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Crimson, Volume 1

Page 11

by Sax Alexander

  “No, I don’t have a date,” he said, and his words sounded a little strained.

  Maybe she was an intrusion. But, then, why had Lucas asked her out? Matt was not even dressed for the occasion. Only a pair of worn jeans and a loose T-shirt covered him, not a hint of any sort of costume. Another screwdriver disappeared into her. When she turned to Lucas, he looked mildly impressed.

  “You’ve had a few of those. Are you all right?” he asked.

  Marilyn smiled. She had come to college much the same way she had started high school: innocent looking. However, she had been a teen just like any other, sneaking into her share of keggers. If there was one thing that Marilyn was proud of, that she really did not get an opportunity to mention often, it was her ability to hold her liquor. She smiled again, nodding.

  “So, how is school going for you?” Lucas asked, leaning around Marilyn for just a moment to stare at Matt.

  This was just getting ridiculous, not to mention unnecessarily tense. Matt kept balling his fist around the loose denim of his jeans and releasing it over and over, as if he might explode at any moment and was desperately trying to stop it, and Lucas’s small talk carried on and on.

  “So, is this your first time out at a club?” Lucas asked, his winning smile locked into place.

  Another screwdriver magically appeared in Marilyn’s hands, and she forced herself to sip at it.

  “Yes, sort of,” she answered.

  Lucas nodded. “So, you’ve probably never been in a VIP section before, right?”

  Marilyn shook her head, her gaze unable to keep from drifting over to Matt. Lucas seemed to have noticed, because he turned to the other man.

  “You doing okay?” he asked.

  Matt groaned something unintelligible, but it seemed to satisfy Lucas. He turned his attention back to Marilyn, picking up their conversation flawlessly. He just kept asking her about school, about her friends, about anything and everything in between. And every so often, he would turn and check in on Matt again. It might have been the liquor talking, but Marilyn had finally decided she had had enough.

  “Okay, I’ve gotta ask. Are the two of you dating? Because, if you are, I’ll more than happily mosey on home,” she said.

  Matt’s eyes widened as Lucas only laughed. Marilyn looked between the two of them, waiting for her answer. Finally, Lucas waved a hand, calming himself to chuckles.

  “No, we’re not a couple,” he said. “I knew you thought that, though. Didn’t I say she probably thought that, Matt?”

  Matt nodded, clenching his hands around the excess of denim in his jeans again. Marilyn shook her head, jerking a thumb in his direction.

  “Then what’s going on here? I mean, you invite me out on what I thought was a date, then we end up hanging out with your friend here, and Matt just looks pissed off. Am I missing something?”

  Lucas grinned, leaning back on the sofa. “I was hoping to have you a little more intoxicated before I filled you in completely. Promise you won’t run screaming?”

  Marilyn shifted, suddenly wishing she had not chosen to borrow the red stilettos to match her devil’s dress. She swallowed hard, nodding, having a gut feeling that she was going to regret that too. Lucas grinned wider this time, and Marilyn jumped as she watched his two upper canine teeth elongate into sharp fangs right before her eyes. Logic told her to run screaming—despite her agreement—or dismiss the whole incident as a really good special effect. But the fear building in the pit of her stomach kept her rooted to her seat.

  “I’m a vampire. So is Matt. In fact, I turned Matt into a vampire several weeks ago,” he said nonchalantly.

  Marilyn shook her head. “This isn’t true. Vampires aren’t real.”

  “Tell me, have you ever seen me around campus in the daylight hours? Or eat a pizza? Or anything?”

  Marilyn shrugged. “So? It’s college. That doesn’t mean anything.”

  Lucas rolled his eyes. “May I?” he asked, taking one of her hands in his.

  Before she could protest, he pressed her index finger to one of the fangs. The skin broke, and a crimson tear of blood rolled off onto his chin She heard Matt shift suddenly, and when she glanced back at him, she saw his fangs were now out. He had also shoved himself as far back against the couch as he could.

  “Are you... are you going to kill me?” she whispered, pushing more air than necessary out with her words.

  Lucas held her hand for a moment before he lowered it to his lap and shook his head.

  “No. I need a favor from you. You see, Matt there hasn’t had his first taste of blood yet. For vampires, having your first taste is sort of like puberty. Until you do, you live forever—sure—but you don’t get any of the other powers. No super speed, no super strength, none of it. You have all the weaknesses and none of the strengths.”

  “I don’t understand,” Marilyn whispered, feeling tears well up in her eyes.

  Her whole body was trembling. Lucas stroked her cheek. She knew he was just trying to keep her calm, but she batted his hand gently away.

  “Matt needs to drink from you. Not enough to kill you. Just a taste.”

  Marilyn’s heart sank. It was a stupid worry at the moment, but she could only bite her lower lip and look away.

  “So... this isn’t a real date?”

  “I didn’t say that. In return for doing us this favor, we’ve both agreed to make this as pleasant for you as possible,” Lucas said.

  Marilyn blinked away the salty tears that threatened to spill over at any moment. This was a strange, but delicate, situation. She had to hold it together.

  “What do you mean?”

  Lucas had a wicked grin on his gorgeous face now, leaning in close to Marilyn. He slipped both hands down to her waist and pulled their bodies close together. She barely had time to breathe before Lucas pressed his lips against hers, his tongue dancing merrily along with hers. He pulled away, and already Marilyn felt heated. She hoped and prayed she was not blushing as she glanced back at Matt, who had relaxed, if only a fraction.

  “Not a soul is allowed back here,” Lucas whispered, gesturing to their heavily veiled surroundings. “Give us your permission to let Matt feed from you—and don’t worry, I’ll be keeping an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t kill you.”

  Marilyn’s legs felt weak, so she was extra grateful that she was not standing. “And... about making this pleasant for me?”

  Lucas chuckled softly, leaning down to nuzzle her neck. “I promise a whole new experience for you. Both of us, at once.”

  Lucas brought his lips back up to hers, and suddenly, Marilyn felt another set of hands resting just above Lucas’s on her waist. She shot out of her seat, and stumbled a bit toward the entrance of the VIP lounge, before she stopped. She eyed the exit carefully. Matt, according to Lucas’s own admission, did not have any way to catch her if she ran. But Lucas did. Running was out of the question.

  Both the vampires were staring at her now. Matt looked more than a little desperate, as both of his fangs were clearly visible. Lucas, on the other hand, simply stood and slowly approached Marilyn.

  “How can I trust you? I mean, I don’t know you. How do I know that you really aren’t planning to kill me?” she asked, inching away from Lucas.

  Lucas stopped, holding both of his hands up in a calming motion.

  “You’re right,” he said.

  “Lucas!” Matt snapped, his eyes wide.

  Lucas turned, waving a hand at him as well. Putting his full attention back on Marilyn, he continued. “You don’t really have a reason to trust us. But, consider this: we could have killed you already.”

  That was a thought that Marilyn did not like. A cold chill traveled the length of her back, and she found herself rooted to her place near the exit of the room as Lucas closed the small distance between them.

  “But, if you allow Matt to do this, on my word, you’ll leave here pleased... and just a couple of pints low.”

  Marilyn swallowed, hard. Her nerve
s felt raw, stretched beyond their natural state. She was not an inexperienced girl, not by any means. But a threesome? And with two creatures she had thought lived only in fiction until just moments earlier?

  She chuckled, a little mirthlessly. “How could I pass up a deal like this?”

  Lucas had his hands on her hips again, pulling her back onto the crimson couch to sit in between himself and Matt.

  “I had a good feeling about you. Adventurous. Isn’t that what I called her, Matt?”

  Matt lost no time in regaining his spot at Marilyn’s back. He murmured some sort of assent into her neck as he allowed his lips and tongue to just lightly touch her skin. She shivered, and she was not entirely sure that had everything to do with the two men surrounding her. Lucas leaned in and kissed her deeply, letting his hands run up her back. A moment later, Marilyn felt him gently tug at the spaghetti straps. He pulled the top of the dress down to expose her bare chest.

  She moaned as Matt’s hands found her breasts almost as soon as they had been uncovered. He kneaded them, squeezing to the point of painfulness.

  “Calm down, Matt. You’ll hurt her,” Lucas ordered as he pushed the offending hands away.

  He set about removing the pain that Matt had caused, kissing it gently away. Matt’s hands were moving down now, his fingers curling under the hem of her dress. He tugged it until the entirety of the outfit was wrapped about Marilyn’s waist. Lucas’s tongue flickered across her taut nipples, and Marilyn was already pleased that she had agreed to this.

  “Yes,” she muttered, rubbing one of Matt’s legs with her left hand and curling her right hand in Lucas’s blond hair.

  One of Matt’s hands slithered back down Marilyn’s waist, and one very talented finger nudged aside her red cotton panties. He found that precious bundle of nerves at the top of her wet folds instantly, and he began to rub at it with the same ferocity with which he had kneaded her breasts. This time she found that she did not mind the force quite as much. Her hips bucked against his hand, and Lucas chuckled as he used one hand to remove her panties altogether.

  “Now, Matt. Do it now,” Lucas ordered.

  It took Marilyn a moment to remember what Lucas was even talking about. Before she could even ready herself for it, she felt a sharp pain on the left side of her neck. She cried out, but it was muffled as Lucas smothered her mouth with a deep kiss.

  It was a strange feeling, feeling something suck at her life’s blood. But, after a moment or two, she forgot the pain. It did not hurt that Matt’s hand had picked up quite a bit of speed, and just the tiniest bit of pressure, as he continued to rub it across her clit.

  “I’m close,” she moaned. “Don’t stop.”

  “Slow your feeding, Matt,” Lucas said as he brought his hand back up to her opening.

  Gently, slowly, Lucas worked a single finger inside her slit, thrusting it in and out in a steady motion. Marilyn gasped, and she felt Matt release her neck as her hips flew upward. It was too much, feeling Matt’s finger on her clit and Lucas’s inside her. When she came, she exploded, and she was sure that both their hands were covered in her wetness.

  They both backed away from her. They stood as they allowed her to recline fully on the couch. Marilyn was gasping, and her nether regions were still convulsing with the orgasm. After a moment, she caught her breath, and her mind left ecstasy for reality. Her hand flew to her neck, but she felt nothing there but tender skin.

  “I closed your wounds,” Matt said, gingerly licking her from his fingers.

  His shaggy black hair was all mussed, sticking out wildly in several directions, and Lucas’s own hair looked to be in the same state as he mimicked his friend’s movements. Her heart panged as she looked up at the two creatures—and it was obvious that they were vampires now, their fangs fully visible and their eyes glowing an odd shade of dulled vermillion. Was this all they had for her? Matt’s feeding was over, and they had brought her to an incredible orgasm. But it had all happened so fast, and she lay there, feeling a bit dizzy. Her eyes drifted shut, and she rested a moment, wondering if she should begin getting redressed.

  When her brown eyes flickered open again, she smiled. Lucas and Matt had removed their shirts and both were in the process of undoing their zippers on their pants. Both men had large bulges pressing against the fabric, and Marilyn moaned in anticipation of seeing their hardened members break free.

  Suddenly, they were entirely nude and both approaching her. Marilyn’s eyes were wide as she sat up. She was growing wet again. Both of their male organs were large, with Lucas’s being a little bit bigger than Matt’s.

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  She bit her bottom lip, eyeing the two of them. What where they going to do with her now? A million thoughts entered her mind, each one just as enticing as the last. Finally, Lucas leaned over her and grabbed her waist before flipping her over onto her stomach. He pulled her up on her knees while Matt kneeled on the couch, letting the tip of his dick brush against her mouth.

  She had not expected it, but she could not have planned it any better if she had tried. At the same, precise moment that Lucas entered her, Matt shoved the fullness of his hardened dick into her mouth. She cried out against the rock-like member, her tongue moving much faster than her mind had. She sucked as hard as she could on the dick, flicking her tongue up and down the shaft as Matt fucked her mouth hard, but Marilyn had a feeling he might be holding back a little. Meanwhile, Lucas’s hands tightly gripped her at the waist as he fucked her just as hard. Her clit was tense, and she could feel her own heartbeat focused all on that one spot. She longed to slip a finger down, to grant the bundle some sort of relief, but she dared not take away the extra support her body had while both vampires shoved their dicks into both ends of her.

  Thankfully, both were very perceptive lovers. Matt cupped both breasts in his hands, kneading them before moving his thumbs up and rubbing her nipples, while Lucas reached around to rub his fingers against her throbbing clit. She moaned against the dick in her mouth, hearing Matt echo the sound above her. She was so close to finishing once again, but she was not ready for it to be over. She did not want it to end yet.

  But she was close, so close. And Matt was in the same condition, judging by his ever-tightening cock. She was on the edge, ready to scream, about to feel that rush of heat from head to toe, when both men suddenly withdrew from her. She could not help it. She growled, pounding her fists once into the couch.

  Both of the vampires, fangs still visible, laughed.

  “I want to taste her,” Lucas said, standing.

  Matt followed suit. “Are you sure you don’t want her to suck you? She’s good.”

  “In a little bit.”

  Marilyn turned back around so that she stared up at the veiled ceiling of the room. Lucas was kneeling beside her now, her slender wrist in his hands.

  “Rub her clit so this doesn’t hurt her as much,” he said.

  Still dizzy from her loss of blood and multiple orgasms, Marilyn could not muster the will to protest. And whatever will she had left vanished the moment she felt Matt’s smooth fingertip begin to work her clit. She moaned, her back arching, as her head lolled to the right. Lucas sank his fangs into her wrist, and she moaned again. She wanted to tear her arm away—Matt would feed, only Matt, that was the deal—but she dared not, for fear of causing further damage to herself. Then, of course, came the realization that even if she did try to get away, they could stop her.

  Her arm felt cold in odd contrast to the heat she felt rising off her wet pussy.

  “Lucas,” she moaned, her brow furrowed.

  She wanted him to stop. Surely, between the two of them, they had taken too much blood. Her head was swimming, and she did not like the idea that she could not tell if it was the blood loss or the sex causing it.

  Lucas pulled away, pressed one of his own fingertips to the tip of his fang, and rubbed the bead of blood that formed there across the bites on her wrist. He lapped the blood away, and her skin
looked as if nothing at all had happened to it.

  “Don’t worry, Marilyn,” he said, interrupting himself to kiss her once more. “I gave you my word. Aren’t you enjoying yourself?”

  “Yes,” she gasped.

  Matt pulled his finger away and licked away her juices. She groaned again.

  “I’m close.”

  “Don’t worry. I said I wanted to taste you. Now, lay flat,” Lucas said.

  Marilyn complied, and Lucas moved over her, putting his dick and balls in her face as he lowered his face to her cunt. He slipped both hands under the small of her back and held her waist up off the couch. Matt smiled, moving forward again.

  The moment she felt Lucas’s tongue touch her clit, she threatened to explode. With a deep breath, she brought her thoughts away from the gathering orgasm. If he was going to eat her out, she wanted it to last longer than a moment. But nothing could have prepared her for what followed.

  Lucas’s tongue held its place, the tip pressed down on the very top of her clit as Matt positioned himself at her opening. With a moan, Matt shoved the length of his dick inside her, and Lucas made sure his head did not get in the way as he flicked the tip of his tongue against her clit. Matt thrust in and out of her, using his hands to help Lucas keep her waist held high.

  Marilyn gasped and used her lips to grasp Lucas’s member and pull it as far as she could into her mouth. She sucked and licked at his head, using her hands to rub his balls. He moaned onto the clit, and she moved her mouth from his head to his balls, sucking as hard as she dared against the soft skin. Matt was thrusting harder and harder, and she was sure that this was it, that he was going to come inside her. She was building up again, and Lucas was now sucking her clit in between stroking it with his tongue. She grabbed his thick cock in her hand, jerking him as fast as possible.

  “I’m going to come,” Matt moaned, and suddenly, Lucas was off her.


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