The Family's Secrets

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The Family's Secrets Page 15

by T N Lowe

  “Um Erin. I found something,” Shauna stammers.

  “Me too. Let’s talk to Patrick.”

  Shauna nods and follows me to the office that Patrick is currently using.

  Knocking lightly on the door, Patrick calls, “Come in.”

  Opening the door, we find Lena sitting on the corner of the desk where Patrick is murmuring sweet nothings to her stomach. “Hey, what’s up?” Patrick asks, looking up.

  “We found a few things,” I answer.

  Patrick sits back in his seat, a furrow settling on his brow, “Princess, would you mind giving us a few?”

  “No problem. I need to check on Andrew; he should be done with his nap,” Lena reports, hopping down from the desk and walking toward us. “He’s all yours.”

  “Sorry to interrupt but this couldn’t wait,” I apologize.

  “No, it’s fine. I want to find these people and get our lives back to normal as quickly as possible.” Lena shots us a last smile before leaving the office, closing the door.

  “Do you want to go first?” I ask Shauna.

  “No, you can,” she replies.

  Taking a seat, I explain, “I had Bane’s phone records pulled. Most of the calls he made are to publications that he is trying to sell his story to. But there are a few private numbers listed too. Patrick he called your assistant, Lorie Harris. He also called a Sarah Green, and Sandra Livingston several times with each call lasting at least ten minutes.”

  Patrick and Shauna go stiff, both staring at me like I’ve grown a second head. “Do you know one of the names on the list?”

  “Um… yeah. Sarah, is my assistant,” Shauna answers.

  “Sandra is the personal assistant to Pepper White, the Vice President,” Patrick snarls through gritted teeth.

  “Oh my God,” is all I can say. This is bigger than we thought. “How is that possible?”

  “I don’t know, but I sure as fuck will find out,” Patrick shouts standing and sending his chair flying into the wall behind the desk. “I don’t care what you have to do, bring them in and find out who the hell is going on.”

  How the hell were these three able to gather information for Bane with no one knowing? And if they're telling Bane who else are they talking to and how much are they saying? “I’ll work with Fi-Fi and Tomas. We’ll speak to these ladies and get to the bottom of this,” I say before leaving.

  Rushing to Riana’s office where Fi-Fi and Tomas have set up camp, I fill them in on what Shauna and I found. “We have three leads, - Lorie Harris, Sarah Green, and Sandra Livingston. We need to talk to them and learn what they know and we need someplace private to do it.”

  “We can use Cain’s apartment. There’s nothing in there but his computer stuff and the SCIF is soundproof.”

  “Perfect,” I reply.

  “Great. I’ll get the keys from Cain and meet you there.”

  “Fi-Fi, make sure you have your gun with you and ask CJ to go with you. Tomas and I will pick up Lorie and meet you there.”

  Before Tomas and I leave, I find Landon watching Baseball in the family room and give them an update. “Are you sure this is safe?” Landon asks, holding me tight to his chest.

  “As sure as I can be. Tomas will be with me, and we’ll watch each other’s backs.”

  “Please be careful. I need you back in one piece. I’m ready to go back to our mountain. This city living isn’t for me.”

  “I know honey, and I’m sorry this taking so long.”

  “It’s not your fault sweetheart,” Landon reassures, nuzzling behind my ear and placing soft kisses down my neck.

  “Mmmm, I need to go. The quicker we find the people doing this, the quicker we can go home,” I groan.

  Landon presses one last kiss to my lips before taking a step back. “Stay safe and come back to me.”

  “Always,” I lament before leaving.

  Walking to the front door, I meet Tomas, who is holding an argumentative Rylie. “I don’t understand why I can’t go with you,” Rylie states.

  “There are several reasons why, but the two at the top of the list are because it’s not safe and you are not in law enforcement,” Tomas rebuts.

  “I have experience interrogating people. I’m a lawyer.”

  “I understand. But we have no idea what we are walking into. Erin, Fi-Fi, and I have experience in these types of situations. We know that one wrong move and it can all go awry. I do not want you in a situation like that, Rylie.”

  “But……,” Rylie tries to fight.

  “No buts, Rylie. I love you and don’t want you in danger,” Tomas explains to her.

  “You love me?” Rylie asks a shocked look on her face.

  Smiling to myself, I think how much I love my cousin Rylie, but she is not always the sharpest tack. Men don’t go toe to toe with a woman’s brother, and especially not her whole family, for someone they just want to sleep with. By inserting himself into this dangerous situation more than what was required, he declared his love, not only to Rylie’s brothers, but also to the whole family.

  “Of course, I love you Mariposa,” Tomas answers, pulling Rylie closer to his chest.

  “Good, because I love you too,” Rylie confesses, kissing Tomas.

  Starting to feel like a voyeur, I clear my throat and Tomas breaks the kiss but keeps Rylie tucked close to his chest. “I’ll, umm…, wait for you outside,” I stutter before slipping through the front door.

  “Who should we pick up first?” Tomas asks, sliding behind the wheel of the Tahoe.

  “Lorie. Patrick already called security and she’s in the office. He also let them know that we’re headed their way so we’ve been granted immediate access to the building,” I explain.

  Tomas nods as he navigates us through the city streets towards the Kindred Corp building. He parks the car in front of the entrance and turns the car off. “How do you want to do this?” Tomas asks before we go inside.

  “Figured we’d flash our badges, explain that her name came up in an investigation, and ask her to come with us to answer some questions.”

  “And if that doesn’t work?” Tomas asks playing devil’s advocate.

  “We cuff her and remove her from the building,” I shrug.

  “Not playing around,” Tomas chuckles.

  “I’m frustrated and I’m ready to sleep in my own bed. So no, I’m not playing around,” I huff, swinging my door open and marching into the building. Stopping inside the door, I wait for Tomas to catch up before walking to the security desk. We flash our badges at the guard on duty at the security desk, “I’m Tomas Ramirez; this is Erin Jefferies, we’re here for Lorie Harris.”

  “Yes, sir. Mr. Love has made us aware and explained the situation. Ms. Harris in on the seventeenth floor, the end of the hall,” the guard replies, sitting taller in his chair.

  “Thank you,” I reply.

  As we cross the lobby, I take in the exterior walls are made of mirrored windows, allowing the people inside to see outside. The large planters with bright exotic flowers, their sweet fragrance fills the space, and a small water feature gives the occupants the feel of being outside.

  Pressing the up button to call the elevator, Tomas asks, “Ready for this?”

  “As I’ll ever be,” I reply as the elevator dings its arrival.

  Stepping into the car, I shake my hands out. No matter how many times I approach a suspect, the nerves hit me. I’ve seen the kindest of people turn feral when they’ve been backed into a corner. I try to ease my nerves by picturing everything that can go wrong, how to avoid it, or how to deal with it. Then I clear my mind, prepared for whatever comes next.

  The elevator car stops and Tomas blows out a deep breath. After the doors open, he steps into the hall. I follow him, leaving my anxiety and worries in the elevator.

  Tomas and I walk smoothly down the hall side by side. As the security guard directed, Laurie’s desk is at the end of the hall outside Patrick’s office. We stop in front of her desk. Laurie looks u
p from her computer, “Good Afternoon. How can I help you?”

  “Lorie Harris?” Tomas asks.

  “Yes?” She asks, confusion on her face.

  Tomas and I flash our badges. “Ms. Harris, we need you to come with us,” I inform her.

  Lorie goes pale, “W-what is this a-about,” she stammers.

  “Your name came up in an investigation we are working. Please gather your things, Ms. Harris and come with us,” Tomas answers sternly.

  “O-o-okay,” Lorie’s breathing quickens. Locking her computer then pushing away from her desk, she then pulls her purse from the bottom drawer. Standing, she leads the way to the elevator.

  As Tomas pulls away from the Kindred Corp building, Lorie pulls her cell from her purse, “Is it okay if I call my boss? I need to tell him I will not be at work for the rest of the day?”

  “Go for it,” I answer, shooting Patrick a quick text - Lorie is calling you.

  Coming through now - Patrick texts back.

  From the back seat of the Tahoe, I hear Lorie mumble, “Mr. Love. The police came to the office and told me I had to come in for questioning.” She listens to Patrick, whispers something, and then she replies. “I’m not sure, but they told me I was part of an investigation.” Lorie listens again before saying, “Yes sir, I’ll call when I’m done. Thank you Mr. Love,” then she presses a couple of buttons on the screen of her cell before putting it back into her purse.

  We pull up outside of Cain’s building and Tomas cuts the engine. Exiting the Tahoe, I open Lorie’s door and help her from the backseat. Lorie looks up at the apartment building. “I thought we were going to the police station. What is this place?” she demands.

  “Don’t worry about it,” I say, helping her from the Tahoe and onto the sidewalk.

  “What kind of investigation is this?” Lorie asks.

  “Don’t worry about it,” I repeat, pulling her into the building.

  “Don’t worry?” Lorie asks, planting her feet into the tile floor. “You need to tell me before I go another step.”

  Tomas walks to her other side and bends down murmuring, “Walk or I will make you move.”

  Lorie straightens, looks up to Tomas and seems to assess that Tomas is not to be trifled with and she slowly begins to walk forward again.

  We ride the elevator to the fifth floor to Cain’s apartment. I knock twice on the door and Fi-Fi opens the door with CJ standing at her side. Tomas and I lead Lorie into the SCIF and press her to sit down in the mostly empty room. Fi-Fi follows us in, “You good?”

  “Yeah, we got this. If you want to pick up the other one,” I tell her. Before we left the Daly house, we had made plans of how to pick up and question all three suspects together so they couldn’t conspire. After a lot of discussions, we decided on Tomas and me picking up Lorie Harris while Fi-Fi and CJ got the room ready. Then while we question Lorie, Fi-Fi and CJ would pick up Sarah Green. The biggest problem was getting to Sandra Livingston since her being the Vice President’s assistant it makes her nearly untouchable during work hours; we decided to wait and pick her up at her home after work.

  “Okay. Call or text if you need anything,” Fi-Fi hollers, shutting the door.

  As we hear the door shuts and is locked into place, Lorie takes in a deep breath, “Who are you, people?” She asks her voice, small and shaky.

  “Ms. Harris, can you please explain your connection to Bane Davis?” Tomas asks.

  “B…Bane Davis?” Lorie asks.

  “Yes, ma’am. Bane Davis,” Tomas repeats.

  “He’s umm, he’s a friend of my boyfriend’s.”

  “Who’s your boyfriend?” I ask.

  “Nickolas Green.”

  “Does he have any connection to Sarah Green?” I ask making a mental note to text Shauna to look into Nickolas Green.

  “Yes. She is his sister. What is this about?” Lorie sits up straighter, finding her strength.

  “Ma’am, did you speak to Mr. Davis regarding Mr. Love or his family?” I ask.

  “No!” Lorie snaps. “I have never told Bane anything about Mr. Love or his family. Now tell me what the hell this is about.”

  “Do you know a Miles Blue?” Tomas asks.

  “Yes. He works at the same IT company as Nickolas. Please, will you tell me what this is about,” Lorie begs, a sheen of tears covering her eyes.

  Tomas and I ignore her request to know more; we found the connection. “Tell us about Nickolas. Where did you meet him?” I ask as Tomas opens the door.

  “Where is he going?” Lorie asks, tears escaping from the corners of her eyes.

  “Don’t worry about Tomas. Now tell me about Nickolas.”

  “What do you want to know?” Lorie sobs.

  “Tell me everything you know.”

  “He, um…, he is from Texas down by the border. He- he, umm, moved to D.C. after college for a job. Sarah is a friend of mine, so that’s how we met. ……at her birthday party five months ago,” Lorie sniffles.

  “What’s the name of the company Nickolas work for?”

  “Lewis Technology.”

  This is too damn easy; something is not right; the pieces never fall together this easily. “Thank you, Ms. Harris; we’ll take you back to work now.”

  After dropping Lorie off at the Kindred Corporation building, I turn to Tomas, “I have a bad feeling.”

  “Me too.”

  “It feels like they have planted the clues for us to find. Like someone is leading us down the wrong path.”

  “I have the same bad feeling,” Tomas replies, pressing harder on the gas pedal.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight - Fi-Fi

  I text: Leaving the apartment now. Sarah at the office?

  Shauna: Yes. Security knows you are coming. Will assist if needed.

  Me: Thanks

  “Sarah is at the office. Shauna called ahead and spoke to security so they will assist if needed,” I tell CJ, as he drives us to the Kinsman Communication headquarters building.

  “Good,” CJ replies as my phone chimes with another incoming text.

  Tomas: Ask Sarah about her brother, Nickolas Green. He may be the key.

  Me: Will do. You done there?”

  Tomas: Yeah, Erin is getting more information on Nickolas. Be careful something feels off.

  Me: You too.

  Tomas: Erin is done. Taking Lorie back to work. Coming back to the apartment to assist.

  Me: Got ya.

  “Who’s that?” CJ asks, stopping at a red light.

  “Tomas. According to what Lorie told them, a Nickolas Green may be the key to this.”

  “Green? ……As in the girl's family we are about to pick up?”

  “According to what Tomas and Erin learned. They are taking Lorie back to work then they’ll come back and offer support.”

  “Good. I’m not a fan of us being separated like this,” CJ admits as the light turns green.

  “Me either. Tomas feels it too. He said that something felt off to him as well.”

  CJ pulls into the intersection as an older model Ford pickup comes barreling through the red light. The pickup slams into the passenger side of our Dodge Durango. My body is thrown around like a rag doll into the center console until the seatbelt locks and stops me and the momentum throws me back into my seat. The airbags explode around me. The metal of the frame and the fiberglass of the body scream in protest while working to keep the pickup from joining us in the cab of the SUV. The force of the hit causes the windows to explode, raining glass in on CJ and me.

  I look to CJ and see him slumped against the seatbelt. Blood is smeared on his side window. “CJ!” I scream over the ringing in my ears. “CJ,” I try again, but he doesn’t respond….nothing. In an instant Cj’s door is ripped open and a man wearing a black ski mask cuts his seatbelt and pulls him from the Durango. Another man also wearing a ski mask joins him to help carry CJ into a large white cargo van.

  “Where the hell do you think you’re taking him?” I scream at the top o
f my lungs. I search frantically for my cell phone so I can call the cops, or Erin and Tomas. But before I can locate my cell, the man is back. He climbs into the driver seat and thrusts the same knife he used to cut CJ lose towards me. “Get the fuck away from…….” I scream the blood roaring in my ears.

  “Don’t make this harder than it has to be,” the man hisses as he moves closer.

  I try to fight back, but the seatbelt has me pinned and the airbags keep getting in my way. “Get the fuck away from me,” I scream louder. ‘Where the fuck is everyone? It’s midday in Washington D.C. Someone should be seeing this and helping or calling the cops,’ my brain screams. I continue flailing and catch him in the eye with my wedding ring.

  “Fuck,” the man roars, grasping at his eye. Pulling his hand away, I see a small trickle of blood from where my ring cut him. “That’s it, bitch.” He lunges at me, wrapping his beefy hand around my throat. Raising his knife to my throat, he commands, “Stop your shit right now, or I’ll slice your throat and let you bleed out. You get me?”

  I focus on his cold, black eyes and nod. This man would slice my neck and not give it a second thought.

  “Good. Now I’m going to cut you lose. Then you are going to be a good girl and get into the van with your friend.”

  I swallow, trying to avoid the blade at my throat by not nodding very much. If it were just me, I would never give up, fighting until my last breath. But I have Cain and my babies to think about and my husband would never forgive me for putting myself in unnecessary danger and getting myself killed.

  He cuts me free of the seatbelt, then slides out of the Durango. “Your turn, sweetheart,” he hisses.

  My body is already stiff and aching from the accident as I move around the cab of the SUV. My exit isn’t fast enough for the man in the ski mask so he growls, “Come on sweetheart I don’t have time for this bullshit. Move your ass.”

  “Sorry. But after you rammed us with a fucking truck, it’s as fast as I can move,” I spit back.


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