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So...Wrong (An Askari Family Novel Book 1)

Page 9

by C. M. Steele

  “He’s going to love it,” his mother told me.

  “Oops, I didn’t mean to say that aloud,” I said with blush.

  “Trust me, we all feel that way on our wedding day,” my mother said.

  “That’s alright, but don’t start crying like us two old biddies or you’ll ruin your makeup,” Amir’s mom said through a cascade of tears. I couldn’t help but notice that I hadn’t seen Sansa anywhere. It was like she didn’t want to be there.

  “Where’s Sansa?” I asked, the curiosity getting the better of me.

  “She’s running around doing all the arrangements. She’s going to have a bone to pick with Michael and Amir for making her run around town with Hassan. She’s ready to claw that man’s eyes out.” We all broke out in laughter just as Sansa stormed into the room.

  “So not cool. I’m tired and those men have the sense, well…of men. Grrrr…” She paused her rant when she finally saw me. Her eyes opened wide and she gawked for a minute before a huge smile broke out on her face. “Amir, is going to lose his mind. Which he’s already doing. He’s anxious to get the show on the road. You know this is the longest you two have been separated. And he has reminded me four times in the past hour, so let’s get a move on.” She grabbed my hand and started tugging me along.

  “Hey, hold up. I need my shoes.”

  “Yes, don’t forget those, Cinderella,” Sansa teased.

  “Ooh, so who does that make you? One of my little mice friends, Jack?”

  “Hahaha. Keep it up and I’ll tell Amir you cut and ran.”

  “No, she’s more like the mean stepsisters,” her mother said, making Sansa part her mouth in shock.

  “Nope, because I don’t want to get married to anyone.” Somehow, I doubted that. She wasn’t the controlled type, but Hassan had his eyes on her and she was too combative with him. There was something going on with them.

  “You and your brother are going to be the death of me. Mina, you and Amir are my only hope for grandbabies.” She rolled her eyes then we all walked out of the room together with Hassan standing at the door.

  “Wow, he’s going to kick everyone out of the room including Michael.”

  “Right?” Sansa said with a laugh. I guess I did look good.

  We got to the room with many people clapping and whistling in congratulations. Thankfully the cameras had been forced away from the hospital so it could be a private ceremony. Everyone was staring at the door, except Amir. They kept him turned around so he could be surprised. When he turned around, surprised was an understatement. His eyes were wide and the smile on his face was perfect. I felt like the queen he thought I was.

  “Mine,” he muttered. The room laughed softly as Amir worked fast to get to me, lifting my hand to his lips and placing a kiss on it. We walked to the side of the room where we were closest to Michael. Everyone gathered around his bed as the judge stood in front of us. Amir couldn’t pay attention to the judge because his eyes were on me constantly.

  “Mine. Perfect. Mine.” His brain was lost and I wanted to kiss him even more than I did before I stepped into the room. It wasn’t long before the judge married us and Amir had me in his arms, kissing me into a passionate embrace.

  It took the room to erupt in cheers for Amir and I to separate. I was red again. This man made me forget myself no matter where I was—all the time.

  “Thank you, everyone. But it’s time I carried my bride out. Michael, we will be back tomorrow before surgery.” He scooped me up in his arms and carried me from the room. I thought he was kidding, but I was wrong. Cheers erupted again and I hid my face in his chest. For the most brooding, quiet, distinguished man, he had his ridiculous moments.

  “I love you, Amir.” His mouth came down on mine as we got inside our bedroom door. The man was a beast and all mine.



  One year anniversary…

  “Thank you for marrying me again, Mina,” I whispered in her ear as we stood under the archway of the lovers. We waited for our anniversary to say our vows in front of our people. They have been anxiously awaiting this moment. Since I brought Mina home, she’s been making a wonderful impression on the people. She has been working on projects for women in need and telling stories once a month in the square to all the little children. Plus, she has been trying to learn Farsi, easily warming her way into the hearts of our people.

  “It has been a long waited for event,” she said, echoing my thoughts.

  “That’s true, my queen.” I took her hand with her new ring that she should have had the first time around. It was a family heirloom that I’d asked for before we left to see Michael.

  “I’m surprised your whole family came today.”

  “Me, too,” I said, tipping her chin and kissing her lips once more, sending the large crowd into a roaring cheer. There was a sob coming from the royal prams to the side of us. Our son was wailing and I knew he was hungry. The boys had my appetite, but Assad had my temperament. Michael had his namesake’s attitude. Well the cheerful attitude, not the Michael we saw after the surgery.

  My poor brother was in more pain than he could take, but refused to pop the pills. His recovery didn’t start until he met Aaron, his physical therapist. In the past few months, he’s regained his legs, walking like a man on a mission. Acting had ended and his life as a part of my father’s lumber company became his career. There was no manual labor, since he would one day take it over. We were all glad he’d found peace because for a long while it had been a heartbreaking downward spiral. I’ll be forever thankful for Aaron coming into his life and bringing my brother back.

  My mother had Assad in her arms, rocking him and giving him a baby rusk to soothe his belly. My wife laughed and shook her head. “He is most definitely like you, Amir.”

  “You say that as though it’s a bad thing, my goddess.”

  “It’s not, not at all. He’s going to make a great king one day.”

  “Yes, but he is still little yet. I want to take you back to our bedroom and start on baby number three or maybe four,” I said, caressing her side, my thumb lightly grazing her boob. She let out quiet whimper just loud enough for me to hear.

  “Thank you for all coming to celebrate our marriage. Please enjoy the refreshments and have a safe night.” My grandparents were hosting our family for the evening, including our boys, so that we could have a magical evening alone. We stepped away and into the limo that was waiting for us after giving the babies a kiss goodbye. Waving to the crowds, we departed the square.

  We didn’t even make it a kilometer before she undid my pants and took my cock in her hands, then her lips. I tossed my head back against the seat, my eyes crossing with pleasure. I knew her pussy was dripping for me, but she knew I had a thing about anyone hearing her and there was security and my driver taking us back. I grasped her veil, taking it off and guiding her head up and down my length.

  “Yes, Mina. Suck me dry. I’m going to give you so much dick tonight you’re going to be feeling it for a week. So, swallow me down,” I whispered down at her pretty face. We hit a bump, but instead of gagging on my cock, she managed to brush my curls with her nose. Fuck, I was done. “I’m coming,” I growled. She pulled off a little, just enough to get my taste on her tongue before sliding her tongue down my length and draining all my come out of me. She sat back up, wiping her lips with her fingers and licking them clean. I growled again and kissed her, getting a taste of myself. It stiffened my cock to know how much she loved taking my cock in between those puffy, pink lips.

  “Are you hurting, my love?” I asked because she was grinding her thighs together, aching for relief. She only nodded and, like a good wife, she smiled at me and stroked my cock. She wanted more dick, but I wanted to be in her pussy when I come again. “Give me five minutes and I’ll make it really good.”

  We pulled up to the entrance and, just like last time, we had the house cleared for the night. I didn’t wait until we were upstairs. I took her and pus
hed her against the wall and dropped to my knees. I lifted the dress and told her, “Hold this,” meaning the hem of her dress. She clutched onto it as I pushed her panties to the side and started to lick her wet pussy that was plump and ready. Her thighs were nice and sticky already, eagerly waiting. I dipped my fingers in her pussy, soaking them, then I cupped her ass, running my finger around her rim. With my wet fingers, I easily slipped into her ass. She moaned while one hand was working her pussy and the other working her ass. She started to squat down on my fingers, so fucking lost into getting hers that she started calling out my name loud enough to shake the rafters. She took one of her hands and held the dress tighter, while the other grabbed her breasts, rubbing and moaning as her orgasm exploded. I continued to fuck her ass with my fingers while I drank up her pussy. I pulled out of her long enough to strip us both and leaned her on the large arched stairway. On all fours, she parted her thighs as I rubbed my hand over my shaft, stroking and getting ready to claim her ass. It was a long time in the making, too. We’ve been prepping for months, but right now, this was her gift to me on our anniversary. Hell, it was a gift to both of us. She got off when I finger fucked her ass.

  I stood two steps below where her feet were and ran my dick across her pussy, getting my cock soaked. “Not there,” she moaned.

  “I’m not putting it there. Sweetheart, it’s time to claim your ass like I promised. I just want you nice and wet.” I slipped my fingers into her sopping heat and used it as lube for her asshole. “Push back, my love,” I commanded. She did, and her hole opened a bit more for me. I rubbed the tip on her ass before pushing in. She relaxed like we practiced and I sunk all the way in with a grunt from both of us.

  “Are you alright?”

  “Yes,” she panted, keeping her angle on the steps yet pushing her ass back. “Give it to me, my king.”

  “Whatever you please, your grace.” I drove into her ass, not forgetting to tease the fuck out of her nipples until she was moaning and ready to come. “Give me your mouth.” She arched up and turned her head. I attacked her hips like a man in search of water. My tongue played with hers, letting her taste herself and knowing how much I love it. “Fuck, later you’re going to sit on my face.”

  “I love riding your beard.” I smacked her ass, she was going to make me come too soon.

  “Fuck, Mina. I’m coming,” I roared, tugging on her hair and feeling her pussy come with me. We fell forward on to the steps trying to catch our breaths. It took a few minutes, but I remembered that I couldn’t keep her there. Grabbing my boxers, I covered her bottom and carried her to our bedroom. She sat on the toilet while I ran us a bath.

  There was a bottle of wine and two glasses for us, so I set her in the tub and took them and climbed in behind her. “How are you feeling?”

  “Different, but oh so good,” she moaned. “Amir, No wine for me.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because, I’m pregnant again,” she admitted pressing her head back against my chest. I forgot about the champagne and held my wife and her still flat belly. I was a very lucky man made into a king the day I kissed Mina.

  Three years later…

  I held our latest and last bundle of joy in my arms as Mina slept in the hospital bed. The little girl had been too much for her and an emergency C-section was needed. It was the scariest moment since the attack on Michael. Over the last two years, our lives had been busy, but full of love. We didn’t have an enemy that we were aware of and Borg had long since committed suicide in prison. They found him with a sheet wrapped around the cell bars, and it was the last time we heard about him. The family came to visit, but now it was time for me and my wife to hold our little one without interruption. Little sweet Soraya rested in my arms and I knew I was in trouble. I was glad we had three boys before her arrival. She was perfect and a replica of her mother with my hair. My little princess captured my heart.

  “Daddy will love you forever, my little princess. Just don’t grow up too fast.” I kissed her soft forehead and rocked her until I knew she was completely asleep.

  “Amir, she’s stolen your heart,” Mina muttered from her bed.

  After setting the baby in her bassinet, I stepped over to the woman who gave me everything and took a seat on her bed. “No, my queen. That belongs to you. She’s just carving her name on it.”

  “I love you, my king,” she confessed sweetly, raising her hand to my cheek. I pressed into it and placed a kiss on her palm.

  “I love you, my forever.”

  The End




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