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The Family's Secrets

Page 8

by T N Lowe

  “What about Tomas?” Rylie asks.

  “What about him?”

  “He helped us get free and helped keep us alive,” Rylie says.

  “And we are grateful for his help. But that is not what you’re talking about, is it?”

  “You’re right. I like him. I want to see Tomas,” Rylie tells me.

  “No. Now is not the right time to bring in someone new.”

  “Just because we might be dating, that doesn’t mean I will tell him anything,” Rylie argues.

  “Rylie, please,” I sigh. “Get some rest. We will talk later.”

  Rylie rolls her eyes, then stomps from the room. Erin laughs, “I see some things never change.”

  “No. They do not,” I sigh. “Will you stay and help me find the person or persons selling our secrets?”

  Erin nods, “Of course. My cover story is that we are here for a death in the family. Landon, and I will stay as long as it is safe for Jackson.” She looks over at Fi-Fi for her answer.

  “Cain and I will stay as well. With Shauna hurt, you will need someone with his skills.”

  “And I’ll do whatever I can to help,” Cain answers taking his wife’s hand.

  Landon stands, “It’s been a long day for all of us, and we need our rest.”

  “Thank you for your help,” I answer, walking them to the door. After everyone exits, and shutting the door, I kiss Lena and Andrew, then move to my study. Picking up the phone on my desk, I call Li Wei.

  “Good morning, Patrick. What can I do for you?” Li Wei answers the phone.

  “Sorry for calling at such an early hour, but this is important. It has been brought to my attention that you have someone in your ranks talking to the Mexican Cartel.”

  “I don’t believe you,” LI Wei fires back.

  “Hector Calvo kidnapped my sister and cousin. He used Rylie as leverage against a competitor and my cousin as a punching bag. An undercover CIA agent helped them escape. He is the one who told me Calvo was getting information from someone in the Triad, Vory, and The Family.”

  “How reliable is your information?”

  “The agent is not one of mine, but his boss is, and I was told he is one of the best. I don’t want to take a chance that someone is speaking of confidences that they shouldn’t.”

  “I will look into this and deal with the problem on my end. What about the others?” Li Wei asks, anger lacing his voice.

  “Maks is looking into his people. I have two people I can trust looking for the mole in my camp.”

  “I will call when I have a name,” Li Wei says, ending the call.

  Chapter Fifteen - Shauna

  As soon as we arrive at the townhouse, Maks carries me upstairs to our bedroom. Placing me on the bed, he disappears into the bathroom. Hearing water running, he comes back into the bedroom, “How are you feeling?”

  “Tired and all I want now is a long hot shower and to sleep for a week.”

  “How about a bath instead,” Maks offers placing a soft kiss to my lips.

  “A bath sounds even better.”

  “Good. I’ll help you undress and get you settled. Then I need to make some calls, okay?”

  “Okay,” I pout, sad he won’t be joining me.

  “Don’t be sad Pchelka. I won’t be long, then I’ll join you,” Maks croons, helping me off of the bed.

  He leads me into the bathroom then helps me out of my shirt. He sees the bruises marring my body; his eyes turn black and I feel the anger radiating from him. “It’s okay, honey. I am okay.”

  “It is not okay. Gennadi hurt you again. That is not okay,” Maks points out, dropping to his knees in front of me. He lightly presses his lips to one bruise then another all the while popping the button of my jeans. Helping me step out of them, Maks continues to press soft kisses onto my scrapes and bruises. Standing before him naked, Maks stands and helps me into the tub.

  “Lie back and relax. I will be in the next room if you need anything.”

  “You’re sure you can’t join me?” I pout.

  Maks smiles sweetly at me, “As soon as I’m done with my call, I will join you.”


  “Promise. Now relax Pchelka; I won’t be far or long. Call me if you need anything,” Maks says, walking into the bedroom but leaving the door slightly cracked in case I need anything.

  I lie back and let the warm water soothe my aching body. After what feels like only a minute later, Maks comes into the bathroom, screaming my name. “Shauna! Shauna, open your eyes,” he demands then follows up with a string of Russian curse words.

  My eyes spring open, “What’s wrong?” I ask, my heart racing at the panic in his voice.

  “Shauna, you cannot fall asleep in the bath. That is how people drown.” Maks strips quickly, kicking his clothes into the doorway “Slide forward,” he instructs sharply. Doing as he requests, I slid forward, and he slides in behind me, pulling me to his chest, “Sorry, I should have never left you in here by yourself.”

  “I’m sorry. I should have called for you when I started to feel sleepy,” I yawn then nuzzle into his chest.

  “I called your father; he, your mother, and brothers would like to see you before we leave for Philadelphia.”

  “I wish we could stay longer and spend time with them.”

  “I know, but I have to find who is working with Gennadi and eliminate them. Then we will make Calvo pay for what he did to you and Rylie.”

  I burrow further into Maks' chest, and he wraps his arms around my waist, hugging me. “I have something I need to tell you,” I mumble, scared to look him in the eyes while I tell him my news.

  “What is it?”

  “When the doctor was examining me, they found something.”

  Maks squeezes me tighter, causing me to yelp in pain, “Sorry love. What is it?” he asks in a ragged breath.

  I take a deep breath to gather my strength before sitting up, “I’m pregnant. Because of the beating I took, the doctor ordered an ultrasound to make sure the baby was okay. The heartbeat is strong, and everything looks good.”

  Maks moves his hand to my belly, where our child is growing inside me, “I’m going to be a father?” he half whispers in awe.

  “Yes you are. Are you happy?”

  “Happy? Happy does not even begin to describe how I’m feeling. How old is the baby? Do you know if we are having a boy or a girl?”

  I giggle, happy that he is happy. “The baby is the size of my little finger. The doctor guesses that I am about ten weeks along. We won’t know if it’s a boy or a girl for a while.”

  Maks moves me onto his lap and brings his lips to mine. “You have made me the happiest man on the planet.”

  Chapter Sixteen - Erin

  Patrick’s driver takes us to Brianna and Quinn’s house where Mom is staying with the kids. After a quick stop to let the gate opened, we pull through and make our way around the circular drive. Before the car can come to a complete halt, the front door flies open and Mom and Brianna rush to the car door pulling it open. “Thank God you are safe!” Mom tells me, hugging me tightly.

  “I’m fine. We are all fine,” I confirm, hugging her back.

  Releasing me to Brianna, who hugs me even tighter than Mom did, she cries, “Where’s my baby? Why is Rylie not with you?”

  “She is staying the night at Patrick’s. Rylie was tired and needed to rest, but she is okay. A little shaken, but okay.”

  “You promise?” Brianna asks, squeezing me tighter.

  “I promise,” I reply as Landon comes to my side, prying me from my aunt’s hold.

  “As Erin said, Rylie is good. She was tired from the ordeal and the trip back. By tomorrow she will be as good as new,” Landon soothes Brianna.

  “What about Shauna?” Mom asks as she, Cain, and Fi-Fi join us.

  I shake my head, “She wasn’t as lucky.”

  “Is she de….” Mom stammers and I cut her off quickly.

  “No, No, No! Shauna's not de
ad, but they beat her pretty bad. The doctors said she had two broken ribs, a few bruised ribs, a cracked cheekbone, and a lot of superficial bruises.”

  “My God! Who would do that to Shauna?” Mom asks while hugging Brianna close.

  “It’s a long story, Mom. Right now, I need to see Jackson.”

  “You’re right, I’m sorry. Jackson is playing with his cousins and Quinn in the backyard.”

  “Mom,” I scold her. “He should have had his bath and been in bed already.”

  “I’m grandma,” is all she has to offer as her defense.

  “Have you been following his schedule at all?” I ask as Landon and Cain move to the backyard.

  “Don’t worry. I’ve kept all the kids on their schedules for the most part. Today was different; they missed you and wanted to see you. I let them stay up late tonight because I knew you would want to see them.”

  How the hell do you stay mad at that? “Thank you, Mom.”

  “Anytime baby,” Mom says, leading us into the backyard.

  Jackson sees me come through the gate and wiggles free from Landon’s hold and runs to me. “Mommy, I missed you.”

  Picking Jackson up I swing him around, “I missed you too. Did you have fun with Grandma, Aunt Brianna, and Uncle Quinn?”

  “Yes, Mommy. They are the best. Are we going home now? Uncle Edwin said he was going to teach me how to fish.”

  “Sorry, buddy. I have to help Patrick for a little bit longer. But Daddy and Uncle Quinn can teach you how to fish while we are here.”

  Jackson turns to Landon, “You will teach me to fish, Daddy?”

  “Whatever you want buddy. I’m all yours while we’re here.”

  “Not working?” Jackson asks his eyes getting big.

  Landon laughs, “Not working.”

  “We can do whatever I want?” Jackson declares, his tiny face lit up with all the possibilities.

  “As long as Mommy says it’s okay,” Landon replies, taking Jackson from me.

  “Can Aaron come with us?”

  “Sure. We’ll go tomorrow. Now I think it is time for bed,” Landon informs Jackson, moving toward the house. Stopping, Landon leans over and kisses me, “I’ll put him down.”

  “We’re coming with you,” Cain speaks up, toting Alice and Laney in his arms and Aaron trailing behind.

  Mom leads us into the living room, “Sit down and tell me what happened.”

  Settling in beside her, I tell her everything that happened while in Mexico. I tell her about the hotel, the park, and the American Canteen. Then also about our meeting Tomas and how he helped us extract Rylie and Shauna.

  “The good thing is everyone is alive and okay.”

  Landon joins us, “Honey, we should go to bed. We’ve had a rough couple of days.”

  I nod, “Goodnight, Mom.”

  “Goodnight, sweetie,” she replies.

  Landon helps me up from the couch. “Goodnight, Riona.”

  “Goodnight, Landon.”


  “Who should we start with?” Patrick asks as Fi-Fi and I join him in his office at Kindred Corporation the following morning.

  “Let’s start with the people who knew Rylie’s and Shauna’s movements,” Fi-Fi offers.

  “I agree. Rylie and Shauna were targeted. Someone knew where they would be and at what time. It was not a coincidence.”

  Patrick picks his cell up and types a quick text. “I’ll have my head of security work with you to set up interviews. If anyone stands out or gives you any hassles, you let me know.”

  An ex-military looking man enters the room, “Bryan, you remember Erin and Fi-Fi. They will be interviewing the security team. Please assist them with whatever they need.”

  “Yes, sir,” Bryan answers. “What can I do for you ladies?”

  “We’ll need to speak with everyone on the team, especially those who are familiar with Rylie and Shauna’s movements,” Fi-Fi answers.

  “When would you like to start?” Bryan asks.

  “Today. Patrick has set up an empty office for us.”

  “I’ll have the team come in,” Bryan replies before leaving us.

  Patrick’s assistant, Lorie Harris, leads us down the hall to an empty office, “If you need anything, please let me know.”

  Soon Bryan escorts the first person in, a man with the same haircut and body build as him. “This is Billy Wells.”

  “Good morning. Please have a seat,” Fi-Fi instructed him. “There was recently a lapse in The Family security and we are investigating why it happened and also trying to stop it from happening again.”

  “Thank you, Bryan. But you are free to go,” I told him.

  “These are my guys. I will be here.”

  “I understand, but we need honest answers; not the answer they think you want to hear,” I remind him.

  “Fine, but if you find something, tell me,” Bryan demands before leaving us.

  Sure we will I tell myself as I join Fi-Fi and Billy to begin the interview.

  “How long have you worked for Mr. Love?” I ask.

  “A year and a half,” Billy answers.

  “What is your role as part of Mr. Love’s security team?”

  “I am Mrs. Love’s personal security.”

  “Do you enjoy your job?” Fi-Fi asks.

  Billy tilts his head, “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “Please answer the question, Billy,” I respond.

  “Of course. Patrick and Lena treat me as part of their family.”

  “Do you have a second job?’

  Billy shakes his head, “Can I ask why you want to know.”

  “As agent Murphy said, there was a breach in the Love’s security and he has asked us to look into it,” I reply.

  “Isn’t it out of the ordinary to have an FBI agent and a discarded ex-FBI agent look into a private security breach?”

  I bite the inside of my cheek to stop me from spewing some nasty words back. “We are doing this as a favor to Patrick,” Fi-Fi tells him.

  “No, I do not have a second job,” Billy smirks.

  “Do you have a vendetta against the Love family?” Fi-Fi asks, taking over the interview, stopping me from being unprofessional and making Patrick look bad.

  “No, again Patrick and Lena treat me like family.”

  “Do you or someone you know have a vendetta against the Volkov family?”

  “I have nothing against Maks or Shauna,” Billy answers, looking confused.

  “Have you told anyone outside of the security team about the movements of Rylie Love or Shauna Volkov?”

  “No,” Billy barks.

  “One last question, then you are free to go. Do you or anyone you know have ties to the Mexican Cartels?”

  “Not that I know of,” Billy replies.

  Standing, Fi-Fi and I shake hands with Billy then show him out and welcome the next person. We do this twelve more times, asking a variation of the same questions to each person who had access to Rylie and Shauna.

  No one had a bad thing to say about Patrick, Maks, Rylie, or Shauna. We found two people on the detail had jobs at a local club as bouncers, but no one admitted to a vendetta or knowing anyone in a cartel.

  “You found nothing?” Patrick asked dumbfounded.

  “I wouldn’t say that. We have a couple more people to interview and some we want to dig into further. But no one we spoke to today appeared to be the mole,” I explained to Patrick.

  “How long will it take?” Patrick asks looking older than his years.

  “Not sure, but we’re here for as long as you need us. Going after Rylie and Shauna showed they could get to any one of us. We will not let that happen again Fi-Fi,” explains Patrick, a fierce look in her eyes.

  “Thank you. Thank both of you for your help.”

  “Not a problem. They’re our family too,” I remind him hugging Patrick before we leave.

  At breakfast the next morning, Jackson declares that he, Daddy, Aaron, Uncl
e Cain, and Uncle Quinn are going fishing today. I ask him what the girls are going to do and he shrugs, “Girl stuff with Grandma and Aunt Brianna.”

  “And what if they want to go fishing with you?” Fi-Fi asks.

  Jackson and Aaron look at each other and make faces telling everyone the girls are not welcomed. “If they have to come,” Aaron huffs, trying to be the diplomat.

  Mom comes to their rescue, “Don’t worry. The girls are staying with me. We are going to bake cookies.”

  “Awesome, fishing and cookies,” Aaron exclaims while high fiving Jackson. “Best day ever,” They shout running to their room to get ready for fishing.

  After clearing the table, Landon bends down to kiss me.

  “Man! Do you have to kiss my sister in front of me?” Cian complains with Fi-Fi sitting in his lap.

  “Really?!” I respond, pointing at Fi-Fi, “She is my best friend. I know more about your sex life than I ever wanted to know.”

  Cain nibbles on Fi-Fi’s neck, causing her to squirm and giggle. I make a gagging noise.

  “You two are worse than us,” Fi-Fi comes to Cain’s defense.

  “What is on your agenda while we are fishing and the girls are baking cookies?” Landon asks, changing the subject.

  “We are meeting with Matt, my old partner, to get more information on some of the people we interviewed yesterday,” Fi-Fi responses, looking at her watch. “In fact, we should leave soon.”

  “Okay,” I say, kissing Landon good-bye.

  “Have fun and be careful,” Fi-Fi says before we walk through the door.

  We meet Matt at a coffee shop near the Hoover building. We spend the first hour catching up; Matt is now the senior agent at the Behavioral Analysis Unit. He is married and they are expecting their first daughter. Fi-Fi and I show Matt pictures of our kids before we decided it is time to get to work.

  Matt sets us up in an empty office, asking if we need anything before leaving us. “Okay. Let’s see if anyone has any secrets they aren’t telling,” Fi-Fi hums as she logs into the computer.

  Chapter Seventeen - Rylie

  Walking through the glass doors of the CIA headquarters, I check-in with the receptionist, “I’m here to meet Tomas Ramirez.”


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