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Revelation of Blood (Skye Morrison Vampire Series, #5)

Page 5

by J. L. McCoy

  “Yes, Archer. Yes! Oh God…it’s so good,” I moaned as I met him stroke for stroke. My breasts were heavy and my nipples were aching for his touch. Archer read my mind and moved one hand from my hair to my left breast, skillfully squeezing and rolling the taut peak there.

  I moaned as I held myself up with one hand and kneaded my sensitive right breast with the other. Archer growled in Gaelic behind me and I listened to the string of sentences he was whispering. Hearing him speak his native language was always a turn on for me and I gazed up at him over my shoulder to watch. The look in his eyes was pure heat, pure passion, and pure possession. This man was staking his claim to me, not just with his cock but with his words and his eyes. He was telling me that I belonged to him without actually whispering those words, at least in English.

  That was enough to drive me to the edge and I whimpered as my legs began to shake. Archer moved his attention from my nipple down to my swollen clit. The second he circled it with the pad of his finger, I fell headlong into a blissfully powerful, earthshaking orgasm.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered as he listened to my cries of passion.

  He gently flipped my limp body over and scooped me up in his arms as he moved us to the center of the bed. “God, I’ve missed you baby,” he whispered against my lips as he positioned himself in between my legs. “Waiting for you to heal was the hardest wait of my life. I’ve wanted you in my arms, just like this, for weeks.”

  “I’ve missed you too,” I whispered back as I stared into his faded blue eyes. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  Archer entered me again, slowly this time, and he briefly squeezed his eyes closed until he hit the hilt. “I’ve never loved anyone the way that I love you, Skye.”

  “Ditto, baby,” I breathed and kissed him deeply.

  He took his time with my naked body; loving, caressing, tasting, and worshiping. He made love to me from head to toe and slowly back again. We lost ourselves to the feel of one another, to the way our bodies made the other one sing. Archer brought me to climax time and time again; so many times that I thought I’d melt right into his plush king-sized mattress.

  His pace finally picked up with a low, rumbling growl and I wrapped my legs around his waist and bit down on his shoulder, just shy of breaking skin. The powers that I had absorbed during my tests with The Faithful had yet to fade and I didn’t want the added stress of having Archer’s mind reading on top of the telekinesis and empathy gifts. My bite sent him into a frenzy and I bucked against him, meeting his hard pace.

  “I want to taste you,” he growled as he ran his slick tongue over the vein in my neck. I moaned with desire and turned my head further, inviting him to do what he wanted with me; I belonged to Archer, physically, emotionally, completely.

  His fangs gently pierced my skin and I cried out in pleasure as his venom entered my system. Total euphoria descended as my world spun around me. Archer drank deeply from me; his pulls sending electric currents straight down to my center and I was on the cusp of another mind-blowing orgasm.

  He reached between us and gently stroked my nerve center, wringing cries of ecstasy from my lips as I again found release. Archer drove into me once, twice, three more times before a low growl sounded in the back of his throat and he spilled himself inside me. We slowly rocked together as his climax ebbed. Finally, he took one last mouthful of my blood, swallowed, and withdrew his fangs.

  He rested his forehead against mine as we caught our breath. My blood still coated his mouth and I licked his fangs clean before I sucked my life force off his sweet tongue.

  “I can say with absolute certainty that that was the best sex I have ever had,” he whispered against my lips.

  “Me too,” I smiled as I ran my fingers through his damp hair and kissed his lips once more. “You’re a god in bed, Archer. No one has ever made me feel this way.”

  “And what way would that be, baby?”

  I took a deep breath before I answered honestly. “Whole.”

  Chapter Six

  We landed at Logan International Airport a short time later. After thanking the flight crew for a good trip, Archer and I descended the air steps and met the limo that was waiting for us.

  “Fearchar,” the driver smiled as he greeted Archer with a firm, welcoming handshake, “Great to see you again, dheartháir.”

  “And you, Simon,” Archer smiled warmly.

  “Would this be the famous Skye Morrison?” Simon asked, turning his full attention to me. Simon was tall with a full head of bright red hair and striking green eyes. He looked to be around Archer’s physical age but his eyes said that he was a lot older than thirty-two. “My goodness. I see the tales of your beauty were not exaggerated. You are simply breathtaking, deirfiúr.”

  I smiled and tried to pretend the compliment didn’t surprise me. I wasn’t very comfortable with the fact that my condition made me one-of-a-kind in our world. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Simon,” I replied, shaking his hand.

  He brought my hand to his lips and tenderly kissed the knuckles. “The pleasure is all mine, I assure you Miss Morrison. It is an honor to make your acquaintance. You’ve been the talk of the town since defeating the Dark Father. Our race is in your debt, my dear.”

  Archer, I silently pleaded, hoping he would save me from this topic. I was uncomfortable with the attention and praise.

  “No one owes me any debt,” I smiled as I tried to explain how I felt. “I’m just happy to have him out of our lives.”

  “So modest,” Simon tsked and smiled at Archer over my head. “Well, I shan’t keep you any longer. I’m sure you are eager to get to your accommodations. We’ll have time to catch up properly at the Vow Ceremony tomorrow night.”

  Simon held the limo door open as Archer and I climbed in. There was a mini bar along the right side and I fixed us a drink as Simon got our luggage.

  “Baby,” Archer said, drawing my attention. “I know talking about what Amun did makes you uncomfortable, and I know the praise from others does as well, but you are going to be dealing with reactions like Simon’s during the entirety of your trip. You need to start accepting and embracing who you are and what you did for our race. It was no small feat defeating Amun; you almost died in the process. You should be proud of yourself, just like all of us are. Darling, you are amazing and a true gift from God. Even if you don’t believe it, it doesn’t change it.”

  I sighed as I handed him a glass of whiskey and sat down beside him again. “I’ll try. If it doesn’t work, I’ll fake it. But, I’ll try for you. I promise, baby.”

  Archer put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. “That’s all I ask, cion,” he whispered into my hair as he nuzzled my temple.

  A short while later we pulled up to a tall, shiny sky rise building in downtown Boston.

  “Is this the hotel?” I asked, craning my neck and peeking out the window as we pulled up to valet.

  “No,” Archer smiled excitedly. “It’s a surprise.” I looked over at him through squinted eyes as I wondered what he was up to.

  Simon pulled into the large covered valet entrance and a man wearing a tailored red suit opened the door for us.

  “Madam, Mr. Rhys,” the young man greeted brightly as he took my hand, helping me out of the car.

  “Good evening, Bobby,” Archer smiled as he shook the man’s hand and gave him a pat on the back. I could tell Bobby had known Archer for a few years at least. “Can you have Stanley bring the luggage up to the foyer please? Also, inform Ms. Reynolds of our arrival.” I watched with wide eyes as he discretely slipped Bobby a folded one-hundred dollar bill.

  “My pleasure, sir,” Bobby beamed as he shut the limo door and escorted us to the entrance.

  The doorman tipped his formal top hat as he held the door open for us and all I could do was stare at Archer; my mouth dangerously close to being agape. “Good grief! What is this place?”

  Archer just smiled mysteriously as he put his right hand on the small of my bac
k and led us to the elevators. The lobby was huge and had numerous sitting areas, a beverage bar, a team of concierge and receptionists, and a small news stand. It was decorated very comfortably with tan and brown leathers, dark wood, cream walls and impressive hard wood floors. People stopped to openly stare at Archer as we passed while others greeted him kindly from a respectful distance away. Everyone acted like Archer was visiting royalty or something and it was really bizarre.

  The shiny gold elevators opened as soon as we stepped up to them and a man wearing another red suit stepped out of it and held the doors open for us.

  “Mr. Rhys,” he bowed his head once to Archer and then once to me. “Welcome back. Penthouse, sir?”

  “Please, Fernando,” he nodded politely as he pulled me to him, his arms encircling my waist from behind.

  I glanced over and watched as Fernando inserted a key into the control panel and pressed an eight digit code in before hitting the round white button for the 33rd floor.

  Archer nuzzled my neck as the car started to move. “Curious yet, cion?” he whispered so quietly that if I hadn’t been a vampire, I would have never heard it.

  Very, I answered silently. This place is really swank, Archer. Looking down at my ripped jeans, chucks, and tank top, I added, I kind of feel out of place.

  Taking my first breath since entering the car, my fangs descended as Fernando’s scent hit me full force. Archer obviously heard the tiny snick and tightened his grip around my waist. Thank goodness Fernando was facing the front of the elevator car or he would have seen my nostrils flaring as I drew his scent in deeper. He smelled good…really, really good. Spicy, exotic, and his blood begged to be tasted. Not since Jason had I had such an immediate reaction to a human. Archer had taken a great deal of blood from me during our lovemaking earlier and my body was begging to be fed.

  I started to reach out to Fernando and Archer quickly grabbed my hand and put it behind my back, right on top of the hard bulge in his trousers. “Occupy your thoughts with that, baby,” he growled in my ear. “We can’t have you biting the help.” I sighed rather loudly, unhappy, as I rubbed my hand up and down his hard length.

  Fernando took my sigh as impatience and quickly spoke up. “Only ten more floors, madam.”

  “She’s just tired from the flight, Fernando,” Archer answered for me. “No worries.” Leaning further into my ear, he whispered, “Don’t pout, love. I’ll call and order you a donor as soon as we get up there.” I nodded, appeased, and slid my hand lower to cup his sack. Archer took a deep breath in and I smiled at the effect I had on him.

  The elevator slowed and chimed as we reached the 33rd floor. As the doors opened, I saw that we were at the beginning of a long hallway. Archer thanked Fernando and kept a tight hold on me as we exited; I guess he was afraid I’d try to taste Fernando despite of his warning. Reaching the door, he withdrew a key card from his wallet and slid it down the card reader.

  “Welcome home, baby,” he smiled as he opened the door for me.

  I glanced up at him questioningly before I stepped into the massive foyer. “Home as in our temporary home while in Boston, or home as in this penthouse belongs to you?”

  “Us,” he corrected. “This penthouse is our Boston residence, Skye.” He pulled me into his arms and softly nuzzled the tip of my nose with his. “The whole floor is ours.”

  “Holy…,” I breathed as I turned my attention to the foyer. The floor was Italian marble and it had a small sitting area, a table, and mirrored walls.

  Archer chuckled and grabbed my hand. “Come on, I’ll give you the nickel tour.”

  I followed him into a spacious sunken living room and I felt right at home. Archer had a very specific taste when it came to decorating and I was happy to see that the penthouse was true to character. Dark hardwood covered the floors, the furniture was a rich, warm mahogany, and the color scheme a mixture of creams, tan, and browns. Off to the right of the room stood a fully equipped kitchen complete with dark wood cabinets, marble counter tops, a breakfast bar with barstools, and two large stainless steel refrigerators.

  “Why do all of your houses have fully functioning kitchens? You don’t really need them.”

  “Two reasons,” he explained. “One: I sometimes entertain human guests. They have needs. Two: I can’t very well sell a home if it has no kitchen.”

  “Practical as ever, my love,” I tilted my head as I gave him a quick kiss on the lips. “Speaking of needs, you took a lot of blood from me earlier and unless you want me succumbing to my desires and hunting down Fernando, I suggest you call up a donor for me. I’m ravenous, baby.”

  Archer chuckled and slid his hands down to cup my bottom. “I’m feeling a bit ravenous myself.” He squeezed each cheek then lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist as my arms encircled his neck.

  “Can’t get enough of me now that you’ve had another taste?” I asked as I teased the slit between his lips with tiny, light licks of my tongue.

  “Never, baby,” he growled as he flashed me up against the wall by the kitchen. “Never.”

  He claimed my mouth with a hungry moan and ground his hips into my center. I gasped as he moved his attention to my neck; his light, playful bites driving me wild. My fangs descended again and I deliberately bit my tongue hard. Archer’s head snapped up at the scent of my blood and his mouth was on mine again, hungrily taking my tongue and sensually sucking the blood from it until it healed.

  We heard the door open and Archer pulled away, but not without difficulty. He ran his tongue over the corner of my mouth and cleaned a stray spot of blood before he set me back down again.

  “Mr. Rhys?” a woman called out and I looked up at Archer curiously.

  “We are in the kitchen, Beverly,” he replied then turned his attention to me. “We’ll finish this later, baby. Let me greet our guest and then I’ll call for your meal before I do anything else. Why don’t you make yourself at home? The bedrooms are to the left and the last one on the right is ours.” I nodded my head and accepted a quick kiss before Archer took my hand and led me back to the living room.

  My attention was immediately drawn to the woman standing in the foyer. She was tall, leggy, and really pretty with her short, angled platinum bob and high end designer duds. My back straightened as she began to walk down the three steps to the living room.

  I could smell that she was human and I wondered what she was doing here. She stopped in front of us, holding two black garment bags in one hand and a folder in the other. “Stanley is on his way up now with your luggage, sir.”

  “Thank you, Beverly,” Archer smiled as she leaned forward and kissed each of his cheeks in greeting. My hand involuntarily tightened around Archer’s and he drew a quick breath in, from the pain I’m sure, before he introduced us. “This is Skye Morrison, my life partner. Skye, this is Beverly Reynolds, my personal concierge here at Back Bay Tower.”

  Does she know we are vampires? I asked him silently as I nodded to her.

  “Yes, cion,” Archer chuckled. “She knows we are vampires.”

  “That’s correct,” Beverly smiled tightly at me. It seemed that her warmth was strictly reserved for Archer and that did not make me happy; it made me suspicious. I decided to tap into my powers of empathy and quickly scanned her emotions. Jealousy and longing were pouring off her so strongly that I was shocked I hadn’t picked it up as soon as she walked through the door. I briefly wondered if my powers were finally starting to fade before putting the thought aside and bringing my full attention back to her. The woman’s feelings were very telling. They told me that she and Archer had either previously had some sort of relationship or she desperately wanted one. Regardless I was not happy about my findings. Vampires tended to be territorial and I most certainly was where Archer was concerned. He was mine.

  “Well, Beverly, I’m glad I stuck around to meet you,” I said, my tone sugar sweet, as my anger started to build. I picked up a sudden spike of worry coming from Archer as I stepped toward h
er. I felt my eyes flicker black as Beverly’s grew wide with shock.

  “Uh, Ms. Reynolds,” Archer said quickly as he grabbed me around the waist and pulled me a good ten feet away. “Before we get into business, I’d appreciate it if you’d call the agency and have a donor sent up please? My companion is not herself at the moment.”

  “Yes I am,” I smiled widely at her, showing my fangs. “I was just going to shake her hand, baby.”

  “My arse, you were,” Archer growled lowly in my ear from behind as he pinched my bottom hard. “Control your emotions. We’ll talk about whatever the hell is upsetting you after you feed.”

  I narrowed my eyes at the stock-still Beverly as I let his words sink in. “Anything you say, dear,” I smiled and winked at her before turning around in Archer’s arms and letting him see my eyes. “I want Latin for dinner; someone handsome who doesn’t smoke.”

  Leaning up on my tiptoes, I fisted Archer’s hair in my hands and ran my tongue across his bottom lip, requesting access. Archer tried not to respond, but after a second he opened his mouth and kissed me with a heat that was normally reserved for the bedroom. Instead of me making a point with the kiss, he made one of his own. It told me that I was the only woman for him and to stop trippin’.

  When he withdrew, I was breathing heavily and my eyes were back to their normal, colorless state. “Familiarize yourself with the house, love,” he grinned sexily down at me. “I’ll come find you in a few minutes. Love you.”

  “Love you, too,” I melted as I cupped his cheek tenderly. I turned around and smiled over at our guest as I walked toward the hall. “Better make that two Latin hotties, Beverly. I’m going to need all my strength for tonight.” Her eyes narrowed marginally at me before I turned and headed down the hallway.

  Archer’s penthouse was massive, and that’s putting it mildly. The house had eight bedrooms, six bathrooms, two offices, a gym, a media room, and a game room, and all featured floor-to-ceiling windows that looked out onto the city of Boston or the bay.


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