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The Most Dangerous Race

Page 3

by Chase Wheeler

  “Thanks for the advice,” Speed said as he headed back to the road.

  The Mach 5 sped down the road, leaving a cloud of dust in its wake. Up ahead, the snowcapped mountains rose from the horizon. As the Mach 5 hugged the edge of the road, Speed once again felt that there was something wrong with the brakes.

  He touched the brake pedal again as the Mach 5 wound around the curves. “I thought I had adjusted the brakes correctly, but Sparky’s the expert on things like that. If only he’d been there to do it. I shouldn’t have argued with him.”

  Speed knew his friend had only warned him not to enter the race because he was worried about him. Sparky was a good friend, and Speed shouldn’t have gotten so angry with him.

  “I wish Sparky hadn’t left,” Speed said with a sigh.

  Deep in the woods, a tan convertible sedan cruised at top speed. The passengers were Spritle and Chim Chim, and the driver was—Sparky! Even though he had argued with Speed, Sparky couldn’t stay angry long. Plus, he had a feeling that Speed needed him.

  “I hope Speed’s all right,” Sparky said to Spritle. “I know those brakes on the Mach 5 won’t last. They have to be changed before the first hour of the race is up. It’s important.”

  Upon hearing this, Spritle was upset. “If you hadn’t argued with him you would have been there to fix Speed’s brakes!” Spritle said.

  Chim Chim jumped up and down in agreement.

  Yet Sparky wasn’t about to get angry at Spritle for what he said. He knew that Spritle was just worried about his older brother.

  But before Sparky had a chance to say anything to Spritle, the car’s engine began to rattle. Then it sputtered and coughed. Finally, it died. Sparky got out of the car and popped the hood.

  “Hurry, Sparky!” Spritle called. “You’ve got to get this car moving. We have to find Speed and fix the Mach 5’s brakes.”

  But all Sparky could do was shake his head. The car was dead. And not even Sparky, who was a mechanical genius, could fix it. They were doomed. And if they couldn’t reach Speed in time, he would be, too!



  Trixie looked out the window of Pops’s hospital room. It was a beautiful day. The sky was blue, the sun was shining, and the birds were chirping in the trees. Usually, a day like this would make Trixie feel happy. But today she was worried. She was sad that Pops was sick and in the hospital. And she was worried about Speed driving in the Alpine Race. She had a feeling that something had gone wrong and that Speed needed her help.

  She turned around to face Pops. He was lying in the hospital bed with a white sheet drawn up to his neck. At his side were a nurse and Mom Racer.

  “Oh, I hope Sparky’s been able to reach Speed with the new brakes,” Trixie said.

  “It is my fault that Speed entered the race with faulty brakes ... my fault ... my fault,” Pops sputtered in pain.

  “Pops,” Mom Racer said, “the doctor said you mustn’t get excited.”

  Trixie knew that Mom Racer was right. It was best not to worry Pops. Trixie shook her head. There’s no use sitting around here worrying, she thought. I’ve got to do something!

  Trixie’s eyes brightened. “I’ll try to catch up to Speed by helicopter. I’ve got to see him,” she said.

  But Mom Racer looked concerned. “A helicopter might crash. They’re expecting a storm up there,” she cautioned.

  “Maybe I can get there before the storm hits,” Trixie said with a determined look on her face.

  And with that, she raced out of the room.

  Once inside her helicopter, Trixie headed for the Alpine Race course. She flew above the snowcapped mountains looking for the Mach 5. Suddenly, she spotted Spritle, Sparky, Chim Chim, and their broken-down car.

  “I better go pick them up,” Trixie said out loud.

  Down below, Sparky, Spritle, and Chim Chim heard a helicopter whirring above their heads.

  “Look, it’s Trixie!” Spritle shouted, pointing toward the sky.

  Trixie positioned the helicopter over the car and let down a rope ladder.

  Sparky reached up and grabbed on to the ladder. As he swung from the swaying rope, he looked down to find Spritle and Chim Chim. But they hadn’t moved! They were sitting with their legs crossed and arms folded on the hood of the car.

  “Come on, Spritle!” Sparky shouted.

  “I’m a big boy—I don’t need help from a girl!” Spritle said with a frown.

  “Come up here, Spritle,” Trixie said impatiently. “We’ve got to help Speed and we have very little time!”

  “Come on, Spritle!” Sparky urged. He was still swinging from the rope ladder and did not know how much longer he could hold on.

  “Go without us!” Spritle said stubbornly.

  Sparky shrugged. “Suit yourself, then!”

  Spritle watched the helicopter as it climbed back up into the sky, carrying Sparky by the ladder.

  “Wait for me!” Spritle cried out suddenly, changing his mind.

  As he and Chim Chim dashed for the rope, they slipped off the side of the mountain!

  They began to plummet down, their arms and legs flapping furiously. “I changed my mind!” Spritle shouted.

  Trixie flew into action and lowered the helicopter. In an instant, the rope ladder flew in front of Spritle’s face. Thinking quickly, he caught the ladder with his teeth, and Chim Chim’s teeth caught the bottom of Spritle’s pants’ leg. The two swung back and forth on the ladder as the helicopter sped away into the distance.

  The Alpine Race continued as the drivers sped down a mountain road. From the Mach 5, Speed could see Snake Oiler and the other members of the Car Acrobatic Team up ahead.

  Speed raced through a dark tunnel and turned on his headlights. “Now’s my chance to pull ahead,” he said, flooring the engine. The Mach 5 flew over the icy road, past six cars.

  Racer X, who was driving behind Speed, became alarmed as he watched Speed drive. “What’s Speed doing?” he asked himself. “We’re over ice now and he’s liable to go into a bad skid.”

  Despite the dangerous conditions of the tunnel’s road, Speed pressed on. He was determined to gain the lead. As he passed Snake Oiler and the rest of the Car Acrobatic Team, Speed smiled.

  But the Car Acrobatic Team had a tricky plan up their sleeves. “Now we’ll give Speed a little surprise!” Snake Oiler said, pressing a button on his dashboard. Snake’s red signal light began to flash and beep. Seeing Snake’s signal, the other Car Acrobatic drivers turned on their car wings. At once, the team took to the air and soared over the Mach 5. As they flew, they knocked the sharp icicles down from the tunnel’s ceiling.

  “Ugh!” Speed cried as the broken ice pelted the Mach 5.

  Racer X, who was trailing Speed, was hit by the flying ice, too.

  Quickly, Speed swerved to avoid being hit by the ice. But the road was slippery, and the Mach 5 was losing traction. Speed couldn’t hold on, and the Mach 5 began to spin out of control! Many of the other cars were having a hard time, too, and crashed into walls and other cars.

  Concentrating hard, Speed guided the Mach 5 out of the path of the flying ice and crashing cars. He flew out of the tunnel, onto the open road.

  “Whoa!” Speed shouted as he tried to press the brake pedal. But nothing happened. The brakes wouldn’t work at all!

  The Mach 5 rounded an icy curve, still out of control. Thinking fast, Speed tugged at the emergency brake as he struggled to control the steering wheel. As the car slowed down, it rolled closer and closer to the edge of the road with a deep dropoff. The Mach 5’s rear wheels spun, desperately trying to gain some traction. But it was no use-the Mach 5 was barely hanging on to the sharp angle of the mountainside.

  Speed’s heart was pounding, and his hands were sweating. The car teetered dangerously on the mountainside. If he moved one more inch backward, he’d be history! Suddenly, a huge cluster of boulders began to slide down the mountainside. The earth beneath the Mach 5 trembled, and the car sh
ook. Before Speed knew it, the car was careening down the mountainside backward.

  And all Speed could do was scream.



  “Calling Speed! Calling Speed!” Sparky shouted into the helicopter’s radio. “What’s your present location?”

  There was no answer.

  Spritle was worried about his brother. Where can he be? he wondered.

  Just then, the radio crackled. “This is Speed,” he said breathlessly. “I’ve skidded off the course at Skull Chasm! My brakes have failed completely!”

  “We have to get to Skull Chasm,” Trixie said urgently. “We have to help Speed!”

  Trixie flew the helicopter over the mountains and canyons, and the group scanned the ground below for any sign of the Mach 5.

  “Look!” Spritle shouted, pointing to a spot below. “There’s the Mach 5!”

  Sure enough, there was Speed. He was careening backward, down the slope. As he pressed the A button on his steering wheel, powerful jacks boosted out, acting as additional brakes. Finally, the Mach 5 slowed down and stopped.

  Speed wiped his brow. “Whew!” he exclaimed. That had been some ride!

  But just as Speed thought he was safe, the ground beneath the Mach 5 gave way and the car flew farther down the chasm.

  Desperately, Speed tried to gain control of the car.

  “Speed!” Trixie called over the radio.

  The Mach 5 continued to race backward down the mountain.

  Sparky took control of the radio. “Speed! Jump out!” he cried.

  “I can’t!” Speed shouted back.

  “Jump, Speed!” Sparky urged once more. But he knew that Speed would never leave the Mach 5. If he were to jump out, the Mach 5 would crash and be destroyed.

  Thinking quickly, Sparky stood up and picked up some rope. “I’ll try to grab the car,” he said, swinging the rope over his head like a lasso.

  Carefully, Sparky anchored one end of the rope inside the helicopter, and then leaned out the door.

  As the Mach 5 continued its slide down the mountainside, Sparky swung the lasso. Incredibly, it caught the front end of the Mach 5 right underneath its tires. Instantly, the car was jerked into the air.

  “Agh!” Speed cried as he was flung from the driver’s seat.

  The empty Mach 5 hung from the rope. “Speed! Where are you?” Sparky cried.

  “Ugh, ugh!” was all Speed could muster as he hung by one hand from the car’s rear fender. Speed’s stomach dropped as he looked down to the chasm’s bottom below him and his car above him.

  Uttering loud grunts and groans, Speed finally managed to climb back toward the driver’s seat.

  “Pull it now!” Sparky called to Trixie who was operating the rope winch from her seat.

  Slowly and steadily, the helicopter pulled the Mach 5 by the rope up the steep mountainside.

  Finally, Speed was pulled to safety. Trixie landed the helicopter, and the group ran out to greet their friend.

  “Speed!” Sparky called to his friend, who was lying on the hood of the car with his eyes closed.

  “Are you all right?” a worried Trixie asked.

  Slowly, Speed’s eyes began to open.

  Sparky was relieved to see that Speed was okay. “That was a very close call,” he said.

  Speed put out his hand to Sparky. “I’m sorry for what I said,” Speed told him.

  Taking Speed’s hand, Sparky said, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left when you needed me.”

  “Well, let’s forget about it, okay?” Speed said with a grin.

  “Okay,” Sparky agreed.

  Trixie was glad the friends had made up. But then she reminded them that they needed to fix the Mach 5’s brakes so Speed could get back in the race.

  “I’ll help them,” Speed said, but then he grunted in pain and grabbed his arm. He had been hurt when the car fell from the mountainside.

  “Just take it easy, Speed,” Sparky said, rolling under the car. “Fixing the Mach 5 is my job.”

  “He’s right,” Trixie said, grabbing Speed by the hands. “And you’d best use the time for resting up, Speed. You have a lot more racing to do, so go over there and sit down.” She pushed him toward the helicopter.

  “But, Trixie, I’ll be all right,” Speed protested.

  “Do as I say!” Trixie commanded. “Rest!”

  When Spritle saw Trixie leading Speed toward the helicopter, he shook his head. “We can’t make Speed do anything he doesn’t want to. Only Trixie knows how to handle him. But I don’t want her giving him my snack! Come on, Chim Chim,” he said, pulling the chimp over to the helicopter.

  Once inside the helicopter, Trixie told Speed that she heard over the radio that the other racers were taking a break. She offered Speed some lunch. But when she reached for the lunch basket, it was gone!

  Trixie knew exactly who the culprit was. “Put that back!” she called to Spritle.

  Spritle appeared at the helicopter’s door, an innocent look on his face. “It’s my lunch, Speed,” he began. “But I’ll be glad to do without it. Here, take it.”

  “You’re fibbing, Spritle,” an annoyed Trixie said. “You’ve already had your snack. Go away! ”

  Spritle didn’t know what to say. With a disappointed look on his face, he and Chim Chim walked away.

  “Hey, somebody! Please bring me some grease!” Sparky called from under the car.

  “Okay!” Spritle said, perking up. Throwing Trixie a mean look, he ran over to a box and started rifling through it.

  “Here you are!” Spritle cried triumphantly, holding up a can.

  Sparky shook his head. “That’s oil. Give me some grease!”

  “Is this what you want?” Trixie piped up, holding another can.

  “Yes,” Sparky said. “Thanks very much, Trixie!”

  “Too many mechanics might spoil a car,” Spritle said, pointing his finger at Trixie. “Let me help him!”

  “Get out of the way!” Trixie said, giving Spritle a push.

  Spritle fell down, but jumped up as soon as he hit the ground. “Grrr!” he growled, his hands poised like a boxer. “You always think I’m in the way! Nobody talks to me like that! Not even you, Trixie! Bring it on! Come on!”

  Spritle threw a little jab at Trixie, but she was too fast for him. Quickly, she ran away from Spritle and into Speed’s arms.

  Spritle continued to box and weave. “Nobody says I’m in the way! I’ll show her!”

  “Spritle, you better stop it,” Speed warned.

  Spritle looked up and saw that his brother was hugging Trixie. “Hey! What’s going on? What’s up?” he wanted to know.

  Speed and Trixie turned red. Then Speed picked up Trixie and carried her toward the helicopter.

  “Speed! Put me down! What are you going to do?” Trixie cried.

  Speed threw Trixie onto a seat in the helicopter. “Now you take a rest! ”

  Spritle walked up to Trixie with a smug look on his face. “You see, Trixie, I’m not the one in the way—you are!”

  But Speed wasn’t going to stand for Spritle talking to his girlfriend that way. He scooped up Spritle. “Okay, you’re next!”

  “What did I do wrong?” Spritle cried. “Put me down!”

  “There you are! Speed said, tossing Spritle into the helicopter.

  With Trixie and Spritle out of the way, Speed walked over to help Sparky with the car. Speed grabbed a wrench and slid under the Mach 5.

  “Well, now the brakes are in perfect working order,” Sparky said a while later. “How about you, Speed? You haven’t rested a minute. You’ve been on the go since we got here and you must be pretty tired by now.”

  Speed put down his wrench and wiped the grease from his hands on his pants. “At least the work’s all done now,” he said.

  Sparky stuck out his hand toward Speed. “Let’s let bygones be bygones, and no matter how much we fight, let’s always be pals.”

  Speed smiled and shook Spark
y’s hand.

  “And we should never argue over you racing in the Mach 5,” Sparky added.

  “We won’t,” Speed said, patting the car on the door. “The Mach 5 means too much to us. After all, our lives are wrapped up in this car.”

  Just then, Spritle walked over. “I’m sorry for being such a bad boy,” he said sheepishly.

  “Spritle, you were supposed to be taking a rest. Why aren’t you?” Speed asked.

  Spritle held up a little doll with a striped shirt, straw hat, and bucktoothed smile. “I’ll let you have my friend for good luck,” he told his brother.

  “But, Spritle, isn’t this supposed to be your good luck charm?” Speed asked.

  Spritle nodded. “But I want you to have it, Speed. Just make a wish on it and it might come true. Wish for winning the race! ”

  Speed took the doll. “All right. I’d like to win.”

  “Now, maybe you will!” Spritle said excitedly.

  Speed was glad everyone had made up. Now he had to apologize to Trixie. He went inside the helicopter, but Trixie was fast asleep. Speed yawned and looked up at the dark blue sky. The sun was setting and deep pink clouds streaked the sky. Maybe it isn’t such a bad idea to get some rest, Speed thought. He found a blanket and spread it on the ground outside. As he laid his weary body on the ground, he stared up at the starry sky. And in a minute, he was fast asleep.

  The next morning, Speed woke with a start. “I’ve been sleeping too long,” he said to himself. “I better hurry or I’ll be late getting back into the race.”

  As he put on his helmet, a streak of lightning crossed the sky. A chill went through Speed’s body, as the wind kicked up. The storm’s coming, he thought.

  Quickly, Speed jumped into the Mach 5 and gunned the engine.

  Startled by the noise, Sparky woke up. “What’s happening?” he asked groggily.

  “I’m on my way, Sparky,” Speed told his friend. “Say good-bye to everyone.”

  “Be careful!” Sparky called as the car raced away. “And good luck!”


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