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Flynn, Joyee - Their Dragon [North American Dragon 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

Page 8

by Joyee Flynn

  “It’s okay, Dante,” Garreck whispered as he gently pulled the larger man to him. “We’ll fix everything and get you home. Kelley will baby you, I’m sure.”

  Austin called the pilot before sending a few texts to Kelley so his mates didn’t overhear. Then he went to find Gabriel while Garreck took care of Dante.

  “You are not going to like what I have to say,” Gabriel said as he entered the kitchen.

  “It’s okay. I deserve it.”

  “No, about what the King said.” He sighed and scrubbed his hands over his face as he turned to Austin. “He’s sending out scouts to your family’s estate in Italy to find out what’s going on.”

  “I figured as much,” Austin replied with a shrug.

  “Yeah, but he wants you to detain Peter if he shows back up.”

  “Fuck me sideways,” he groaned and plopped down on one of the chairs at the kitchen table. “Right, like I want him showing back up or locked in my house.”

  “Dude, you own one of the largest bodyguard and security companies in the world.” Gabriel chuckled and slapped him on the back. “Just get a bunch of your guys who aren’t on assignment on it.”

  “Well, I keep two employed just for Kelley,” he replied as he realized Gabriel was right. This wouldn’t be a big deal. His crew would be able to intercept Peter before he ever had a chance to talk to his mates. “After what she’s been through with those men kidnapping her for years and how rare human women are, she needs security wherever she goes.”

  “That’s a lot of coin for a housekeeper, man,” Gabriel said with a whistle.

  “She’s also my friend and needed help.” Austin shook his head and stood back up. Money was no object when it came to Kelley. “I’d do anything to keep her safe and make her feel safe. You didn’t meet her until a few years after I rescued her. It was bad in the beginning. It took months just to get her to leave her room and not hit me when I went near her. And I’d lose my mind if I ever lost her. She’s the boss of my house and my life.”

  “We’re ready to go home with you, our mate,” Garreck said softly. Austin spun around in shock, not having realized his mates had joined them in the kitchen.

  “How much did you hear?” he asked, cringing.

  “Enough to know that you are a good man, and we want to try again,” Dante answered as he leaned against the door frame. Austin rushed over to him before Dante fell over and gently lifted the beat-up man into his arms. “If you take care of an employee like that, you’ll take good care of us and our children.”

  “She’s my friend,” he replied, his face heating up under the praise. “And please don’t tell her you heard what happened to her. I’m sure she’ll tell you in her own time in her own way, but I don’t want to think I betrayed her confidence. Gabriel and I were friends when I found her, so he knows the story.”

  “Hear what?” Garreck asked innocently with a wink. “We didn’t hear anything.”

  “Good to know.” Austin chuckled. His ears perked up when he heard the chopper approaching. The pilot must not have gone far to get back there so fast. “Gabriel, thank you for everything and I’ll take care of Dante’s medical bills.”

  “Actually, I’d rather take it out in trade,” Gabriel replied as they walked to the front door. “I’ve got a couple of horse shows coming up, and I’d like some security here with my mates while I’m gone. After what happened before, I won’t ever risk them or be naive that they’re safe.”

  “Call Kelley and you can have guys whenever you want. You never have to pay for it, Gabriel. You know that. And I owe you for the damage to your porch.”

  “It’s not a problem.” He chuckled. “I’ll call her in a few days.”

  “Thanks, Ryan, Neil,” Austin said, giving each of them a nod before making his way out of the house. Garreck followed, staying close as they approached the helicopter after it landed. Once he got his mates safely in the chopper and they were on their way home did Austin finally sigh in relief. He felt years younger now that he knew that they were found and staying.

  With Dante snuggled on his lap and Garreck at his side, he felt his heart start to heal from the drama of seeing Peter. He had a lot to be grateful for, Austin thought as he started to drift off. And he wasn’t going to focus on the crap in his past when he had so much to look forward to in his future.

  Chapter 7

  The next few days Austin barely worked, and Garreck couldn’t have been more thrilled. They spent most of their time in bed, and while not doing everything dirty and naked he wanted to, it was still fun just the same. Their dragon and Kelley waited on them like he and Dante were kings. It was a little disconcerting at first, but Garreck figured after everything they’d been through, they wouldn’t become too spoiled.

  After his first helicopter ride, Garreck was too stoked to sleep. While Austin and Dante had been sleeping, he’d been staring out the window to make sure he didn’t miss a thing. It had been one of the coolest, most thrilling moments of his life. And when they’d gotten home, Austin had carried Dante right to his bed and crashed. Garreck, on the other hand, had gone in search of Kelley.

  They talked for a while, and she actually cried. Garreck had never had someone, besides Dante, that had cared for him enough to cry because she’d been worried about them. He swore that they wouldn’t run again and if there was ever a problem, they would come to her.

  Kelley had told him about her past and exactly how Austin had saved her. It made Garreck’s heart swell with pride and love for their dragon. And after he told her all about his past, she made up a list of steps they were going to take to get him an education. He’d been so embarrassed to admit he didn’t know how to read or do simple math. Hell, he could barely count to a hundred.

  She told him not to worry, that this was something they could fix in a snap. Which had made him giggle, of course. When he finally crawled into bed with his men, it had been well after three in the morning. The talk had been well worth the extra-tired feeling in the morning since Garreck started to feel not only wanted, but at home.

  When he woke the next morning he was surrounded by hot naked flesh and soft lips torturing him. Just as he was up enough to participate, Garreck realized he was going to be sick. But with Austin’s larger body on top of him, he couldn’t get out. Finally, at the last second, his dragon had moved enough to allow him to dive for the small garbage can by the night stand.

  After that, there was a whirl wind of emotions and craziness. And then Austin was helping him pee on a stick. It took him a few seconds, just before the test showed two lines, that he realized what was going on. Next thing Garreck knew, Austin was shouting and dancing and hugging him and then handing him off to Kelley to hug as he went to kiss Dante.

  Garreck took it all as good signs that Austin was thrilled to be a dad. He might not have been the sharpest knife in the drawer, but the signs their dragon was happy were there. And about thirty seconds after the celebration, Austin had him in bed next to Dante, ordering he stay off his feet. And that’s where he and Dante had stayed except to used the bathroom for the past three days.

  “Okay, no more pouting,” Kelley announced as she entered the room, holding a large box. “I have presents!”

  “I’m still pouting,” Garreck said firmly as he crossed his arms over his chest. “I want sex. I have two hot men and no one will touch me.”

  “Well,” she drawled out with a wicked gleam in her eyes. “Let’s have fun with what I ordered you and then we can work on a plan to get you laid.”

  “Really?” he gasped, shocked that she was willing to conspire with him.

  “Yes, really.” Kelley chuckled and then plopped on the end of the bed. He scrambled to her, now excited about the gift. Dante just chuckled as they tore into the box like two kids at Christmas.

  “I don’t get it,” Garreck said has he stared down at the videos in the box. He gently reached in and picked one up, his eyebrows drawn in confusion. “You got us kid shows?”

; “They’re learning videos,” she replied gently. “Yes, they’re geared more for kids, but these will help you learn the basics of reading and math.”

  “But I’m twenty-one,” he whispered, his eyes filling with tears of shame. “I shouldn’t be watching children’s videos.”

  “Why not?” Kelley asked firmly, raising an eyebrow. “I watch SpongeBob all the time while I’m making dinner. There’s no law that says cartoons and kid shows are just for kids. Come on, Garreck, look how many adults love the Shrek movies.”

  “She’s right, baby,” Dante said as he moved besides Garreck. “These videos will help you learn to do a lot of it on your own at your own pace instead of one of us hanging all over you. And that way if there’s something that you get hung up on, you can call us for help or just rewatch that one video. It’s actually a good way for you to keep your independence.”

  “Right, right,” he muttered, nodding his head like a bobble-head doll. Garreck took a few deep breathes, swallowing his pride so he could overcome his illiteracy. They stared at him staring at the videos for a few minutes. Then he lifted his head and gave Kelley a smile. “Thank you for doing this. It means a lot to me that you thought of it.”

  “Good,” she replied with a soft sigh. After a moment of thought, she gave Garreck a wink and an evil smile. “I suggest you go take a shower and then go get your sex.”

  “Like I’ve not tried that.” He snickered, rolling his eyes.

  “Austin’s used to being in charge,” Kelley whispered in his ear in a conspirator volume. “But you are mates, equals, Garreck.” She grabbed his hand and just about dragged him off the bed. “Stop asking for permission and demand what you want! You’ve seduced him before. The proof of that is growing in your tummy. Besides, I think you guys let him off too easily after the shit he pulled. Make the man pay some penance, damn it.”

  “Oh, you are good.” He giggled and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Kelley smiled widely as she started to close the door to the bathroom.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about,” she replied in a sing-song voice. “We never had this conversation!”

  Before he could reply, she closed the door. Garreck burst out laughing at her antics for about three seconds before racing around the bathroom to get clean. He took the time to stretch himself out, scrub in all the nooks and crannies, and even dry and style his hair. Twenty minutes later he walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist looking as good as he could.

  “Go get him, tiger.” Dante chuckled. He sauntered over and placed a few chaste kisses on Dante’s lips.

  “As soon as you are healed, you’re next,” he whispered seductively in Dante’s ear. “I’ve not forgotten how much fun it was to ride you. And I’d like to show just how much I appreciate you taking care of me and protecting me.”

  “We don’t ever have to talk about that again—ever,” Dante replied and rolled to his side. Garreck felt his heart sink at Dante’s dejected look and attitude. He swore he’d figure out a way to help him get over what had happened in that semi. But for now, he’d give Dante some space and go seduce their dragon.

  Garreck threw on a pair of pajama pants, making sure they were so low on his hips that the top of his ass was showing and his dick was almost peeking out. Then he slowly made his way down to Austin’s office, trying to act like he wasn’t filled with butterflies. Plus, after getting all pretty for his mate, he didn’t want to get there all sweaty.

  He knocked on the door to Austin’s office and walked right in. Garreck wanted to purr with delight when he saw Tiny and Wolf sitting in his office. Perfect! Now he could get Austin to see just how much of an exhibitionist he really was.

  “What are you doing out of bed, sweetheart?” Austin asked, a bright smile on his face. “I thought I told you that you were on bed rest.”

  “Yes, yes you did,” he answered calmly as he closed the door and walked to his mate. “But since you are not my parent or the boss of me, I’m not doing it until it’s really time for me to be on bed rest. I remember us having a conversation about us being equals as mates, and you’d do anything to keep me happy. You do remember promising me that, don’t you, Austin?”

  “Y-You are not happy?” Austin replied as his eyes filled with sorrow. “But I’ve been doting on you and taking care of you. I-I don’t understand, Garreck.”

  “We’re going to head out,” Tiny said and stood up.

  “No, you both stay,” he said over his shoulder, knowing they’d listen to the boss’s mate. “You’ve been pampering me and treating me like glass, Austin. That’s not the same as taking care of me and my needs. I told you before you claimed me that I was an intensely sexual man who was horny twenty-three of the twenty-four hours in a day. And yet you’ve been ignoring me and what I want, ordering me around. Does that sound like equals?”

  “No,” Austin answered, shaking his head. “I just didn’t want to push you after everything I’ve done wrong. Plus, you are carrying our child, sweetheart. You should be pampered and handled carefully.”

  “Fine, then start pampering me with blow jobs.” He snorted and threw his hands in the air. “I’m so fucking hard all the time and ready to go that I’m ready to whack off all day long. And that’s not fair when you promised to give me everything I needed or wanted.”

  “What do you want, Garreck?” Austin asked quietly as he glanced between his mate and his employees. “This is also about you liking when people watch, isn’t it?”

  “I didn’t know they were here when I decided to come and demand sex,” he answered honestly. Just to get his point across, Garreck stripped off his pants in a flash. Then he moved Austin’s chair back and placed himself between it and the desk while his dragon’s eyes roamed his body. “But since they are here, it’s perfect.”

  “What is, sweetheart?”

  “You can prove to me just how much I mean to you,” Garreck replied as he ran his hands over his stomach and cupped his groin. “You said dragons are incredibly possessive, right?” He waited until Austin nodded before continuing. “So you’re not liking that they’re here for this, I’m sure.”

  “No, I’m not,” Austin growled. “It makes me want to claw out their eyes that they’ve seen you naked.”

  “But it’s something I want,” he said firmly and started running his fingers over his hard cock. “Nothing gets me harder than knowing someone’s watching, desiring what we’re doing, Austin. You have a decision to make.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You can either swallow those feelings and put what I want, what I need first, like you promised,” Garreck answered with a shrug. “Or you can deny me and show that you’re always going to be in charge, bossing me around like a child instead of a partner.”

  “That’s not fair, Garreck,” Austin whispered as he searched Garreck’s face for answers. “I’m trying to do what’s best for you and the baby. You think I’ve not wanted you? I’ve been dying to make love to my mates since I brought you back home. But I’ve been scared you’ll reject me or that I’ll do more damage to you both.”

  “You need to trust us, big guy,” he said softly as he took Austin’s face in his hands. He had no idea that his dragon had been feeling this way, and he said as much. “How was I supposed to know you felt this way if you won’t talk to us? You’ve been treating us like pampered pets or responsibilities, not like mates who you respect and desire. I’m not a mind reader, Austin.”

  “I want you, Garreck,” Austin whispered as he leaned in to kiss him. “I want you so much it hurts and tears my soul apart at what I’ve done.”

  “Show me that you put us first. Give me what I need as your man, Austin,” Garreck replied firmly but quietly as he hopped up on the desk. He wanted this to happen, but not break this willing spell Austin seemed to be in. “I’m not asking you to film us always and send out porn tapes to your friends. I’m asking you understand that I’m an exhibitionist at heart and swallow your jealousy. It’s not that you
are shy or care if someone is watching, is it?”

  “No, I’ve had public sex before,” Austin answered slowly as he opened the desk drawer and pulled out the lube. Garreck wanted to pump his fist in the air at his victory. “I’ve liked it when it’s a nameless person. But you are my mate, sweetheart. I don’t want to share you with anyone but Dante.”

  “You are not sharing me.” He giggled as he took the lube and squirted some on Austin’s fingers. Then he glanced over his shoulder at a very uncomfortable Wolf and Tiny, who were looking anywhere but at them. “You just aren’t going to touch me, are you? You are not thinking that you’re going to fuck me next, right?”

  “No,” they both said together, Tiny swallowing loudly.

  “See? They’re going to sit there and watch, wishing they could be a part of this as we drive them insane with lust.” He winked at Austin as he moved his hand to Garreck’s hole and lay back on the desk. “They’re going to get off on how amazing you are when you take me. How hot our sex life is. Not because they want to take me away from you. There’s nothing to be jealous of.”

  “So it’s like a once and a while kink, right?” Austin asked after a few moments, rubbing his fingers over Garreck’s hole. “It won’t be that you just always want Tiny and Wolf to watch because you’re thinking of them or wishing it was them taking you.”

  “God, no,” he gasped, his eyes going wide with shock as he stared at Austin. “It’s not about them in the slightest. It could be strangers at a sex club for all I care. Just sometimes I like to be on display for people to see us. It’s simply one of my kinks.”

  “Oh shit,” Austin moaned as he pushed two fingers into Garreck. “You’d really let me fuck you in the middle of a club and then take you home to do it again?”


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