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Ruthless Billionaire (Billionaire Knights Book 2)

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by Cheryl Phipps

  He'd fought to keep his bachelorhood, much to his mother's frustration, but he'd never felt ready to commit. Most of his time was running his fledgling security company alongside Andy, albeit under the umbrella of the family business, and helping his mom.

  He’d only just begun at Knight Industries, fresh out of college, when his father passed away. His mother stepped into the role, but he couldn’t leave her to everything, so that had meant more hours.

  Even if he’d found a woman who was worth the risk, he was damn sure they wouldn’t put up with a man who was never home.

  Caris was studying to be a doctor, and his brothers had gotten off lightly. Mainly because they were too busy studying, or in his brother’s case having a good time, although they all sat on the board. So far, it was only Sarah who had followed Ben into top management. She was amazing and when he walked away to make his own mark on the world, or if their mother retired, which she was making noises about, Sarah would be the next CEO.

  The problem was walking away. He couldn't go unless everything was perfect. Sarah was also the only one who truly appreciated that.

  He poured two coffees from the carafe he’d found, and took his cup over to the bed. Should he wait for the shower, or just dress? As much as he'd have liked to take her back to bed, Jenna had made it clear that it was time to go.

  She came out of the bathroom wearing jeans and a T-shirt. She still looked hot, even when she was doing everything she could to not look at him. Was she ashamed at what they’d done? It hadn’t felt like she had any issues last night, but the light of day had brought about a change, and he didn’t like it. Although it could make his life easier, which right now, was definitely appealing.

  She began to clean up the kitchen, which was hardly dirty.

  "Do you want to take a shower?" she asked, with no hint of emotion.

  That sealed it. She obviously wanted to forget last night, and he could do that. Hopefully.

  "Thanks, but I should get back. I want to check on Sarah and my mom."

  "Of course."

  The drive back was a silent affair. Now that was something he could contemplate, if Jenna was interested. She was staring out the window and he couldn't tell what she was thinking, but he suspected that this was an anomaly, and to meet up for sex on a regular basis wasn't going to fly with her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jenna knew she was being rude, but it was self-preservation. Her go to when what she’d imagined wasn’t any such thing. Her mind had played tricks on her once again, and she’d let it. Why had things changed for her, and when?

  Was it when he had made sure her needs were met, before his own? How he wanted to look after everyone? How his touch ignited something within her, so that she felt more present, and more alive since her mother passed away?

  Not content with a night of passion, her heart had somehow opened up and let this billionaire playboy claim a piece of it. A piece he didn’t want, and had no intention of nurturing. A piece, that no matter how clearly he’d told her this was a one night stand, wanted more. So much more.

  Ben swung around the fountain and pulled the Porsche up to the front door. “Will you come in? I know Mom would be glad to see you.”

  “I don’t think so. I need to get back home and get the shop stripped back.”

  He was shocked. “By yourself? I could put you in touch with our builders.”

  “I don’t think they’d be in my price bracket.”

  She had her hand on the door, when he stopped her.

  “We could make a deal.”

  Jenna swiveled in her seat. “Another deal, Mr. Knight.”

  He grinned. “Is there anything I can suggest that you’d consider?”

  “I’ve done plenty that you’ve suggested,” she blurted.

  He grinned. “They were different deals. One we both seemed to know the rules for.”

  She gave a tight smile. “Yes, you were pretty clear about the rules.”

  He frowned. “You were too, as I recall.”

  “I guess it’s good that neither of us can commit. We go our separate ways and no one gets hurt.”

  Ben looked uncomfortable. “I can commit. I mean, I would if the circumstances were right. One day.”

  Jenna wasn’t sure what to make of this conversation, and she wasn’t sure if he knew where they were taking it either. “That’s a big change from the day before yesterday.”

  “Are we still being hypothetical? Because we’d only just met. Just tell me, will we see each other again?”

  Jenna studied her hands, while her heart beat a steady tattoo at the possibility of Ben in her life. It could only end in pain, but the words came out anyway. “I don’t know. Part of me thinks we should let it end here. Why ruin a good thing?”

  Ben cupped her chin with his warm palm, forcing her to look into his eyes.

  “Because I’m not ready to say goodbye just yet.”

  She blinked several times, and he touched his lips to hers, very gently, which only made Jenna want him more.

  Finally, Ben got out and opened her door.

  “Come in for a minute at least, while I get your car brought around.”

  She was so confused, and already regretting letting Ben think that they would be seeing each other again. He was holding the main door open for her, so she got out and reluctantly she followed him down the empty hall. It seemed much larger today since all the decorations had been removed. They could hear voices from a side room which Ben entered.

  “Good morning. I was wondering when you’d return. Andy did pass on your message.” She saw Jenna behind him. “Hello, come right in, Jenna.”

  Ben kissed his mom, while Jenna shuffled forward awkwardly.

  “How is everyone today?” Ben asked the full room.

  Jenna had never been more embarrassed. While his mother and his family were courteous, all of them gave her frank looks of curiosity, and Ben acted like this meeting was the most natural thing in the world, even though they’d left and clearly spent the night together.

  Eloise Knight filled coffee cups for the two of them, without asking. It appeared to be a mandatory ritual.

  “As well as can be expected. No one can say that we didn’t give them a good time. Even if they didn’t get a wedding,” she added.

  Ben looked around, “Where’s Sarah?”

  “I tried to talk her out of it, but she’s gone on her honeymoon.”

  “What?” Ben almost shouted.

  "Calm down," Caris said, coming to her mother’s defense. “We all thought it was a bit odd, but she insisted it would be a waste of money if she didn’t use it. She did say she didn’t know how to face everyone, so I guess she had to get away.”

  “Did she go alone?”

  Andy had come into the room, and picked up a coffee. “Most definitely. I took her to the airport a little while ago.” He headed over to a buffet set under the window which looked out into the garden, and proceeded to fill a plate.

  Ben followed and beckoned Jenna over. Her stomach was rumbling and it smelled wonderful.

  “Thanks for doing that, I think. Did you stay the night here?” Ben asked.

  “I did. In your place. I hope you don’t mind, but I’d had a bit much to drink.”

  “Not at all.”

  “It’s not like Ben was using it,” Matthew piped in from the corner.

  He and his brother looked a little seedy, but both managed a cheeky grin at her. Jenna emphasized with Sarah. The need to get out of here was overpowering. This was a family breakfast, and it wasn’t her family. She didn’t want to be known as Ben’s easy wedding lay, even if it was true.

  “That’s quite enough, you two. Are you not staying to eat, Jenna?”

  “I’m good, Mrs. Knight. I need to get home, and I’m just waiting for my car to be brought around. I did want to thank you again for your hospitality yesterday.”

  “Nonsense, you did us a favor, and please call me Eloise. I was so impressed with how you hand
led Marcus and the other guests. It was exactly right.”

  Jenna blushed. “I’m glad. It was a pleasure to meet you all, but I must go. Goodbye.” She turned tail and left before she said or did something she’d regret. Like cry.

  This was crazy. He emotions were bumping against each other as they fought for control. How could she be so envious and sad that this wasn’t her life? Two days didn’t mean anything. How could it?

  Her car was out front and she’d made it to the door when Ben came down the stairs, looking angry.

  “What the hell was that all about?”

  She got into the car. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  He held onto her door. “You walked out on the family. It was a bit rude.”

  “I was rude?” she couldn’t believe him. Not this time.

  “Yes. You could have had breakfast at least. You know, to be polite.”

  “I wasn’t polite? Are you kidding me? I lost my appetite with everyone looking at me like I was a hooker.”

  Ben stood back, looking appalled. “Why would you say such a thing? My family doesn’t think that.”

  “It sure felt that way. Now, excuse me, I’ve got things to do.”

  “As if I haven’t.”

  “I’m sure yours are far more important than mine.”


  “Goodbye.” Jenna slammed the door, then wound down the window. “And don’t forget my money. I do believe I earned it.” She could have kicked herself, because she already knew how he was going to take that.

  “You certainly did,” he shouted, as she gunned the motor.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “You are one hell of an idiot.” Andy was on the front step, arms folded.

  “Just leave it.” Ben had watched Jenna’s car disappear, as his anger turned to confusion and disbelief.

  “Admit that you like that little lady.”

  “I’m not admitting anything of the kind.”

  “Suit yourself. I just got a call from a fellow officer. He did some digging on your nearly brother-in-law.”

  “Let’s go out the back.” They walked around the house to where the marquee still stood. It was getting dismantled the next day, but everything had been cleared from the inside already. “What did your friend find out?” Ben asked, halfheartedly.

  Andy didn’t beat around the bush. “Marcus has a girlfriend.”

  “I figured as much.”

  “He’s been pretty clever about hiding her, which is hard for me to accept, knowing what a loser he is. She’s living in an apartment in town that Marcus has been paying rent on for several months.”

  “The scum. Why the hell was he marrying Sarah?” Ben’s hands clenched.

  “Money. Pure and simple.”

  Ben was confused. “But his family is loaded.”

  “Not anymore. Their shares took a tumble and it looks like Mr. Dench will be filing for bankruptcy any day.”

  “I had no idea. So, he was going to marry a woman he didn’t love to save the family from ruin by getting his hands on our money?”

  Andy kicked at some leaves. “Looks that way from where I’m standing.”

  “I guess it’s irrelevant now, and Sarah doesn’t need to know.”

  Andy nodded. “That’s my conclusion. Although, if she asks about any of it, I’m not sure that I can lie to her.”

  Ben knew how hard it was to do that around his family. “Do your best. I know how persuasive Sarah can be. I wish I’d trusted my gut instinct about Marcus.”

  “It’s not like you not to.” Andy paused. “How does that instinct feel about Jenna leaving like that?”

  “Andy,” he warned, and his friend took a step back.

  “Just asking.”

  “Well, don’t.” Ben had a million thoughts racing through his head, and oddly none of them were related to work. They hadn’t been for a couple of days, and even though he was surprized by it, Jenna was taking up most of them. Even more than his sister’s failed wedding. That wasn’t right.

  Andy wasn’t about to let it go either.

  “You know, from the brief time I spent with her, I could tell that Jenna was real. She’s not one of those socialites, who have no brain or proper feelings, who are always coming on to you. And, man she’s hot. If you decide you’re really not interested, will you give her my number?”

  Any other man would have had serious repercussions coming his way, but he knew Andy was baiting him. They did not share women. Ever. And Jenna was far from being his, but he did want to see her again. He could deny that to everyone else, just not to himself. Or this big Texan beside him.

  Just then his phone warned him of a message. It was from Jenna. He didn’t remember giving her his number.

  Ben, I was embarrassed and angry and I apologize if your family did think me rude just now. Please keep your money. I don’t want it, since I had so much fun yesterday. It wasn’t a job for me, and it has no relevance to last night.

  Please accept this and don’t contact me again.


  If he was a true gentleman he would accept what she’d written and leave her be. Unfortunately, he was also a man who liked a challenge, and everything about Jenna challenged him. He had to see her. Had to tell her how she made him feel.

  “Andy, how long are you staying here for?”

  “You trying to get rid of me?”

  “Maybe. I’m not sure.”

  “If I didn’t love you like a brother, I would be inclined to take that seriously.”

  “You? Serious? Don’t make me laugh.”

  Andy studied him. “Well, don’t you suddenly sound happier? What’s the plan?”

  “There’s no plan.”

  “Don’t kid a kidder. You have something up your sleeve, and that’s a fact.”

  “It’s a need-to-know basis.”

  “How about we wrestle for the information?”

  Ben laughed. “I may be dumb, but I’m not stupid. Let’s go finish breakfast, then I might tell you.”

  Andy dropped his arm on Ben’s shoulder as they went inside.

  “You are mighty stubborn, but I reckon you’re not stupid enough to let a woman who makes you happier than I’ve ever seen you, after just a day or two, drive off without a plan to fix things.”

  “It’s not going to be easy to fix things, but you know me too well.”

  Ben could eat and plan, and Andy was always good in a crisis. He was feeling more positive with each step. He’d have to discuss it with his mother, and he’d really have to talk to the rest of his family about their manners, if this had any chance of succeeding. Most of all he’d need Andy’s help in making it all come together.

  Usually when he had an objective, he was reasonably sure what the outcome would be. Right now, he had no clue whatsoever.

  Chapter Seventeen

  A week later, Jenna was washing the windows of the storefront when Ben came up behind her. She got such a fright that she dropped the sponge into the bucket and it splashed up her T-shirt and all over his shoes. He was the last person she expected to see.

  “What do you want? To insult me again?”

  He held his hands up, ignoring the stains on what were no doubt expensive loafers. “I’ve come to apologize. For me for being obtuse, and for my family for their rudeness.”


  “I’ve also come to give you this.” He handed her an envelope.

  She opened it and found a thousand dollars inside. “I told you, I don’t want it.”

  “We had a deal, and I always deliver what I promise.”

  “If you don’t take it back I will post it, and who knows what will happen when it’s in our postal system?”

  He gave her a long look, and eventually took the envelope. He stashed it back in his pocket. “I was glad you said you had fun. I had fun too, and I mean at the wedding. Mostly.” He grinned. “You did so much I still want to repay you in some way.”

  Jenna’s cold heart was tha
wing, despite her not wanting it to. “It’s not necessary, and to be clear, your mom wasn’t rude. Ever.”

  “I knew you really meant those bratty brothers of mine. They mean no harm. At least I’m pretty sure they don’t.”

  She smiled. “I might have been a little oversensitive.”

  He shrugged. “No matter.”

  “You have a funny look. Do I have something on my face?”

  “Nothing that shouldn’t be there,” he teased.

  She waited. Ben wouldn’t still be here unless he had a reason. Whatever it was, he was struggling with it and it was making her nervous.

  “You might want to chew my ear, but can you listen until I’ve finished?”

  “This doesn’t sound good. Okay, I’m being quiet now.”

  “I know people. Andy knows a lot more people. We’ve contacted some of them, and they’ve agreed to help us with a project.”

  She frowned, not understanding, but kept silent.

  “It’s the way we operate, and it’s all legal, in case that’s going to be your first question. Right. The insurance assessor will be out here this morning. The fire report was lodged a week ago. Tomorrow, I have a team of builders coming in. They’ll gut upstairs and the store, and put it all back together in a week.”

  “I can’t afford that!”

  Ben grinned. “I wondered how long the silence would last.”

  “This is my life you’re discussing, and the apartment is fine.”

  “No, it’s not. I mean, yes, it’s your life, but the apartment will never get rid of the smoke damage unless the wallboards are changed. I want to give you the money for the contractors, in case the bills come in early, and you can pay me back when you get the insurance. You’ll owe me nothing after that, because my guys do it better and cheaper. If you’re going to do it, you need to do it right otherwise your health will suffer.”

  Jenna was finding it difficult to keep up. She’d moped around Renee’s place for the last week to get away from the smoke, but she couldn’t do that indefinitely. Still, she and Ben hardly knew each other, and there was another matter.


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