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Once Upon a Misty Bluegrass Hill

Page 14

by Rebecca Bernadette Mance

  Now Jolene walked tall with the elegance she had learned in these last years at the Vance Catholic Boarding School. She would make sure that Patrick knew he got his money's worth.

  And she had learned how to flirt with men.

  She learned how to wear make-up just so.

  And how to wear the clothes that made her look her best.

  She wasn't going to be set up with some young man of Patrick's approval.

  Most important of all, she would indeed make him pay for everything he had done….starting with not letting her run Storm in the Preakness or Belmonte. That he won the Triple Crown without her. She had let all of that go...until Leona brought her anger back over all his past acts of unfairness.

  When she had Patrick right where he deserved, she was going to have to leave the farm forever.

  She would go onto vet school at a school of her own choosing, probably UK. No matter what she did, she would make a very specific life choice to never see Patrick again.

  She walked through the security area to the baggage claim. She loved traveling to the Lexington Airport though she had traveled to airports all over the world. It was easy to find the baggage claim in Lexington and the party you were meeting because there were only two baggage claims.

  And of course her favorite thing was the bathrooms in Lexington Airport. They had plastic seat covers that rotated around when you pushed a button. Talk about being clean…it was the cleanest airport she had ever flown into.

  Patrick was standing at the baggage claim...attracting too much female attention wearing his Levi's and a polo shirt with the farm's logo.

  Dammit, he took her breath away. His midnight hair contrasting his morning glory eyes was enough to make any girl topple on her heels. But she would not act over-eager…she would not let her crush show this time.

  Correction...her "not anymore" crush.

  "Little Red!"

  Jolene smiled bright and sweet. "Patrick, how nice to see you."

  He tried to hug her but she forestalled his intent by tipping her face forward and kissing him on both cheeks.

  He growled. "Now I will no' have any of that from my girl." He pulled her into a bear hug that gave her a complete body-feel of him. His lean muscles…that special spicy scent that mingled and danced with her every nerve ending…his heat that she wanted to shrink into…

  Just as she mentally allowed the sensations to seep through her and sing through her sanity he set her back on her feet.

  She remained cool despite the moment of weakness, smoothed out her suit with an elegant hand and pushed her shoulders back. Would he notice she had filled out?

  As if hearing her thoughts his eyes rested on her breasts then he tore them away as if it near blinded him to look at them. "Let us get your bags." His voice was raspy.

  She felt the happiness bubble up inside her. "I just have the one." She smiled at him brightly thinking she would assault him with another evening of a braless tank that she was a little fuller....

  His eyes lingered on her lips.

  So, he wasn't completely immune despite Leona.

  The suitcases were already making their journey around the carousel. Her big red hard-shell crushed through the flaps and made its way toward them. "I think I see it here." Patrick picked up the bag and set it to the ground. "It has held up well."

  She covered his hand with hers. Their eyes clashed. "I can roll it Patrick," she purred, with big eyes, opening her mouth slightly. He jerked his hand back and placed it on the handle. "Now what are yur up to girl? Let me have that bag." He rolled it speedily ahead of her and opened the door.

  Jolene followed him with a smile tugging her lips.

  Revenge was ever so sweet. And it was going to get a lot sweeter.

  He opened the car door and she deliberately caused her skirt to move up her thigh. Patrick stood there frozen for several seconds looking at her thigh before she moved it into the car. He found her eyes and she glimpsed his blue heat before he cleared it with a scowl and shut the door with more force than was necessary.

  Her plan was working out just fine.

  He slid into the seat next to her. She touched the tan leather seat with a slow caress, her newly painted nails glimmering in the overhead light. "New truck?"

  He stared at her hand for a split second then turned to the wheel and started the engine. "Yes, we needed a second truck. I hired three more people to help Bernie. He supervises, Victor, Chuck and Larry."

  She noticed an erection tenting his jeans. Jolene almost exhaled a moan. Instead, she deliberately looked out of the window at nothing.

  "Things must be going very well," she managed to choke out.

  Could she do this without dying of lust herself?

  "Very well. But let us not talk about business and the farm. I've planned a homecoming graduation party for yur tonight." His dark voice rumbled through her limbs.

  He pulled up the traffic light on the road called Man O'War and the story of Man O'War reminded her of Storm, sending the sharpness of loss cutting through her again. The two of them had flown to victory.

  Only for her to be prevented from racing again and then she was sent away.

  Oh Patrick would pay a very dear price for all that he had done…starting with stealing her family farm and ending with that moment, after the Derby…and the moment he decided to forget her and fall in love with Leona.

  Jolene laughed softly trying to add just a touch of husky to her tone that her friends had practiced with her. "A party? Will Leona be there? How wonderful and thoughtful of you Patrick. I can't wait."

  Patrick shot her a surprised and suspicious look but had to focus back on his driving before penetrating her façade. "You sound different. A lot more grown up. And what are you cook'in up Red looking at me like that? Did you already get your hands on moonshine or something?"

  "Why Patrick! How could you say such a thing? I am so happy to be home…and before the Derby even! I really have changed my mind about Leona…and I cannot wait for the party tonight."

  Where I will just begin to extract my revenge for everything you have done Patrick McCabe, including breaking my heart for that bitch Leona.

  Chapter 19

  My grandparents moved to the coal fields of West Virginia where he became a contractor in the coal mines. Many of his friends followed him and worked for him. Sometimes he worked such long hours he didn’t see the sun for days. He did find time to fox hunt with his friends and join the Masons.

  My grandfather saved his money and bought that farm! It was winter and I was about five when we moved with them to the farm. Until we bought coal and wood for the fireplaces and kitchen stove we stayed with grandfather’s father who lived on Cane Creek a few miles away. My great grandfather had a farm and his son John and wife Ethel and ten sons lived with him. A huge table filled one room. The sons would pound their tin cups on the table and say, “bread, bread, bread, bread,” loudly until their mother brought the food to the table. We, my sister Elizabeth and brother Charles, had never eaten corn bread. Elizabeth just could not swallow it no matter how hard she tried. It was a good thing our house was ready before she starved.

  We slept in a huge hand carved bed that covered one whole wall of my great grandfather’s house. I don’t know if it was a Murphy bed or not but it was a feather bed and big enough for our whole family. You sank deep into it and felt like you were floating on a cloud. Great grandfather lived to be one hundred years old. He was a thin active man and had white hair and a beard that came below his waist. Mary Margarette Donnelley Hill - From her vignettes "Moonshine, Mountains and Memories of my Grandmother."

  The clouds rolled in dark during the party. Patrick had not prepared Jolene for the elaborate party, but then Jolene was certain it was an opportunity that Leona could not resist. She had spent a great deal of Patrick's money on an elaborate festivity filled with people Jolene either barely knew or didn't know at all. That Leona did this for a person that she didn't like and didn't e
ven want around was amazing...but that was fake for you.

  Not that Jolene had gathered a lot of friends besides Bernie and Herbert Connelly. Aunt Paula and Travis had not been invited and were...."Mighty insulted."

  Timmy and his young wife been marked off of the list she emailed to Patrick two months ago....Leona didn't think them "appropriate" for the setting.

  Jolene had yelled at Patrick. "What she can't handle a soldier? What about Bernie and his missing leg? How is she going to handle that at her party?"

  Patrick had asked her to be tolerant of Leona who was not comfortable with war or soldiers. Bernie was kept on the list as an exception because he worked at the farm. Jolene was so fuming mad for weeks she would not come to the phone when Patrick called.

  Jolene didn't want Timmy and his family there anyway. She didn't want them to see that Patrick had taken down the flags. Hopefully they had not already noticed since they lived away now. How was she going to explain that away and if she did explain the truth, what would they say and do?

  What did Bernie think about the flag situation?

  Maybe they would gather the Patriot Guard and swarm Patrick's farm....

  Jolene smiled at the thought of the Patriot Motorcycle riders circling the empty flagpoles...and demanding the flags be put back up.

  Of course, that was not going to happen even if it was fun to think about.

  However, the hurt to Timmy and his family was not worth that bit of retribution even in her imagination.

  Despite the massive guest list with most all her friends crossed out, no one even remembered to invite her buddies from Vance Catholic Boarding School, Helen and Natasha. Why would Leona believe they were inappropriate for this occasion?

  Probably cutting off her reinforcements.

  Oh well, it was better they were not here because they would immediately see through her façade and would feel sorry for her when they witnessed her situation. They had helped her formulate the she would see it through and detail everything for them later.

  Mata walked up smiling and holding her grandson Perry's hand. She was wearing a cream lacy suit that fit her handsome figure with significant flattery. Her lovely brown eyes sported just a touch of blue eye-shadow giving them a pretty sparkle. "You are looking mighty grown up," Mata said and nudged her while wriggling her eyebrows.

  Jolene had changed into a black dress with simple lines that touched her curves with tantalizing promise and cut just above the knee. The McDonald's near the school had assisted in filling out her thin frame perfectly...or so Natasha and Helen had assured her.

  Jolene topped the elegant silk with a string of pearls that Patrick had given her for graduation. She would enjoy telling Leona about that gift and undoubtedly Leona would need a new set of her own.

  The afternoon bash was awash with the finest wines, too much food, including caviar …as if Jolene would ever eat the stuff, and a four piece orchestra. Patrick had tried to make it nice for her…or at least he had paid a lot to make it nice for her.

  She couldn't fault him the kindness, though he should know good and well she would rather have a barbeque. Not that he was likely to indulge her on a special occasion because Leona was a vegetarian and so were most of her friends.

  But why, oh why had he decided to marry such a fake, useless woman like Leona? Not that Jolene would have liked anyone he was engaged to, but that was beside the point.

  Jolene smiled at Mata and she hoped it reached her eyes, "I feel pretty grown up too. Just glad it is over…been quite a four years."

  Mata turned her gaze to Patrick, "He missed you a whole lot when you were gone. Especially this year when you were not home for Thanksgiving and Christmas."

  He was laughing and Leona was hanging on his arm sharing his laughter. Jolene could hear her phony laughter from across the room that sharply contrasted Patrick's deep rich chuckle.

  Jolene laughed with as carefree of a tone as she could find in her belly, "Oh, I don't think he had much time to think about me. He spent a lot of time with Leona this last year with them being engaged and all."

  Mata turned to her sharply, her smile fading, "Well, anyway you are back now and it is so good to have you home again."

  Lightening lit up the outside followed by a sharp thunder clap. Mata's grandson Perry cupped his ears with his small hands, his eyes rounding.

  After an instant of silence, the room continued on its merry path of celebration. "I think I should get Perry back home, that storm is brewing up something fine, but I'll be back within the hour with a change of clothes to direct the hired staff."

  Jolene touched her arm. "Mata, I wish you would just take the afternoon off, I can see to it."

  Mata giggled. "No way girl! This is your graduation party…go get more sparkling wine and try to smile, it will all work out somehow."

  Mata disappeared into the crowd with Perry dragging along in his little white suit.

  Was it that obvious that she could hardly be in the same room with Patrick and Leona?

  She walked over to the sparkling wine fountain.

  A sparkling wine fountain of all things? What did Leona think that Patrick was made of money? Did she think running a horse farm was cheap?

  "Hi there Jolene."

  Brad, one of the set-up guys that Patrick thought she might take a shine to.

  Not likely in this lifetime. He was better suited to Leona with his football frame and golden hair. Come to think of it, she was certain he was the closet-Hooters type.

  Jolene attempted a smile that she was certain looked plastic. It would match his smile. How much had Patrick paid this guy to talk to her? What did he promise him as a wedding present? "Well hello Brad, how are you enjoying the party?"

  "Oh it is really fantastic."

  Jolene didn't hear what he said after that because her attention was suddenly caught up with Leona looking at her from across the room smiling directly at her like the proverbial Cheshire Cat. Then she turned to Patrick and locked his lips….for the longest French kiss in history.

  Jolene felt her guts dropping to her shoes and the heat moving through her like a pot of boiling water. She wanted to look away but some weird punishing obsession kept her eyes glued to Patrick and Leona.

  The kiss was endless and topped with Leona running her hands over Patrick's shoulders digging in her red painted nails…..

  Another flash of lightening and rumble of thunder cut through her heart.

  "I am sorry Brad, I need air," Jolene mumbled pushing past a puzzled Brad. She stumbled through the guests and the array of words that followed her in confusion for those who could not possibly know or understand the pain of her shattered heart.

  She walked out on her spiked heels as graceful as she had been taught and practiced a hundred times. Once outside in the mudroom she threw on her boots and jogged to the barn. The wind blew hard and a few spots of rain dotted her face. Her small bit of mascara would run.

  Waterproof mascara did not hold out under a Kentucky rain, even a light one.

  The sun left a few small red fingers filtering through the dark clouds as if holding onto a promise…or those last shreds of love.

  Jolene sobbed.

  Hot tears and drops of rain mixed on her cheeks.

  Tears from Heaven, rain on me.

  Big Storm was already battering the stall. Bernie always let him out to the paddock when it rained because he went crazy if he was left inside the barn when there was a storm. But Bernie was inside enjoying the party, already having consumed a bit more of the beer than was his habit.

  At least his leg might hurt a little less with the alcohol.

  No training or time would make Storm forget.

  No more than she would ever forget.

  She wanted to be in the rain, feel the wind blowing through her hair and now she wished the rain could wash away her broken heart.

  She unlocked the barn with the combination she had memorized from the thousands of times she rode Storm, thankfu
l that Patrick had not changed the number.

  Storm was kicking the stall hard and whining. Jolene felt her heart collapsing. How alike they were. "I am coming Storm, I am coming dearest and we will ride it out together." Fresh tears spilled out with her sobs.

  She saddled Storm and jumped on his back, hiking the expensive black dress up her thighs not caring about its ruination.

  By the time she got outside and stopped to close the barn door it was pouring rain from purple clouds that looked as if they might fall right out of the sky.

  She jumped back onto Storm and set him to a run across the meadow.

  "What in the Good Lord's name a ye doing?" Patrick's words pierced through the driving rain but she didn't turn back. She had nothing to say to him, not now and not ever again. She was leaving tomorrow. She was done with all of this, with Patrick, with the farm, with the memories that would not let her go.

  She galloped on Storm to the corner of the property while the rain bit through and washed away her tears. She let go of Storm's reins and let him go wherever he might. He set to pacing the fence back and forth, every once in a while rearing up in the clap of lightening and its sister thunder. Jolene hung on, crying her guts out into the terrible storm. "I am not afraid of the rain, I am not afraid."

  Tears from Heaven, that is all they are.

  She saw Patrick bearing down on her on top of Coal Minor like a bat out of hell. "Stop this instant and get off Storm girl before you break yer neck and his at the same time!"

  He was mad as hell.

  His eyes flashed purple fire even from a distance.

  Perhaps she would have obeyed Patrick's command, but a close lightning strike coupled with loud thunder sent Storm into a bolt. From there Storm had his own ideas about where he was going and she no longer controlled him.

  His reins dangled and danced in the wind. Another lightning strike and he reared up again whining into the thunderous twilight then dashed away with his own demons.

  When lightning struck a tree a hundred yards in front of her, splitting it in half leaving the sound of a bomb going off, Storm reared and changed directions running full speed.


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