the way I used to. I always used to think the world of him, but that illusion shattered when my father died and he left me to deal with it myself. His behaviour showed me what both Daniel and Mary have seen all along. That Dominic has a long way to go in terms of growing up. I don’t want to be the one he learns his lessons through. Dominic has an amazing heart, but both his mother and brother have spoiled him rotten. So have I, for that matter. I’ve always given in to him and I’ve always done everything he ever asked of me.

  “You’re only saying that because I’ve been such an asshole recently. I’ll be better, Alyssa. For you I’ll be better.”

  I shake my head. “No. I don’t want or need you to be better. I just need you to be my friend. That’s all.”

  Dominic chuckles. “What? A year ago you were crying your eyes out because I said I wanted to be just friends. And now you’re the one telling me you want to be just friends? Why? Did something happen between you and Daniel?”


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