The Family's Secrets

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The Family's Secrets Page 14

by T N Lowe

  “I agree.”

  “I’m going to check in with the other members of The Family. See if any of them feel you are not qualified for the job or have qualms with you taking over for me,” Samuel offers.

  “Thank you.”

  “Any other developments?”

  “Someone put a bomb in Liam’s car. Now we’re all staying at Connor’s because we can’t trust anyone else.”

  “Jesus Christ,” Samuel mutters. “Do you need anything from me?”

  “I’m not sure, but I will let you know as soon as I do.”

  “Good. Are Lena and Andrew safe there? Do you want to send them to Camp David with me?”

  “I don’t trust anyone to deliver them safely to you,” I admit.

  “Fair enough. Call if you need anything. I’ll be back in D.C. by the end of the week.”

  “Try to enjoy the rest of your vacation,” I reply ending the call.

  Returning the phone to its base, I set my elbows on Connor’s hand-carved oak desk and cradle my head in my hands. What the hell am I going to do? I can’t sit idly and wait for something else to happen. I have to do something; anything, to keep my family is safe.

  Dad slips into the office and puts a hand on my shoulder, “How are you holding up, son?”

  “Not good. I’m not sure I know what to do and I don’t know if I can keep everyone safe.”

  “Lord knows there are a lot of things I don’t know. But one thing I do know is that you were born to lead. Your father is a born leader and he’s passed those traits to you.”

  “Thank you, Dad,” I say standing and hugging him.

  “Let me know if you need anything; otherwise, I’m going to play with my grandbabies,” Dad chortles, leaving me in the office.

  Sitting down, I dial the number of the person who may be able to offer me advice on what to do - my father. His assistant answers the call on the second ring, “His Royal Highness Abioye’s line. This is Akachi. How may I help you?”

  My biological father is King Abioye Chidozie. Days after I was born, a warlord and his army invaded our country. My mother was killed when they stormed our home in an effort to overthrow my father. Our army fought the warlord for four months, but they were outnumbered and outgunned. Knowing they were going to lose, Abioye called Niall for help. Abioye and Niall have both told me the story many times over the years.

  “I’m sorry my friend, but you are not a member of The Family. I’m not able to offer our services to outsiders. It is too much of a liability,” Niall explained to Abioye.

  “What can I do to join then? I have to do everything in my power to save my son and my people. I will not let this mad man steal my country from me,” Abioye begged.

  “Marriage is the only way we accept new members. But Abioye, you just lost your wife and you are not ready to take another wife.”

  “You are correct; I am not ready to marry again. How about adoptions? My son is six months old and since I am not able to care for him and keep him safe…. Surely you know someone who can care for him like their own. Would this satisfy the Family?”

  Niall knew the connection between a parent and their child was more powerful than one between spouses so, because of that, he accepted the offer. When I was only seven months old, Quinn and Brianna Love adopted me. My name was changed from Bomani Chidozie to Patrick Bomani Chidozie Love. Niall used his resources and powers to defeat the warlord and restore order to my father’s country.

  The Love’s and Niall’s never prevented me from having a relationship with my real father. In fact, they encouraged me with phone calls and trips during school vacations.

  “Hi Akachi, its Patrick. Is my father available?”

  “You know he always makes time for you,” Akachi lectures me.

  “Thank you,” I reply.

  “Son?” My father answers the phone.

  “Hello, Father,” I reply.

  “What is wrong, son?”

  I take a deep breath and tell him everything. Rylie and Shauna’s kidnapping, Cain finding the algorithm, the threats against my family and myself, and the suspects we have. “I don’t know what to do. I can’t sit on my hands and wait for something to happen.”

  Abioye sighs at the other end of the line, “Do you want my advice?”


  “My guess, this has nothing to do with you. I think someone was planning to take over for Samuel when Lena came along and messed up those plans. Now they have regrouped and are making their play. Use your instincts to find the truth. You are the son of a king; you have the skills needed to rule. Don’t let anyone take that away from you.”

  “How did you do it? How were you able to give me to Niall?”

  “It wasn’t easy, if that is what you are thinking. You are a father; you would do anything to protect your children.”

  I listen as he takes a deep breath then starts again, “It- it wasn’t easy for me, but I had to do what I thought was best for you. I lost your mother and was in no state to care for you. Our country was in turmoil and it was no place for a baby. Giving you to Quinn and Brianna was what was best for you.”

  “I love you,” I say gruffly, trying to hold my tears at bay.

  “I love you too, son. Do you want to send Lena and Andrew to stay here with your brothers and me?”

  Abioye remarried twenty years ago and together they have three boys, my half-brothers.

  I huff a laugh, “She won’t leave. Erin tried to send her to Colorado and she refused.”

  My father huffs a laugh, “If you change your mind, let me know. I will send my plane and guard to accompany her and Andrew.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I’m always here for you.”

  “I know. Once this is done, Lena, Andrew, and I will come for a visit before Lena gets too far along and can’t fly.”

  “She’s pregnant again?” Abioye asks.

  “Yes, two months along.”

  “How wonderful! I look forward to seeing you and spoiling my grandson.”

  “Hopefully we can resolve this soon so we can come see you,” I reply before ending the call.

  Heeding my father’s advice, I boot up my laptop that’s sitting on my desk. I log into my email to check on any urgent business before making more calls. The first email I see is from a friend who works at the Washington Post; URGENT-MUST READ is in the subject line.

  I open the email:

  This came across my desk. Sure as hell not running the piece. But I’m sure we are not the only paper the journalist sent it to. Someone is going to run it, so you need to be prepared. Take care, Liv.

  The attachment reads:

  The Organization Behind the Government

  By Bane Davis

  We are all aware of the backroom deals that occur in our government. Some are necessary to keep the government running, but most are to line the pockets of already rich men and women. But who is behind these deals and who profits the most? I’m sorry to say it is not the American people. It is a secret criminal organization that refers to themselves as The Family, according to a source that wishes to remain unnamed.

  The Family was born from an Irish street gang in New York in the early 1900s. They relocated to Washington D.C. in the late 1930s. And as they grew and became more powerful in Washington, they banded with other Mafia families, including the Italians, Russians, and Chinese.

  Today, The Family is a highly organized, well-funded group who has used their power and influence to infiltrate our government at every level. Members of The Family are also owners and operators of some of the most influential companies, not only in the United States but also around the world.

  Some of the rightest ranking members of The Family include our President, Samuel Walsh, and his daughter Lena Miller-Walsh Love, and Supreme Court Justice Quinn Love. Patrick Love, owner and CEO of Kindred Corp, and Kegan Sullivan, CEO of Kinsman Communication are also members. These are the men and women who are running our country and influencing our everyd
ay lives. The question is, how did a criminal organization gain so much power without our knowledge?

  Jesus! Can we not catch a break? Who the hell would talk to a reporter? Everyone knows the consequences of outing us. This happened once before when Niall was in charge. Niall ruled with an iron fist and he made sure that the person was made to be an example; his tongue was cut out before he was killed.

  After I walk into the dining room area where everyone is set up. “Erin and Shauna, can I please see you in the office.”

  They both nod and follow me. “What’s up?” Erin asks before sitting in one of the chairs in front of the desk. Shauna sits next to her and Maks closes the door.

  “We have a problem,” I admit, turning my laptop so they could read the article.

  “Fucking Bane,” Erin mutters.

  “Jesus Christ, what the hell are we going to do?” Shauna asks as Maks paces the room.

  “Well, the good thing is, no paper is going to print this. No one wants to risk pissing off anyone named in the article or better yet, face the slander lawsuits they’ll face if they were to run it. What I want to know is, how the fuck did Bane Davis get this information. Find me the mole!; and do it now,” I bark.

  “We’re on it,” Erin agrees before exiting with Shauna.

  “What the hell are we going to do?” Maks demands.

  “I need you and Li Wei to call your people and check-in. See if any of your people have any new information.”

  Maks nods then leaves. I pick up the phone and call Samuel again. “What happened?” He asks instead of saying hello.

  “A friend at Washington Post sent me an article. I’m going to forward it to you. Look at it and let me know when you want to send in your lawyers and I’ll send in mine too.”

  “I’ll be in touch,” Samuel seethes, ending the call.

  Kicking the chair back, I march out of the office. I need to find Lena. I need to hold her tight and tell her how much I love her.

  Chapter Twenty-Six - Shauna

  “I’ll dig into Bane’s email, social media accounts, and anything else I can find. Maybe I’ll get lucky and find who he has been talking to,” I volunteer.

  “Okay. I’m going to look into his background see what my pain in the ass ex has been up to. I’ll let you know if I find anything.”

  “What ex?” Landon growls.

  “Bane,” Erin answers, rolling her eyes.

  “Fucker,” Landon mutters, stomping off.

  “I see there is no love lost between those two,” I snicker.

  She chuckles, “Nope. Bane came to Colorado shortly after we were married. He pleaded with me to take him back. I told Bane he was too late, that I had married Landon. Let’s say Landon had some choice words to say and we haven’t heard from Bane since.”

  “Maks would have killed him.”

  “Yeah. Landon would have too if I hadn’t been there to stop him,” Erin replies as she walks to her computer and begins work.

  I wander over to a small work table where my laptop is sitting, put in my earbuds, turn up the music, and get to work. I do a quick search for social media accounts and finds he has a Facebook and Twitter account. Starting with his Twitter account, I take a stab at his password, typing in Erin Murphy, and snort as his page loads. Bane’s Twitter account is comprised of twenty of his frat brothers. It takes me an hour to clear his frat brothers. Most of them haven’t done anything since graduating college except ride their daddy’s coattails.

  Bane’s Facebook account is a different story, with more than four thousand friends and several thousand followers. Taking a deep breath and turning up the music, I dive in. Two hours later, wet kisses are pressed to the side of my neck. Pulling the earbuds from my ears, I turn to see Maks smiling. “How are you feeling?”

  “Hungry. I was about to take a break and make some lunch,” I admit, placing a chaste kiss on Maks lips.

  “I’ll help,” Maks offers helping me from my chair.

  “Maks, I love you but your cooking skills are subpar at best.”

  “Thanks Love. Even with subpar skills, I can still help you cook,” he scolds me.

  As we enter the kitchen, we find Landon setting a large platter of hamburgers, hot dogs, steak, and chicken on the island. While Lena is cutting vegetables for a salad, Dad is pulling French fries from the oven.

  “Do you need any help?” I ask.

  “Ummm, sure. You can help set the table,” Lena replies.

  “Sure, we can do that,” I utter, moving to pull plates from the cupboard.

  “Let me,” Maks offers, taking over. “You bring silverware and napkins.”

  “Maks, I’m pregnant, not disabled.”

  “I know, but you shouldn’t be exerting yourself too much. You are already under a ton of stress. I want nothing to happen,” Maks stresses as he sets the plates on the counter and wraps his arms around me.

  “He’s right,” Lena injects as she shreds carrots. “This is your first pregnancy and it’s still early. Bad things can happen when you push yourself too hard.”

  “What about you? You’re pregnant too.”

  “Yes but this is my second pregnancy,” Lena shoots back.

  “Whatever,” I mutter. “Fine, you win. What will you let me do?”

  “Why don’t you let everyone know lunch is ready,” Landon offers.

  Lunch is perfect, just like old times. We tell stories from when we were kids; either trying to one-up each other or to embarrass the others in front of their significant other. Rylie and Tomas bear the brunt of it since Tomas is the new guy. And as much as I would like to be immune, I’m not, with four of my five siblings here to put me in my place.

  “Patrick, do you remember the time Rylie and Shauna fell into the creek behind your house,” CJ asks, laughing.

  “God, yes. Who could forget that?” Patrick chuckles.

  “What happened?” Tomas asks, looking confused and curious at the same time.

  My brothers and Patrick chortle with laughter. “Okay. Now you have to tell us,” Maks urges.

  “Shauna was like six and Rylie was maybe four. Patrick’s parent’s house sits on a huge plot of land, something like six acres, and there’s a forest separating them from their neighbors. During one of our visits, these two,” CJ points to Rylie and me, “decided to explore the property. They were told not to wander too far. And of course, Shauna and Rylie, being stubborn, did what they wanted to and headed into the woods. Their story is that Rylie was running and tripped over a rock, fell into Shauna, and they both ended up in the creek. The next thing we know, they started running to the house screaming bloody murder. Everyone came running out to find them covered in leeches. Our moms freaked! It took our dads twenty minutes to pull the leeches off,” CJ retells the story.

  Everyone laughs, “That explains a few things,” Maks laughs, kissing the top of my head. “When we were on our honeymoon in Spain, I took Shauna to the coast. We lounged on the beach, bathed in the sun, but she refused to get into the water. She kept telling me she doesn’t swim in non-chlorinated water.”

  That makes everyone laugh harder. “No beaches?” Tomas asks Rylie.

  “No beaches,” Rylie replies.

  After lunch, Maks suggest I lie down and nap. I remind him that we have a mole to find and I don’t have time for a nap. “Pchelka, in your condition, you need all the rest you can get,” Maks argues.

  “Maks, women have been having babies for eons. Me sitting at a computer for a few hours will be fine,” I refute.

  “Maybe so, but I’m checking on you every hour. If you look tired, I’m throwing you over my shoulder and carrying you to bed, understand?”

  “Do I have a choice?” I deadpan.

  “No. I love you too much to have something happen to you or our baby.”

  How the hell do I argue with that? “Deal. Now go make your calls,” I order kissing him, then sitting back in front of my laptop.

  I continue my search of Bane’s Facebook friends. A qu
arter of the way through the list I find something I wish I hadn’t. Why the hell didn’t I listen to Maks and take a stupid nap?

  Chapter Twenty-Seven - Erin

  “Hey Roy,” I answer my cell. Roy Williams was the chief of police for Moose Valley, Colorado for thirty-five years. When he hired me three years ago Roy explained I was not only to be the lead detective for Moose Valley, but I would be taking over as police chief when he retired. I was not only honored, but scared shitless. I had never been a city police officer, and never wanted to be one. I wanted to follow in my father’s footsteps at the FBI. After living in Moose Valley, falling in love with Landon and everyone else who called it home, I knew there was no other place I would want to call home.

  Last spring Roy retired and passed the torch to me. Roy’s wife, kids, and now grandkids are ecstatic to have him home full time. He on the other hand is board out of his mind. When Landon called and asked if he could fill in for me while I was gone, he jumped at the chance. He knew as well as I did the guys at the station could handle everything while I was gone. But the daily paperwork and political grind could be a bit overwhelming by its self-let alone when working cases.

  Before leaving town we stopped by the police station on the way out of town and I told him I wasn’t sure how long I would be gone. He shook his head and said, “Take care of what you need to, then come home. I’ll keep our town safe until then.”

  “Hi Erin, how’s everything going there?”

  “Could be better,” I sigh.

  “Sorry to hear that. I sent you the phone records you requested. If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to call.”

  “Thanks, Roy.”

  “Anytime, Erin. Hope to see you soon.”

  “Me too,” I pray before ending the call.

  Opening my email, I find Roy’s message and open the phone records he has attached. Scrolling through, no phone numbers are jumping at me. Opening LexisNexis, I search for the owners of the phone numbers. The first phone number is to the Washington Post, no surprise; there are a handful of numbers belonging to restaurants and pizza places; then there are a few personal numbers - for Lorie Harris, Sarah Green, and Sandra Livingston.


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