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Mafia Bride

Page 11

by Burns, Rachel

She turned to Francesco. “Mama, this is Francesco, he was kind enough to offer to take me to the altar.”

  “Yes, we’ve met already.” Her mother smiled at him. He smiled at her mother too.

  Francesco laid his hand on her shoulder. “I have already had the immense pleasure of meeting your mother. I can see where you get your beauty.” He was looking at her mother as he spoke to Anna.

  Anna looked over at Antonio, who was trying not to laugh.

  His parents came in to say hello too. Her mother had a huge smile for his family. They talked about the trip here. Francesco had met up with her mother in Dallas. They obviously hit it off right away.

  Anna sat down on the sofa holding her mother’s hand. She didn’t say much.

  Anna had thought that she would never see her mother again. She wasn’t sure that she would ever again. Antonio’s eyes were on Anna the entire time.

  Her mother was telling them about what she was like as a child. She had been a very quiet child, but she told them about a couple of her misdeeds. Anna blushed and glared at Antonio who was grinning from ear to ear until his father told them about what he had pulled as a child.

  Then it was Anna’s turn to grin.

  Antonio was relieved when the maid called them to the table. Anna could tell that her mother was very impressed with everything here. She smiled her approval at her every now and then.

  Anna was glad that her mother thought her happy and in good hands.

  Antonio was showing himself from his best side too. He was being very charming and considerate.

  Anna relaxed after a while too. Her mother showed her the room that she had been given. It was fancy, a lot fancier than Anna’s room.

  Pamela talked to Anna about the wedding night, and then she really did scold her about quitting her job and taking off. “I didn’t know what to think when I couldn’t reach you. I thought that someone had mugged you and killed you. New rule, you have to tell me before you leave the country. Whatever country. No changing countries without telling me first. Do you understand?”

  “I’m sorry, Mom.” Anna apologized and lied to her mother.

  Her mother unpacked a suitcase. She told Anna that she would be going on a cruise after the wedding. Antonio had insisted on it.

  “He has been so very kind and so generous. When he called explaining that you two had run off together, and then that you were hurt, I worried so much. You scared me, Anna.” Her mother wiped tears out of her eyes. She couldn’t bear to think that Anna may have died. She had lost her husband almost a year ago. Losing Anna too would be too much for her.

  “He felt so bad about that. He loves you a lot, but how do you feel about him?” Her mother sat down on the bed next to her.

  “He is …” Anna stopped talking, wondering if the room was bugged. “I know that he is the only man I know, but he believes in us, and that is so hard to find, right? I mean a man who isn’t too shy to say that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you is amazing. That’s something special that you have to hold on too, isn’t it?”

  Her mother didn’t look satisfied so Anna went on. “I didn’t want to have to ask myself later what would my life be like if I had been brave and went off with him. I was being very brave again.”

  “He will take good care of you, and then you won’t have to be brave ever again. I’m sorry you were put into that position, but look at the bright side. You were able to meet him and fall in love. This is very romantic. You deserve a man who loves you and who can give you a better life. Destiny played you a bad hand when Daddy died.”

  Anna nodded. She didn’t want to think about her father. He would have seen through the charade. He would have said something, and Antonio would have killed him.

  “I need to get to bed now. Tomorrow is the big day.” Anna smiled at her mother and went to the door.

  “Wait a minute, I wanted to thank you for everything you asked him to do for me.”

  Anna looked at her confused.

  “Don’t pretend you don’t know. He paid off the house and the taxes, and he paid so I could be here with you on your big day and for the cruise.” Pamela pointed at herself. “Me, I’m going on a three-month cruise.”

  Anna nodded, that sounded like him. He loved to give her gifts. She had hardly accepted anything so he was bribing her by bribing her mother. “He was more than happy to do it. You know what they say about Italians, family first. You’re part of his family now. Good night, mom.”

  Antonio was standing outside of the door. He reached out to Anna and brought her back to her room.

  Anna didn’t know what to say so she didn’t say anything.

  Antonio stopped outside of her bedroom door. He kissed her on top of her head. “I’ll see you tomorrow. You will be good for me, right?” He looked at her until she nodded.

  She turned and went in to her room. She got undressed and changed into her pajamas. Would this be the last time she slept in this bed? Why did he want her so?

  Her face had fallen into a permanent frown. She went to bed and cried as softly as she could until she fell asleep.

  Antonio couldn’t resist peeking at Anna while she slept.

  He sneaked into her room and stood quietly watching her cry and sniffle. He didn’t know what to say or do.

  Why was she crying? Was it because her mother was in danger or because she didn’t want him? He watched her until he was sure that she was sleeping.

  He left quietly and laid awake most of the night.

  Chapter 25

  “Are you ready, Anna?” Francesco held out his hand to her.

  Anna felt that she had never, in all her life, looked more beautiful. She stood in front of a full-length mirror in the back of the church. She would have to go outside and then walk around the church and come in through the front door.

  Her mother nodded at her and went out to take her place. She wiped a tear out of her eye as she sat down and smiled at Antonio.

  Francesco and several bodyguards led her slowly around the church. Anna walked carefully in her pumps. She didn’t want to fall. Her body was still healing from the fall, and she didn’t want to risk another fall.

  Francesco stopped in front of the closed doors. He looked at her and smiled. She was a perfect wife for Antonio. He had chosen well.

  The doors opened, and he slowly stepped forward with her. Everyone stood up for Anna. He walked her slowly to the altar with his head held high. He held her as steady as he could although she was nervous and shaking.

  “Who gives this woman in marriage?” The Padre asked.

  “I, Francesco Saviano do.” He kissed Anna’s hand and sat down next to her mother.

  Antonio held out his hand to Anna, and she laid hers in his. He helped her walk to his side, and they turned to the Padre.

  He blest them and welcomed the congregation to his church. The church was filled with the highest members of the coffee slash drug mafia in North and South America and lots of bodyguards.

  If this were a movie, then the goods guys would have blown it up, Anna thought.

  Antonio held Anna’s hand and slipped a ring proudly on her finger.

  She was nervous when she had to shove his into place. She made a satisfied noise when she finally got in into place. Those towards the front could see what happened and laughed quietly.

  Antonio was beaming at her.

  The Padre announced them man and wife. Antonio kissed her soundly.

  “You are doing very well,” he praised. He turned them to face their guests and smiled brightly.

  Anna had to swallow hard. She was now married to this man who had kidnapped and punished her again and again. Her mother would never know what she had done for her.

  She didn’t think that he would have done anything to his friends and family, but she knew that her mother had been brought here to ensure that she would behave. She had behaved, and now he had a whole lifetime to do whatever he wanted to her.

  Anna scolded herself, telling herself th
at she should think about the times when he had been good to her. She knew that he knew about spanking thing. He was too much of a gentleman to mention it. He spanked her a little and then made love to her. That was a nice thing for him to do. He could have laughed at her and shamed her.

  Antonio held her hand after she had fallen down the stairs. He treated her as if he was thankful to have her in his life. He understood about her eating habits now.

  They were getting to know each other, and every day they got along better.

  Anna smiled at their guests. She peeked over at Antonio and smiled at him too.

  Cameras flashed, and she blushed and then her smile widened.

  He smiled back at her. She would be rewarded for her good behavior. He could hardly wait to see her reaction to her wedding gifts.

  She was his to spoil now.

  He hugged his wife to his heart. “I love you Anna.” Quickly, he let her go, but he still held her hand as he walked down the aisle with her.

  He didn’t want to see her face or hear her lie to him. He knew that she didn’t love him yet.

  They drove back to his house. The house had been transferred into a beautiful wedding party. Even more flowers than normal were out. A band was playing music by the pool. Anna’s eyes rounded in amazement. “Wow,” she looked at Antonio.

  He smiled so pleased with her. She had only lied to him that one time on their first evening about her driver’s license. Maybe his lesson had borne fruit?

  She couldn’t lie to him any longer. He could read her face like a book.

  He laid his arm around his beautiful bride and then helped her out of the car. She looked at the flowers and enjoyed them. She should, he thought, they were there for her.

  The wedding guests showed up behind them. They praised the house and the flowers. They told Anna how beautiful she was.

  The men kissed her on the cheek, making Anna blush with embarrassment every time. Antonio laughed at her.

  He kissed the female guests as well as the male ones. The women looked her over and tried to size her up as they welcomed her to the family. Anna felt very insecure, but Antonio squeezed her hand whenever she needed reassurance. He was trying to keep his promise.

  After everyone had been greeted, they had a meal. Toasts were made throughout, and Anna and Antonio had to kiss a lot.

  After the meal, the men disappeared, and the women went out in to the garden. The band played music for them, and the women got a basket full of gifts. The band played karaoke. The teenage girls sang some songs.

  Anna stayed by her mother and talked to her. She was packed and ready to go. Her mother would be leaving around nine this evening.

  Antonio had told them that the party would go on until the last guest left. That could take days.

  Anna sat with her mother and her mother-in-law. They talked about how beautiful the ceremony had been and how lovely the house looked. Anna praised everything and gave her mother-in-law credit for it.

  “Where are the men?” Anna asked shyly.

  Rosangela sighed, “Today is Saturday. They are watching football on TV. This is what it is really like to be married. Men take off when something interests them. Be it cars, sports or … anything really.”

  “Surely Antonio wouldn’t cheat on my Anna,” her mother asked appalled, reading between the lines.

  “No, not Antonio. He had to go through too much to get her and keep her. The wedding may have been a quick one, but after she almost died … Well, he knows what it’s like to lose the thing you love most or at least to think that he would lose you.” Rosangela patted Anna’s hand.

  “It’s your turn.” A young woman laid the microphone down in front of Anna. She smiled at her encouragingly.

  Anna looked at her mother, who only smiled.

  “Um … are you sure that no one else wants to have a turn?” Anna was trying to guess how to get out of this.

  “Everyone wants to hear you sing. Everyone else had a turn already and none of us are that great. Don’t be embarrassed. Have a bit of fun, Anna. You are only going to get married once.” The girl grabbed Anna’s arm and tugged Anna to the stage.

  Everyone was clapping. The band suggested her several songs that she could sing. She chose one. The band played, and she sang along.

  The crowd clapped and cheered for her.

  Antonio and the other men heard the cheering. They went out to see what was going on. Antonio couldn’t believe his eyes. His shy wife was singing on the stage and singing very well.

  He stood where she couldn’t see him. The other men stopped behind him. Most could only listen, but the word had spread that it was Anna singing.

  The song ended, and the women cheered and clapped for Anna. They begged her to sing something else. She chose another song and sang it well.

  After that, she gave the microphone to another girl.

  Would he ever know his little wife, Antonio wondered. Maybe he could get her to sing for him this evening when they were alone.

  The men returned their attention to the game.

  Antonia and Anna met again to cut the cake for their guests. Antonio couldn’t help but stare at his wife. She was so beautiful and talented.

  He had been with a couple singers before, but Anna wasn’t at all like them. She could have earned her money singing, but she had gone the safer route. That said a lot about her.

  Antonio laid his hand over her little hand, and they cut the cake together. He carefully fed her. He wanted to gain her trust.

  Anna blushed as she fed him. She was still so shy around him. She wondered if that would ever get any better.

  He stayed by her side and danced with her. He smiled at her every time her eyes met his.

  Then it was time to eat again. Everyone was enjoying the wedding immensely.

  Antonio often talked to people, but if it was something that Anna shouldn’t know about, he spoke in Italian or Spanish. He liked that he could keep her close to him.

  Pamela was packed and ready to go. Anna tugged on Antonio’s hand, and he looked to see what she wanted. He ended his conversation and brought his wife to her mother.

  He let go of her to kiss his mother-in-law goodbye. “Thank you so much for coming. It meant the world for my Anna.” He stepped aside so Anna could say goodbye. Francesco was also there to say goodbye to Pamela. She promised him that she would visit him too.

  Anna couldn’t believe that her mother was ready to move on so soon after her father’s passing. She stood at the door and waved as her mother’s car pulled away.

  The bodyguards didn’t like that, and Antonio had to pull Anna away and wipe her eyes and hug her.

  Everyone was watching them. They had all heard the rumors, but few still believed them.

  Chapter 26

  “Anna you look so beautiful that I’m afraid to touch you.” Antonio stood across from his bride and stared at her. He was seeing the Anna that she had been on that first day. A woman who had been so beautiful that he had wanted her. He wanted her again.

  Anna blushed and lowered her head.

  “Anna, look at me. I want you to look into my eyes. I need you to believe me. This is the beginning of our marriage. A new start. We get a chance to get to know each other on a new level. This will be so much better for you this time around. You don’t have to be afraid of me. I’m not going to hurt you.” He reached into his nightstand drawer. He had a black velvet box in his hands. “This is for you.” He held it out to her.

  She took it, and her forehead wrinkled up with worry. “But I don’t have anything for you.”

  He laughed at her. He had never had a relationship where a woman gave him anything. Women were usually takers, but not his Anna.

  “Open it up, Anna,” he encouraged her.

  She did, and she closed it and glanced at the bed. Her head lowered again.

  “No, don’t start that again. I’m your husband now, and I plan on giving you gifts often. One doesn’t have anything to do with the other.” Hi
s fingertips brushed the bed. He hated that she turned down his gifts by accusing him of wanting to pay for sex.

  “Let me put it on you.” He tenderly took the box from her and removed the diamond necklace. He walked around behind her and lifted the necklace and lowered it around her neck.

  Antonio closed the clasp and turned her so she was looking at him. He was very pleased with his choice. “You look very beautiful. I think the earrings and the bracelet can wait. Right now I need you.” He looked over her again.

  “The diamonds are so big. This isn’t a Hope Diamond, is it?”

  “No. The hope diamond is blue, and it’s only one. You have ten diamonds on your necklace. Each weigh the same, have the same cut and clarity. That makes it worth more.”

  Anna’s hand went to her throat. “I hope I never lose it.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll always watch over you.”

  Anna took a deep breath and sighed nervously.

  “I’m not going to hurt you my darling. My beautiful wife.” He had taken hold of her hand, and he sat down on the bed and guided her down on his lap. Her white dress rustled loudly.

  This was it. The moment he had been talking about since he had met her. She was his wife. He had reached his goal.

  What did that actually mean, she wondered. Was this the first step towards more pain or would it be the salvation that he seemed to be promising her?

  “I know that it has been a long time since we last made love, but I will be very careful with you. You are my wife. I always take very good care of everything that is mine. We will be happy together, exactly like we have been the last couple of weeks. Remember how well I took care of you?” His eyes grew large as he questioned her.

  She nodded at him shyly.

  He rewarded her with another smile. “That’s right, and I will take care of you for the rest of our lives.” He let go of her hand and opened her dress. It opened on the side, and he had to ask her to raise her arm. She did so nervously.

  Antonio pushed her dress down away from her. He reached behind her and opened her corset. He removed it and threw it on the floor. His hand went to her breasts. He kneaded and squeezed them gently at first, and then got a little rougher, as she started to breathe a little heavier.


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