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This Side of Forever (Book Five of the Brides of the West Series)

Page 13

by Hestand, Rita

  The next day the ranch was buzzing with activity. Clay got up early, but he didn't beat Becca up. She was in her robe in the kitchen, making coffee. Juan had just came in, and got a cup of her coffee and had gone back to his task of building a bunkhouse.

  Clay glanced at her as he helped himself to her coffee. "You are a hellova cook, Becca. Where did you learn?"

  "Juan taught me a lot, believe it or not." She laughed as she joined him at the table for a moment.

  "Juan?" Clay laughed.

  "Sounds funny, doesn't it. But from the time I was little, he was there, trying to mother me. That's part of the reason dad sent him out here. He knew Juan would worry about me, unless he could see for himself that things were running well. Not that he didn't trust you and Billy, but Juan and I are very close." Becca explained.

  "You're an unusual kind of girl, aren't you?" Clay marveled.

  "I guess, I'm not the run of the mill. When Mom died, dad was so heartbroken it took him some time to come out of his depression. Juan jumped in and saved us both. He became a father to my father, and a mother to me." Becca laughed.

  "He's quite a character." Clay admitted.

  "You won't find a more loyal person that Juan. I love him as though he were my blood kin." Becca admitted.

  "I'm glad Billy found you. I see temperance in you that he needs." Clay said staring at her dark brown eyes.

  "I fell in love with Billy the moment I saw him trying to break the meanest bull in my father's herd." Becca laughed. "He was trying his best to impress him, and he did manage to stay on him longer than most of the other hands."

  "That's our Billy. He doesn't just get involved, he tackles the hardest first." Clay laughed.

  "Talking about me, big brother?" Billy asked as he strolled into the kitchen, buttoning his shirt and tucking it in his pants.

  "Are your ears burning or something?" Clay smiled.

  "Yep." Billy smiled. He reached and took the cup of coffee Becca was drinking and sipped it. "Mmm, that's good."

  "I'll get you a cup." She offered.

  "I'll get it. Just wanted to taste you this morning." He smiled seductively at her.

  "What are we going to do with this wild mustang?" Becca looked from one to the other.

  "What's for breakfast?" Billy asked as he kissed her on the cheek and looked at the stove.

  "There are biscuits cooking in the oven, in case you can't smell them, and I've cut into that ham you smoked the other day. I'll make some red-eye gravy. Is that enough or do you want eggs too?"

  "I'm still a growing boy; eggs would be great with all that." Billy chuckled.

  "You've got quite an appetite." Becca chortled.

  "Get used to it honey." He laughed.

  "Well, I'd love to stay and chat this morning, but I need to get out there and help Juan for a while, then I'll go into town." Clay announced getting up from the table and staring out the window.

  "I'll be out soon," Billy told him as Clay headed for the door.

  "No rush…" Clay shot them a smile over his shoulder.

  They managed to get the frame of the bunkhouse up before noon and Clay told Juan he had to go into town. Billy was helping and he let him know he'd back as soon as he could.

  "I'll get some blankets and stuff for bedding while I'm in town." Clay nodded to the men as he headed for town.

  He was more than anxious to see Amy this morning. He had to admit, he never thought things would work out this way.

  The morning was clear and it was already heating up.

  As he reined his horse in front of the hotel, he hobbled him and gave him an affection pet, then went inside.

  Beatrice let him in.

  "Good morning." He took his hat off.

  "Morning Clay."

  The expression was tight on Beatrice's face.

  "Something wrong?" he asked as he followed her inside.

  "I'm afraid so. The Sheriff didn't come back, yesterday. I'm worried something might have gone wrong." Beatrice cried.

  Clay tensed. That meant trouble and he knew it.

  "Let me see Amy, and then I'll ride out there and see what happened?" Clay assured her.

  "Thank goodness. I'm so worried." Beatrice wiped her eyes. "I'm the one that sent him out there."

  "You worried about Amy?"

  "No, Amy will mend; she just won't look very pretty for a while. It's the Sheriff. He took a deputy with him; they should have been back late yesterday." Beatrice frowned.

  "Don't worry. We'll get to the bottom of this. You just concentrate on yourself and Amy." Clay assured her once more.

  "Now that George has done this, I'm not sure what he might be capable of. And Martin…I got the papers from his lawyer this morning. He wants the house and all the money in the bank. Not that I don't have enough to get by, but, I thought he'd be more fair to me than that." Beatrice wiped her eyes once more.

  "He's playing this dirty, then?" Clay shook his head.

  "Very much so. I'm just glad that Amy is grown now and I don't have to worry about her and him."

  "What do you mean?" Clay's face was a wad of emotions just now.

  "It's nothing really…Amy wouldn't want me talking about it."

  "If there is a problem I need to know." Clay grabbed her hands and held them, to comfort her.

  "I don't know this for a fact, Clay. So saying anything would not be proper."

  "You must tell me everything, so I can help you." Clay insisted.

  Beatrice looked into his eyes now. "Why do you want to help me?"

  "Because you are Amy's mother, and I respect you. I feel Martin has unfairly troubled you and things aren't right. I want to set them right, Mrs. Clark. Once and for all. So if I can help…."

  "Martin controlled me for years, and as Amy got older he tried to control her. You were the one thing they locked horns on. Amy wouldn't budge. However, Martin…well, his obsession with wanting you out of the way is…not normal. At first, I thought it was because Amy loved you and he wanted her to marry George. But now…I don't know what it is, but…he's obsessed with her!"

  Clay's face turned black with fury. "His own daughter?"

  Beatrice closed her eyes and shook her head as tears poured down her face. "No…no, remember I told you she isn't his daughter"

  "But he thinks she is, right?" Clay stood up now, completely in shock.

  "I don't know! I never told him."

  "My God. This is really turning into a mess?"

  "I don't think he knows." Beatrice grabbed at her chest as though in pain. "I never could bring myself to tell him. He'd have kicked us both out, if he had known."

  Clay's mouth fell open, but words failed him at this point. He wasn't sure what to say.

  Beatrice looked up at him, and reached to pull him down to the sofa. "Let me explain…" she began.

  He nodded.

  "I'm afraid I didn't explain it very well last night. And I so want you to understand. It's a lot like your story, you and Amy. That's why I want you to know about it."

  Clay nodded, "Go on."

  "Two years before I married Martin, I fell in love with a young man. My parents hated him, but I was so in love. Joe Collins was everything Martin wasn't. He was a gentle man, with dreams. We sneaked off at every opportunity to be together. For two years this went on, and Martin courting me at the same time. My parents loved Martin because he was ambitious and they were sure he'd have wealth in no time. They were right about that. However, I never really loved Martin. I liked him, at first, but after a few years of marriage, all we did was tolerate each other. Joe Collins was poor and it didn't look as though that was going to change. But despite it all, I loved him with all my heart. We were at the point of sneaking away to be married, when I found out I was pregnant. But at the same time, Joe wanted to go to California and try his luck at gold mining. He wanted me to run off with him. When he asked me to go with him, I was scared, being pregnant and my folks not knowing about it. I was scared witless. I was so afraid
of my folks and their reaction. I turned him down. I told him to make his fortune and send for me then. He finally agreed. He left, and I never saw or heard from him again. I never knew what happened to him, but I always thought he was either killed by Indians or outlaws, or had some kind of accident. I'm sure he would have returned otherwise. But he was Amy's father, and I loved him dearly. I still do…" Beatrice cried, wiping her eyes again.

  "And Amy has no idea?"

  "No…I was going to tell her, but then this happened with George and I felt it best not to say anything, yet. She's got too much to worry about now."

  Clay nodded. "You are right about that. Beatrice. I'm sorry…about Joe and…so many things. And it does remind me of Amy and I a little. But, I do intend to have something someday. And I want a big family too."

  Beatrice smiled.

  "If Martin had found out, he'd have killed me. He couldn't live with the shame." Beatrice cried.

  "Then don't tell him. You're safer not saying a word for now. Look, Beatrice, I want you and Amy to come out to the ranch. You'll be safe there. We won't let anyone harm you, and you can both rest and relax." Clay said firmly.

  "Thank you…for so many things. And…for loving my daughter so much." She leaned to kiss him on the cheek.

  Touched by her display of affection he smiled. "So how's our patient this morning?"

  "She rested well last night. I've given her more of her medicine she's not in a lot of pain now, but she's sleeps a lot." Beatrice smiled.

  After Clay had time to think about it, he was shocked as though he just put the puzzle together her turned to look at Beatrice.

  "Martin wants Amy…for himself?" Clay asked trying to make sense of it all.

  "Yes." Beatrice slumped a bit. Her eyes mirroring the hurt of that confession. "I'm afraid so. I talked to Amy about that some, and she confirmed her own suspicions of him." Beatrice told him.

  "That's so sick…" Clay shook his head. "He thinks he her father. And he's raised her all these years!"

  "I know…that's why I'm afraid of him. He'd just as soon kill me as go through this divorce." Beatrice cried.

  "Don't you worry. Somehow, we are going to take care of all of this, Beatrice. Don't you fret. I want you to get things together so this evening I can take you back with me. We'll make a bed for Amy in the back of the wagon." He suggested.

  "Alright. I can do that."

  He nodded. "And try not to worry so much."

  "I'll try…going on now; I know you want to see her." Beatrice encouraged.

  "Thanks…I've got a lot to do today, so I won't stay long, but I'll be back."

  She nodded.

  He went inside to Amy.

  She had some color today and her eyes although was nearly black, looked as though it might be healing some it wasn't as swollen. But he could hear her rough breathing and knew she was suffering.

  "Amy…" he called her name as he sat by her on the bed.

  She opened her eyes, at least one of them.

  She smiled…"Clay…"

  He bent and kissed her tenderly on the side of her mouth. "You look better today. How do you feel? I don't want to hurt you."

  She closed her eyes for a minute. "Better…now. And you aren't hurting me." She smiled.

  "Amy, I want you and your mother to come stay at the ranch. It will be safer there." Clay said, holding her hand.

  She looked at their hands, mesmerized. "Are you sure? I mean we don't want to cause any trouble for you."

  "I'm very sure. I'm coming back to get you this afternoon late. Your mother is going to pack up and we'll go in the wagon so you can lie in the back."

  "Alright…" she smiled.

  "I've got a lot to do today…so…I can't stay long. But I'm coming back to get you this evening." He assured her, squeezing her hand.

  She reached up and touched his cheek. "I wish you didn't have to go…there's so much…I need to say."

  "I'll be back…" he felt the need to kiss her once more, but this time he felt her mouth move beneath his and he was lost in the kiss. He pulled her up against him and she moaned softly.

  He pulled away, "Did I hurt you?"

  "No…" she smiled into his concerned face."You could never hurt me."

  "But…" she hesitated. "We need to talk…"

  "I know that…but not now. We'll have plenty of time when you come out to the ranch." He explained.

  She squeezed his hand again. She nodded as tears gathered in her eyes.

  He looked down into her face. "I hate that he hurt you…"

  "Promise me…don't do anything about this…" She whispered.

  He stared down into her beautiful face, "I can't promise that. I'm trying to control my temper. I'm trying hard. And I want you to know, I want to do what's right. But when I look at you…like this. I want to rip him apart, Amy. It's all I can do, not to."

  "I don't love him…," she whispered. "I never did."

  Clay stared into her eyes. "Get some rest, Amy. I'll be back as soon as I can."

  "Promise me…." She whispered.

  He nodded. "I promise…I won't kill him."

  She tried to smile, "Is that the best you can do?"

  "Yes!" He said and opened the door to leave.

  She nodded.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Clay came out of her room and looked at Beatrice who was staring out the window. He needed to get his emotions under control but with Amy here, it would be harder. Seeing her, being with her, and her in such a vulnerable state.

  "She looks better," he said, clearing his throat.

  "Yes, and I think it's because of you." Beatrice nodded, her expression growing serious. Her eyes shimmered from the glare of mid-day. "She never stopped loving you, you know. I knew that. I guess a mother always does."

  "She's going through a lot right now." Clay remarked casually, his voice low but steady.

  "Yes, you're the one she loves and you are here. That's all she needs." Beatrice broke into tears. "I was wrong, Clay, very wrong. I let Martin tell me how to think so long, I forgot how to do it myself."

  Clay took Beatrice in his arms and comforted her, allowing her the comfort of shielding her eyes from him. "She's going to be alright. And so are you. However, right now, I've got to get out there and find out what happened to the Sheriff. You are sure he's not back?"

  "Yes, I had the desk clerk check to be sure. He nor his deputy haven't been seen…Be careful, Clay." Beatrice pulled away and wiped at her eyes once more with her delicate white silk hankie. "Something has happened, I'm sure of it."

  "I intend to find out. Now pack up and be ready. I'll come back as soon as I can." He explained.

  "Alright." She agreed.

  He looked at her, "A hey, a little smiling around here wouldn't hurt anyone."

  She looked at him and offered him a weak smile.

  "That's better…I'll be back."

  As he left, he wondered what he was fixing to run into. He headed for the ranch first, since it was on the way to George's place. He wanted to tell Billy that Beatrice and Amy were coming here, and that he was going after the Sheriff, just in case he didn't return either. Someone needed to know.

  He stopped long enough to talk to Juan and Billy. They were still hammering on the bunkhouse, and it was taking some shape.

  "The Sheriff didn't come back, yesterday or today. Beatrice is beside herself with worry about him." Clay explained. "I offered to check on things. He should have been back by now. I'm pretty sure what I'm going to find."

  Juan shook his head. "This is not good. You cannot ride out there alone, señor. If the Sheriff left with a deputy and he's not back, he has run into trouble."

  "I agree. That's why I'm heading out there, to find out what happened. I wanted you to know where I was going though. And…I wanted to tell you that Amy and her mother would be coming to stay with us, late tonight. It's the only place safe that I know of."

  "That is probably a good idea. Perhaps it will give them peac
e. But you going alone out there is not a good idea. I will go with you…" Juan insisted.

  "This isn't your fight, Juan."

  "No, it's mine though." Billy suggested heatedly.

  Juan shrugged, "Then we all three go."

  Clay frowned. "I hate involving you in this Juan."

  "You are a protector of people…just like Mr. Sanders said. I will go…" He insisted.

  "One thing…I promised Amy I wouldn't kill him." Clay announced, looking straight into his brother's eyes.

  Billy stared at him long and hard. "Why'd you promise something like that?"

  "Because I want a future here Billy. I want to live, and ranch and marry and do all the things a man does in his lifetime. I don't want to spend the rest of my life in jail because of a man like that." Clay frowned at him. "And I mean that. So unless we have no choice, there will be no killing."

  "Si, I agree." Juan nodded.

  "Good, let's ride." Clay nodded to them both.

  "Wait a minute. I gotta tell Becca." Billy said and walked to the house.

  "Already he is a husband." Juan laughed.

  "She just might talk him out of going." Clay smiled.

  "Aw…Becca is a fighter. She will let him go, but she might have to kiss him a few times." Juan laughed.

  Clay laughed.

  "Aw…you laugh now. That is the first time I have heard you laugh since I have met you." Juan said, his eyes going over him with understanding.

  "What can I say? A woman has a way of changing things." Clay admitted.

  "Si, you are right. Women are the glory of men." Juan said, his eyes lighting with mischief.

  "Are you married Juan?" Clay asked.

  "Once." Juan sobered quickly.

  Clay leaned on the corral fence for a minute and looked at him, cocking his head.

  "Indians." Juan looked at him sadly.

  "I'm sorry…" Clay said lowly.

  "It is alright. It was years ago." He tried to sound strong but the light went out in his eyes.

  Clay studied him a minute. "You and Mr. Sanders lost a lot to the Indians?"

  "Si. A lot…"

  "I am sorry for that." Clay shook his head.

  "You fought the rebels, I fought the Indians. You won, I lost. But…I will survive."


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