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Oh, My Roared: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 12)

Page 7

by Milly Taiden

  “Mom and Dad had friends who rented a beach house for a week every summer and they invited us out. Those were great times. Neither Mom nor Dad did any work. They left laptops at home. They were there totally for my brother and me.

  “At that time, a punk street gang of lions decided to have an initiation that included shooting out tires of cars on the road. We were coming back from the beach on the Interstate traveling sixty to sixty-five miles an hour.

  “I don’t remember the accident, don’t remember the bullet shattering my dad’s side window, don’t remember the eighteen-wheeler we veered into the path of. I only remember the face of the fireman who looked through my window of our upside-down car and said he would get me out.”

  Francesca squeezed his hand, her heart breaking for him. She wondered if his lion purposely took those frightening memories from him. Letting the child heal from something so tragic, it would break another person. “Is that why you became a fireman?”

  He smiled at her. “It is. I wanted to do for someone else what that man did for me. He saved my life in more ways than one.” He stared down at the nearly untouched sweets between them. “You eat the Snickers bar and I’ll cut the Twinkie in half.”

  “Oh,” she said, “I don’t care much for chocolate. You can have that. I’ll try the Oreos.”

  “Well, shit,” he said.

  “What?” She looked around for something wrong.

  “I sent you all that chocolate the other day and you don’t like the darn stuff.”

  That had completely slipped her mind. Joyce had taken it all, flowers and chocolate, home so the office would be aired out by Monday and no more sneezing. “I meant to thank you for it. I forgot totally about that. Thank you so much,” she said.

  “Yeah, but you don’t like chocolate.” He was cute with his scowl.

  “But that’s okay because my assistant who does love chocolate is now in love with you. In fact, she said to pass her number to you.”

  Theo came over the top of the table—over the top--and scooped her into his lap. He took her chin in his huge hands. “Listen up, baby girl. Know this right now, there is no one else for me, ever. You are her. The one I will always sleep next to at night and wake up to in the morning.” He brought his lips to hers and took possession of her mouth, her tongue, her heart.

  When he pulled away, she panted for air. He brushed hair from her face. “I know I’m being too forward for our first date, but the moment I laid eyes on you, my lion and I both knew you were what we’ve been waiting for.”

  Suddenly, the cryptic text message from Marcus made sense: a lion among ladies is a most dreadful thing. But there was no way Marcus could know she had a date with Theo. They couldn’t possibly know each other, could they?


  Dammit. Francesca hated being late for anything. Even though she was usually the only one in the office, besides Joyce, she still hated being late. After parking in her designated spot, her assistant came bouncing out the front door, all smiles. That wasn’t normal.

  “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Joyce hugged her as soon as she stepped from the car.

  “Why are you thanking me? Because I’m thirty minutes late?” she asked.

  Joyce looked to see if she was serious, then burst out laughing. “Remember how I told you Friday that if you didn’t want the guy who sent all the chocolate to the office, to send him my way?”

  “Yes.” Francesca even recalled telling Theo about that yesterday. That led directly to the hotter than hell kiss and confession that rocked her little world. Thankfully, after that bomb, Theo didn’t say anything else about it. He made his point on how he felt for her and now she needed to decide which she wanted. The answer was still equally both. A sigh escaped her.

  Joyce had dragged her by the arm to the office’s front door. “Well,” Joyce continued, “now you can send me either one!” Her assistant opened the door to the identical scene from Friday.

  Francesca gaped and said, “I thought you took it all home with you. Flowers and chocolate.”

  “I did,” Joyce said, happily jumping up and down. “Don’t you see? They guys switched things up. This time Marcus sent you chocolate and Theo sent you flowers.”

  Good god. She really needed to learn to communicate better. She had told one that she didn’t like chocolate and one that she was allergic to flowers, but failed to tell both, both. That just told her she needed to spend more time with each one. Which she’d gladly do.

  So Monday’s start wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been. But she needed to talk with Shane about all that happened over the weekend. There were some serious issues. She tried calling him Sunday night after she came down from the high her monster truck date provided, but he didn’t answer.

  For the sake of her sinuses, she had Joyce pack all the gifts and take them to her own apartment right then. Then she sent a text message to both guys thanking them. Theo she knew was sleeping, getting in from his nightshift. Marcus, she figured was nose deep in numbers by now.

  Francesca was surprised Shane wasn’t in the office yet. Had something happened to him that he didn’t return her call last night and wasn’t here this morning? Or was he avoiding her because of the events over the weekend he didn’t want to talk about?

  She blew a breath out and sat in her chair behind her desk. Time to think and act like a responsible adult. From the parking lot, she heard a car door close. There was no way that could’ve been Joyce getting back already. She lived too far away to run home and return that quickly. Then three more car doors closed and the office door opened. In walked four of her brother’s friends that he hadn’t socialized with much until recently.

  She didn’t know them very well and felt a bit uncomfortable alone with them. “Hey, guys, Shane isn’t in yet.”

  “Yeah,” one of them said, “he told us to wait here for him so we could all go together.”

  “Go where?” she asked. A couple of the guys scowled at the one who spoke, almost as if accusing him of something.

  “To a meeting,” he responded, eyeing her. “Is anyone else here?”

  Not thinking much about what he asked, ready to get to work, she said no and mentioned she’d sent Joyce out on an errand. She turned to her computer monitor, putting her back to the guys. Hopefully, they’d get the idea she was busy and leave her alone.

  “You know,” the one who spoke earlier said, “everyone saw how you kicked Nielson ’s ass Friday night at the party. It was pretty damn funny how he would let a woman beat him up. He was humiliated. About time someone put him in his place.”

  Half listening, Francesca nodded. She’d let slide the statement about Nielson “letting” a woman beat him. “I agree. Shane and I are going to talk about that when he gets in. There were several things that happened that shouldn’t have.”

  “Aw now, pumpkin,” the male had come to the side of her desk, “don’t get mad at the boys. They were just trying to have a little fun. Get some relaxation from the stressful week of work and all.”

  She glanced at him. “That’s not what they looked like they were getting.”

  He chuckled and stepped closer. “Your brother is right. You are beautiful. Smart and sexy. You’d make perfect babies.”

  Francesca jumped up from her chair. She was more than creeped out. “Please move to the other side of my desk.” He inched toward her, the grin on his face turning feral. “I won’t ask again. You and your friends can wait outside for my brother.” She had to back against the wall to keep out of his reach. “Don’t push me, asshole.” She settled into an attack stance.

  His expression changed to an innocent smile. His hands came up, palms forward. “I apologize, Miss Virgata. I didn’t realize I was bothering you.”

  She doubted that. What the hell was wrong with these people? She glanced at the other guys as they stood watching with no intent to intervene. Did they think everything was okay with this guy’s actions?

  “Now you know,” she said. “Go outs
ide and wait. I don’t want any of you back in this office without a good reason. You’ve worn out your welcome.”

  The front door flew open and her brother barged in, headed straight for his office. Almost as a passing thought, he said, “Get away from her. She’s mine.” He disappeared down the hall, his office door slammed, slammed a second time, and he stomped through the office toward the front entrance. “I won’t be back today, Francesca. Let’s go.” Then men followed, leaving the office empty and her heart racing. What the hell just happened?


  Francesca pushed the elevator button on the first floor of Marcus’s apartment building. After her brother and his friends left, she didn’t want to be alone in the office. The guys had really rattled her.

  Their behavior was completely out of character. What had happened, or was happening, to make them so forward and…sexually aggressive? She’d locked the office and called Joyce to tell her to stay home, and away from males.

  When Marcus opened his door to her knock, and she fell into his arms. She needed to feel him around her, holding and protecting her. Safe, he made her feel safe.

  “Hey,” he said, “what’s wrong, love?” He kissed her temple, arms tightening around her. His slight sway side to side calmed her nerves. The quiet assuredness gave her peace. Then she realized what he was wearing, or not wearing, was more like it.

  She’d only seen him in coat and tie. And he looked damn hot in a suit. But now, he wore a black tank top and tight cut-off sweats. Those big broad shoulders and holy Moses, those tattoos became the focal point to stare at. Then there were his amazing legs. She'd kill for legs like his. He had a body any woman would want to climb on and ride like he was a prized bull.

  “I’ve had a rough morning and wanted to see you,” she said.

  He pulled back from her, a frown on his face. “Don’t tell me you don’t like chocolate, either.”

  She burst out laughing, releasing built-up tension. She was so not expecting him to say that. “Actually, I don’t. But that was the best part of my morning until now.”

  “What?” His confusion made her giggle more. She started to feel like herself again thanks to this man. He led her to an oversized plush recliner and settled her into his lap, laying her head on his chest. She sighed with contentment. His smell was relaxing yet intense. She was switching from one extreme to the other, both mentally and physically. All this skin and heat.

  “Now,” he started, “let’s try this again. Tell me everything.” Francesca told him about Luci’s Friday night close call. Nothing about Jim the accountant. She really wanted Marcus to not kill Jim before tax season. Then she mentioned what Luci and her friends said about the strange things guys were saying. When she was finished, Marcus was not a happy camper.

  “Francesca,” he said, “I’m prefacing what I’m going to say with I know you’re a grown woman who can take care of herself, but you’re worrying me. What if your brother can’t control these guys? What happens if things get worse? Are there others strong enough to round up this group if they get out of control?”

  “I know what you’re saying, Marcus. But nothing like this has ever happened before. Why would it now?”

  “That’s a good question. You need to find out what’s at the bottom of this. I have some contacts that can help. They are ex-military and FBI guys—”

  “Whoa, Marcus. This isn’t a terrorist group. It’s a bunch of Neanderthals who’ve gotten too big for their britches. I don’t want to make a big scene and draw attention to our little community.”

  “I understand, love. But I’m worried about you. As I said, you can take care of yourself, but what if a group of them come at you at once?”

  She thought, like this morning at the office? But didn’t dare say it. He would blow a gasket. She did agree with him on this: she had to figure out what was causing this particular aggressiveness. She remembered the girls saying the guys talked about bringing honor to the pride. That sounded like something her brother said the other day when they had visited their father. Where had Shane gotten those ideas in his head?

  He moved around in the chair, brushing his collarbone against her cheek. Mmm. She wanted to taste him. “Is this how you dress when working at home? After seeing you so formal, it’s hard to see you so casual.”

  “I was actually working out. I don’t get much exercise during the day when on a case.”

  “Oh,” she sat up from leaning on him, “you’ve got a project to work on. I’m keeping you from that. I should go—”

  His arms scooped her back to him. “No, you don’t. You’re not going anywhere.”

  “But you have a job—” she insisted.

  “I also have this perfect woman sitting with me.” He kissed the top of her head. “You’re more important than anything else in my world. You come first.”

  Aww, her heart melted. He really liked her. And she really like him. What about Theo? Sitting in Marcus’s lap was not the time to think of the “other” man. Change the subject. “So, are you close to finding the evidence for your bad guy?”

  “This man, or woman, I suppose, is a piece of work. I will make sure they never get out of prison for what they’ve done. And the worst part is, from what I can tell, the people he’s stealing from don’t have a clue he’s doing this. There’s a ton of fake paperwork to make it all look legit. Like Bernie Madoff and his scandal.”

  He scooted in the big chair to look her in the eye. “Francesca, promise me one thing. If you ever get an inkling that something is off in your or the prides’ bank accounts that you’ll look into it. Don’t let it ride, thinking someone else would never double cross you. I’m here to tell you there are not a lot of people you can trust. Only family and close friends.”

  He smushed her to his chest and continued. “Some people really don’t care about anyone but themselves.” Her stomach growled. How embarrassing. “You know,” he said, “it’s almost noon. How about I order pizza and we can hang out for a while? There’s, uh, something I need to tell you.” His look became sheepish.

  She leaned away from him. “What? Is it bad? You’re worrying me.”

  He squished her shoulders against him, tilting her head to his chest again. “No, no.” He waved a hand in the air. “Just some information.”

  That’s not what his scent told her. “May I use the restroom?” she asked.

  “Uh,” he looked toward the hallway, “can you hold it for a few hours?”

  “What?” She swatted him. “No, I’m not holding it? What’s wrong with you?”

  “I’m just thinking about the immediate future. Restroom is down the hall, first door on the right.” He set her on her feet, snatched up the phone, and dialed from memory. He probably did not cook much since it was just him.

  Now that she was away from him, she was picking up other smells. One in particular was familiar. The closer she got to the hall, the stronger the smell got. She hurried into the bathroom for a place to think. She closed the bathroom door as quietly as she could.

  There was no question. Theo was in the apartment.


  Francesca sat on the bathtub edge in Marcus’s apartment, trying to figure out why Theo was there. And hiding in a room. Did the guys think she wouldn’t smell him? Wait. Was that why Marcus kept pulling her face close to his skin—to keep her from smelling Theo? What the hell? What was going on?

  She narrowed her eyes then. Was this some kind of game? “Yeah, there’s definitely information I need to know,” she said to herself. She stomped to the end of the hall. Marcus put the phone down. At least food was coming. They could all eat after she chewed him another asshole.

  “Why is Theo here?” She leaned against the sofa, arms crossed.

  He sighed. “Theo,” he yelled, startling her. “Theo, get your ass out here. Theo!” From a room down the hall came a crashing sound and thump on the floor. A door flew open.

  “What? I’m here.” Theo came running out. At least she thought it was Theo.
He had his fire hat on backwards, one hand shifted into his lion’s paw, and wearing only black bikini underwear with red stripes. And a massively hard cock peeking out the top. “Is the house on fire?”

  He looked around dazed, like not entirely awake yet. His body was simply reacting to a stimulus. And, my god, what a body that was. Big. Buff. Strong. With enough muscles to make her whimper. There wasn't a single ounce of body fat anywhere on him. Anywhere.

  Yeah, she made sure to look. She pressed her legs together, hoping to stop the wetness from seeping to her panties. Or from him knowing it was there. Her pussy tingled and lust roared in her belly. She had to suppress her tigress to keep from doing something stupid, like jumping him.

  She was too shocked to react. Licking her lips was about it.

  His eyes stopped on her and a big smile graced his face. “Hey, baby. What are you doing here?”

  Marcus came to stand behind her and put a hand over her overly-wide eyes and closed her gaping mouth. “Theo,” he said, “as you can see, I have a guest. Put some clothes on.” He mumbled as he walked toward her. When he reached her, he squatted down, shoved her over his shoulder and headed back to his room.

  “Hey,” Marcus said, “you can’t take her from me. She’s my guest.”

  “Then get your furry ass in my room.”

  Francesca kicked and called out. A piggyback ride was fine, but she didn’t particularly care for her ass end to be in the air. “Put you down in just a second, dear.” Theo shuffled into his room and tossed her onto the bed. He then sprang into the air and spread out his arms and legs, leaping as if to squash her into the mattress. “Kamikaze!”

  Francesca squealed and slapped her hands over her face. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her, but it was fun to play along with him. The guy was such a goofball.

  He landed stretched out beside her and they bounced. In a blink, Marcus was on her other side, same position as Theo. They both put an arm around her and snuggled their faces into each side of her neck.


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