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Endgame (Book 2): Alekhine's Gun

Page 76

by W. A. R.

Rick, however, decided to crush their small piece of paradise. “It still doesn’t explain what Lance was doing here.” He turned to Cassie. “Since it is safe to leave, now, you should probably go speak to him.”

  Amber cut his eyes over to Rick and Cassie pulled back from Amber, her eyes cutting over to Rick as well. She swallowed and glanced over at Miles’s unmoving body. She had come to this decision long ago, knowing that he would be unable to and Cassie shouldn’t. “I will. Cassie will not be going.” Rick opened his mouth to protest, as did Shelly and Cassie but she refused to listen to it.

  No, instead, she forewent the argument and stepped fully away from Cassie, letting her arms drop to her sides before rushing past everyone without another word. It had to be fast, her leaving Miles, but it had to be done. She heard the questions that they all tossed at her and the footsteps that came from them as they chased after them. She knew that she didn’t have time to stand there and talk, to argue about what they all thought was right or wrong. She rushed as fast as she could down the stairs, aware that they could see her torn shirt, her bloodied and raw back and shoulders. She didn’t care, as their voices blended into one another.

  Once she reached downstairs, she saw Michael giving orders, watching as Buddy and Rusty, Charles and a few other men left through the front door. He was talking to George whenever he cut his eyes over to Amber and she slowed her steps, completely aware that the others were behind her. Her eyes met his and he froze, almost worried. Slowly, she nodded at him, a small gesture that let him know that she understood, that she was hurting too.

  “Amber what are you doing down here?” he asked of her, reigning in his hurt and becoming businesslike.

  “I’m going to talk to Lance.” She replied, and though she was completely aware of the others listening, she didn’t care. She would succumb to every emotion later, she would discuss everything with them later instead of bottling it all in like she had. She was a better person for this.

  Michael looked at her before allowing his eyes to drift to the others behind her. He felt ashamed and Amber could see it. Ashamed and uncertain. “I…I need to talk to these people. Buddy, Rusty, and the others are rounding them up. I need to tell them what happened to Larry and Derek…I won’t be able to be in there with you. These people are going to be scared and angry and I am going to have to tell them…” he paused and Amber looked at him with admiration. For being so young and confused he certainly tried his best to care for these people.

  “Tell them everything.” She told him and she could see the weight lift from Michael’s shoulders. She sighed and looked around her. Her family, those who didn’t know, would soon learn everything. “Give them a reason to keep faith and tell them everything. It’ll be fine.” She stepped forward and met his eyes once again. “We will talk after everything is said and done. Right now, I have a date with a mad man.” She told him before stepping around him and heading for the open door. Michael looked at her before glancing out of the door, watching as people began flocking from their homes to the warehouse. Buddy was running towards the house, his face etched into a scowl. Amber sighed then, knowing that Buddy was going to go in there with her, regardless of what she said and she knew it.

  “I won’t try to stop you…just…good luck.” Michael told her and with that he disappeared out of the door. Amber looked after him, watching a he melded in with the rest of the townspeople. Her heart ached but she knew that this all needed to be done.

  The door swung open heatedly, slamming against the outside wall as Rusty opened it in frustration. Amber knew what his problem was; he didn’t agree with Amber going in to speak to the man. Buddy simply shrugged and told Rusty to mind his own business and after he did so, he followed Amber into the house. It was dark, so much so that the whites of their eyes were barely visible. Amber’s back and shoulders still looked pretty brutal, the redness and the blood screaming at them all from her torn shirt. Buddy watched as Amber prepared to approach the man. Buddy wasn’t sure if Amber was going to tell him who she really was, and he guessed it really depended on the situation. He hoped that she didn’t; if he ever escaped, which was always a possibility, he would be quick to spread word of her existence and then, after he did all of that, all hell would break loose. They stepped into the entryway, Rusty behind them. They looked around the dark room, small slivers of sunlight breaking in through the windows of the other rooms, what Buddy assumed were the kitchen and the living room. He glanced around, his hands tensing and he heard Amber shift beside him. Amber turned to Rusty and sighed, her eyes wide and alert.

  Buddy nodded, still looking around before his eyes landed on the stairs. “Alright, let’s get this over with. Where is he?” he asked before tearing his eyes from the stairs and turning completely around to look Rusty in the face. Rusty clenched his jaw and Amber stepped to the side, looking between the two men. Buddy turned as well and subconsciously they all formed a circle of sorts.

  “I really don’t think she should go up there.” He growled in a low whisper and Amber furrowed her brow at the man. “It would be risking everything.”

  She turned her shoulder a little, appearing defensive. “You think I don’t know that?” she asked a bit loudly and immediately Rusty’s hand clasped around her mouth, muffling any other sounds that were going to come from her mouth. He pulled her back against him, keeping his hand where it rested against her mouth as she pulled at his arm, urging him to free her.

  “Shhh.” He whispered to her before Buddy stepped forward, his eyes narrowed in concern.

  “Lance hates you, remember? He tried to kill you?” he asked in a soft whisper and she looked at him as if asking a question. He shifted closer to the pair, feeling the need to explain. “You tried to kill him; you pushed him to a breaking point and though you don’t look the same, if you think he won’t recognize the voice of the woman that left him for dead you are more naïve than I thought.” At this, her eyebrows seemed to relax, as did her hold on Rusty’s arm. Slowly, he released her, knowing that she finally understood why they were anxious.

  “That is exactly why she shouldn’t go in there! He’ll lose his mind and kill her!” Rusty exclaimed in a loud, rough whisper. Amber looked at him but said nothing. Buddy shifted on his feet, thinking over his words carefully. Rusty slapped his hand against his leg. “He’s already heard her speak. She was screaming at him. Besides…it’s amazing that the community didn’t butcher her for learning she had been bitten. If he found out…just…Today is not the day for pushing limits.”

  “First of all, screaming is different than talking.” Buddy offered and Rusty looked at him as if he were crazy. “You weren’t there during their last altercation. I was. Trust me; yesterday, she was crazed. He doesn’t know it’s her. However,” he glanced at Amber in warning. “…if you try to carry conversation with him, he will know. I can feel it. And second of all…she is going in with the me. Regardless of what he finds out, if anything, I will be there.”

  “Yeah…Do you really think he is going to make it two steps to me before we kill him?”

  Rusty glowered for a moment before sighing. “Point taken. Still…I agree she shouldn’t speak unless absolutely necessary. Yesterday and today were close calls. He could have had anyone out there waiting.”

  “Then how is this going to work at the compound?” she asked then in a low whisper, knowing that wherever Lance was, he couldn’t hear her. She looked between the men before pointing a finger at the ground in resolve. “If I can’t get this over on him, then how will I be able to do it at the compound?”

  Rusty shifted and groaned before facing her fully. “Because Lance and his group were the ones that watched your family; not the others, aside from us. No one else knows you enough to recognize you there…”

  “Except for Brian…” Buddy countered. Amber looked at him for a moment, seemingly very tired. Maybe Justin. Amber thought. She knew that the man had to be haunted by her words, her actions, but instead of voicing this thought, she kept her
mouth clamped shut.

  “We will handle that when we come to it. I’m sure Ryder will assure him of what is going on.”

  Rusty shrugged. “Maybe.” Two heated looks were tossed at the man and Rusty rubbed the back of his neck absent-mindedly. “Alright, sure. He will. Happy?” he sighed. “Sheesh…I’m just glad Brian is fine, Lance is contained, and we’re safe now and can carry on like normal.” They all sighed and murmured their agreement before Rusty spoke again. “Or, at least I can carry on like normal. You lot are ten kinds of messed up.”

  Amber scoffed at him. “Rusty, you are so far from normal that you could never find your way back.”

  “Jealous, love?” he asked and she rolled her eyes in disgust. Buddy grinned and crossed his arms, watching the scene with interest.

  “Not now, Rusty. Just tell us where the man is.” Amber stated, and Rusty’s eyes flicked upward for the briefest of seconds before he spoke again. This didn’t escape Amber’s notice and she felt her heartrate quicken at the prospect of actually seeing the man that had orchestrated the taking and demolition of her family.

  “I’ll consider it. Why do you want to go see him anyways?” he asked and Buddy looked over at Miles, who lifted a brow back at him. “Why not let the Buddy go up there alone?”

  Amber looked at him for a long, drawn out moment and shrugged. “No harm, no foul, right? Besides, I would personally like to hear what he has to say.”


  “Does it matter?” she asked, clearly exasperated, and he studied her for one long moment before

  “Do you want her to deck you?” Buddy asked and Amber took a step closer to him, keeping her eyes trained on Rusty. Rusty shrugged, his signature impish grin playing on his lips.

  “Not preferably.”

  “Too bad. Keep on how you’re going and I’d say you have a shot. I’d love to see it happen.” Buddy teased and Rusty took a step back, his face contorted in false pain.

  “Ouch. You too?”

  Buddy shook his head in mock disappointment before turning to look at Amber. He lifted a brow at her. “Are you sure you will be alright…”

  She looked at him, her eyes softening and she placed her hands on her hips. “I’m sure…I’m better...I’m fine…I’m…me…”

  “Alright already, geez. We get it. Hello and welcome back. Glad to have you back from crazy-land. Damn.” Rusty stated in exasperation. “I swear, you people are going to be the death of me.” He shared and suddenly tension filled the room. Amber averted her eyes and looked to the floor. Buddy, however, glared at Rusty. Did he know what he had said? After Derek and Larry? Rusty looked up at them all with wide eyes and quirked a brow. “Too soon?”

  “That doesn’t even merit an answer.” Amber sighed, bringing her fingers up to rub her temples. “Idiot.”

  He appeared offended, bringing a head to his chest. “I’m hurt.”

  “If only.”

  “Guys.” Buddy admonished and he couldn’t help but snicker as Amber turned her eyes to him. He stared at her for a long moment before she sighed in defeat. She then turned and stepped past Buddy to the stairs, leaving the two men to watch her.

  “Can we go get this done now?” she asked and Buddy turned back to Rusty, lifting a brow. “You said ‘up there’ right?” she asked softly over her shoulder. The sudden sound of boot-laden footsteps on the porch reached his ears and he turned to see their intruder, his eyes widening in surprise. Before he could speak, however, the newcomer spoke first.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, his voice low and rough. Amber immediately stopped and turned, her steps faltering on the stairs. Her wide eyes searched the darkness, following the sound of his voice.

  “Miles?” she asked, taking a few steps down. Buddy stepped to the side, watching as Miles rounded the corner of the kitchen wall to where they were. It had been at least an hour since they had left the house in order to come speak to Lance, having dealt with Doc and with getting through the community with people everywhere. And then there was the force of Rusty and his prolonging of their mission. All this time, Buddy had seen the tension in Amber’s eyes from leaving him there, every time her gaze darted back to their home.

  Miles’s eyes searched for her, and though he appeared determined, he wasn’t angry. Instead, he felt relief at having found her. A small smile came to his lips once he rounded the corner and saw her standing haphazardly on the stairs. Rusty even had the decency to step to the side and stay silent.

  “You’re awake.” she breathed out on a heavy whisper, her heart racing and aching with the sight of the man. She knew when she had left that he would be fine, that he would wake up at some point, but she still wasn’t prepared for the relief she felt at seeing him.

  Miles stepped forward, his white t-shirt pulling tight against his tired and aching torso. “And you’re alive.” He told her roughly, his words hanging in the air between them. “I woke up and the last thing I remembered was being carried away by Lance and hearing your screams. We should really stop with the near-death experiences. I’m not sure my heart can handle anymore.” He told her on a smile as he slowly climbed the stairs to where she stood; her breathing grew ragged, tears in her eyes.

  “I was coming after you.” She told him, and Buddy could hear the breaking of her voice. Her right hand absently found his shirt, her fingers twisting into the fabric. Buddy swallowed and Rusty turned away from the intimate moment. They both looked as if they were restraining themselves from wrapping their arms around the other.

  “And now I’ve come after you.” He told her, bringing a hand up cup her cheek. She shuddered but never tore her eyes from him. “How are you feeling?” He asked, and she sighed, bringing her other hand to his chest. He flinched and placed a hand on her hip in response.

  She withdrew her hand. “We’ll talk about it later. There are more important things to deal with at the moment.”

  “Then let’s go do this.” He told her before quickly leaning forward to place a kiss to her lips. Buddy turned away, feeling humbled by the fact that that was the first time they had actually shown any intimacy of any kind in front of others. They were normally very private about those matters. Amber, however, hesitated briefly, as if in pain. Miles frowned at her and she hastily turned away. And within the blink of an eye, both Amber and Miles turned to go up the stairs without another word.

  “I assume he’s up there?” Buddy then asked on a laugh and Rusty closed his eyes, sighing in concession before throwing an exaggerated arm gesture towards the stairs.

  “Yes, he’s up there.” He replied and Buddy turned and began climbing the stairs. “By the way…be careful.” All three people climbing the stairs turned to look at him before nodding. Rusty shifted on his feet. “She wasn’t the only one messed up by the man…so watch out for your own reactions too.” He stated and Buddy and Miles both shared a look before turning to Amber. The look that the three of them shared was intense and filled with understanding. They all nodded at one another, silently agreeing to one another that they wouldn’t allow the others to lose their tempers…or their minds.

  The climb up the stairs was tremulous and tiring, which was bogus considering that it was only one flight of stairs in this two story house, but still, the climb seemed to take forever. Their breathing had hitched and though it was relatively cool they were all sweating. They knew why…it was because this was something that they had all been anticipating since first setting their eyes on him. They wanted answers, and they were certain that he would expect some as well. Would they give them any? They weren’t sure; hell, they weren’t sure about anything anymore. The trio walked, reaching the landing with their adrenaline pumping, knowing that it had nothing to do with the climb. Amber was the first to step up and stop, followed by Miles to her left and Buddy to her right. They stood there, quiet and motionless, their eyes scouring the dim lighting for which room he was possibly in, but there was only one answer and they all knew what it was. Gradually, starting wi
th Amber, all three sets of eyes landed on the one closed door in the hall. Amber felt Miles tense, and heard Buddy inhale sharply, and easily reached to the left, gripping the side of Miles’s shirt in her fist and urging him closer for his own comfort before looking at Buddy. He returned her look, trying to calm himself down. Yes, Rusty had been right and it seemed that the only one that had accepted everything and had a level head was Amber…the one person who couldn’t talk, the one that couldn’t do more than sit there and listen.

  After a long moment, they all sighed and shifted. Miles stretched his tense and sore shoulders, squaring them as he stepped forward, reaching behind him instinctively to grab Amber’s wrist as she released his shirt. Buddy followed, cracking his neck. They all took a moment to prepare themselves for whatever the man was going to be throwing at them. Buddy remembered how the man had taken the others away, hitting them and making them unconscious. He remembered how he had hurt Amber, how he had been so desperate...and when Amber turned and looked at him, he could tell by the look in her eyes that she remembered all of this as well. She remembered how he had seen all of this as a game and they were all pawns, especially Amber. Both Amber and Buddy wondered what he would think if he saw that she was still alive and miraculously the cure. Would he still believe her to be a pawn? But then again, he was also the one that had saved Miles from certain death and brought him back and when Amber had launched at him, he hadn’t fought back. They weren’t sure what to think or what to expect and so they prepared themselves for anything.

  Miles reached the door and quickly turned, pulling Amber closer to him by his hold on her wrist and Buddy realized that he had held her arm for this reason. He looked her in her eyes heatedly and brought his other hand up, placing a finger to his lips. It was a determined reminder for her to remain silent and though her eyes showed a slight challenge in them, she nodded and sighed, turning and glancing at Buddy. Why did this feel as if it was going to be so hard? They had been preparing to face the enemy, had fought Biters and other people…but this…Lance was supposed to be dead; he wasn’t supposed to be there, much less save Miles after doing everything that he did to begin with. This history, this resentment laced with gratefulness and uncertainty was what was so difficult. Still, it had to be done, especially considering he would only speak to Miles or Cassie, and Cassie was certainly out of the question. So that only left one option.


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