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Adrianna's Storm

Page 11

by Sasha Parker

  She smiled and agreed. They grabbed some plates and piled food on to them as they went in search of Reilly. He was standing in the garden, listening to Mrs. O'Leary and Mrs. Ryan talk to him about their quilting club. He looked bored to tears, when he caught her gaze and she giggled as they approached. He quickly broke in and made his excuses as they all went over to a quiet corner by a small table in the back of the garden.

  They huddled together, the three of them in their own little world, while they fed each other the food from the plates. In between bites, the men would steal kisses from her and when they finished, she sat back with a contented sigh. She looked around the garden at all the friends and family that had come to celebrate. She saw her sisters laughing and talking with everyone. Her grandmother was sitting in a high back chair by the patio doors and looked as if she was holding court. It was a lovely evening.

  Kira and Erin brought the cake out and everyone sang 'Happy Birthday' to Calli. She blew out the large candle on top and then they all dug into the cake. It was nearing ten-thirty when people started heading home. Their grandmother had gone upstairs around nine to take a nap. She had said she would need her strength for the ceremony at midnight.

  All the girls, as well as Lachlan and Reilly, were cleaning up. Calli was carrying her presents upstairs to her room and making sure the few guests staying at the castle were comfortable. They put away the food, sneaking bites in between. As Ari walked in and out of the rooms, making sure everything was put away, she stepped into the living room to see if there was any trash. She looked everywhere and then turned to go when she ran into a wall of muscle.

  She looked up into Reilly's smiling face as he said, "Ah, luv, if you wanted me alone, all you had to do was say so."

  She placed her hands on his chest and said, "Silly, man, we have to finish cleaning up."

  He leaned in until their lips were almost touching and said, "Not even for a quickie?" He flicked his tongue out and ran it along the seam of her lips.

  She laughed and then kissed him lightly. "No. We have too much to do."

  He stuck his lip out in a pout. "Fine, I will go put the remaining chairs in the pool house. Lachlan is in the kitchen, helping to pack away the last of the food."

  She nodded and he headed out. She sighed loudly as she watched his fine ass walk out, sad they didn't have time for that quickie. She shook her head and went back into the kitchen to declare the castle was clean.

  She grabbed Calli's hand as she saw her coming into the kitchen and took her into the living room.

  She reached into her pocket and pulled out her mother's necklace. "I wanted to give this to you before all the craziness really begins. It was mom's, and I know she wanted you to have it today." She had given each of the girls on their twenty-first birthday a piece of jewelry that had belonged to their mother. Their grandmother had kept it all safe for her.

  It was a small heart surrounded in diamonds. She explained to Calli that their father had gotten it for their mother when they had gotten pregnant with Calli. Calli got tears in her eyes as she looked at the necklace. Ari helped her put it on and then hugged her again.

  "Thank you," Calli told her as they broke apart. "This means the world to me."

  "Mom and Dad would be so proud of you, squirt." Ari ruffled her hair like their dad used to do.

  They were in another hug when Kira, Erin, and Sheela came in to see what piece Ari had given Calli. It was always a secret until Ari gave it and they all hugged together for a few moments. That was how the men found them when they came to announce it was time for them to meet with their grandmother. The women all broke apart and took deep breaths. It was time to meet destiny head on.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Reilly and Lachlan each took hold of Ari's hands and led the women through the garden. They entered the woods, heading to the clearing by the stream. As they came to the clearing, they saw candles lit everywhere. Their grandmother was standing in the middle of a circle surrounded by the largest candles that went all around a large Sessile oak, a tree native to Ireland. She had her eyes closed and her head back, her arms were raised to the heavens. All of the young women and the two men stopped to take in the beauty of the scene before them.

  After a few minutes, their grandmother, who had seemed to be in a trance, lowered her arms and turned to them. She beckoned them forward. The men stayed back, spacing themselves to guard the women in case of an attack. This would be a time when they would be vulnerable.

  The women approached their grandmother and she indicated where they should stand. "Each of you needs to stand at the point marked by one of the largest candles. It is almost midnight. I need you to chant with me, listen to the words I am saying and repeat them." She saw in their eyes that they were nervous. "Do not be afraid. Reach back into your memories, you were made for this."

  Each woman nodded and took her place. They heard their grandmother's words and began to chant with her.

  "Darksome Night and Shining Moon, East and South and West and North, Hearken to the Witches' Rune; Hear me now, I call thee forth."

  Their grandmother had explained earlier that the chant was an old ritual, one that had been written by 'the mother of modern witchcraft', Doreen Valiente. She had also told them that Mother Earth and Sun God were going to bless them with their powers.

  As they continued to chant, a large ball of light appeared in the center of the circle as it had in the dining room. Then it began to grow bigger and bigger until there was a flash of light and a very pretty woman stood there. The women all stopped chanting to stare in awe of her. She was wearing what looked like to them a pilgrim's costume. It was a long black gown with a white apron over it. She even had a little white cap on the back of her head. She turned to all five of them and smiled.

  "Merry meet, my daughters, I am Aine. I am the original witch in the Kirkpatrick line." The women could only gape at their many times great grandmother. "I will now call forth all of previous witches of our line, all of the past Blessed Five to join with us to bring forth your new powers."

  She closed her eyes, raised her arms, and began to chant. "Come, my daughters, hear me now, we must be close to speak the vow. Join me here by the sacred tree, so that our new daughters will be Blessed. Blessed be."

  There was another flash and suddenly there were hundreds of little balls of light floating around them. The women were filled with a warm feeling of overwhelming love.

  Aine spoke. "These are your family, they will help us call forth Mother Earth and Sun God to bless you. Do not fear. They are sending you their love." She turned to their grandmother. She put her hand over her heart and said, "We honor you, Concepta Belenus, and welcome you as well, Blessed be." She bowed her head to her.

  Their grandmother repeated the gesture and said, "Blessed be."

  Then Aine turned to Reilly and Lachlan. "We also welcome you, Guardians. We honor your presence." Again, she put her hand over her heart and bowed. The men returned the gesture reverently.

  She turned her attention back to the sisters. "Now, my sisters, raise your arms, close your eyes, and call with me for the Blessed Five powers."

  They all did as she told them and silently called forth Mother Earth and Sun God. "We ask the god and goddess to come forth. Bless these women, our sisters, allow them to be what they were born to be. Grant them the powers of the Blessed Five."

  The wind picked up and began to swirl all around them. A sphere of green light appeared in the center of the circle and began to flash brighter and brighter. Then it split into five smaller spheres, floating to each of the sisters. Then in a flash they shot through each woman's chest and the women began to glow green.

  All five sisters felt a slight burning on their chests, over their hearts, but they kept still. The wind continued to blow all around, the leaves now swirling around them. Then there was a loud clap of thunder and one strike of lightening, everything fell silent.

  Aine smiled brightly at them. Despite all of the wind, not o
ne hair was out of place. "Sisters, welcome. You are now the Blessed Five, and as such, bear our mark. Cherish each other and protect what is yours. There is an evil approaching and many battles will you face. Know that we are with you, in spirit. We will always be by your side. Blessed be."

  With that, she was gone in a flash. All of the little balls of light began to disappear one by one with a little 'pop'. The sisters stood still in their spots, watching them all until they were all gone, then they looked at their grandmother and broke out in smiles.

  Their grandmother had tears in her eyes. "I am so proud of you all. You have done our family proud and will bring honor to the Blessed Five." She closed her eyes for a moment and when she opened them she said, "It is always so nice to feel the love of the entire line. I miss that."

  Each of the women went to her and hugged her. Then they stood back as she told them she had to go lay down and bid them good night. They watched as she walked back toward the main castle, leaning on Reilly's arm. The five sisters turned to each other and then they giggled.

  Erin spoke first. "Wow. That was...intense."

  "You got that right," Kira said.

  Calli spoke up, "I feel all tingly inside."

  "That's exactly it. Tingly." Sheela agreed. She looked down her shirt.

  "What are you doing, Shea?" Kira asked her.

  Sheela glanced up and said to them, "Um, did anyone happen to notice that we have tattoos now?" She looked back down her shirt again as all the women did the same.

  "No way, wow, that is really beautiful," Erin exclaimed.

  Ari pulled her shirt away from her chest and looked down. She saw that she, too, had a tattoo. It was four circles connected by a fifth, it looked like a flower, it was actually simple but beautiful as a representation of their blessing.

  Lachlan approached Ari and curved his finger around the collar of her shirt. He pulled it slowly toward him while he looked deep into her eyes. Then as his eyes began to travel down to her chest, they began to darken with desire. His finger slipped inside her shirt and lightly traced the tattoo. Ari was held captive by his gaze and his touch.

  "That is very sexy, sweet," he said in a deep voice that set off sparks of desire in her belly. "I can't wait until we are alone and I can trace it with my tongue."

  Ari let out a little moan as he leaned toward her to give her a passionate kiss. Then he stepped back with a wink to give her a moment with her sisters. It took her a moment to rejoin the conversation they were having.

  Calli was saying, "Well? What do we do now? How does all this work?"

  Ari stepped back from the women and said, "Watch." She raised her hand with one finger pointed up and then twirled her finger. A small wind tornado began about three feet tall; it spun in place until Ari put her hand facing down.

  "I don't know how I know to do that, but I do," Ari told them.

  Erin stepped up and said, "I think the knowledge came with our powers. Isn't it cool? Follow me." She began to walk toward the little stream that was near the big tree. She raised her hand and the water began to rise up in one spot. When she waved her hand back and forth, the water began to undulate.

  Sheela stepped up next and said, "I really hope I can do this." She pointed her finger at the ground and a little fire popped up. It looked like a small campfire.

  Kira walked over to the fire Sheela had started and waved her hand. A small mound of earth moved and then rose up to cover the fire. It put it out immediately. The two women looked at each other and grinned.

  Then they looked at Calli. She shrugged and said, "I have the gift of spirit. It's hard to demonstrate that. I got the gift that Mamo had. I speak to those past and see visions."

  "Wow. That's huge," Kira said and they all agreed.

  "Don't you think it's ironic that most of us have jobs that relate to our powers?" Erin asked.

  Ari got their attention and said, "We all need to get some rest. I don't know about you, but I am tired. It seemed to drain me, the circle and doing that little stunt."

  "Among other things," Erin murmured.

  Ari slapped her on the arm but laughed. "Fine. Whatever. Let's go, we are exposed out here and I don't like it. Neither does Lachlan by the way he's glaring at me."

  They all turned to look at the Guardian. He was indeed glaring at them but when his eyes met Ari's they softened and her sisters giggled again. She rolled her eyes and started pushing them toward the castle.

  "Tomorrow we will meet with Mamo and practice with our new powers. Reilly and Lachlan told me there will be other Guardians arriving soon to protect each of you." When she saw them open their mouths to protest, she said, "Not a word of argument. You will be protected, end of discussion."

  They all grumbled but began to walk back. Lachlan took up the rear with Ari. He put his arm around her and she leaned on him for a little support. When they arrived at the back door to the castle, Reilly met them and informed them their grandmother was resting comfortably. They thanked him and he bowed his head to them. Then Ari told her sisters good night and gave them each a hug. Lachlan told Ari to go ahead to bed, they were going to make sure the castle was secure for the night.

  Ari trudged up the stairs. She felt like the weight of the world was on her shoulders. She vowed to herself that she would keep her sisters safe. She stopped abruptly at the top of the stairs as she realized her life in New York was over. She couldn't go back to that world.

  For a moment she felt a great sadness for the loss of that life. Then she thought of being with her men, sisters, and grandmother. She felt a sense of peace come over her and knew that it was meant to be. New York was the past. Reilly and Lachlan were her future. With that thought, she got ready for bed and promptly fell asleep with the peace that her life finally made sense.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The next few days were filled with discovery. Their grandmother had taken the women into the forest again and talked to them about the spell book. She had them do spells they remembered from their childhood and then taught them new spells. She also helped them work on their powers. She taught them exercises to strengthen them and build on them.

  The women worked hard each day to gain strength and knowledge. Reilly and Lachlan even brought them a picnic lunch in the meadow where they were practicing each day. They stood guard every day and helped where they could. They had a lot of information from the Council and Coni about the Blessed Five. They were able to teach the women about the Council, how it governed all Magical beings.

  The Council was made up of four magical beings. One representative from the main branches of magic: witches, fairies, elves, and warlocks. They kept order in all things. They knew if magick was used. The men told them the four was all-powerful and could tell when and where it had been used.

  The Guardians were like their soldiers. They were sent out to keep safe those that were in danger from either another magical being or human. Ari, for one, was very happy they had been sent. Guardians had their own special magick that they could wield. The women all asked for a demonstration, but the men declined saying that it could only be used when there was danger. Their job was important and they took it very seriously. They did show them how they blur the castle so it was hard to see it in the day or night.

  Every afternoon, the men got down to business with the women teaching them how to fight. They explained that the women needed to know not only their magick but also how to physically defend themselves. They would go over moves and scenarios so the women would be prepared for almost anything.

  Even though they worked all day, Ari saved her nights for her men. They loved her sweetly and passionately. She knew she was so in love with them that she didn't know where she ended and they began. She knew they loved her as well, but she hadn't agreed yet to be Handfasted. She couldn't face all of that as she was trying to focus on her magick and her sisters.

  Each night, the sisters would talk about their plans and the future. All of the sisters were in agreement that they needed t
o be together for the foreseeable future. They were all on a leave of absence from their jobs. Even Calli had surprised them and told them she had graduated early. They were so proud of her.

  Ari had decided to call Julie and turn in her notice. She just hadn't been able to bring herself to do it yet. She thought that it might be better if she did it in person. She knew she had time, as Julie didn't expect her back for another couple of weeks. It may come down to her going back and working for a short time to give Julie time to replace her. She had spoken to the guys about it a lot but hadn't made a final decision yet.

  Their grandmother was overjoyed with having them all 'home' as she called it. She began discussing doing some renovations on the castle. She suggested making suites in different sections in order to give the women their privacy but still keep them all under one roof. The sisters loved the idea and they had asked a local architect to draw up some plans. Everyone was excited to see what he came up with.

  Things were coming along nicely in Ari's mind. They all worked hard on their spells and with their powers. Ari would always get up earlier than her sisters and work a little longer. She knew the 'evil' was coming. She could feel it. It had already tried for her sisters once, she wouldn't let it get to them again. She would die to protect them.

  At the end of the second week, their grandmother declared a day off. She told the sisters to go out, shop, do something else. They were to relax and enjoy life a little. So the sisters decided to go to the pool house for a while.

  There had been a major change in the castle recently. Another set of Guardians had come. Aedan and Myles O'Connor were very attractive. They were also brothers, strong and muscular like Reilly and Lachlan. They both had light brown hair with blonde touches in it. The sisters felt better having more Guardians around, not that Reilly and Lachlan weren't capable. It was just the sisters were feeling antsy and there were five of them with only two Guardians. The numbers weren't on their side. Ari found it funny that Erin seemed the most bothered by the new Guardians. She kept that to herself as she watched them together. The future would tell.


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