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Ieloharis Island: The Curse

Page 21

by CB Colin

  Chapter IX

  The Nightmare

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  The spring came, warding of the winter from the Ieloharis island, and the flowers started to reborn. The snowdrops flowers were the first to see spread over the land, so many that gave the impression of that the snow never left the island. The sun was preparing to warm once more the grounds, but this time more gentle. The birds came back, and the forests started to sprout, showing the spring green of their branches.

  Marvell swear that he will never leave Angell again, considering that the girl told who was Kristall for real (she skipped the wish part, only that he suddenly appeared, bewitched her) and Angell promised him that they will get married.

  “What? Are you serious?” Marvell asked, somehow not believing.

  “Yes. Very serious. I thought it well and I end up at the conclusion that I care for you more than anything and I promise Marvell that I will always be honest with you.”

  Marvell hugged her with warm, being in heavens, so hard that Angell felt like she was about to choke.

  Amira was so thrilled, but she frighten somehow that the past will be once more the present. Angell was tired to see Amira on guard all the time, and every time she warned her daughter to keep her moonstone on the finger, because no one will know when Kristall will appear.

  “Mom! Stop it. I am so sick and tired. Don’t you understand that he left the island with his family?”

  “Angell, for real, I am not so sure of that. Maybe he just said so, when actually he didn’t.”

  “Mother, you are concerning too much, really, instead of being happy that everything it’s over.”

  Amira didn’t say anything, preferring to bite her lips. She didn’t agree with her daughter’s believes, she couldn’t be sure until the flowers would be forever gone, and Angell couldn’t banish them away, or to hear them, being scared of them. Amira left the living room, being full of worries. After the woman left, Marvell fixed his glance to a point from the fireplace, lost somehow in his thoughts, but he spoke them.

  “You know Angell; I am starting to believe that your mother is right.”

  “Oh, do not start too Marvell. I am tired of this discussion. Both of you understand this that her disappeared!”

  “I don’t know what to say. I am not sure that he left without a fight. From where do you know that he really left?” he said fern, looking at her.

  But she stopped when Dingo started to bark loudly, and to jump from his hallway basket, waving his tail and waiting for the door to open. Someone could be heard crossing the courtyard fast, and then some knocks at the door, making Dingo barked once more and to jump. Angell got up, and walked quickly to the door, and opened it.”

  On the threshold were standing Lania and Emell, being very scared. It could see clearly that she was crying very hard.

  “Lania, Emell, for the love of God, what happened? Are you alright?”

  “We are fine Angell, sort off. We have a terrible news.” Emell said instead of Lania, because Angell’s friends couldn’t talk because of crying. Even Emell had his face white as snow, like he just saw a ghost.

  “Come in, don’t seat outside.” Angell said. Marvell came too, watching Lania scared, shaking Emell’s hand and together entered the living room.

  “Lania, do you want something to drink?”

  “A…a… whiskey.”

  “A what?”

  “Pl… please.” Lania said, and Angell was very amazed, because her blond friends wasn’t drinking alcohol without a music been played. She thought that how much the girl was devastating, a whiskey would be perfect. Therefore she took the entire bottle.

  She poured in a glass for Lania, which didn’t stop crying, asking herself what the hell happened, and Emell was refusing to say something, being too scared, In the room, Amira appeared.

  “God Lania, what happened?” Amira asked her too.

  “Se… Serena…” Lania was struggling to speak, and drank all the whiskey, then she watched the others who were seating around her, being curios.

  “Is she ok?” Angell asked.

  She remembered that Serena’s parents called her back home, because Serena was seating too much at Angell’s place and the girl had to leave, and since then, Angell stood with a fear in her soul.

  “She… she died.”

  For a minute was totally silence. Angell made big eyes like she didn’t get what Lania said.

  “Wha… what?”

  “Angell, Serena died. They found her without a breath in her house.” Emell said, hugging Lania harder, because the girl started to sighed and to suffer much stronger than before.

  Angell got up on her feet, starting to shake. Wasn’t real what the two of them said, shaking her head unbelieving a thing.

  “N… no, it’s not true.”

  “Angell? Love? Are you ok?”

  Angell turned her head scared to Marvell.

  “Do I look like I am ok?”



  And she started to hit his hard chest with her fists, starting to cry. Marvell hugged her and kissed her forehead.

  “There, there, love.”

  Amira felt in a chair nearby, being pale. She took the whiskey bottle and said.

  “I still have a bottle left.”

  The night felt softly over the island, and outside was silence, only the crickets choir could be heard. Angell was seating on the ground, like a statue, watching the fire from the fireplace. She drank four glasses of whiskey and she didn’t felt almost a thing. Was silence and everyone being in their own thoughts. Lania was the one who drank the most, getting drunk, starting to hum a song in Emell’s arms. Marvell was seating in the chair, drinking slowly whiskey and Amira was on the sofa, lost in thoughts.

  Anyway Angell knew very well that Serena was predisposing to death, having already the 14 number on her hand, but she preferred to believe that somehow she will protect her friend from the curse. Angell was aware that she was saved from the curse and from the Kristall’s influences and from the stupid flower, through the moonstone which she was wearing on the finger. Somehow she wanted to give it to Serena, but her mother said that only she could wear it. Now she was regretting very much. Was probably the worst moment in her life. She couldn’t bear the thought that she had to berry another dear person, and she was left with two friends instead of four.

  Serena was her first best friend. Serena’s parents were lawyers, being her family ones. Amira and Narcissa, Serena’s mother, where high school colleagues, and best friends, and automatically her daughter, Serena, became with Amira’s daughter, sisters. They had together a beautiful history and a lot of stories, created by both.

  Snowy came too, purring relaxed, being the only one who wasn’t worried, sad or scared. Even Dingo felt was what going on, being muzzle on paws.

  The truth was that Angell didn’t care no longer about anything, only the one which remained. Maybe was better to forget the idea of the wheel turning to her life with goodness, because since when he plant the flower in the backyard garden, only trouble came over her.

  Lania felt asleep in the living room, and Emell took her in his arms, conducted by Amira, to Angell’s room.

  “Marvell. Can you leave me alone, please?” Angell asked, drinking from the whiskey, without taking her eyes from the fire.

  “Sure love.”

  He got up, kissing her top of her head, then left, looking worried behind. Angell mediated at the tragedy more after midnight, as much that she was about to explode plus the consumed drink how was making its effect on her, slowly.

  If it wasn’t that minor and mysterious thing with the Marked, the probable didn’t come, and everything would be perfect. First of all, she hated so much that she putted that stupid wish when she had Marvell beside her, and second, she could now have a full family; Lovin prepared to ask her mother as his wife once more. But seemed to be that all those things, which w
ere about to happen in her life, were shattered by her ego.

  But she couldn’t do anything no longer. When she planted the flowers, she didn’t think at the consequences.

  She was so self-furious, that she didn’t which more then to be Marked herself and to forget everything, following Serena. She closed her eyes, thinking at the good moments with her friend, Serena Paulla Codriss.

  A warm tear poured from her greenish eyes, and Angell started to laugh alone, crying at the same time, somehow refusing to accept the reality, remembering the childhood.

  Was a sunny day of summer, and the two girls didn’t had more than 11 years old, and they were discussing very serious about boys.

  “I think he boys don’t have brains at all. That’s my mother used to say, every time she fights with dad. Maybe their brains disappear when they get upset.”

  “It is not true. The boys are made to make a girl happy.”

  Angell came back in her stunning present, and got up balancing, putting the empty glass down on the carpet. She headed to the window still with her smile on the lips, even if her tears were swimming in her eyes, mirroring the dreadful pain from her soul, watching outside seeing the forest how was waved easily by a warmly spring wind.

  “Poor of you Serena. You always said that you will never die. That if the death will try to search you, you will bit the hell out of her.”

  Then she started to cry, putting her hands at her eyes. She put her head on the window, hitting almost cracking it.

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